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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 17th 2012, 8:36 pm

Roy snapped his eyes open, lying on the street in some alley. A Mexican looking man glanced at him with some surprise. "You just popped out like a flash, man." he said, lowering a hand to help Roy up. Roy ignored it, standing up by himself.

"Por que demonios estas usando el Ingles? (Why the hell are you using English?)" he snapped at the man. "Donde estoy? (Where am I?)" he groaned, looking around the alley.

"I'm using English because I like English, fuck it." the Mexican man said, sounding irritated. "What are you, one of those culturalists or some shit? Spanish isn't that important here, we're in the United States of America-"

"What? You mean that new country those British rebels set up? Mind you, I was completely fine with that country, but-“ Roy said in Spanish before he was interrupted by the English speaking Mexican.

“New? The US is a lot of things, buddy, but not nueva by any means.” The Mexican said in English, which irritated Roy considerably. Why on Earth speak that language when there was such a better one at use…He also always found the whole ‘American’ thing arrogant as though they claimed only the USA was America rather than the fact America was two whole continents. But he paused.

“Hold on here. How old is this country?”

“I dunno…let’s see, 2028-1776 is equal to …”

“1776? 2028? Where are you pulling out these numbers?”

“Dude, you’re one of those roleplaying guys, aren’t you? Well, you’re really in character and it’s irritating me. You know damn well 2028 is the current year and you probably know 1776 is when America was founded.”

Qué diablos?” Roy said in shock. “You cannot be serious!” he continued in rapid Spanish, but the Mexican was clearly done talking to this strange man in a suit of armor, even if he had just appeared in the middle of nowhere in a flash of light.

The handsome Spanish king looked around truly for the first time, noticing bizarre things. The lights, for example. It was rather dark now, perhaps nine or ten after the noon, and people would light candles and place them on the walls. He was used to that. But the candles here were utterly bizarre. They were sealed in a metal box, for one. Well, a glass box that was supported by metal.

Roy placed a hand on his sword, which the Mexican man had assumed was a fake and part of the ‘costume’, but was all too real.

He heard roars, as though roars of animals, but…different. Hmm. He walked out of the alley and fearlessly on the street, like a child who had not learned doing so was a dangerous deed at best. He then glanced toward the side and saw a large truck heading right toward him, though he had absolutely no idea what on earth it was. The odd looking contraption sat on four round mounds of rubber and the frame looked to be metallic.

And it was coming right toward him, as he stood frozen like a deer in headlights.
(This is where Ari can save him.)

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 18th 2012, 4:31 pm

"Duel, over. Arabella wins," the man announced. Ari pushed the mask they had made her wear up and whipped the blade behind her, giving her opponent who was on the floor, covered in sweat and heaving, a bow. The boy looked mortified. He had apparently been the top of his class in fencing. Fencing. The idea amused Ari so much. They were hardly real blades, they would give a scratch but the would not kill. The scratching was a minimal to due to the weird body suit they wore. Ari was used to training with the idea if she lost, she died. This allowed humans to be arrogant and cocky and think themselves invincible. She had had him on a floor after two minutes of sparring, after which he had given it his best. Everyone was in slight awe at the fact Ari had beaten the boy with such ease and barely came up in a sweat. She put the fake blade away and offered the man a hand, hurling him to his feet. Shakily there was clapping, and then it rose and rose and rose. It was defending by the time the boy limped off, red with humiliation. Ari smiled and inclined her head in a thank you before shuffling out of the protective armour. As people murmured among themselves Ari clasped the old man who ran the workshops hand and kissed the Russian ring on his finger.

"Благодарю вас, мастер (Thank you, Master)," he smiled and patted her cheek lightly, sending her on her way with the promise they would spar when his shoulder was better again. She had wished to spar him, not a child but it was a nice break from serious sparring at the least. Now, dressed in what the Americans deemed more normal - denim shorts - she had teamed them with her own clothes; strips of materials hanging from the loop holes and the corseted gypsy like top which would allow for her to move her wings if needed. She was enjoying the sun more than she thought she would. It made her skin turn a odd dusted chocolate colour, her green eyes brighter, her devil red lips more vibrant and her hair... well it was a waterfall of colours in the sun. She hadn't been looking for heroics but then some idiot in a tin can stepped into the road and didn't moved when a lorry rushed towards him. Ari swore.

She should have been a rugby player. Ari slammed into Roy a split second before he was a flat tin can. The truck beeped angrily as it roared past and Ari flattened herself on top of him. They had barely made it to the pavement but thankfully they had. The breeze of passing traffic moved her hair. Slowly she peeled her form up some, one hand either side of his head and her legs straddling his hips.

"Are you crazy!?"

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 20th 2012, 1:43 am

Roy felt himself be tackled out of the way, landing on the sidewalk. He felt almost offended by this, since it was rather undignified for a king. But he then saw that truck go barrelling down the road at an incredible speed. It would have hurt if he had been struck by that thing. What was it anyway? A machine? A beast? Whatever it was, it would have hurt. So he supposed he had to thank the man who had helped him-

"Are you crazy?" asked a decidedly female voice, and Roy glanced up to see a Eastern European looking woman glaring at him. This felt like a slap in not just his face, but in the face of common morality. A woman? He was in debt to a woman, and a foreign one at that? This horrified him. "Get off me, girl." he said rudely in English, shoving her off with his great strength, and standing up. "What the devil was that thing that was going to hit me? No, first, you tell me now what the year is. It cannot possibly be what that other man had told me. And also tell me where I am."

He recognised this place as the Spanish port of Miami, but why on Earth were people claiming it was part of the United States? It was part of Spain!....right?


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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 20th 2012, 4:50 pm

Arabella blinked when he didn't say so much as a thank you for the fact she had just saved his life. She snorted and rolled off off him in annoyance, fixing her bade beside her hip once again. She folded her arms over her chest when he began to demand stuff from her. Was this guy for real? She had thought she was from the Dark Ages, but this guy was putting her to shame. She raised an eyebrow as he continued and then she snorted and shook her head, beginning to walk away from him. She didn't do crazy. Especially one who called her 'girl' and ordered her about like a subject. If he had been in Romania he would have just been thrown to the floor to beg forgiveness from the Queen.

"I do not like being spoken to in such a manner. Good luck," she called over her shoulder. Ari didn't do well with arrogant bastards. Hopefully some mugger would come past and put a bullet in his bran or something. She'd be amused to see him in such a position actually.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 22nd 2012, 2:10 am

Roy looked almost enraged now. "Hey girl, I asked you a question!" he said, running after her. "I need to know the information and you need to give it. I am the king of Spain. It's your duty as a commoner to aid me." he barked, genuinely expecting her to obey. Another car zoomed by, a bit too close for his liking, though he had figured out that most people who were walking and not in that metal horseless carriage thing were on this white brick path next to the black one.

He caught up to her, looking rather irate now. "Who in God's name are you, anyway, to defy me like this? Have people just stopped respecting their superiors in this new world?" he asked in the tone most people used when they said "what on Earth is this world coming to" and assorted statements.

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 23rd 2012, 6:07 am

Ari inwardly groaned when he came running after her and she slowed to a stop, peeking over her shoulder and fixing him with her piercing golden green eyes. It was hard to pin down the colour of those eyes which constantly changed with her mood and the environment. She had a horrible feeling this guy wasn't going to be leaving her alone any time soon. Her arms slowly crossed over her chest as she waited for him to finish completely, glancing to the car as it screeched past, horn blaring in anger, as the window rolled down and a quite violent sign was made outside the window. She smirked some what.

"Firstly," she looked to him now, lips a firm and angry line. "I am not a commoner. Secondly, I do not have to tell you anything, thirdly, the King of Spain has no real authority anymore," she swept her gaze over him slowly. "They're as weak as the puppy royals of England," she shrugged. "Just a decoration." She was trying to wind him up. It was arrogant in deed for someone to claim to be a King in the middle of America. "I doubt he even comes out of his palace anymore," she was amused some what. Royalty was earned where she came from, the title needed to be earned not given.

"Queen Arabella Montez of Romania," she did a over dramatic bow at the hips just to exaggerate the sarcasm that laced her comment. She was, however, of royal blood. In her home land he would be forced to bow in front of her probably. Now THAT would be amusing.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 26th 2012, 2:40 am

"I must be in an entirely different world then," he said, switching to French. The reason for the switch was simple- in his time, all the European royals would speak French to each other, regardless of their actual language. Though truthfully most European rulers did not actually speak the language of their country, Roy being the exception rather than the rule. For example, he knew King George would very much rather speak German over English and he was also aware that French was the language used in the Russian Court.

But the girl seemed entirely ignorant. Roy looked amazed. In English, as though speaking to a child, he asked "You don't even know French? What kind of world is this when the royals can't speak French?" he said in a horribly disappointed tone. "This...this is just pathetic." Then her first words, that Spain's monarchy had become like Britain's sunk in.

He roared out. "QUE?" he said, drawing some stares, though people were already looking at the two people with swords. "You are lying to me, puta, tell me the truth! What has gone mad with this world?"

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 26th 2012, 4:43 pm

"Since when has French ever been used in the Russian court?" she snorted. "Napoleon got as far as Moscow and they burnt their city to the ground rather than let the frogs have it. Besides, the French no longer have a King, they are no longer worthy to have their language spoken in other course," she tilted her chin up with a sniff of annoyance. This guy really needed to read a history book. Maybe she should drop him off at a library. He seemed to be to deep in reflection to really care about what she was saying and she was about to walk off when he spoke rather angrily. Lots of people turned and looked and Ari tightened her grip on her blade, jaw tightening as her eyes narrowed.

"I am not lying," she growled. "I won't cut your tongue out for your racist, sexist words but you accuse me of having a dirty honour and I will not stand for that," Ari drew her blade rather fluently and pressed it the tip of his to his throat. Her eyes were all feline now. On lookers either hurried off or watched, thinking the pair were drama students acting on the streets for some sort of a project. Ari was not to bothered by any of them. Her honour had been insulted and she would have satisfaction.

"The year is 2028 and none of America is no longer owned by Spain. Neither is it owned by Britain. France has no King and Spain is just as week as Britain, with a fat king who lets the Government do everything," she sneered.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 27th 2012, 5:59 pm

Roy looked as though she had physically assaulted him with her words. "You lie??!" he asked in a rage, the two interrogation points and exclamation mark almost audible in his voice. "How on Earth would the European empires allow such things to happen? The French monarchy in particular was always very strong and the people always supported it, and I know the Spanish throne would never allow itself to become so pathetically weak. The British don't surprise me, the British were always wishy washy cowards." he said dismissively. "Les Goddamns." he seemed to notice for the first time that there was a blade against his throat.

"Well, that's a mild surprise." he said, raising an eyebrow. At quick speed, he had his own sword out and against her throat in the same manner. "My dear, I am a King. I have been swordfighting since birth, not just pathetic sparring or fencing. Before I was sent here, I was in fierce battle with Moors and Britons. You put your sword away slowly, or I will end up becoming angry." he said.

He was actually quite furious, it was true. Who dared send him here? Who dared take him from his life as a King and take him to this bizarre world where nobody seemed to make any sense? Roy's eyes opened wide and turned pure yellow and he quivered in anger. "Step away, girl. Now." he barked. "I will not tolerate insolence, even if you are a royal."

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs June 28th 2012, 4:30 pm

Arabella raised both eyebrows then. Wow he really was from another time zone if he still thought France was really powerful. She tried to muffle a laugh at the idea of France being mighty. They had lost favour and reputation after Napoleon had been defeated. Had he even been around or Napoleon? She paused for a moment to think of if he would have been around in that time and thought about telling him how Spain had had a revolution since that time, but then thought that maybe, perhaps, that would push the Spanish King of long ago into a mental break down.

"Sir," she said stiffly. "The French had a revolution which over threw their King, placed an Emperor on the throne who is classed as the greatest fighter of all time then got defeated by a posh British boy in a 100 day battle when it took the French a 100 year war to beat Britain," she tutted. "France lost all it's respect since then. Spain had a revolution and over threw it's Queen too," she tutted slightly. "Actually, the Spanish caused the fall of the last French monarch by getting into a cat fight with Prussia over who should get your throne," she was rather amused at that.

"Sweetheart please, I'm a Queen. In Romania we have to prove our worth to be a royal. You think I cannot fight?" she raised both eyebrows. "I've been fighting with katana's and real blades since I could talk. You'll find my aim very accurate," she lunged forward on that word. The tip of her blade went down as if to cut against his left rib but once he had brought his hand to block the blow, she spun in a circle and brought the blade up, cutting his cheek in a bitter sweet kiss of steal, drawing a thin line along his cheek.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest June 29th 2012, 5:39 pm

Roy laughed. "So women are fighting now. How quaint." he said. "A Joan Of Arc, are you?" he asked. He allowed her blade to touch his cheek and he grinned widely, his incisors appearing just slightly too big for normal. "My girl, let's see how you go against a real warrior." he said quietly then his yellow eyes grew wide and he almost roared, moving his sword at incredible speed, pushing her back with his ferocity. He was surprised with her skill at parrying his blows, nodding in compliment. "Not bad. You are better than many." he said, then moved quicker. "Not, however, better than me."

Chuckling, he continued beating her back and being parried by her. "Girls can't battle, it'd be foolish to even try." he boasted. "I'm afraid there's no possible way for you, even if you are skilled, to defeat me in a battle. Just no possibility for a female to defeat me." Blinded by pride and arrogance, he failed to see she was not only holding back but even gaining the upper hand, though they seemed roughly tied.

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs July 1st 2012, 7:38 am

People were moving out of the way when they realized this may not be a friendly re-enactment in which the pair would use fake blades and simply smile and wonder off after. No, the illusion of them being drama students was gone. It was replaced by the fact that now there were two maniacs sword fighting in the street. Ari held her ground to be fair to her, she kept the tin-canned Spaniard in a tight circle. His armour worked in her favour. She wore clothes which were free moving, he looked like tinned tuna. She blew a strand of hair from her eyes and then smiled, eyes dancing with amusement as he tried to get round her blocks. Wearing out an opponent was easier. As the idiot began to breath a little heavier, she roughened her attacks. Soon she was not the one defending and rather the one swinging her blade in a series of arcs and glides, her blade glancing off his metal occasionally, leaving a red welt behind. The sound hurt her ears the first time but by the third ring of metal it was music calling to her blood.

"Actually, women have been beating men for years," she mused. "I think you need to read a history book or too," she jumped onto a fountain then, her nimble feet assuring her she was not going to fall. Her sword parried another blew and then she jumped into the water and kicked some of it into his eyes. "Scared to get wet, Guachupine?" she teased, her lips tweaking into a smile. Ari's legs were soaked but she didn't seem to care. Spray from the fountain was getting her hair a little damp which just made her look wilder. Blade glistening in the sun, the droplets turned a crimson colour making it look like blood. Her lips pursed.

"Come on then."

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Guest July 3rd 2012, 4:35 pm

That was the breaking point for him.

He was dragged out of his own sensible world into this one where monster carriages roamed the roads and women fought. And this woman, this pathetic foreign gypsy woman who claimed to be a royal, was managing to hold her own against him. He was furious, he was utterly seething with rage. No. This was not how it went. He would restore sanity to this world, no matter what extents he had to go to in order to do it. He roared- actually roared like an animal- and fell down to the floor on all fours.

His head jerked up, snarling as fur started growing at an incredibly fast rate. His yellow eyes glared at Ari without pupils, and his hand grew out claws, and then so did the other one. Fangs were visible in his mouth as he growled at her. The armour just snapped off, leaving the werewolf without any. But judging by his general appearance, it did not look as though he would be needing armour.

The civilians reacted normally. "FUCKING HELL!" one screamed, and they immediately started running away. The cops would eventually be called as well, but it seemed as though they would be a while. So Ari was alone with the monster Roy had become.

He stayed on all fours, just growling for a bit. Then he leaped at her, howling.

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Viva La Vida (closed to Embie) Empty Re: Viva La Vida (closed to Embie)

Post by Ember_Fangs July 4th 2012, 4:03 pm

"Rahat. (Shit)"

Arabella's limbs froze and locked in place when Roy in front of her changed into a beast which her grandmother had only spoken about in stories which had often sent her to bed terrified and armed with silver. Roy was Spanish and a werewolf? Colour drained from her cheeks as the civilians ran from around her. She couldn't blame them. She'd be running too if she could get her damn legs to work. Then he leapt and Ari... Was in the sky. Her body must have been on auto pilot as she hadn't noticed her wings un wnding, snapping open and propelling her into the air just before she became dog food.

"I know guys like to get a little hairy but you're pushing it," she landed atop the fountain, the sun hitting her wings and casting an array of lights over the wolf below her. She snapped her mouth shut with a 'clap' and mentally kicked herself. That wasn't going to help anything. The anger rolled off him and hit her in waves. She needed to calm him down. Forcing herself to stop shaking she slowly put away her blade and held up her hand, her voice becoming soft as she gently nudged that anger into a different emotion, it something gentler.

"It's okay.... We'll get you home..." she slowly stepped down when he began to ease up on the growling. She put her hand out at in front of her as she took a hold of his emotions and twisted it, nudged it and eased it into an equally strong emotion - love.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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