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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird November 9th 2011, 10:04 pm

Andree was perched on the top of a gargoyle on one the taller towers of Chicago. Over to her right she could see the river and the lights of the cars making their way across the bridges. She had been here about a week but it felt like a year to her for some reason the time just passed slowly. She held the police radio that she "borrowed" after sneaking into the police station. How else was she supposed to know what was going on? The radio spewed out static while she searched for a working station. After finding the right one she heard the voice on the other end, "We have a 211 in progress at the National Bank of Chicago. I repeat, we have a 211 in progress at the National Bank of Chicago."

This is what she was looking for, something in this city. It was highly unlikely it would be a quiet night. She jumped off the edge of the gargoyle, arms outstretched so that her cape would catch the wind. It worked as she had planned and she used it to glide towards the bank. She noticed the police cars as she was over the street by the bank. She pulled in her cape to increase her speed and landed upon the bank's roof. The shouts from the cops below could be heard, unsure of what had just passed over them. As she approached the backdoor and tried the door handle which was locked as she expected. She pulled back her hood and removed a hair pin from her hair before pulling the hood back up to hide her face. She inserted the pin into the lock and opened it up. After entering she closed the door and looked around. She was in the foyer and noticed the dead bodies littering the floor. He would most likely be inside the vault right now so she moved to the vault at full speed, stopping right at the open door. "Well, hello there." She said to the bank robber, pulling out her staff and extending it. "How about you just give up now? It'll save us both a lot of time and it will also save you some broken bones." She acted a bit cocky though was contemplating different attack patterns in her head. First step, distract the target with a smoke pellet. Second, activate advanced vision. Charge towards him with a blow to the side from my staff. Follow up with a quick jab at the stomach before knocking out his knees with an attack from my staff. Next, bring the staff around his neck and pull him to the ground. If this tactic does not succeed try a cross to the cheek before weakening the right jaw. Heel kick his ribs. Smash my staff into his ribs before fracturing his jaw with it. Quickly knock out his legs before pinning him tot he wall and knocking him out. Her hand was drawn to the smoke pellet, anticipating his next move and getting ready to use her first strategy.

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic November 11th 2011, 6:06 am

Darryl decided to make the move to Chicago after causing havoc for a few days in New York. If he was literate at all, he would have stories to tell about all his misadventures in New York. He fought cavemen, a vampire, some pretty brave humans. He also probably killed around half on the NYPD not that he could count very well, or at all for that matter. Darryl thought My reign of terror must continue elsewhere. These puny humans must see who their master is. However, Darryl didn't really look for Chicago, he just kept running until he got there, due to his amazing speed and near infinite stamina.

Reflecting, Darryl noticed that he committed mainly murders in New York, and although it was fun to kill, he somewhat wanted to spice things up. He thought awhile and thought that a bank robbery would be interesting, despite the fact that he had no need for money. All he knew was that it was frowned upon and considered criminal, which was enough for him.

It was quite simple to rob a bank. By morphing his hands into guns he easily tool out anybody who opposed him. He wasn't exactly sure where the bank actually kept their money, so he just broke into any place that would seem like they have money. It took him around 4 tries to reach the vault, but it was much easier to break it. Darryl simply gathered his strength and took his most powerful swing at the vault door, opening the vault. Darryl then collecting the money with his arms, stretching them until they could hold all of it when he heard a person tell him to stop unless he wants broken bones. He looked to see who it was and laughed an obviously creepy, inhuman laugh.

Darryl dropped everything and continued to laugh menacingly. In general, he considered no one to be his equal, but he considered girls to be even more pathetic then regular people; that's how things worked when he was alive. Darryl seriously doubted that she had any skills, even with a weapon in her hand, Darryl thought that the best thing to do know was to just intimidate her, and then go for the kill. He turned himself into a demonic form, gaining horns on his head, becoming slightly bigger and more muscular, spikes all over his body, a flexible scorpion like tail, claws, fangs, and a twisted, demented face. Darryl then opened up a mouth on his belly and laughed again because it was just too funny.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird November 11th 2011, 1:56 pm

The creepy man began to morph into a large, demon like figure. She couldn`t tell if he got taller seeing as he was already a lot taller than her. "Oooooo, scary." She said sarcastically. "Are you trying to scare a group of Kindergartners? She smirked slightly, mocking him would probably set him off and his attacks wouldn`t be as well planned as he would be blinded by his anger. Now, to incapacitate him. With this form I need a different form of attack. Keep moving, make sure not to get hit by his tail. The claws will be easier to avoid. The fangs will be even easier. But the tail will be tough. Maybe if I am able to distract him, run up behind him and start choking him it may work. But who knows, he could still hit you with his tail. Okay, new plan. Throw the smoke pellet at his face so it stings as well, hopefully it makes him vomit. Then, quickly move in front of him and smash him around with my staff. Next, disappear into the shadows on the chandelier in the main hall. Now, use something to attract him to the room. Quickly swoop down behind him and knock him unconscious. If that does not work, attempt to tie him up with a grappling line. If this does not work as well, try tying up just the tail to his body so that he can`t sting you, then move in and attack him freely.

Andree began to put her plan into motion. The concussion pellet should hit him in the face, near his eyes, possibly blinding him for a few seconds. Running up for a closer shot, she smashed the staff towards his ribs and followed up with a swing to knock out his legs. If this was successful she would smash an end of the staff into his stomach as he fell. She quickly ran out of the room and into the large, ornate lobby. The golden chandelier hung from the ceiling and was being looked upon by four stain glass windows. She quickly remembered her darts and changed her plan, Once I get up to the higher level and he enters the room, freeze him or attempt to knock him out with a freeze or poison dart. She shot her grappling line to the chandelier and was up there seconds after. Come here big guy. Her dart launcher gauntlet was aimed at the door to the vault so once he came in he would be met by a freezing dart. Pulling out her EMP generator, she knocked out all the lights in the building that were still on. This gave her an even better advantage as she was almost invisible to the untrained eye while atop the chandelier. Now all she needed was a way to draw him out here. She pulled out a shuriken and threw it out the stain glass window, shattering a part of it. The shards of glass hit the floor quite audibly, almost as audible as the initial contact. This would probably lead him into the room.

After he enters the room attempt to hit him with a freezing dart. Next, jump down and take him out. Nice and easy. But, it is unlikely this will be successful, I don`t want to underestimate him yet. Around the main hall was the teller`s desk, the chandelier, a broken stain glass window and a ledge over the teller desks. She tapped into the police frequencies again, "It seems the lights have gone out inside the bank. We don`t know if he has any hostages inside but there are at least two people inside. We aren`t sure what the other subject is doing inside, could be an accomplice. How should we proceed sir?"

A new voice came through the radio, " Stay on guard for others, the subjects aren`t leaving this building with that money, we have the place surrounded. One of the windows have been broken in the main hall there may be a fight going on inside or he may begetting mad at the possible hostages."

"WE HAVE THE PLACE SURROUNDED! COME OUT NOW WITH YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" came the loud cry from outside. She smirked at this, neither of them were coming out. She wasn`t coming out because she was trying to help and wasn`t going to get caught. The other guy wasn`t going to come out either, it wasn`t typical in criminals. It was pity that this man would have to go the hard way, though he probably wasn`t expecting the technology she possessed. He was most likely a mutant of some kind, the transformation telling her this. SHe didn`t have enough information to profile his personality yet but might soon enough. Anyways, back to planning my tactics. I have to continue to freak him out, no way I can take on an extra limb. The ledges could be useful to attack from. Maybe If I get him outside I could use the police as a distraction while I knock him out.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic November 12th 2011, 9:44 pm

Not scary? Not scary?! Who does this girl think she is?! Darryl thought. He was a monster, an undead human, something to be feared. Darryl was extremely stupid and had a very short fuse, a fuse that this girl had just lit. He roared extremely loud and got ready to sprint towards the girl at full speed, when all of a sudden he felt a little touch on his head and everything suddenly turned black and Darryl's eyes started to water. He tried randomly thrashing around but it was to no effect.

While in the dark, Darryl felt a hard jab into his rib cage. "Who is doing thissssss" Darryl hissed. He was certain that that girl couldn't have done this. The force was way too much to be from her. Just as Darryl was gonna try a blind counter attack, he was swept from his legs and crashed onto the floor. He tried opening his eyes, and although his view was blurry, he could identify it as the girl with her staff, who crashed her staff into his stomach . She then decided to run away, as Darryl expected.

Darryl quickly got up and ran into the same room she went into. He was greeted by a fast moving dart that encased him in ice on contact. The cold actually barely affected him, as Darryl's senses were dulled and his undead body was already cold and adapted to extreme environments. The ice wasn't too strong either so Darryl could easily break through it. He started to flex his muscles and use his strength to try to break free from the ice, but as he was doing it, he suddenly stopped moving all together.

The girl's EMP generator had turned off the lights, but also Darryl. He was animated by nano-bots which were sensitive to EMPs. The EMP shut Darryl's life supporting features off, and Darryl was effectively dead. He was already dead before, but now this was an actual, unmoving type of dead. This was a feeling he never wanted to experience again as he was in this state for around 200 years. His nanobots would restart eventually, but there was no way of knowing what would happen when he rebooted.

A few minutes later, Darryl rebooted and managed to break out of the ice, although he had no idea where he was as it was extremely dark outside. Darryl had to thrash around the building hoping to hit that girl somehow. He managed to break a hole in one of the walls of the banks, which allowed for light to come in. He noticed a couple of things, such as a bunch of broken ice, the debris of the bank wall, and an open window. He decided to go through and follow the lead. "Where are youuuuuu?" Darryl said out loud in a creepy voice. He turned his right hand into a circular saw and his left arm into the barrel of a shotgun. This was no longer play time for him.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird November 13th 2011, 5:14 pm

Okay then, no more ice. She thought to herself as she crouched on the chandelier and he snapped out of the ice around him. Stick with poison. She could see him flailing his arms around, desperate to hit her. He wasn`t going to get her that easily. As she decided which of her equipment to use light flooded into the bank. Shit, that can`t be good. I`m going to have to change my strategy again. This guy is getting on my nerves already and I appear to be getting on his. I have to avoid getting spotted still. Prey on his fears, creep him out. The voice of the robber rang out to her, sending chills down her spine. The light could give me away, I hope it doesn`t soon. The man`s hand began to change into a shotgun and the other a chainsaw. More advanced than I thought. You want to play, let`s play. Hang on your grappling lines behind him and freak him out by speaking to him and disappearing quickly. Quickly throw a shruiken at his leg and drop behind him. Swing at his neck with the staff before throwing a smoke pellet at the ground and disappearing once more.

She used her grappling lines to swing around behind the man and slowly came down with her head closer to the ground and her legs in the air. Her voice manipulator changed her voice to sound just like he did when he was calling out to her. "Here." She said in a creepy voice that was not her own. The lines quickly pulled her back up to the ceiling so she could hang on out of sight. Her gloves and boots let her stick to the surface. Her hand reached into her belt and pulled out a shruiken. The shruiken flew towards the man below her. She dropped down behind his back almost completely silently. She reached out to try and hit him with her staff in his neck. She dropped a smoke pellet on the ground and shot a line back up to the ceiling, protected by the smoke field.

"Why don`t you just give up and turn yourself into the cops. It would spare you many broken bones." She said, still using his voice. She knew that he wasn`t going to but it was worth a shot. But at the same time, it compromised her position. Time to move. She shot a line across the room and swung so that she was high up on the wall closest to him. Just keep avoiding the gun. She reminded herself while she moved higher up the wall. Let`s just see how tough you really are. You act like your tough but let`s see how afraid you are of the dark.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic November 18th 2011, 10:53 pm

Darryl could be described in many words, most of them were synonyms for indestructible and godly. Patient was not one of those words though. He looked everywhere in the room for this little girl, making him realize how pathetic she was making him look. Darryl would have to kill many people after this to balance it out. But now, it was just him and the girl.

The light had made things much easier to see, but the girl was still out of sight. However, he heard something that sounded like here, except it sounded like his voice, which was impossible. He turned his head, 360 degrees simply because he could, to find where the voice was coming from. It could be he fact that he was wearing an eyepatch on one eye, but he wasn't seeing anything. Maybe she left he thought, Of course, I can't just let her escape. As soon as he was finished with his thoughts, he was struck by some sharp projectile and then hit by a staff. He was soon surrounded by a cloak of smoke, which prevented Darryl from seeing, as if he could before.

Darryl wouldn't let lack of vision stop him, vision wasn't important. Killing this annoying girl was important. She mentioned turning himself in or getting some broken bones, in his own voice strangely enough. Darryl quickly swung towards the voice with his saw arm, but he didn't feel anything, so he guessed he missed. Of course, he would not stand for this nonsense. He used his shotgun arm to blast in random directions. He turned his saw arm back to normal. When this smoke clears, I will kill her. As simple as that. No...holding...back.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird November 19th 2011, 1:38 pm

The creep was freaking out, that's good. The more frightened he is, the easier it is to take him down. Mockingbird was creeping back up the wall to the ceiling when shotgun blasts nearly hit her. Shit! She quickly moved to the ceiling, dodging more. Well, she wasn't really dodging them the guy was blinded so the shots weren't coming too close to her. Maybe if I draw him outside it might be easier. But then I loose my cover! She quickly reminded herself while she continued to form strategies. When the smoke clears he won't hold back any longer. Like he was before. She thought sarcastically to herself. In here I have cover but I am also shut in a room with shotgun-hand-man. Outside I lose my cover but the police will start firing at him, possibly giving me the upper hand. No, outside other people could get hurt by this madman; keep it indoors. Okay, so indoors. Oh no, the smoke is clearing. I've got to hurry up. What am I going to do? She asked herself, for the first time she was unable to come up with a plan. Maybe I can keep doing long ranged attacks? But that won't defeat him. And if I get up close, I'm a goner. Well, this makes things interesting. The smoke was almost completely gone now and she could see the man clearly without her enhanced vision. That means, he might be able to see me! Okay, okay, don't panic just come up with a plan. She moved across the ceiling to avoid getting shot at or spotted.

She made sure that her mouth cover was set to his voice for this part. "Hey ugly, don't you think that turning yourself in would save you some pain?" She asked, quickly swinging across to the other side of the room. "I know your fears, your weaknesses, your strengths. I know because I am you." She came up with on the spot before moving around once more. "I am starting to think you enjoy having your ass kicked." she swung back to the chandelier so he didn't spot her. Her enhanced vision analysed the chandelier and found the weak point which could be broken by a shruiken. Get him under the chandelier. "So, your as stupid as any other criminal, it's a shame." She swung until she was right above him. "If you were smarter, that might make this interesting." She moved again. "You aren't very bright, are you?" She asked him before moving above him again. She lowered herself on her line so she was behind him, upside down. "You're even uglier up close." She quickly moved out of his line of sight and back to the chandelier. She moved across the ceiling to the corner furthest from him and threw a shruiken at the floor below the chandelier. This was the bait for the trap. "Who's afraid of the dark?" She asked before swinging to the opposite end of the room. "Is the big, strong man scared?" She continued to taunt, moving around the room with little to no sound.

Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic November 21st 2011, 7:18 pm

The smoke was clearing up and Darryl was regaining his vision. Still, the girl remained hidden, as if this was some game. Darryl didn't like games, except for war games and other games that caused blood or gore. Darryl has had fun, but not in the way that people would expect. He never got time to play games as a kid being a slave and all, so he didn't find this amusing at all. In matter of fact, he found it rather annoying and Darryl wasn't very nice when he was irritated.

The crime fighter was somewhere in this room, but Darryl kept on looking. The girl tried to scare him with his own voice, but he wasn't scared himself. In matter of fact, he admired himself like the ancient people admired their gods. In matter of fact, that was a pretty dumb move, and Darryl knew dumb; the sounds led Darryl straight to where the person was. Instead of trying to follow the sound though, Darryl decided to simply use his amazing powers of morphing. With every sound that he heard, he sprouted a tentacle from his back to try to grab whoever was making the noise. Soon the ceilings were crowded with tentacles. He kept them feeling for the girl and as soon as they felt something like human skin, they'd squeeze and retract to Darryl.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird December 7th 2011, 9:31 am

Gross. Mockingbird thought to herself as she avoided another tentacle arm. The ceiling would soon be covered in them so she moved down onto the wall. She quickly moved in behind him and whispered in his ear, with his own voice "Hello." She then proceeded to throw a couple of attacks at his abdomen and one to his head. All right, now I run. She thought to herself as she sped around the room. Just keep running in circles. Collapsing her staff, she put it back in it's place on her back.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic December 9th 2011, 8:04 pm

Darryl could feel nothing near the ceiling with his tentacles. "Where is that damn girrrlllll?" Darryl said out loud. He appeared to be answered with a "Hello" in his own voice. He retracted his tentaclesturned around to find out it was the girl, only to be punched in the face and abdomen. However, he barely felt that and he hardly moved...he only knew he was being punched because he saw it happen. The girl then decided to run around the room, rather fast, much faster than he would've imagined.

Of course, it was nothing to him. He transformed into something terrifying, like a T-Rex and human hybrid that was much bigger that usual and had a big head with giant teeth, but his arms were also around the same length. His body was all scaly and he grew sharp claws and a tail. Then, he decided to chase the annoying girl, who got closer to beating him than almost anyone. She was fast, but he was almost as fast. He was determined to follow her no matter what, as his desire to kill was greater than ever. He made sure to roar to let her know what she was dealing with.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 204
Location : –noun 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residence: This town is a good location for a young doctor
Job : The job you just lost
Humor : "Are you butt dialing, becuase I swear that ass is calling me!"
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Mockingbird December 10th 2011, 12:47 pm

Oh boy, he just makes this more and more fun. Andree thought to herself as she ran at full speed around the beast in the room. Okay, okay, start planning, how are you going to beat this thing? I've got it! Run up his back and start jabbing shrukiens into his neck. Andree's was moving at speeds that cars would do, but certainly not humans. Once she got around to the back of the brute she charged up it's tail and back to it's neck. Her hands reached to her belt and pulled out shrukiens from their spots. She raised her hands in the air and brought them down on the beasts neck. She pulled out a freezing dart as a way to escape. She jabbed it into is neck, hopefully this would keep him busy so he wouldn't chase her.

Sliding down the brute, she jumped off the side quickly. She landed in a roll so that she didn't get injured by the fall. "You want to have fun? We can have fun. As long as pain means fun for you." She muttered as she picked up running speed once more, unsure of how she could actually win this fight.

Posting Master
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 476
Age : 25
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Empty Re: I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic)

Post by Dynamic December 10th 2011, 4:20 pm

Darryl had his mind set on chasing that annoying girl and killing her. In matter of fact, that was the only thing on his mind. Despite that, he didn't even notice when the girl disappeared from his view and then reappeared on his back. He wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for an extremely sharp pain in the neck. The pain was quite unexpected though, so he tripped a little and fell over, but not before the girl also stabbed him with a freeze dart. Still keeping his momentum, but now encased in ice, he crashed through the wall of the back, right next to the Chicago police, which in around a few minutes has technically accomplished way more than the New York Police has done in months.

Darryl's eyes were closed when he was encased in the ice so he couldn't see anything. When he managed to break free, which was rather quickly, he saw only metal but he felt like he was moving. While he was encased in ice, he must of changed into normal form as he didn't feel like a dinosaur, nor did he see his claws or tail or teeth. Wondering where he was, he did the only thing he really knew and thrashed against the walls of his confinement until he saw two people up front in a strange chamber.

He quickly turned his hand into a gun and shot the two people down, making the armored car he was in get into get into many accidents and crash stay in the middle of the road. He used all his strength to make the back doors of the armored car fly away. He then stepped out to see what kind of damage that he may have caused, or will cause. There was many carnage to cause here, but Darryl didn't really feel like staying. He missed his NYC adversaries that didn't include little girls. With that, he ran away, not really sure where NYC was, but hoping he'd get there somewhere.

Darryl Jones, Nano-Zombie
I'm new to this(closed to Dynamic) Darryl
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Post by Mockingbird December 10th 2011, 5:42 pm

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