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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Ember_Fangs March 29th 2012, 5:05 pm

Florida was hot. Arabella had had to buy basically a whole new wardrobe for the hot state she had travelled in. Right now, Romania would be barely above 10 degrees and yet here it was bordering on 25/26 degrees. This suddenly temperature change had led to her ditching her usual thick moose hide trousers and fox lined coat and embracing the summer Romanian fashion. American fashion still bemused her - why women would wish to wear short shorts which gave them butt cleave rage was a mystery to her. The men looked at them as if they were an object, not a real person. Ari was quite content with being the one out of place, the one with a different style. She liked to stand out in the crowd and show her uniqueness. So instead of the butt-bra's and tiny tops which hardly covered the women's fake breasts, Ari had donned a crop white blouse that came off the shoulders and revealed her creamy skin which was marred only by the precious ink which had created her wings. Below the blouse was a wide stripe of toned, flat stomach and again the tips of those beautiful wings. Under that was the Gypsy brown cotton skirt which fell to just above her knees and hung low on her hips. Instead of the beach like sandals however, she had stuck to her brown ankle boots which gave her an effective, cute and rather pretty appeal. Her copper curls were scooped away from her face and into a loose bun with a few strands tickling her temples and the back of her neck. Ari made her way along the beach shore and then stopped where the amusements began and flexed her fingers. Playing on the beach sounded like a good place to start when coming to a new country. The only person she knew in the America's was a woman who went by the name 'Scarletta' who had arrived in Romania a while back on the hunt for some odd creature or another. But then she had hardly spoke to the woman and the blonde Englander had stayed only one night before continuing.

She set down the case she carried on her back which contained the twin blades she and her lover had made before he went to war and then tipped the odd little hat she had been wearing upside down in order collect coins. She chew out her grandmother's throwing blades then and lined them up. A few people, curious as to what she was doing, lingered and watched the tender care with which Ari handled the silver blades. Picking them up she spoke their name in turn to the audience, holding them by the tip so they glittered in the sun. Once she was done she threw two into the air where they spun and caught one, throwing one of the other of her blades before catching the second of the blades she had thrown. After a while she had all six of the Grandmother's blades spinning in the air in intricate patterns of loops and bows. Lost in her own little world, Ari kept the audience hooked right through until sunset, where the ache in her arms began to grow and she could no longer ignore the needs of a woman which were chocolate and a good bed. Packing up her things she collected the dollar bills she had earned and made her way along the Pier.

It had been a peaceful day until now. Ari had actually began to believe America was not as scary as everyone made it out to be. Until then. The shock rocked the entire pier and for a heart leaping moment she believed that the thing was going to break and she was going to be in that water in a matter of seconds. Then everything went quiet. Eerily quiet. Ari turned sharply on her heel and retreated away from the wooden pier she vowed not to step on again which was when she caught sight of the pleasure beach. A thin smoke of flame had crept into the sky and before she knew it, Ari was running for it. A moment of clarity over came her in which she wondered WHY the HELL she was running towards the theme park where the god awful noise had come from. The big wheel in the park was the source of the commotion. The thing had began to topple, caused by an explosion set off by the escaping lunatic nobody seemed to have notice. Torn between going after the shifty looking nutter and helping the people on the big wheel a child's scream is what made her decision. She shot towards the wheel which many people were running from and glanced up to see several children and adults suspended in the air and locked in place. The girls scream came again and Ari's eyes snapped to the young girl, no more than 10, who was slipping out from under the barrier of the wheel. A mother was on the floor screaming and Ari's head was beginning to hurt. Muttering a Romanian curse she began to take off the shoulder holder with her twin blades in. Her wings slowly expanded and a few people stopped to gawp as the fairy wings beat twice before she leapt into the air.

"Hold on darling," Ari muttered, landing on the pole she scooped the child into her arms and balanced her on her hip. She could see the man who had been running from the crime and she ached to go after him. Instead she turned her attention to the awed eyes and smiled before she fluttered down to the ground, handing the child to her mother. The girl murmured something about faeries being real but Ari was already in the air and going for the next unfortunate soul.
"Someone go after that man!" she snapped, hoping there was others on the ground who could help. "And don't just stand there, this thing is going down. I could use a little HELP," were all American's like this?

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Troglodyte April 4th 2012, 3:03 pm

Florida was indeed hot, although the hero of this little story was little bothered by extreme heat, nor was he bothered by extreme colds. In fact, all naturally occuring temperatures on this green earth was considered quite comfortable to the Great, Grunting, Gargantuan Guy known as Captain Caveman or The Primordial to the general public and as Gwharr by the handfull of people he would consider his friends. Despite the seeming heat our Proud, Primitive Protagonist was dressed in a heavy overcoat and long pants as he sat on his rooftop gazing out over the sunny waterfront he was currently visiting. Despite the inviting way that the sun was reflected in the deep blue waters The Careful and Cautious Caveman was well aware that swimming in it would only lead to more problems somehow. He had tried swimming in the Hudson back in New York City and it had gotten him nothing but pollution in his hair.

He had no love for this place and planned to go back to his New-York based caverns somewhere in the near future, but due to a recent fight he had been involved in in Central Park he had decided to keep away from there for a few days, so that all the noisy boys in blue would stop looking after him. He had never really understand why they kept trying to push him around, since he had made it painfully clear that his gripe was not with them, but with the father-killer and Tiresome, Technocratic Terrorist known as Tek and the currently unknown evil witch that had seemed to be the Meticulous, Malevolent MasterMind behind the whole operation. In more than one way he had been doing those silly blue-boys a favour, since it meant that they themselves had no need to waste valuble time and rescources to contain the whole situation in Central park and capture the annoying father-killer and the Witch-bitch themselves. He felt a bit like Tarzan from that movie he had seen on TV a few weeks ago, all big, strong, vastly stronger than any of the ordinary folks, master of his own domain out in the jungle (or in his case, the past) But entirely lost, like a fish out of water in these civilized area. For a moment he wondered if Tarzan was real. Maybe they could become friends and establish neighboring kingdoms so that they could visit one another every day.

However, it seemed that our Oversized, Ogre-like, Obtuse Oldtimer would have very little time to engage in sitting and moping on rooftops. Evil was once again afot. At first he saw a fire on the pier. A big strange wheel that he had never really understood the purpose of was on fire, and it seemed some sort of strange flying, Fly-like woman was on the case, saving the people from the burning wheel. However, she was yelling for assistance, pointing at a man escaping the scene, describing him as the perpetrator of the crime. Gwharr decided that even though he did not really want to, he was honor-bound to interject. He would be damned if he would let someone that would hurt innocent children get away from such a heinous crime.

Gwharr quickly rose to his feet, beating his oversized chest fiercly and roared loudly like a Massive, Mad Monster from any of the old-timey mythologies might have done if they had existed. After this little display, that failed to catch much attention due to blazing ferris-wheel was ended, Gwharr leapt into action, quite literally. His massive leg muscles propelled him high into the air before his descent started, first slowly but quickly increasing in velocity. And just as he had calculated when he first left the ground he landed straight on the rather surprised-looking evil-doer reducing him to a bloody, wet spot on the ground, with the rather humorous side-effect of having blood and liquefied guts and innards splashing up at the bystanders that were closest!. Mission accomplished!

He then proceeded to rush towards the ferris-wheel, rushing towards it in a manner remniscent of that of a gorilla, using both of his oversized arms to pull himself forward rather than exclusively using his legs for locomotion like most people did. He quickly grabbed ahold of the ferris-wheel to steady the blazing construct, preventing it from simply toppling over as the flying fly-woman flew up there to save the remaining passengers
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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Ember_Fangs April 5th 2012, 10:57 am

Ari swore rather colourfully when someone yanked the Ferris Wheel upright causing her to slip on the metal while holding one of the last people who she had to get off of the ride. The thing was coming up in flames and Ari was finding it hard to see and to breathe at this moment in time. The boy she was currently holding, brother of the last boy she had saved, had begun to cry despite being a 'big boy now' and insisting his younger brother be rescued first. He buried his face in the side of her neck and she grabbed the pole above her head to steady herself while the wheel was straightened by some unknown force, something or someone she couldn't see through the black smoke.

"It's going to be okay kid," she murmured and edged her way along the metal bar slowly in order to find a bit of the sky which wasn't clouded in smoke. She didn't really want to land on another ride or on a person below her. Gently her wings began to beat, pushing away a little of the smoke before lifting her into the air. The wind caught her hair and yanked the hair tie out of the thick length, causing her hair to cascade down her back to the small of her back. Annoyed she was now blinded by smoke and hair she very carefully lowered herself to the ground which was now visible thanks to the sudden gust of wind. The woman whose child was refusing to let go of Ari rushed over and pried her child from the 'faerie' before rushing off to get him checked over by the ambulance who had arrived on site. The fire fighters were setting out the flame and everything seemed to be slowly returning to normal. Arabella glanced to the person still supporting the Ferris Wheel and snapped her wings shut against her back with a little 'twap' whilst marching over to the man.

"Thank you," she said in her thick, Romanian accent and nodded her head in a rather business like fashion. the smoke was still blurring the man's figure so she hadn't really got a proper look at him until the last of the flames was put out and she wiped her eyes. Then did she see exactly how huge the guy was.

"Oh Mother Mary..." she whispered, blinking at such a tall man.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
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Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Troglodyte April 7th 2012, 4:13 pm

Gwharr could feel the heat emnate from the fire, but it did nothing to him. The ony worry he had when it came to the fire was the fact that he was wearing his favourite coat today, and that it might catch fire if this blaze got any worse. The smoke did not bother our hero as much, since he was more than capable of holding his breath for far longer than it could possibly take the flying woman to get all of the goonies to safety! He simply decided that the best thing he could probably do for now was to stand still and hold this whole construction steady, trying to buy the Flying bug-girl as much time as he possibly could to get the passengers out. However, the Crude, Carnivorous Caveman was not exactly pleased by his role in this little rescue. He preffered to leap about, hitting things, ripping stuff aparts and whatnot, not just stand here and holding some stupid contraction stead so that someone else could do all of the fun stuff. Still, there had be no time to take a vote on who was boing to do what, or anything like that, so he simply had to what needed to be done, even if that thing was rather boring and possibly hazard for his favourite Coat.

Due to the thick smoke that enveloped him he could not really see what was going on around him, but he could hear the excited babbling off the crowd, and the occasional shriek of some of the poor unfortunate passengers above him. However, the shrieks soon grew less and less common, nd soon stopped entirely, but the Humungous, Heroic, Heavy-Hitter felt it was probably best to keep his hands on it. The way it felt much heavier than earlier, he figured that the supports had weakened to the mild degree so that the whole wheel would topple over the moment he let go of it. He could not simply allow that to happen untill he had a clear area to set it down, so that nobody would get crushed by it. And to find a clear area he had to wait untill at least some of the smoke around him would be gone. Normally he would have done it himself, by using one of his infamous megaton-handclaps but right now, he was unable due to his hands being busy with holding this thing up.

"To be happy to help." The gargantuan said, his lips parting into an uncharacteristically pleasant smile for a monstrously hairy ape-like creature. The smile was made less pleasant whne it revealed a revealing a set of suprisingly white, suspiciously large and Uncomfortably sharp. The teeth of a predator. Even though she lacked the small dragonfly-like wings she had sported earlier, Gwharr recognized the woman, mostly by her clothes and their rather unusual appearance.

"To think support broken. To need place to set down wheel. To help?" The Massively Muscular Monstrosity asked her, his inhumanly deep voice slightly strained from holding the gigantic wheel up almost entirely by his own muscle-power by now.
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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Ember_Fangs April 8th 2012, 8:26 am

Arabella wasn't sure how to act around the large man and when he asked for help she really was not sure how she could help. He needed to set it down in an area that was clear of people... With a nod to his question she unfolded her wings which beat twice before increasing in movement, moving the smoke away from the caveman so he could see the area around him. She smiled and then let the wings lift her into the air before she darted off to secure the area. Most people of course did not want to move - who would when there was a real life faerie and a caveman around? There were flashes of cameras and Ari took a lot of effort to keep her face away from the camera by flying under the sun in order to ruin their camera flash. It took a good five minutes to convince the crowds to move back before she returned to the caveman.

"You can put it down now," she nodded. "I've cleared the area," she glanced at the big structure. She wasn't sure how else she could help. She was strong by human standards but she wasn't ape-shit strong like this guy. She'd probably end up crushing herself in attempting to help. The smoke was clear and the people were moved back, he'd have to take the heavy lifting on his own.

"My name's Arabella," she nodded to the man once he had set down the construction. Suit guys were streaming all over the place. "Did you see the guy who did this?" she frowned, having not seen Gwharr literally turn the man into a pile of mush.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Troglodyte April 8th 2012, 3:33 pm

Gwharr had no problem holding the wheel upright once he had found the proper balance. He had already considered throwing it in the water, but even though eh thought he might have the strength to perform such a feet, hurling something of this magnitude over a crowd full of somewhat friendly folks was probably considered a big No-No, by those horribly annoying boys in blue that tended to end up and shoot at him whenever he decided that it would be a good time to punch a few walls, or that the town needed some re-decorating or something equally innocent. He knew that some day he would have enough of their incessant hounding, and instead of running away from them, he would retaliate, and rip as many of them as he could to pieces to teach the survivors a lesson in what happens when you piss of a superpowered caveman.

The Stoic, Super-Strong, Strained Slayer snapped out of his thoughts of the police as he heard the agonized groan of metal, and a sudden clonk. The wheel immediately became a shole lot more difficult to steady, due to the grid-iron beams supporting collapsing over the caveman. However, Just as the Wheel began to topple over to the left, threatening the lives of the strangely passive crowd, standing around taking picture, wowing at the sight of two real-life super-heroes Gwharr managed to find a new grip, and slowly push it back up, so that the bystanders would need to die by ferrie-wheel, as it would have been quite an embarrassing death indeed. He released the grip of one of his hands, and placed an arm under the wheel, stretching out as far as he possibly could and hoisting it up on his shoulders, managing to balance the great weight to avoid inadvertingly dropping or breaking it. If looked at from the right angle he looked sort of like Atlas the titan, who was forced to hold up the world. The Poor Ferocious, Frustratingly Feebleminded Fighter was aware of the old stories of Atlas and hoped that the Dragonfly-woman would not make him stand here with this stupid wheel for THAT l ong before finding somewhere to put it down.

However, the woman seemed to return after five minutes (although, in Gwharrs rather bored state it felt more like fifteen minutes.) He nodded and smiled slightly."To be good. To hold big wheel be very dull." The Giant said, as he slowly turned around, backing up a few feet before finally slowly, laying the wheel down on the groud, putting in some effort to put it down on its side, so that it would not roll away and inadvertedly hurt someone, in the fashion that scientific things usually seemed to do if left to their own devices.

Gwharr adjusted his coat slightly as the woman introduced himself, asking for what happened to the man responsible for the destruction of the ferris-wheel. Gwharr merely nodded and pointed to a great red stain further along the pier, in wich center there lay something that might once have been a man, but now seemed to be the bits of everything to make a walking talking human, all spread out over a 7-yard radius. "Stopped him." The Crude, Cranially Challenged Caveman said proudly, nodding, somewhat akin to a small boy that had finally managed to learn the alphabet and is very proud to tell his teacher

"To be the Primordial!" He said loudly, causing a few of the heads in the crowd to look at one another hesitantly, babbling slightly for a few seconds before a great big cheer rose from the audiance of the two heroic saviors.
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Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open- Empty Re: Hey Lady, are those real!? -Open-

Post by Ember_Fangs April 9th 2012, 12:52 pm

Arabella tried to smile and it appeared more of a grimace. She really hated crowds of people. Ducking her head when people started snapping pictures again she turned to face the caveman who luckily blocked her from the other side of citizens.
"Well, thank you for your help," she nodded with a smile, shook his hand and then beat her wings slowly to lift her into the air. "Cya around big guy," she gave him a two fingered salute, checked her blades on her back and then shot for the cover of the clouds, her wings casting rainbows over the upturned faces of the people below.

End of Topic ~

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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