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Post by Alpha November 13th 2011, 7:58 pm

She smirked at Gracies annoyed reaction, amused like a cat watching the mouse fighting back. Her words mattered little in the scheme of things, and Elena did have a plan. If she didn't, Elena would be no better than a thug robbing a bank. Who were pretty low on the totem pole in her view. First was to abuse that wonderful telepathic link she shared with sweet ole Sachin."Paging mister man slave. Paging man slave, this is the big bitch calling via mental hotline. I would like to talk to the Indian nerd." She smirked at the mere childishness of the mental note.

"I have a mission that only you can do. Well I know plenty who can do it better, but you will do. First I want you to find out about this girl, and something infinity more important. I managed to glean from your memories that this girl has a useful ability. So you will follow this plan to a T. If you don't, I will kill her, and the best part is. I will make you do it." She sent a large amount of malice with those last few words. "After the the movie,which I will be attending, we will go to a restaurant that I am paying for. You will choose the dish I want you to, and simply. The food will be spiked with a spell of sorts. Though it won't take affect till I utter the right words. So all you have to do is kiss her. I hope you got that all down. I'll leave it to you at the restaurant." Elena smirked, finishing the plan.

"I think I will go with you two." She noted, taking out a small phone, and tapping a few things in. She already gleaned the information for the movie form Sachins mind, so the rest was easy.

Last edited by Elena Marie on November 21st 2011, 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


Number of posts : 1832
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Post by Ember_Fangs November 21st 2011, 3:58 pm

Gracie couldn't help but smile at Sachin's reaction and then sighed as the witch said she would join them. Three's a crowd and all that. However Sachin knew her, it was bad. The woman had been held by the Phantoms for a reason, they had deemed her deadly enough to waste time on her and that very fact screamed like a disaster to Gracie. She had no idea what the woman would want with a comic book nerd but she was going to find out. For now she let a calm mask slip over her face. She would not let this bitch know inside she wanted nothing more than to sink her fist into her face.

"uhhuh so what am I exactly in this comic?" she chose to ignore the witch and talk to the guy who had asked her to the movies. Her black boots clipped on the pavement and once again she was glad her gun was tucked into the back of her jeans and she had a dagger in her boot. The bitch may use magic, but she could still bleed.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Post by Guest November 24th 2011, 5:49 pm

Sachin nodded to Gracie, ignoring Elena prodding around his mind. Or trying to, in any case. He couldn't fight against the instructions, but he could certainly pretend he could. "You're the superheroine who works with Danny Graham to fight threats from outside the universe, mostly. You punched the Devil in the face in the last issue, and you also beat up Poseidon in the one before that." he said, watching Elena warily and trying to find a way to give Gracie a message not to trust her.

They reached the movie theater, and got into the movie. The trailers were ending, so the movie started as they sat down. Sachin watched the movie, Elena's threat rolling in his head. He did focus a lot on the movie. To a nerd like him, this was important. During the romance scene between Superman and Lois, he did put his arm around Gracie's shoulder, suave-like he had seen in the movies.

Meanwhile, he tried finding a way out of Elena's orders. Needed to find a loophole...

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Post by Guest December 21st 2011, 6:27 pm


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