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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by The Cowboy December 18th 2012, 10:31 pm

A single man walked through the busy downtown area of Oklahoma City. There were other people walking but it was almost as if they did not exist to Christopher. Ever since he had come to the future somehow he was alone. He had no one that he could talk to. He was used to being alone however, most of his life he had been alone. Always being something of a wanderer, the man would travel from one place to the next. He had traveled far and wide but now he was not just in a different place but a different time. And the times had not been static as he had been. Nothing looked the same.

A loud bang rang out; something from the cowboy’s past had not changed as much as he had thought. A gun had been shot catching Christopher’s attention. He rushed toward what he could only assume was the source of the noise and came upon a large bank. A single man was running through the double doors carrying a large bag and what appeared to be a more modern gun. A hockey mask obscured his features but Christopher did not care. A second shot rang out and the people in the street that had stopped to gawk fled. It was less chaos then would have been expected and more of a simple mass exodus. People were pushed, perhaps even trampled, but it was as if they all agreed to move in a single motion, turning the chaos into a sort of ballet.

Christopher walked forward, smoking revolver still in hand and still trained on the man now lying on the pavement bleeding out. He left the robber there for the time being, moving instead to glance inside the bank to see if anyone had been hurt. A woman lay on her back eyes wide, unblinking, as a surprisingly small amount of blood escaped from the hole that just scratched her lung. She did not move nor would she again. The cowboy scowled as he made his way back to the robber. He spoke in his typical gruff voice but this time it was a little more harsh then in the past, “Ya shot’er. Fer somethin’ as stupid as money? Ah don’ much think Ah can let that go.”

A third shot echoed through the city followed by a shrill scream as another bullet would entered the back of the man’s leg, shattering his kneecap. “Tha’un was fer the stealin’.” The robber on the ground tried to slowly crawl towards his modern gun. What for? Christopher did not know. The fifth shot broke the monotony of the man’s screams as his right hand pointer finger slid away from the rest of his hand, “Gun ain’t much good without that’un.” Christopher put the heel of his boot down on the hand now missing a finger and ground it into the pavement for a moment, forcing the robber to begin crying.

“Let me go mister. I won’t do it again, promise. I just wanted to get some money to feed my wife and kids. They’ve been starving since I got laid off,” He pleaded. The tears mingled with the blood and sweat rolling off the man on the pavement, creating some new liquid that was far from unique.

“Ain’t my problem. This’un is for the woman ya shot,” The sixth and final shot rang out as the man beneath Christopher’s boot stopped moving; the new hole in his skull allowed more oxygen then required reaching his brain. Stepping back and sliding the revolver into its holster, the cowboy began to leave when one more voice shouted from somewhere to his left.

“Put the gun down, you’re surrounded.” Christopher was used to being alone
The Cowboy
The Cowboy
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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by Johnny Mason December 18th 2012, 10:54 pm

Johnny was in vacation mode, wearing normal attire and standing around in line like a normal person with his mother, as they waited in line to withdraw some money for some extra expenses. His mothers rambling about the family get together was cut short when a man wearing a hockey mask decided to open fire on the bank. A shot rang out perilously close, making Johnny's ears ring horribly. He got down like the rest of the patrons, cursing the fact he had nothing to hide his identity here. Disoriented, he tried to move his mother under the safety of desk while the robber was occupied.

As he turned though, he saw what looked like a man right off the set of raw hide, rather ruthlessly dispensing some justice. He couldn’t do more than stare at the man wide eyed as he shot the robber repeatedly and then point blank in the head. As the police surrounded the man a dilemma cropped up in his head. What should he do? He wasn’t Blaster here, he was just Johnny, but that man had done the right thing, just not in the best way. Johnny couldn't side with the man about killing the robber, but that was a debate for another time. He knew he’d regret it if he didn’t at least speak on the man’s behalf, especially as his eyes fell to the wounded woman. Who so easily could have been his mother.

The blond motioned for his mother to stay under the desk and gave her a meaningful look. Whatever happened, he had a feeling she would be making her way back to the hotel on her own. Not that this sort of thing hadn't happened once before. Being a hero from a small-town his family had been involved once or twice in danger. It was the reason he'd chosen to go secret when he moved to New York. Then he stood slowly, arms raised and hands, palm open. “He was just tryin’ to help!” Johnny yelled back in as calm a voice as he could manage blue eyes frantically darting between the cops and the westerner.

Last edited by Johnny Mason on December 19th 2012, 1:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Johnny Mason
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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus December 19th 2012, 12:26 am

Oklahoma, Hell, The United States Of America. Quite frankly, what on Earth was Elena Vexus even doing on this planet? Her ambitions were with the stars. She wanted to see the universe and everything it held. She had finally constructed the perfect body. Beautiful, never aging, and impossible to destroy. Vexus would now be a force to be reckoned with. Though, that was not the case today as she had a business meeting to attend to with investors so that they could talk numbers. With her intellect she would be able to convince nearly anyone to help her with her dreams. Not to mention her sex appeal, the body this time around she fashioned in a much more desirable form. She did not always get the response she was looking for when she had bright pink hair, especially when dealing with such important individuals.
What Elena was most upset about was the location of the meeting. Yes, it was convenient that there was a business convention with nearly half of the people she wanted to meet with, but it was in Oklahoma. There is nothing in Oklahoma. Sure New York City had been destroyed, leaving places like Miami, Los Angeles, even Houston. Pathetic humans and their pitiful locations for their ever so dull meetings. It nearly pained her thinking about how little thought is probably put into such events. Vexus promised to hold the next business convention in order to get exactly what she wanted. Drugs maybe? She may even catch a streak of luck and not have to drug, poison, or threaten the lives of anyone to get what she wants. But what fun was that?
Elena was about to enter the city when she ran into some traffic. Being as impatient as she was she commanded the driver to find an alternate route and in their Mercedes they came across a street that had been gated off by police. A ways down she could see that there was a bit of a problem occurring at a bank. Checking the time she realized that at this rate she was going to be late. How unprofessional. Pulling out her cell phone from her purse she dialed up the people she was supposed to be meeting with. As it rang she stepped out of the car. She had on her hot pink high heels, glistening red dress with a high slit up the slide and , purple gloves that came up to her elbows and gorgeously flowing red hair. Vexus strut up to the small police fence that had been put up with the cute little officer that was watching the border.
Uh, hey, Miss! You can't come over here, we have a situation!
Vexus paid absolutely no mind to the man as she got closer.
"Hello! Mr. Jefferson? Yes, it's Elena. I am terribly sorry but I have run into some unexpected traffic so I regret to inform you that I will be arrive to our meeting."
The officer kept trying to order her to stop approaching and even threatened to shoot her, but while she was talking she grabbed the young man by the shirt and tossed him effortlessly to the side.
"Alright, I'm glad you understand and I am looking forward to meeting you all" *click*
She put her phone into her cleavage as she tossed the wooden barricades to the side, barely missing the poor officer, who was surprising light when she did throw him. Walking back over to her Mercedes she opened up the driver side door and pulled her driver out onto the ground, but not nearly as hard as she had thrown the cop. With that, she drove through the clearing she had made but stopping right by the light weight cop. She rolled down the window and moved her sunglasses off of her face so that he could see her staring at him.
"Do you even lift?"
The window rolled up and she sped away.
Finally arriving at the scene she saw some poor fellow surrounded by cops with a body at his feet.
Ugh, this needs to clear up so I can get to my meeting... she thought as she casually stepped out of her car, almost instantly being greeted by not-so-friendly coppers. They all were paging and calling the cops that should have been watching the ends of the streets quickly finding out that she was a problem. They kept yelling "Get on the ground!!" or "Hands up where I can see them!!". Pointing guns and just all around invading her personal space. Rolling her eyes a sighing she snapped on both hands and set all the weapons pointed at her on fire in a black blaze. The cops dropped their guns to the ground and tried to stomp out the flames but no matter how hard they tried the fire would not go out. Vexus walked away from that and closer to where the real problem was taking place.
"Alright. Fuzz, Wild West... Dead guy. Wrap this up, I have a meeting with some very important people that I must attend to. And I do not approve of all the traffic this cute little stick up is causing. So, I highly suggest you just shoot Woody over here and call it a day. He's already taken a life..."
Vexus crossed her arms and shifted her weight and looked directly in this cowboy's eyes, noticing another courageous soul inside of the bank but keeping all focus on the man outside of his time period.

"It would only be fair if his life came to a halt as well."

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by The Cowboy December 21st 2012, 10:45 am

Christopher heard the call of the boy from the bank but paid him little attention. It was never a good idea to show your back to a man with a gun and he knew that. The child would have to wait until later to be acknowledged. The cowboy glared at the line of police officers that surrounded him. “Tha’ man killed a woman in there,” He said as he jerked a thumb back towards the bank, “Ah killed’im. Fair’s fair.” Christopher offered his out of date sense of justice like he would any other, menacingly to the point and offensively to the point of disgust.

“That’s not how the law works,” An officer that appeared to be of higher rank said through a megaphone. “Meta’s have to follow all the same rules as everyday people like me. If they don’t then the whole world would fall into chaos,” The officer had a calm and steady voice. It was apparent he had dealt with situations like this before and Christopher could respect that. Had things gone a little differently perhaps the cowboy would have left without any further complaints, but that seemed to be out of the cards for the day. A vehicle, a different make the then ones the officers were using, broke through the lines and halted.

A woman stepped out and said her bit in the play that was life and Christopher decided he would let her say what she needed to say. Once she was done however it was Christopher’s turn and he said, “Ah ain’t never let a harlot git away with saying anythin’ like that ta me an’ Ah ain’t gonna start now.” He drew his tomahawk from his belt and readied it. The weapon looked relatively harmless but when combined with Christopher’s power to harden objects it could block and deal more damage then would normally be achievable by someone of even his great strength. “Ah don’ know why yer here but if’n yer gonna keep talkin’ ‘bout me we’re gonna have a problem,” He threatened as he prepared for anything that might happen.

"Could this possibly get any worse?" The police officer muttered to himself. "Get the Metahuman Department on the line. From the looks of things we might just need them now."

"I'm on it Captain Stacy," The other officer said.

"If we don't handle this effectively then we might have more destruction then I signed on for," Captain Stacy said with a sigh. Bringing the megaphone back to his mouth he said, "Ma'am, we have this under control. We don't want anyone else hurt in all of this but if you don't leave the scene we will be forced to consider you a threat as well and treat you as hostile." The Captain laid it all out plain and clear for everyone involved to understand.
The Cowboy
The Cowboy
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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by Johnny Mason December 23rd 2012, 4:09 pm

Johnny watched with growing concern as a woman stepped into the fray. She was dressed like she should be working as a Vegas girl and was acting like the bank robbery somehow personally affects her getting to some meeting. Everyone in the room seemed to become more agitated by her arrival and then she advised the police to kill The Cowboy.

Clearly, this lady was insane, and the police in this city seemed to have a mighty disgruntled view of meta-humans. Even though Johnny might not grasp the subtly of the situation, he could tell that if this tension continued much longer then a fight was going to break out. Which he very much didn’t want to happen, he was painfully aware of the amount of civilians still crouched on the ground and cowering in the bank. If the police open fire they were just as likely to hit some poor guy or lady who had just wanted to make a deposit today.
He frantically started to look about for some way to get The Cowboy and himself out of the situation. Even if they couldn’t get away it would move the impending fight. He was trying to work out a way to not harm the officers. He liked the Police and work with them occaisionally, being on the other side of the gun was awful.

Despite his outburst most of the people in the around weren’t paying attention to him and none suspected him of being a He hoped he wouldn't have to use his powers though because it would probably cause some of the cops to fire in a knee-jerk reaction. Police were always so trigger happy for whatever reason.

“You can’t start a fight in here! There are PEOPLE in there!If a anyone fires a gun whatever justice you just obtained will end up being pointless.” Blaster tried to reason, saying it mostly to the Cowboy since the man seemed dead set on a shoot out. This whole situation could have cooled down if that crazy lady hadn't stepped in from nowhere. What did she even gain from this? She definitly wasn't just a good simeritan.

(OOC: edited for continuity.)

Last edited by Johnny Mason on December 27th 2012, 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Johnny Mason
Johnny Mason

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Registration date : 2012-12-13

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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by Elena Vexus December 26th 2012, 7:32 pm

A harlot? This man was truly in the wrong time era. Vexus didn't even think that she was alive for that period in the US. Fascinating... He must have traveled through time somehow. Elena got to thinking, he probably still had some residual energy on his body from wherever he traveled from. With a few experiments she was sure he'd be able to extract the unique energy and use it to possibly invent a form of crude time travel. Oh the possibilities. Maybe killing him was not the best option. Though it did not seem like he had the same outlook for her. Nor did the authorities. She picked up frequencies of them calling for the 'Metahuman Department', she rolled her eyes and began jamming their signals. There was no need for any added trouble, they didn't want any destruction then they should not call for assistance to subdue their so called enemies. Vexus did wonder if they still had short range communication devices, unfortunately her technology was too far ahead that she would not be able to stop or even listen to conversation held that way.
To her surprise, the boy who had spoken up decided to voice his opinion yet again. If he kept this up then she'd make sure to be a little extra trigger happy with this one. Elena rolled her eyes at the boys heroic gesture and walked towards the crowd of police men. She needed to turn the situation around and back to her favor and started by approaching the captain of the squad. Elena kept her voice down so that only the people immediately in front of her could hear, she did not need the two 'heroes' eavesdropping.
"Listen, officers. I mean you know harm.Yes I have abilities but I'm willing to work with you. If you call for any more help then the two men up there are only going to get more rowdy and you'll end up losing the lives of your men. And I do not think that you want that to happen. I request that you order your men to fall back for the time being, stand behind your vehicles because I don't know how they will react. I'll handle the situation and take them into proper containment. This way we can carry on just as we normally would..."
The captain only nodded his head and began to move backwards, the rest following. Unfortunately they did not retreat to behind their cars like she instructed, but it would have to do for now. Vexus now directed her voice upwards onto the roof.
"Alright you two. We won't start a fight. No one is going to fight anyone. I don't know your name, but you who is dressed in clothes not from their period. I would like to speak with you a little bit more personally. I understand that my words may mean not to you judging by your way of thinking, but hear me out. Times have changed and so have the people. I can help you... Trust me..."
She spoke kindly with a somewhat convincing tone of sincerity. It was not easy for her to try and offer people help, even if it was going to end in literally everyone dying. But someone who could have possibly traveled through time. What information he could provide, his memories of what he had experienced. They could open up so many doors. This man was going to fall into her possession whether he wanted to or not, she could not pass up such a rare specimen. There was still the possibility that he was just some crazy individual who remained in character very well and all the people she was going to off would have been for nothing, but it wouldn't have been the first time it's happened. Vexus' meeting could wait. There were much bigger opportunities presenting themselves at the moment.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

Post by The Cowboy January 6th 2013, 6:32 pm

The woman spoke to Captain Stacy as if she had the right to boss him around and for all he knew, she did. Whether she had actual authority or powers it could end badly for the captain in any number of ways so for the time being he moved back and away from her, getting close enough to his second to speak quietly. “Any word back from the Metahuman Department? Things are getting worse and worse,” He said with a long sigh.

“No sir, it seems our communications are being jammed by someone or something,” The second in command said as he still held what looked like a phone next to his head.

“It probably has something to do with the new one on the scene. Give it a little time. Either they kill each other or get out of here. Any way you slice it, I’m going to have a pile of paperwork on my desk in the morning,” He tore his line of vision off of the cowboy and the new woman and glanced at the other officer. “Right now, we’re going to play along but if it seems to be going downhill then we try to get in touch with the Metahuman department one more time and this time use a ground line. Who knows, maybe that’ll work.” Captain Stacy gave a deep sigh before he huffed, “I’m getting too old for this shit.”

“Ah ain’t gonna trust the likes of you,” The cowboy said through grit teeth. “Yer the type ta stab a man in the back when yer done with’im. Ah can smell it on ya. Seems though, tha’ Ah’m at somethin’ of a disadvantage,” With that he put his tomahawk back in his belt loop, showing some level of compliance. “Ah don’ know tha’ any of us can survive the bullets they plan ta use,” He gave a gesture to the police. Christopher had had to deal with ‘the law’ in the past and he understood that most of them were in it for the money. His father had been one of the last good ones. The cowboy’s father had refused to be bought and he and his mother were killed for it. The man with the bullhorn seemed decent enough, almost like he was trying to watch out for the people of the town but it was a risk Christopher did not want to take. “Speak yer piece but Ah’m leavin’ alone, ya hear,” He called to the woman before him and the police behind him at the same time.
The Cowboy
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Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus) Empty Re: Old Western Justice (Oklahoma City) (Cowboy, Johnny Mason, and Vexus)

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