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a very long day

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a very long day - Page 2 Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 12th 2011, 12:33 pm

The sounds of bone scraping bone are muffled by Derek's skin as his spinal column and neck worked its way back into place. Then with a large gasp of air his lungs filled with sweet oxygen, it was a beautiful sight and yet it almost made your blood curdle. Blood Wraith raised his back up off the floor sitting straight up, he then yawned and stretched and looked over to the red lady and her canine companion. He looked frightened,no he looked terrified he couldn't remember a thing about today.

WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!....dude they're our friends remember they saved us...lies all lies why do you have to lie to me so...I'm not lying in fact I am you so why would I lie to myself tell me that...because your evil?

Derek jumped up and went back to cooking the steaks watching his house guest out of the corner of his eye as though they were there to kidnap him, but none the less he found warmth from them and learned to finally relax himself once more.

At last with a "SSSSS" the steaks come off the skillet and were ready for the one known as wolf. Twelve steaks are slapped onto a single plate in the manor of a stack of meaty pancakes, and then two more steaks are prepared on seperate plates. One in which he hands to his new friend "Red".

"Now I know I didn't ask but who turns down steak? besides when was the last time you actually ate a home cooked meal?

Derek mumbles this as he sat down at the kitchen table fork and knife in hand ready to dig in stuffing his stomach till he could no more

Blood Wraith
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Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day - Page 2 Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 13th 2011, 2:00 am

Sahara stared up at Derek with something between horror and fear, before carefully glancing at Grey out of the corner of her eye. This guy... There was something wrong with this guy, in a way she wasn't sure how to classify. But if he was unstable, the last thing she wanted to do was set him off, so she stood and accepted the steak he offered her.

"I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a while," she admitted carefully, moving to sit on the opposite side of the table from Wraith. Grey, for his part, stared hard at Wraith with wide eyes, scarcely even blinking; his behavior was enough that the canine was even finding it hard to look away from him to try and eat. He didn't trust him not to suddenly lash out and hurt Sahara. "Do you cook often?" she asked, hoping maybe a bit of normal conversation might make him act a bit more normal as she took a careful bite off the corner of a piece of her steak.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day - Page 2 Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 13th 2011, 3:29 pm

As the night carried through Derek learned what it was like to actually converse with someone once more it has been quite a few years. The girl sitting across from him steak in hand had been the only person he could call a friend since the secret war. As thoughts of his old war buddies filled his head he couldn't help but to stare across the table with a twinkle in his eye.

Hey uh...Sahara do you mind if I tell you something kinda personal?.....of course she does just leave her alone she doesn't want to know how we got like this.....How do you know?

Wraith became flustered with himself his cheeks turned almost as red as his suit and he hung his head looking down at the wolf under his table, sometimes it was a bear to have multiple personalities especially when it came to making friends. He wanted to get this off his chest and he didn't know who else to talk to because he had no one else. Derek takes a deep breath stabs his steak leaving his fork standing, he then released his breath in on giant sigh.

"I don't know if you consider yourself my friend yet or not but do you mind if I tell you the story of how i got my powers

The pains of his past was surfacing and he didn't know what to do about them.

a very long day - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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a very long day - Page 2 Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Wolf and Red December 16th 2011, 4:10 pm

The girl frowned, a little confused by the request. "...Alright, I guess," she agreed after a moment. "You were nice enough to make us food after all. I suppose that does make us friends."

On the floor, Grey had finished his pile of steaks, and, satisfied for the first time in over a year, he trotted over to where Sahara was sitting. He laid down next to the chair, whining very softly as he watched Derek with bright yellow eyes. He didn't like the guy, he was too weird, but... Sahara was right about the steaks.

Samuel Greyson, aka Wolf

Sierra Greyson, aka Red
Wolf and Red
Wolf and Red

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Job : Odd jobs
Registration date : 2011-12-06

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a very long day - Page 2 Empty Re: a very long day

Post by Blood Wraith December 18th 2011, 6:59 pm

Dereks head dropped as he began to remember all the painful situations he had been in, all the friends he lost that night.

"The truth is I was born with these powers, but thats not my story my true story began as a Navy Seal. It was a late night mission there was atleast a good 2 foot of couldn''t even tell the tree's were tree's they just looked like giant snowy white cones.It was one of the coldest nights I have ever encountered we were to hit the russian military and put an end to they're secret service unit, but.....

Blood Wraith's head dropped into his hands as he hunched over and his mask began to soak up his tears.

"but things didn't work out that way I lost my best friend that night,my sanity it all went to hell when they spotted us that snowy night. They spotted us just up the bluff from they're base camp and we took fire it wasn't five minutes in untill I noticed Estevez was down he was the closest thing I had left to a family. Next thing I know were taking on Mortar fire and my leg was gone the best I could do was prop myself up to a tree untill it healed and that was my mistake.

Then the tears came hard and fierce from Dereks eyes as he looked up at the girl in the red hood. He removed his mask to reveal a horridly scared face covered in tears.

" The Russians watched as my leg grew back with ease,so they captured me I would spend the next 4 years in a russian lab prison. All I could do was allow them to cut, and prod at me give me skin graphs when they werent needed just to see if my face would go back to didn't....."

Wraith pounded the table in anger, he felt the helplessness he had over those horrid four years it pained him once more you could see it in his eye's.

"But dude if that wouldn't of happened then you would have never met me....Your right that is when Blood Wraith came into my life one day I was in my cell and I could hear this voice telling me it was time to make my escape...OOOO OOOO THAT WAS ME!!!.....It was Blood Wraith later that night we befriended one of the prison guards offered him the secrets to my power he fell for it and that was the bastards last mistake.

By now Derek was half grinning as he relived the night of his escape.

a very long day - Page 2 Bloodp
Blood Wraith
Blood Wraith
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-09-30

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