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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone November 28th 2011, 4:00 pm

The unicorn flew up next to him, and rammed into him. Or, tried to. Dr.Everyone flew slightly above the unicorn when it tried ramming him. While he was over the unicorn, he pulled out his Micro-Spider container. He opened it, and poured them over the unicorn. About thirty (maybe a bit more) super small spiders fell out, gravity pulling them to the unicorn. If they successfully landed, they would begin shocking the unicorn as an annoying distraction, and attempt to crawl into the unicorns mouth and towards his stomach. If any were to make it passed the mouth, they would detonate, sending shrapnel into internal tissues, causing harmful damage and internal bleeding to the unicorn.

The Doctor, having released the spiders, flew forward, faster than he had been. He was approaching his top speed.

"Four miles to go. So far, so good."

Dr Everyone
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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Swordsmaster December 20th 2011, 1:54 pm

Unicorn Man, or Bob, looks up as the man pours the spiders onto him, not having enough time to react even with his super-human speed. The little robotic bugs pour down upon him and slowly start to sting him in almost every place imainable as he opens his mouth to scream his is shut up by the spiders streaming into his mouth. As if it could only get wrose they imideatly start to self destruct blowing his mouth to pieces yet they still carry on going farther down into his body and blowing up every little inch of him, giving the poor old man no time to react at all as he is essentially blown up from the inside out. The battered remains of bits and piece of the now unnoticable Unicorn Man fall to the ground like leaves off a tree in the fall.

Project Death watces as the scene before him slowly unfoalds and his 'partner' dies a painful, or what he assumes is painful, death that he did not deserve to die. The brute of a skeleton like man stands up to his full height of six foot five an bares his powerful legs getting ready to jump from the skyscraper he now stands upon, and that is exactly what he does, he jumps with all his might hurtaling straight twoards the flaming doctor. Oh, sure the scientists were telling him to sit by and let Unicorn Man prove himself until he needed help but now that he is dead they are screaming even more so for the head of the fake scientist and Death is not one to let his 'family' down, he has not failed yet and doesn't plan on doing so today. As he 'soars' through the air hurtaling twoards him from his powerul jump he throws out a punch at the man attempting to send him flying down into the ground because of his strength and the force behind the blow from the powerul jump. "Perfection wants yourhead, and what the family wants Death delievers.

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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 27th 2011, 1:17 am

Dr.Everyone watched as his spiders did better than he had expected them to. He watched as the unicorn opened it's mouth to yell, the spiders shocking it. He watched as they crawled into it's mouth and down it's throat. Then they watched as detonated, all of them at once, killing the unicorn. He chuckled in his mind. He laughed louder in real life. It had been too easy. As he was flying away, he yelled out to the skeleton man, wherever he was.

"I truly hope your a harder foe to kill than that horned beast. And even more, I hope your not the best Project Perfection has to throw at me."

He flew around the corner of a building and saw the Statue. So near, yet so far. As he flew forward he looked over his shoulder to see the skeleton man hurdling towards him. He was too close to completely avoid. The Doctor tried to fly to the right to dodge him, but his left arm was hit. Pain shot up his arm, right to his brain. The pain was so bad! But Dr.Everyone always downplayed his pain. Or had that been the old him? So uncaring and hateful, that he downplayed it? Whatever it was, he still downplayed the pain.

With a loud grunt, one that echoed of the building, Dr.Everyone began to spiral in the air from the force of the impact. He was heading toward the Statue of Liberty still, but spiraling through the air uncontrollably.

"My must be broken. My God, it is. I can't move it...UGH...the pain. I'll show him."

Dr.Everyone slowed down the spiraling until he was back in the air, flying normally to the Statue of Liberty. Normal, that is, expect for the pain of a badly broken arm.

"The ferry's leaving in a minute..DAMN! I can't wait that long. Looks like I'm flying. I just hope that that skeleton man doesn't have the brains to take it."

Dr.Everyone accelerated to his top speed towards the Statue of Liberty.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Swordsmaster December 27th 2011, 11:29 am

After delivering the bone shattering punch Death hurtles twoards the earth landing in the ground with a crack, momentarily shaking the small section of earth around him and freaking out every civillian there is. As he slowly stands up he takes of sprinting after the firey scientist with all the speed he can muster noticing only know where the fake doctor is heading, the statue of liberty and that means water. Muttering something about statue and water under his breath the scientists quickly react telling him to get on the damn boat thats leaving for the statue any minute; so of course the skeleton brute of a man does just that. He runs onto the boat right up to the front, points at Dr. Everyone and says "Follow firey man! He must d-be stopped." The captain, being an old war veteren simply laughs feeling as if he's back in again and closes the boat doors taking off full speed for the statue's island as Death constantly throws benches, tables,chairs, and anchors at Dr. Everyone as hard as he can.
((he throws about two benches, five chairs, and three chairs, and two anchors))

Posting Master
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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 29th 2011, 10:12 pm

Doctor Everyone was now over the water, flying as fast as he could to the statue. He had only 2 miles to go when he turned around to check on the skeleton man.

He watched as the skeleton man got on the boat, stormed over to the captain, and pointed at the Doctor. The boat left the dock and sped after Dr.Everyone.

"A persistent monstrosity, that's what that thing is. A game well played, Project Perfection. But the game's not over just yet."

As he flew backwards, he watched as the skeletal man throws chairs, tables, and benches at him. He easy blasts them down with fire from his good arm, the remains floating down to the sea. The skeleton man then threw two anchors at Dr.Everyone, and Dr.Everyone had to substitute his eyes for his broken arm. Beams of thousand degree fire shot out of his eyes and good arm, blasting one anchor, and then the other. The anchors didn't melt completely, but began to. This made them bottom heavy. The collision force from the fire beams, and the melting making them heavy at the bottom caused them to plummet to the sea the same as the other projectiles.

Dr.Everyone smiled at this revelation, and shouted down to the ferry "Good Luck!" before turning around and speeding to the island. He landed on the ground and began to drop the remains of his beads on the area immediately outside where the ferry would dock, the area where people would disembark. The beads covered the area in dicyanoacetylene, which when lit would ignite and burn at 10,000 degrees. It was quite the trap, one that the skeleton man would walk right into. He then walked a distance away and concealed himself in some bushed, waiting to ignite the dicyanoacetylene.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by The Ranger December 30th 2011, 12:24 am

Project Death watches as the objects are simply burnt to a crisp, melted down, and destroyed the fake doctor making it seem as if all his efforts to stop him were useless. Though the Destroyer simple cracks his knuckles and waits till the boat docks having watched firer y man drop some stuff on the ground and after the last thing that was thrown at him he isn’t one to take chances. Because of this when the captain docks the boat Death walks out, yet still on the ramp to the ground, and claps his hands together with all his might sending out a small shockwave forwards that blows forward and away from him most of whatever was on the ground. As he steps down he rolls his neck getting ready to instill a beating on the fiery ‘super villain’, no words are spoken as the skeleton brute of a man looks around for the one known as Dr. Everyone. None yet have been able to compete with him, what makes a scrawny, ‘nerdy’, fire manipulator any different? Slamming his fist down into the ground as hard as he possibly can he hopes it will create some sort of fissure that will either trip up the doctor or shake him up a bit, forcing him to come out of his hiding spot.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 30th 2011, 1:08 am

The skeleton man punched the ground with great strength, causing the ground in the immediate area to shake. Dr.Everyone was already angry his trap had been foiled, and was even more angry that the attack had made him fall over. Dr.Everyone eyed the skeleton man from his hiding place (or rather, his former). Then he realized that while his trap had been foiled, it had also been sprung.

Dr.Everyone shot a spark at the now liquid dicyanoacetylene that surrounded the skeletal man. As soon as the spark touched the dicyanoacetylene, the flames burst forth and surrounded the monstrosity. Ten thousand degree flames were the cage holding the beast. Dr.Everyone then got up and began walking towards the Statue of Liberty, quite confident about himself.

"The only way to me is through ten thousand degree flames, my beloved friend. All that stands between me and you is some fire. But don't get too cocky now. While normal flames might not do you any harm, these flames are the same temperature as the surface of the sun. They aren't solid, you can get through them. But you won't come out unscathed."

The doctor walked towards the Statue confidently, but ready to fly up to the top of it at a moments notice. It would be his only option once the skeleton man got out of his dicyanoacetylene death ring.

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
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Age : 27
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Swordsmaster December 30th 2011, 12:12 pm

Death watches as the fiery man falls from his hiding spot and starts to move towards him at a walking pace, knowing the man can fly and shoot fire but wanting to see what else he can do. Then of course the fire flares up all around him making everything light up, encircling him and ‘imprisoning’ him in the circle of fire. Disregarding the ‘doctors’ speech he simply runs through the fire, gritting his teeth from the burning sensation, diving into a summersault he rolls out of the fire putting the flames on his body out. The skeleton man stands up with burnt cloths and even more scarred, as well as burn, marks all over his body his face having gotten the worst of it as it has slight second degree burns now. Saying nothing but simply cracking his neck he sprints after the walking ‘doctor’ who believes he won and throws a bone shattering punch at his head and then attempts to grab him by the arm with his other hand, and if successful he will attempt to snap his elbow and break a pressure point that resides on said elbow.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 30th 2011, 8:04 pm

((He was walking away from Death, towards the Statue.))

As Dr.Everyone walked away, he heard the cackle of flames burning something and the stomping that Dr.Everyone could only attribute to his large, strong, and apparently very durable friend charging at him.

"How lovely." Dr.Everyone said, before jetting of towards the torch in the Statue of Liberty's hands. He looked down behind himself and saw Death run to the spot he had been moments before, lowering a cocked fist (one that seemed full of strength, and perhaps rage) that had obviously been addressed to Dr.Everyone, from Project Perfection themselves.

As he jetted off to the torch (which was accessible via a long stairway, or by large leaps were a person so capable) he yelled back down to the skeleton man "Follow me up the Lady Liberty if you dare, Perfection's Pawn. I've been holding back this whole little chase, warming up if you will. Now I'm ready to unleash on you the COMPLETE AND UTTER HELL THAT IS DOCTOR EVERYONE!"

He arrived at his destination and hover three inches over the floor of the torch. He was ready, waiting.

"Now is where I sink him and swim away. Or if failure is imminent, I'll just need to go with my secondary plan of egress."

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by CainVulsore December 30th 2011, 8:36 pm

Death lowers his fist as his initial punch misses the target by mere seconds, seconds that could cost him his life with that new earth monster the good doctor has on a leash. As Dr. Everyone starts talking Death simply sprints off up the stairs to the top of the statue and out to the torch, making it there just as the Doctor himself does. “You, talk too much.” He mutters throwing a punch out at the general direction of the flying fire-man. After that is done, not waiting to see if the punch hit or not Death performs a back flip to get away from any fire that would have been shot out at him, thus his feet hit the wall and he uses this to push off and go soaring straight at Dr. Everyone with all his might. He does this attempting to grab him and then slam him into the ground with his momentum as well as his strength. If this is successful he stands up getting off the doctor and arcs his fist back sending it flying into the man’s gut. If not he goes into a dive roll and jumps up, turning to face whatever is sent his way.

Cain Vulsore
Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Pbucket

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 30th 2011, 8:51 pm

Dr.Everyone, still hovering, hovered behind the "flame" of the torch to dodge the punch thrown by the skeleton man. He hovered back out from behind the "flame" only to find the skeletal man doing a back flip. He quickly ducked back behind the "flame" and the skeleton man went flying past him. Dr.Everyone's grin turned to a frown (even though it isn't seen) as the skeleton man griped the torch and climbed back in.

Dr.Everyone then flew a few feet above the torch and said.

"Oh, you're back. I was really hoping you'd missed me and died. Oh well. What do you say we go where there's a little more room and open space?"

Then then flew a few feet over to the head of the Statue of Liberty, and landed. He then made a hand gesture which meant 'Come at me.'

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
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Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Swordsmaster December 30th 2011, 10:33 pm

Death watches as the doctor who talks too much simply dodges everything that was thrown at him and flies up to a higher point on the statue. “Talk, too much.” He mutters again getting low as his leg muscles lock up and then he jumps, they explode like a spring sending him ‘flying’ out at the top point and the fire doctor with all his strength. He lands just behind Dr. Everyone and gets down attempting a leg sweep to knock the fake scientist’s legs out, and then jump up and stand ready to fight the fire scientist. Cracking his neck he attempts an upper cut and then an round house kick, if neither of those work he back flips and lands on his feet, ‘falling’ to his stomach so that any fire will simply go over his head.

Posting Master
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Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 30th 2011, 10:56 pm

Dr.Everyone watched a blur of motion travel over him, but it happened too fast for him to react. There was a thud behind him and before he could turn around, a leg sweep knocked him down and sent him tumbling down the head's curved surface. He stopped himself short of the crown and stood up and then brushed off his lab coat.

The skeleton man threw an uppercut punch at him, but Dr.Everyone rolled to his right and then rolled again behind the skeleton man, narrowly avoiding a roundhouse kick.

"Sooner or later, this luck I seem to be having will run out. I should utilize it while I still have it about me."

While behind the skeleton man, Dr.Everyone pulled out one of his fire grenades and was about to whip it right at the skeleton man's back when the skeleton man did a back flip and went prone. Dr.Everyone's mind flashed up a plan and he then blanketed the head with fire, effectively pinning the skeletal man in his prone position.

"Damn you! Dodging my attack with your cunning prone technique!" Dr.Everyone said quite convincingly, but jokingly. "As long as you stay right there, my plan is foiled. So stand up right now and face your demise."

Now was the time, Dr.Everyone had decided. He whipped his fire grenade right at the skeleton man. The grenade material would break upon impact, allowing the chemicals and substances inside to mix. And the mixture was highly flammable, self igniting, burned for quite some time, and could easily melt concrete. It was not something you'd like on or near you.

"Even if it doesn't hit him directly, I'd wager some drops do get on him. And if those drops get on him, I'm sure they'll hurt. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll leave a nasty scar too. I'd love to send him home to Project Perfection with a little present from me. But for good measure...."

Dr.Everyone then encased himself in a ring of fire, and began charging it up to it's full potential. When released, it would explode out in all directions.

Dr.Everyone, while doing this, hummed a tune while quietly saying

"I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down and the flames went higher. And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, The ring of fire"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Swordsmaster December 31st 2011, 11:45 am

Death feels the heat of the fire ignoring every little thing the face scientist says and rolls to the side jumping up to his full height, the grenade landing where he had been only a few seconds before. As it explodes he walks forward to Dr. Everyone, two pieces of the shrapnel lands on him and continue burning but Death barely feels them, at most they are a minor disturbance sort of like an ant bite but nothing more. When the ring of fire starts to go up the skeletal brute stops and watches trying to figure out how he would get inside of said ring to the fire maniac without harming himself anymore than he needs to do. Shrugging he simply dives at the doctor once more attempting to sort of bear hug him in mid air and let gravity take them both down to the nearest piece of ‘ground’ or statue and have all his weight fall on the fake scientist. If that maneuver works, though it most likely will not, the Destroyer throws a punch down at Dr. Everyone’s face attempting to shatter his skull and end the fight right then and there. If none of this works, he grabs a piece of the crown and pulls himself back up, arms in a defensive position like a professional boxer would hold them to protect his face from any onslaught sure to come as he tries to figure out a plan to defeat this weak and frail, yet powerful, fire manipulator.

Posting Master
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Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by Dr Everyone December 31st 2011, 1:37 pm

Dr.Everyone concentrated on his ring of fire, condensing the fire together (which if enough was condensed together, would make it more or less a solid object), making it hotter. It was at two thousand degrees Fahrenheit. The copper underneath the fire began to melt. By the time the ring reached it's full five thousand degrees, and copper touching it would boil.

He knew what the skeleton man would do. It's the only thing he really could do. Someone who's super-humanly durable and had the sole purpose of capturing you would just stand and wait for you to blast them with fire. No, quite the opposite. The skeleton man would lunge at him, and the doctor was prepared.

He lit his body aflame so he could keep feeding his fire. He used his good arm to grab his deliriant powder. He held his hand out in front of his mouth. Ready to blow the powder into the skeleton man's face just as soon as he came flying through the fire.

As soon as the skeleton man lept through his flames, he blew the powder and it spread out, covering the skeleton man. He then quickly stepped to the side and leaned backwards, further avoiding the attack. Whether he inhaled or not really determined whether this counter attack worked or not, and hopefully he had.

He opened the fire in the direction the skeleton man had gone out of the ring. He saw a hand clutching the crown and climbing back up. He closed the fire except for a small peephole, just big enough for his eye to see through. He watched the skeleton man get back up, and put his arms up in a defensive position to protect his face.

"I'll just need to fix that, won't I?"

Dr.Everyone thought, and the fire reacted. From the ring of fire, six chains (made of fire) shot towards the skeleton man, aiming for his arms (three chains per arm). If they caught, they'd wrap around his arms. Burning, pulling. And Dr.Everyone had been smart too. He had shot the chains from the ring itself, not himself. That way, the Skeleton man could only pull the ring towards him, not the doctor.

"Give up now, and maybe I'll send your cremated remains back to Project Perfection in some Tupperware!"

"I wont stop until this planet is a lifeless rock and I choke to death on the toxic air."
[URL=]Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 DrEPG_zps79285077[/URL]
Doctor Everyone's Theme Song:
Dr Everyone
Dr Everyone
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Posting Master

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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Humor : Sarcasm
Registration date : 2010-10-01

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Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Empty Re: Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection

Post by CainVulsore December 31st 2011, 2:20 pm

As Death stands up getting ready for the oncoming attacks whipping the crap out of his eyes having not opened his mouth at all, or breathed for that matter, simply because he didn’t want to have fire in his lungs. Watches as the whips come out grabbing three in one hand as the other three wrap around the arm they were going to. Grimaces at the pain and walks towards the doc, having dropped the whips in his hand so he only deals with the searing pain around his left arm now, runs into a sprint jumps barraging in through the flames but stopping in front of the fake scientist. “Have I said you talk too much?” he mutters after arcing his right arm back and throwing a bone shattering punch straight out at the doctor, starting to feel the effects of the flames as he now has small burn marks all over his body, though his left arm having the worst of it because the whips are still attached to it. After that he pulls with all his strength on the whips, and though it takes a minute, he pulls them of and rotates his shoulder again throwing a punch out at the doctor. This time though along with the punch his left arm, though not as fast or strong now, reaches out for Dr. Everyone’s shirt to grab him and pull his face into the full force of the punch.

Cain Vulsore
Doctor Everyone Discovers Perfection - Page 2 Pbucket

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