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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 12th 2012, 11:31 pm

"Finally, it's cooled down." Zian strolled, casually, down the street with his drawing book tucked under his arm. He had a pen over his ear, as his orange head phones were around his neck. His earbuds were still delicately situated inside his ear, playing liquid drum n bass music loud enough for anyone within a foot and a half of him to head. Zian didn't have many friends now, but that didn't stop him from leaving the house. After all one of his few friends told him that if he couldn't leave the house, then he must be ginger. He laughed at the thought, try imagining a pale black guy with red hair and freckles, it can't be done! Though a black guy such as him can pull off white hair. He stopped for a second and pulled a pencil from his pocket, leaned against a brick wall, and began to draw a new character he had just thought of. He had already sketched a rough body structure when a man approached him. He glanced up from his drawing book only to see it was some government agent, he looked back down and said, "I guess it is kinda hard to keep a secret identity if I carry around the same drawing book as Okassi."

EDIT: Word Count - 215
Total Word Count - 215
Total XP - ??

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 13th 2012, 12:18 am

-8 Hours Ago-
Brandon was sleeping at his apartment in New York City when he recieved a call. He whipped out his cell phone and checked the Caller I.D. and saw that the caller is 'Knock-Knock'. He grimaces because he knew that strange Caller I.D. like these is always his superviser that wants to give him a assignment. He pressed the call button and put it against his ear, "What do you want?", Brandon rudely asked. "Oh, how rude.", replied a female voice, "But if you must know, They have an assignment for you.", the woman finished. "Why is it that I knew that was what you were going to say?", Brandon said sarcastically. "Because it is what I alway say when when I call you, now check under your bed.", the woman replied. Brandon looked under his bed and find a briefcase under it, "You were in my room again!?", Brandon asked. "No, one of my assistants was in your room, now start packing. You will be going to Tamba Bay, Florida today.", the woman said before the call ended. Brandon sighed as he got up and began packing his things. Once he was done, he exit his apartment and drive his car to the nearest airport in two hours. He boarded his flight and arrive at Florida in three hours.

-3 Hours Ago-
After arriving at Tamba Bay, Florida, he first priority was to find a hotel to stay for a bit and examine the briefcase. After finding a decent hotel, he went to his room and opened the briefcase to find a file labeled 'Okassi' and details about his assignment. He open the file that has the details of his assignment. 'Brandon, your assignment today will be to retrieve a metahuman by the name of 'Okassi'. He has the unique ability to bring any of his drawings into reality and it is vital to retrieve him unharm and avoid any conflict. That is all for now and we hope for the best of luck for you.', the file said. He proceeded to open the file labeled 'Okassi' and look at the information about the metahuman that is given to him until he can memorize most of it and burned the files before he leave his apartment in search for 'Okassi'.

-The Present-
Brandon is now on the streets as he searched for anyone fitting the description of 'Okassi' until he spot a boy carrying the same drawing book. He proceeded to walk up to him until the boy raised his head and made a remark about carrying his drawing book as his alter ego. Brandon smiled a bit and began talking to Zian. "I'll say. Your drawing book is one of the noticable thing about you.", Brandon said, "Let me introduce myself, I work for a government that handles with metahumans like you around the globe to handle any kind of situation and retrieve them incase they may be a danger to public if left unsupervise.", Brandon said, "For now I need you to come with me so I can take you to my superiors and let your parents know about the situation.", Brandon finished as he wait for Zian's answer.

(Sorry, I forgot to mention that my secret agent belonged to my other account I made.)
The Conspiracy

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 13th 2012, 3:59 am

Zian gazed at the character structure he drew up just before the government agent arrived. Without looking up, he replies, "Alright, when do we leave?" He closed his book and put it in his back pack and slung it back over his shoulder. "Oh, my mom doesn't mind where I am so long as I check in once every three days, tops. Dad, doesn't want a thing to do with me, I kinda sicked a horde of skeleton warriors on him when I saw him hit my mom. Been gone ever since, but to tell the truth, I really don't care." He started towards his home, beckoning the agent to follow. He got a lot of nasty looks as he passed through some gang territories, but, really, he didn't care. They only did this is because, for one, they knew he was underweight and much smaller than the average 17 year old. He tossed his head slightly to the side, flipping a bit of his snow white hair out of his eye. Finally they reached his home and were welcomed by his mother before they rushed up into his room.

Zian pulled a briefcase from under his bed before turning to speak to the agent, "Name's Zian Rhodes, and you are?" Before hearing his answer he turned his attention back to the case, pulling out a limp, sheet-like wallpaper or something, it was very hard to describe. He pressed it onto the window closest to the closet in the far corner of the room, and it stuck, like a wall paper. t formed a doorway and he walked through. "I didn't actually think there would be any trouble so I left Okassi at home." He grabbed Okassi's hoodie, mask, pants, and shoes. He took the pen that rested on his ear and placed it inside one of the sleeves of the hoodie. "I think this is the face you're looking for," He picked up the dark blue mask and placed it to the right side of his head, still revealing his eyes, but the power still flooded his body as his snow white hair flushed blood red. "Am I correct?" His voice had also went slightly deeper in tone, but not by much, his mom would still be able to tell it was Zian, even if she hadn't known about his parading through town helping strangers out of trouble he most likely caused.

Word Count: 402
Total Word Count: 617
Total XP: 1
(It's fine)

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 13th 2012, 2:19 pm

Brandon was a bit surprise when Zian agreed to go with him on his own. "I guess we can go when you are done packing your things.", Brandon said. Brandon listened to Zian about being gone over long distances without his parents worrying, honestly he find it a bit depressing. As Zian began walking to his home, Brandon followed him when Zian beckoned him. As they pass through a street that seemed to be belonged to some gangs when some men gave them nasty looks. Brandon simply thoughted that the gangs know Zian enough to just ignore him or a man in a suit that looks like an FBI agent just scares them to back off. Either way the rest of their walk was uneventful and reached Zian's home. He was surprise again when Zian's mother welcomed them without any question about Brandon's presence. He followed Zian upstair to his bedroom and enter. We watched as Zian went to his bed and pulled out a briefcase while introducing himself and asking Brandon to introduce himself also. "Oh right sorry I forgot to introduce myself from before, my name is Brandon Valiquette and like I said before I for for the government.", Brandon said as he watched Zian make a doorway from a wall paper and retrieved his alter ego costume. "That is indeed the face I was looking for.", Brandon replied to Zian, "Oh, you should probably pack some extra clothings because there may be a chance that you may be staying in a facility to be supervised by the faculty.", Brandon said to Zian.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 14th 2012, 6:45 am

"Right, I'll start... dammit!" He saw the gremlin he drew a month ago was still running around, but figured he didn't have time for it now. If he knew how gremlins worked at all, and he did, then it would tire itself out in 30 minutes. He turned on his heel, the mask still secured to the side of his head, and walked into his room. He grabbed a few graphic tees, some faded jeans, his favorite pair of shoes, and a black Shawn White hoodie from his closet and packed them in a medium sized suitcase, though it shouldn't have fit at all. The suitcase was just a drawing. It had interdimensional technology that made it able to hold anything. He set the mask on top of it all, then folded his jacket and put the rest of Okassi's apparel inside the suitcase as well. "Alright let's go."

EDIT: Word Count: 148
Total Word Count: 766
Total XP: 1
(Was strapped for time this morning, Editing at school right now)

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 14th 2012, 6:00 pm

Brandon was a bit distracted by the gremlin that is running around the boys room when Zian began spoking to him when he was done packing. "Huh? Oh right, your done packing.", Brandon said as he look at Zian. "Just stay put for now while I call a cab to take us to the airport.", Brandon said as he reached into his pockets for his cell phone to only find nothing inside it, "Hey where's my-?", Brandon said momentarily when he spot the gremlin destroying his phone, "Why you little-!", Brandon yelled as he pounced at the gremlin who jumped out of the way and threw the ruined phone at Brandon's face. Brandon pick up the pieces of his phone in his hand, "You know what? You can have this, I can always buy more with my salary.", Brandon said as he tossed back his phone to the gremlin as it became ectastic with the ruined item. "Change of plan, you stay here while I go find something else to call a cab with.", Brandon said as he began walking to the first floor to find a phone.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 15th 2012, 12:14 pm

Zian nodded as he was told the cab should arrive soon, that is if Glayd hadn't destroyed Brandon's phone. He picked up a warm spritzer bottle by his bed and sprayed the gremlin, "Bad Glayd, bad!" He shouted as he scorned the young gremlin for destroying property that wasn't his own. If you want anything then tell me. Glayd uttered low, guttural growls at Zian, who seemed to understand. "I am not drawing up some friends for you Glayd, my room will be obliterated when I get back. And I don't feel like living that little movie in real life." Glayd nodded in understanding and muttered some other growls at Zian, "Okay fine, we'll see about that later, but you cannot break anything with it, okay?" The gremlin nodded in agreement, then he went back over to his little, padded, mattress to sleep until Zian returned. Zian grabbed his suitcase and sealed up Okassi's Lair. He replaced the pad in it's suitcase so no one could get into his Lair, but more importantly, so Glayd couldn't get out. He made his way downstairs to see how Brandon was doing with the cab.

Word Count: 192
Total Word Count: 958
Total XP: 1

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 15th 2012, 6:07 pm

"How long will it take for you to get here?", Brandon asked to the man on the other end of the phone. "Possibly about 45 minutes or more.", the man replied. "Okay that's good.", Brandon said as he hung up the phone. Brandon turns toward to Zian's mother that let him use the phone in the first place. "Okay, I know that your son brought me here without your knowledge, and I apologize for that. I also know that you may have some questions of why I'm here and I promise that I will answer as much as I can.", Brandon said when Zian popped up to check on him, "Hey Zian, lets sit down for a while, the cab won't be here until an hour or so, so let just sit down and explain to your mother as to what is going on so we can some what ease her worry, okay?", Brandon said as he take a sit across a table and beckons them to sit across him.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 16th 2012, 8:37 am

Once seated his mother listened intently as Zian went through a long-winded explanation about why Brandon was here and where he was going and what must have been going through Glayd's head to destroy Brandon's phone. "And anyway, I promised Glayd a Nano-Bionic suit if he behaved while I was gone. Mom, I'm gonna need you to go in that case under my bed and put the curtain over the window in the far corner of my room. Then step through the window and check up on Glayd at least twice a day to make sure he was behaving. If he's misbehaving, there is a spray bottle on my night stand, spray him with it. He'll know what's up." Zian went up to his room and got Glayd out of his Lair. "Listen Glayd, starting now, I want you to behave. I'm going to sleep, if you behave, then I'll bring you something back from my trip." Glayd growled happily and laid down in his padded mattress in the Lair before Zian took down the curtain. He laid in his own bed now and let sleep wash over him as he waited for the cab.

Word Count: 195
Total Word Count: 1153
Total XP: 2

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 17th 2012, 10:34 pm

After the conversation was finally finished. Brandon watched as Zian go to his room to sleep while the cab arrives. He decided to think about the future of Zian while he sat at the table without getting up. 'I wonder if this is right for Zian.', Brandon thoughted to himself, 'He's practically still in highschool or something.', Brandon continued as he sighed, 'The guys back at the lab will probably put him through extensive observation and analyze his body to find out how he tick.', Brandon thoughted as he closed his eyes, 'Well as least I gave him a choice.', Brandon thoughted as he doze off.

-1 Hour Later-

Brandon woke up to the sound of a horn being on from outside of the house when he remember that he called the cab. "Crap, almost forgot!", Brandon yelled as he rushed upstair to Zians room, "Zian get up, the cab's here!", Brandon yelled as he grabbed Zian's briefcase and hurried down the stairs to go outside get to the cab. When he reached the cab he spoke, "Sorry, I kinda dozed off, but wait for a bit more okay?", Brandon said to the cab driver. The cab driver simply rolls his eyes as he waited where he is.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 21st 2012, 6:26 am

Zian would flinch as he woke up from a deep cat-nap. He got out of his bed and picked up Glayd along with him, "You can't come with me Glayd, okay?" As Glayd was set down on his pallet, he muttered low growls of disappointment, "Remember to behave now." Zian rushed down the stairs to find that Brandon had already taken his suitcase to the cab. He slid into the cab on the side opposite Brandon, "Sorry I'm late, still a bit sleepy." Zian nodded to the cab driver he had never seen in his life and said, "Miss me?" He smirked and leaned his head back, slowly letting himself drift into sleep.

Word Count: 113
Total Word Count: 1266
Total XP: 2

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 21st 2012, 6:21 pm

When Zian arrives and have enter the cab, Brandon smirked a little, "Heh, not much actually.", Brandon said as he enter the cab, "Okay, I need to go to my hotel room to get my stuff.", Brandon said as he told the cab driver the address and drive off. Once Brandon was at his hotel, Brandon got out of the cab and went inside to get his stuff and check out.

When Brandon finally leave the cab driver turned to Zian, "He's lying you know.", the cab driver said as he turned to Zian. "He may be with the government, but does that really make him a good guy?", he asked. "They're all the same, they want to use you to get what they want. And what they want is your powers.", he continued, "I was sent by my organization to get you and recruit you for our cause. Your friend just want to get you to a lab to dissect you, we want to stop them from hurting people like us. Come with me and I promise that I will tell you everything.", he said as he held out his hand.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 23rd 2012, 6:54 pm

(Sorry for the wait, finals coming up so I don't really have time to RP. I didn't even get to finish that new character)

Zian took out his drawing book and began to draw Glayd's super-suit. Without looking up he responded, "And I should listen to you why. How would I know you even know what you're talking about. Hell, if you're so smart, why are you chauffeuring me around?" He continued to draw, his power gave it color as he drew. It was black with a dark green trim that matched Glayd's own skin, and it also had a white belt. It only opened at the neck and arms and legs, and around the neck hole, a symbiotic, black and dark green helmet that can be related to a motorcyclist's bike helmet. "Sides, they try anything I'm not comfortable with, I can unleash The Juggernaut on them." The suit was a nano-bionic, symbiotic super-suit. It enhances one's strength, acuity, and speed drastically, and it even allots the user some EP abilities, but only generic abilities.

Word Count: 152
Total Word Count: 1418
Total XP: 2

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 27
Location : In My Archives
Age : 27
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by The Conspiracy May 23rd 2012, 7:36 pm


The driver simply stared at Zian apparent declining his offer, "Heh, guess that's a good choice anyway.", the driver said as his entire eyes begin turning black, "And to answer your first and second question, it's so we can use you and to 'blend' in.", he said as the ground began trembling. "You see Zian, that is your name from my intel gave me right?", the driver said, "We want to start a race between us and those weak humans. Why? Because we are so much better than them.", the driver said as the asphalt road they were on swallowed the entire car underground. "And also, you don't have a choice.", the driver said as the cab is being 'push' through the ground and taking both Zian and him some where.


Brandon was just in his hotel room when the ground began trembling. "Woah.", Brandon said as he steady himself on a nightstand. He looked around and found his briefcase with his cloths ransacked. "Oh, this is not good.", Brandon said to himself as he went to the hotel phone to use to call someone. He dial some series of random numbers about 20 numbers long when the other end picked up, "What is it.", said the voice of the woman from this morning. "I think someone else got eyes on Okassi also.", Brandon said as he went to the point. The other end was silent until he spoke again, "Okay, just stay where you are with Okassi until a team get there, understood?", she ordered. "Understood.", he said as another tremor hits the hotel that cause some objects to fall. "What's happening?", the woman asked. Brandon looked out of the window to see that the cab is gone and with a huge crater replacing on where it was, "Okassi's gone.", he simply said. The other was silent again, "Go find him now, I don't care if there's any leads or not, go find him now.", the woman demanded. Brandon hanged up the phone and quickly got out of the hotel to find some clues as to where Zian and the cab went.
The Conspiracy

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2012-03-03

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It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Empty Re: It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner]

Post by AxSyssXT May 24th 2012, 12:05 pm

Zian remained calm as the cab fell underground. He'd rather be in Hell before he let this villain see he was nervous. "Hey, Driver. I want you to see something I drew." He marked off a drawing of a venomous Wandering Spider's web. He directed the textbook at him and the spider appeared in the crease. It raised it's two front legs in warning and the web shot out of the book at his face. It launched the wandering spider into his eyes, but the webbing was bound so close to his fice, the spider couldn't even move, let alone bite him. Zian climbed out of the window, but was falling into the sinkhole now. He marked off on a crude drawing of a grappling hook and launched it at the mouth of the hole. It hooked onto something nearby and he began to climb, his heart was pounding with adrenaline now. He climbed rigorously, but the line snapped, "Curse you, crude drawing of a grappling hook." He screamed at the top of his lungs as he fell back into the sinkhole. He marked off on a bouncy castle he had no idea why he drew in the first place, but it sure saved his life. "Now I remember why I drew that bouncy castle. Now how do I get out of here." He mused and mused, until he remembered a cartoon he used to watch. He quickly drew a picture of a character from a show called Chaotic. The creature was a Scouter by trade, and an Underworlder as well, so he may know what's down here. "Rarran, can you try and find us a way out." The red-haired green bat-like creature responded quickly, "Of course I can, for a nominal fee." Zian just rolled his eyes, "How about if I don't die, then you don't either." The bat jumped onto his feet, "Alright, that works too. And I'm off."

Word Count: 321
Total WC: 1739
Total XP: 3

It's a Matter of National Security [AxSyssXT & EndZoner] Okassipowergrid

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Registration date : 2012-04-22

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