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Enter The Soulless (Open)

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 7th 2013, 11:37 pm

Sean simply sat thee and listened to Max explain what he was,though it wasn't like he was really going to react any differently than Aaron would have reacted. He might have even been interested by the story that Max was telling him,which would have proved valuable. Eating his food with a steady pace he let his mind wonder over whom that guy was with and why he gave Aaron the strangest vibe as if he were the hunter and Max the harmless prey. Sure he was not all that harmless but no need to make him seem meeker than he really was. ”These eggs are great Max,best I’ve had in a long while.” he said with a smile preparing his explanation of the families,which would have involved a large amount of sensitive information.

”As for your question I have no idea where to begin on the families. All of the families have one thing in common besides magic and that my friend is their bloodlines,which stretch back farther than humankind can really date. We Hales descend from a line that is rich with the blood of Dwarves and as such we are skilled in weaving....enchantments I suppose the best word for it is,though we can also create weapons by hand if we have the gift of metal work. Some of us inherit the dwarven strength and physicality if enough of the blood is present,while some have little access to the magic dormant within our blood.” He of course omitted the sacred ritual of the blooding for those who proved that they could have their place within the family but that was to be divulged later of he truly wanted family membership.

”I cannot speak for the other families as they are rather secretive upon their information,so if you truly want to know anything I would suggest that you search for a member of their family and ask yourself.” He finished his explanation by taking a swig of the orange juice mug within his hand and letting out a deep sigh after the deluge of information that was released in this small moment. Sean continued to eat while he let Max take all of it in before he was sure to ask more questions.

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Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 8th 2013, 12:20 am

"Dwarves? Wow. I knew that dwarves disappeared a long time ago, but to be born of a line of dwarves is amazing!" When I first learned of these families, I couldn't believe it for myself. Dwarves? It didn't sound reasonable, especially since there are practically meta humans and regular humans. It was all exciting to be here and talk and eat with the descendants of dwarves. I could only imagine what the other families were born of. I guess I would have to find one and hope they would be nice enough to tell me.

I finished up my breakfast and sat there and waited for everyone else to finish. I was curious as to what was next on our day. I looked over towards Aaron and started talking. "I've never had a better breakfast in my life, thanks for letting me stay at your house. Thanks Sean for the bacon and pancakes, they were awesome. What do we do after breakfast? It seems like there is a lot that can happen, since this house is so giant. How many rooms are in here anyway? What are they even used for?"

The house seemed a lot larger on the inside than the outside. I wonder what my room would even look like. Aaron said he would furnish my room, I wonder what it will look like? There were so many questions and definitely not enough answers. I got excited again. I guess I am a very excitable person. I wasn't going to apologize for it, though. I was having a great time, nothing could probably ruin this day. Even if something bad did happen, I doubt it could overshadow all of the great things that have happened so far. I really don’t want this day to end. I was having too much fun for a person to have. I guess it makes up for the fact that I have been in a coma and been on bed rest for the past few months. I don’t know what losing my soul has in store for me, but I do know that it seems to me that it has been worth the trade so far!
I was practically ready to jump out of my seat at this point. It has been forever that I have been this excited over anything. I guess I really had a boring life before all of this, but I don’t regret having it, it was pretty great. I have no right to complain at all. I wonder if I’ll meet any other family members today. Probably not, I have no idea how many people live in this house normally, but it seems that they come and go as they need to. I hope my relatives never stop in. It hurts just to think about them. All of the things that I cherished most about my family were thrown out by them and all I have left is the picture that Abel found for me. I wonder if I could ask them to get it framed for me someday. This isn’t the best time, but I’m sure that I will eventually.

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Post by Hyperion January 8th 2013, 12:40 am

Aaron found Max's responses to his explanation invigorating and that alone made his endearing but then again he could not completely trust him yet. He would have to prove himself in some way to the family,though Aaron's word carried a lot when it came to this and that lightened a would be burden upon the young man. Sean smiled and thanked the young man for his compliment upon his cooking. ”You are more than welcome to stay here Max,there are plenty of rooms for you to sleep in and I can have them furnished to your likings by tomorrow if thats what you want. I'm sure though you want to see where you will be staying for a while,so I guess i'll have to show you.”

Aaron stood up and his plate seemed to put itself up by some form of magic,though more like an enchanted item to be exact since he did not want to waste such a useful spell right now. Sean was soon to follow within his lead,hands digging within his pockets as he seemed to only drift a few steps behind Aaron. Aaron placed a hand upon Max's shoulder placing a small amount of psionic energy that would go almost undetected unless you were looking for it. ”I guess I can give you a short tour tomorrow but now I suppose you would want your rest." The small tracker was mostly for Max's protection since he had gotten himself into a world he could not understand and that strange man he was with gave Aaron a vibe he could not shake,he was not to be trusted.

Sure he may not be the one to say who was to be trusted and who was not,since he was basically placing a tracker upon this young man without his consent but that did not matter as long as he was kept safe. Aaron knew his duty and he would perform it well,not another family member would die if he could help it.

Shael Atterrius
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Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 8th 2013, 1:32 am

I realized that after the meal, I've never been so tired in my entire life. I felt Aaron put his hand on my shoulder as if he was welcoming me again. He told me that I would get a tour tomorrow, which I didn't mind. I was exhausted! Today was so emotionally draining; I didn't expect it to be like this. Next thing I could look forward to was a good sleep. This time, though. It would be in a house where the people there cared for you, not a place where I feel like I am a burden on everyone else. I felt really welcomed here. I hope that my bed is nice and warm, so I can fall asleep quickly. Hell, if I just lay down right now, I could probably fall asleep. Hell, if I just SIT here, I could probably fall asleep. Hell, if I just stand here, I could probably fall asleep. I need to get my legs moving, or else I'm going to be out cold.

I got up and started walking around here and there, pretending to explore the rest of the kitchen. It gave me a little more energy, but I knew it wouldn't last long. I turned to Aaron and said, "I bet you have tons of rooms in this house that I could stay in, how could I ever pick one?" I started chuckling; I make myself laugh sometimes, especially when I'm so tired that I could fall over any second. "I would love to go on a tour now, but I am very tired. Today has been a long day for me; so much has happened that I don't even know where to begin. But I am glad that I ended up here with you all."I gave him a smile and that perked me up a little. I might be able to make it to my room. Maybe. This has been the third house I lived in. My parents never moved once they got their house together and I lived there almost my whole life. My relatives' house can't really be considered a home for me, I was never comfortable there. This is my new home, though. I feel comfortable here and I hope to stay here for a long time. I could get used to the mage life, I really could.

What was so nice about being in the house was not only that was I comfortable here, but it seemed as if Aaron wanted me to be comfortable here as well. He genuinely cared about my well being. He invited me into his house without a second guess and offered to protect me and train me to be better at magic. He would teach me a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a great teacher. I am looking forward to the future, but I am also enjoying the present for once in my life. I always looked forward to the future when I was younger, now I can't wait to live out every second that I have now. Meeting all of these wonderful people has definitely changed my life; I can already see it before anyone else does.

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Post by Hyperion January 8th 2013, 4:43 pm

”You could say that,there are plenty of rooms for anyone that would want to stay within this house.” Aaron said simply walking ahead of him till he stood at the opening of the kitchen that would lead into the many hallways that would crisscross the large estate. They would only have to walk for but a few minutes before they found what they were looking for and that would be the bedroom that Max was to stay in if he wanted to. ”If you are ready I can lead you to your room for the night.” He motioned for Max to follow him;projecting his thoughts towards Sean who was simply leaning against the table absently.

”You can wait in our room,i'll be there shortly.” The mental words were plain enough for Sean to hear. He nodded slightly before walking from the room in his unnatural speed,giving Max a quick smile before he was gone,leaving him,Max and Brandon there. It was likely that max would of course accept the offer to be lead to the room and it wasn't that far away really. After a few minutes of walking through the hallways that seemed to branch off almost infinity,they found his room. Beyond the wooden door was what some would call a fine place to sleep and it was indeed one.

There was a large bed in one corner with plenty of pillows and blankets for those who would want them, as well as a single window that opened to the outside if someone were into having a nice view of the grounds. There were a few dressers for clothes and even a walk in closet as well as enough room to customize to his hearts content if that were what he wanted. ”Here you are. I hope the room is to your taste,though it could be so much better really. If you want anything done to it I can have that done tomorrow but for now rest,i'm sure you are tired.”

Shael Atterrius
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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Max Ahlberg Hale January 8th 2013, 5:34 pm

"Thanks, Aaron, it's perfect." I told Aaron as I walked into the room. The room was pretty bland, currently. I suppose it wasn't meant to have anyone stay in it for more than a week or two. I like it a lot, though. This will be my new room in my new house with my new family. I looked over at my bed and it seemed welcoming, maybe too welcoming. I could feel the heaviness of my eyelids begin to take over my sight. I then realized that I didn't have a change of clothes. Oh well, I can sleep in normal clothes, no big deal. I took off my shoes and socks and sat down on the bed. It was very comfortable. I felt as if I could stay here for a long time. I wasn't regretting anything that happened today, it was all great and I enjoyed every second of it, even when it hurt.

I started to think of the events that happened during my day. I laid down on the bed and began to think. I never really intended for any of this to happen. I was just here to look for a way to cope with the pain of my family, but I got too emotional, I even hurt myself in the process. Luckily I could heal myself, it wasn't as bad after that. I met Abel and he agreed to help me find a reason to live my life and I promised that I would do the same for him. Were we friends? Was there something more? At this time, I had no idea. I guess I can see him again.

Then Aaron came into our conversation. He was so kind and helpful and chose to trust me and my powers. It might've been from fear, maybe he just genuinely trusted me. I guess it didn't matter, I am now a part of the Hale family. I may not be an official blood relative, but they accepted me for who I am, unlike my relatives, who practically disowned me. The conversation still burns in my mind, but I will not care about it anymore someday. For now, I have to focus on adjusting to my new life.

I met other family members as well, such as Brandon and Sean. They were really nice. I still don't know if Sean is an actual Hale or not, but it didn't really matter for now, I could always ask him later. The breakfast I helped Sean make was delicious and I'm happy that I impressed them all with my cooking skills. I hope to make more breakfasts with them someday, but maybe not in the same circumstances as this one. I hope that we can be a great family together, even though they aren't my blood relatives.

All in all, this has been the best day of my life, so far. I have been a superhero for only one day and I know that I never want to give up this life. I didn't even stop any crime and I still don't want to give up the life. Especially if I can meet more wonderful people like Aaron, Brandon, Sean, and Abel. I know that I will meet horrible people, or people that don't even like me, but I know that I would just have to deal with the problems as they come. That seems to be the life of a super. I think I am drifting off into dreamland now, because I can barely open my eyes anymore. Mom... Dad... I love you both so much, I am glad that I am your son. Hopefully with this new life I have, I can make something great out of it. Just you two wait and see. I hope this will be later, rather than sooner, but I hope that I will see you both someday, until then, I will live my life and love every second of it. And with that last thought of my parents on my mind, I fell asleep.

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Max Ahlberg Hale
Max Ahlberg Hale

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Enter The Soulless (Open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Enter The Soulless (Open)

Post by Hyperion January 8th 2013, 6:18 pm

Aaron slowly closed the door and left Max to his room. He seemed pleased with what was given to him and that was a good thing indeed,especially from what he had gone through in his hard sounding life but he would not have to worry about that as long as he had the Hales at his back. He could feel the pull of the marker placed upon Max but he knew that it would only be used if he really needed to,no need to break into his privacy unless it really warranted such a thing. He was supposed to be his friend,not some sort of stalker that made it his business to know everything about the young man. He could make his way to his own room and settle down before he would most likely prepare to sleep himself if Sean didn't keep him up any longer.

Brandon had already went off to his room,most likely pumping his loud new age pop through large speakers,though the music would not make it through the walls that he had sound proofed for just an instance. Also he knew how to contact Aaron if he ever needed him,telepathy a very useful thing really when one used it correctly. All you had to do was tune into it and you got instant access to his mind,though it wasn't like you could simply delve in and steal all his secrets,that would be near impossible nor could he do the same to anyone else. His mind brushed out against Sean's,a feeling that was all too familiar but the feeling was nice enough.

”Its nice of you to bring the lost little boy into the fold but do you have any other motives for this?” His question was a simple enough one and one that was uncharacteristic of Sean. Aaron was unsure how really to respond that that but he would think of something quickly;that being one of his strong suits.

”I don't think I need to explain myself to you,especially since you know fully well why.” He mentally chided stepping up a spiral staircase as he reached the door that would lead to their room and with a twist of the handle he saw Sean lounging upon the plush bed in only his boxers. One black eyebrow was raised as he rolled over onto his back with bare stomach lined with scars pointed upwards. He was mostly attractive unless you saw the horrible scars that covered his lowers front torso and his back as well as the shoulders,something that he was not likely to forget. ”I have no ill intentions for the young man,I just am extending a bit of.....good will.” Sure the phrase was not unknown to him but it did feel somewhat fake as he spoke that phrase. Was Aaron known for his good will? Sure he was kinder than his siblings could have been but he was not the most heroes individual and that phrase alone was something that made Sean snicker interested.

”Sure thing of gracious head of the Hale family.” He said with mock reverence reaching out to pull Aaron onto the plush bed spread. ”None of my business what the Hales do with their own,only the Thiels and you are my concern really.” he pressed his lips against Aarons with some force,a heat passing between them for a moment before he pulled away with a Cheshire smile. ”I don't really like your twin being here though,he keeps trying to get in my pants and he may be cute;but I learned my lesson since last time.” This made Aaron grin,something that he rarely did except in these brief moments. Sean found him cuter when he was actually like he used to be when he was young instead of this way too serious business man. ”And I do fear for Max if we let Brandon anywhere near him with that sex appeal that he claims to have so much of.” Sean joked as they moved and he found himself on top of the blonde.

”He seriously says something like that? I thought he couldn't get any lamer really.” There were always new things to learn,like how lame your twin was,which for some strange reason brought up his cousin Ailill who if he remembered correctly he had some sort of meeting with in a few weeks but that did not matter at the moment. Ailill was not one to really dwell upon things like meetings and technicalities as long as he got what he wanted and that was ancient tomes of knowledge. ”I guess Brandon never really changes does he? I know him all too well.” Aaron shook his head as much as the short male above him could possibly allow. ”Didn't you have some sort of important business to deal with tomorrow or something?” he ventured to ask within within this moment that Sean would not react with annoyance,but it was likely that he would still seeing as nothing would change that.

Sean rolled his eyes as the mention of meetings escaped from Aarons lips and he let out a long drawn sigh,one that was far too dramatic if you had to ask Aaron. Not that he did not expect it in the least but it still kind of annoyed him at how Sean did not take his duties seriously,when it was something that took great importance within the world of magic. ”I thought that was like next week or something.” He said basically trying to dodge the question altogether,though it seemed to work. ”Besides,you know I don't like meeting with Nolan,hes a creepy ass fucker.” He managed to say though it was a complete lie.

”If I remember correctly;you said you would gladly f..”

”No,no don't say anymore. Fine i'll meet with that guy,as long as I don't have to deal with you patronizing me.” He let his gaze drift off as lips were pressed against his cheek. He knew how to push the correct buttons and that was all he needed to do really when it came down to it and Sean was like an open book when you looked closely enough at it. ”Ass.” He muttered pursing his lips in what could be considered a pout as he rolled onto his side,mostly his attempt at some sort of guilt trip but in the end it wouldn't work.

”Love you too.” He said teasingly telekinetically pressing one of the buttons one a large screen television as something bloomed across the screen and sound came out through the speakers as he listened intently to what came. It was one of the latest supernatural shows that he found interesting,especially since they had managed to come as close as a person could come with popular media without it being hated by the masses. He knew that he would have a long day ahead of him with showing Max around and even having to buy him clothing if he planned to live with them but that was the path that he had chosen,Aaron was for all intensive purposes pleased with what he had done and that was that. Sure Sean may have doubted what he was doing and Brandon might have his attempts with the young man,but then again he could take care of himself if he was truly as strong as Aaron thought him to be. Only time could tell him if that was true and he waited with bated breath. With that Aaron watched the large screen until he drifted off to sleep with thin but strong arms clamped around him.

Shael Atterrius
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