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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Ranger April 8th 2012, 7:44 pm

The Ranger sighed as he exited the secret ‘Phantom Lair’ running out at full speed, and then continuing on into the ‘great’ city of Chicago. It was only a day after he had proposed to Rebecca, or Paine, and she had returned to New York to spend some time with her father. He sprinted up the side of a building and looked down upon the city that lay before him knowing that even though it looked to be calm not all was right as it seemed. In Chicago there was always something going on, always crime happening even if it was patrolled by the ‘infamous’ Phantoms but other heroes as well it seemed he scum of the earth still wanted to come out and mess around.

Today though he was not going to let them do damage to his city, he would make this place perfect and crime free for when his Fiancé returned home to him as well as his daughter from the future. By now he had come to accept that fact and even now he was considering offering her a room in his own house if she wanted it but only time would tell. He tuned in the Phantom Communicator to the police frequency and shook his head hearing stories on it about a freak of nature running through some park and dogs were randomly disappearing. All this was confusing and strange to his ears but still he decided he would check it out even if it was just for the laughs later on.

So with that he raced off jumping off the edge of the building and using his gloves to slide down the building and slow his decent so he doesn’t end up killing himself. Once his first foot touched the ground he was off once again, heading towards the park mentioned on the frequency as fast as he could. Once there he came to a stop and looked in amusement, though of course it did not show on his stone cold face, at the scene before him. He didn’t know what to think of it to be honest for there was no one there anymore except for some sort of creature, a creature that he couldn’t quite explain what it was. He had never seen anything like it before it was some sort of mutant fishy alien type thing; shaking his head he walked up to it hands in the air. “I mean you no harm, would you like some help?”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by Maul April 8th 2012, 8:42 pm

Savath looked up from his kill, orange eyes stared at the man from behind thin veiled skin, he turned his body facing the man as his tail flicked dangerously and stepped forward. "I have no need of help, help is for the helpless or lost and I'm not either. I haven't done anything wrong unless suddenly stray dogs missing is a crime." His hand flicked out lifting the remains of the dog and threw it behind a bush, barbed tongue slid out licking away the blood. His eyes flicked to the bow on the man's back and his claws curved ready to attack if need be.

He stepped forward staring down his long neck at the man. "I'm Savath, can I help you with something or did you just come to stare?" Ever since he started hanging around people came to watch him do this or took pictures. He had dealt with more cops here than in New York, none that actually got close to them all they did was pull there guns and shoot. Had it not been for all the witnesses he might have made a example out of those people. Now here was another person coming to watch least this guy spoke to him. Savath eyed the man up and down taking in everything about him and got the feeling fighting this guy would be harder than the one's before.

He took a step back not out of fear but preperation for if he was attacked he wanted the time to react. "Obviously you came here for a reason, what that reason was I don't know yet but I'm guessing it was something. It wasn't to fight me otherwise you would have attacked me." Savath watched the man a little longer and sighed. Was the world always going to question everything he did?

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Registration date : 2012-04-06

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Infiltrator April 8th 2012, 9:42 pm

Jason had just gotten off a plane in Chicago for a little rest and relaxation. He had been traveling all over the country trying to find the rest of the test subjects of project command but he came up with dead ends every time. Instead of sitting in the hotel room; he wanted to go outside for some fresh air. As he walked through the streets of Chicago he took out a cigarette and lit taking long drags on it. He usually did not smoke but today he felt like he needed to pick up and old habit for a little while.

As he came to the crosswalk, he walked across traffic heading into the park. When he arrived in the park he saw some weird gray creature talking to a young male who could be in his early to late twenties. Jason thought about saying the command words for his armor but wanted to see if this creature was friend or for. Jason walked up on the two lighting a new cigarette and kept it close to his mouth getting ready to take another drag. "Hmm an grey looking creature and a bleach blonde boy. Now what is going on?"

In suit
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) FNPbE

Out of suit
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) EAf7x
The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator

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Registration date : 2012-02-18

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Ranger April 8th 2012, 10:52 pm

The Crimson Archer watched and listened to what the alien, he had no better choice of words to use as of now, said and did. When he, well Ranger assumed it was a male, looked at the bows he slid them off his back and onto the ground simply to show that he meant no harm. But he kept them just close enough to also let the thing know if it attacked he would be ready to take it down. “I am The Ranger….and I did not come to stare I simply came to see what all the fuss was about, because as you said missing dogs is not a crime but eating and stealing what does not belong to you is.” He spoke out to Savath while continuing to ‘size him up’ in every way, it was obvious that he was fast from the legs, strong from how he flicked the dog, and probably very tough to hit which could be seen from the scales.

Nodding his head to the next thing he continued on in his deep, low, sarcastic sounding voice. “You are correct I did not come here to fight you, simply to see what was disturbing my good people of Chicago, and if you promise not to eat anymore dogs that belong to people I could show you around.” He spoke out hands now above his head showing he means no harm, Savath may look ferocious but it seemed he was one of the harmless unless provoked kind of guys. That and he did not seem truly evil just doing what he had to survive and this Rey could deal with, and maybe just maybe they could learn a thing or two from each other. From the shape of the things legs it was obvious he was probably much faster than Ranger was as of now and could go long distances, and to that Ranger could teach Savath a thing or two about Earth and what is expected on the planet.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by Maul April 9th 2012, 10:08 am

Savath stared at the Ranger for a long moment. "Humans have lied to me before...but I do not think you are. It is hard to tell what belongs to somene and what doen't when dogs run the city in packs. I apologize for eating someones pet for sometimes that is a persons only friend. But I can not eat the stuff you humans make. I eat raw food fresh from the hunt...I shall not lie. Human is preferred by my species, however since I live here it would not do to eat them. I know people are......touchy about being thought of as food but to my race that is they are." As he spke he noticed the other man walk up to them, his tail moved on the ground so the bladed spike was ready to strike if he needed it to.

Savath turned his head back to Ranger. "I am not causing harm to people, and I have harmed no one. Ok....I beat up this guy in new York but he attacked first, than a dwarf man here in this city who could heal yet he challenged me. I do not go looking for trouble....but when you look like thi it tends to find it. People look at me and see a alien which I understand, however they forget to realize that you to me our the Aliens. Soft and warm aliens who would make a good meal....." he shook his head trying to shake away the thoughts. "I apologize, it feels like I have eaten nothing but that tofu some of you humans like. Animals are not very feeling." As he talked which he used as a way to kep things civil he was examining the man with a predators eye. The man was obviously skilled with his weapons, the simple way he stood told him a master of his trade. Strong and experienced, the man still had the smell of old battle on him. Savath didn't doubt the man was smarter than him either, he was never really the top of his class...not that his kind studied what humans studied. They were hunters, predators, in a world where only the fittest survived. The man was strong but it seemed he had the same soft flesh of the rest of his kind. That would be his weakess....but neither of them was looking for a fight this day.

Savath wondered what he could learn from this man, not use and throw away, he was a predator and a hunter always learned about his terrain and the animals within. This "Ranger" as he called himself would have made a fine hunter on his world....he may not have survived very long but longer than most of the people here. Than again it wasn't unknown for one of his own kind to vanish down the gullet of the animals on his planet. The new man however was less intriguing and seemed more of a....what did the people call it? a Third wheel. Savath however wasn't ready to be rude. "My armored flesh is black...not grey. Thank you, and who are you?" The entire time he spoke he prepared himself, if it turned to two on one he was prepared to use his speed and retreat. He had no doubt that Ranger was one of those people the humans called "Hero" and he had no intention of tangling with one until he figured out where he himself belonged on that scale. As for now though it was two people and a Alien in a park at night standing in a semi-circle. A lot of things could happen in seconds even more in minutes. But a fight tonight was not on his agenda.

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Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2012-04-06

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Infiltrator April 9th 2012, 6:44 pm

Jason stood slient as the alien spoke to the one called the Ranger; he would have interjected but he had no reason to so he remained silent until the alien creature turned his attention to him. "The name is Jason but when I am at work people call the Infiltrator. I did not come here to harm you but to see what your agenda was. For right now I can see you are not looking for a fight but trying to find you way around this place. Listen two guys and alien creature does not look good in this place, lets go find somewhere better where we can sit down and talk. If that is okay?" Jason took his cigarette and rubbed it against the back of his gun on his hip.

In suit
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) FNPbE

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) EAf7x
The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator

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Registration date : 2012-02-18

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Ranger April 9th 2012, 10:22 pm

The Ranger nodded listening to everything the alien, or Saavath, knowing what he said to be true. He could see it in his bodily structure though some said 'Vampires' were the apex predators but you could easily tell that this being was truly the apex predator. When he mentioned tofu Ranger shook his head, “Tofu is not real meat, don’t ever it eat, trust me on this one.” He muttered and then ran over everything in his head that he had heard taking it all in wondering what exactly he could do to help Savath in this situation. He was obviously a hunter so maybe good hunting grounds, and what season was which, being from Atlanta originally he knew all about hunting regulations and what not. “Well…first off its deer season so you could try to go to Atlanta, Georgia and hunt as much deer as you want there without getting called out on it. Just don’t hunt the ones without antlers, or horns, or you’ll have the blue boys storming you.” He spoke just loud enough so he could hear and then rolled his neck knowing that it wouldn’t be enough to keep him happy. It was obvious what he wanted was human flesh, but that was not something he was going to allow him to have, most humans though weak in stature were still beings that could talk and fight back. Yes it was ‘survivor of the fittest’ and all but they could stand their ground and able to build to survive, plus they were his people and he would not allow them to be fed on like a happy meal it McDonalds. Thinking of that he turned to him again, “Oh, I know you said you don’t eat human food but EVER, and I mean never, eat at the place with the golden arch or M…worst food for you in the world.” He muttered once again then turned his eyes upon the new comer and raised an eyebrow, “and where do you suggest exactly.” The Phantom spoke picking his bows back up and slinging them over his back, if the guy was from Chicago, Atlanta, or anywhere else for that matter now after the incidence with Janus he would know whom he was.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Age : 27
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by Maul April 10th 2012, 6:24 pm

Savath laughed. "I have had deer and I may do that, I was shot at already for eating something you humans called you eat them I just don't understand. There more fat than meat and they taste horrible. And do not worry,I shall not eat at the pace you mentioned for I do not eat your kind of food." He looked at the other man who suggested going somewhere else and it made Savath look around. "Why? There is no one here and if someone does come across us they will probably run than intervene. I'm not really wearing a sign that says approach me I'm harmless." Savath was beginning to wonder if this was what a Hero did. Talk alot and try and make peace...then again it was better than war. "I must apologize I am a mover, i don't do very good with talking since your language is hard on my throat. We use growls and slight tappings to speak to each other when hunting. When normal we use body language or a series of growls." He looked around wondering what was next. "Show me what a Hero does."

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Registration date : 2012-04-06

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) Empty Re: What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator)

Post by The Infiltrator April 12th 2012, 5:17 pm

"True that I is understandable. They do say that English is the hardest language to learn." Jason studied the alien some more trying to figure out some more about him without asking about it. As he looked at the alien he could see curiosity on his what could be face. "Show you what a hero does...that could be hard considering we are in a park and not on the streets. Heroes do numerous things like breaking up drug deals, stopping rapes and murders and etc. It all depends on what is going on at that time and place." Jason looked up and around at the park around them; he was keeping an eye out for potential trouble makers or people who would want to put this on the internet for everybody to see that there was an actually alien in the park.

In suit
What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) FNPbE

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What are you? (closed to Savath...and Inflitrator) EAf7x
The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator

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Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2012-02-18

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