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Dread (PM To Join)

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Parable November 29th 2015, 6:20 pm

A bird hung in mid-air, its wings lifted above it's head, only every so slightly moving down on their way into a full flap. The cold, midnight breeze moved unnaturally slowly, sliding a bit at a time across the white, cowl-covered head of a single figure, who was floating in the moonlight.

And just like that, as the pigeon still struggled to move its wings to its side, the figure was gone.

The world was so slow. Everything, everyone lagged behind.

But Brian Silverline was used to it. He had been dealing with a world struggling to move forward since the day of his birth. He had adapted, he had slowed himself down to a crawl for every moment of his existence, and he had prospered because of his power in all honesty.

But, unlike Brian Silverline, his alter ego Parable didn't even have to worry about pretending to be slow. When he donned the cowl and mask, Brian simply was who he was, and now he was a gust of wind in the black night, never seen, maybe felt in small increments, but never truly placed.

His feet floated weightlessly in one moment and pushed effortlessly against a building top in the next. To Parable, movement was simply natural, 'fast' was simply first nature.

As his toe almost collided with a rooftop exit, Parable kicked off of his feet; the hero's left boot  just barely touched the top of and rose over the obstacle, as he began to float.

Of course, the dark did hinder his movement somewhat; but nonetheless, he was himself.

Parable smiled the smile of an old man. He definitely felt old, but he didn't feel so tired with life anymore. It had taken him sixteen years to get to a point where he could really be himself. Sixteen years of slowed time, before he could be free. The young man had done the math, his world was four times slower than everyone else's, mentally he might as well have been a sixty-four year old.

Parable kicked his right foot out in front of his body, using it as a break, and stopping himself in mid flight. The hero searched with his white, mesh eyes through the dark night. The teen's ears perked under his hood, as he spun his levitating body to the right.

There it was. Shouting. He had heard it, then, and it sounded bad.

Taking a deep breath, the hero crossed his arms over his chest, before throwing them to his sides and shooting off through the night air. Gone in a blink.

The shouts intensified, as Parable's body began to push to the limits of the speeds he could maintain with a sense of relative ease. Difficult or not, four times the acceleration of an Olympic sprinter was more than enough, to cross shouting distance in a few seconds.

Coming to the top of an alley silently, the hero lowered himself between the two buildings. Parable located the source of the shouting, as he hovered between the tops of the two structures.

Kicking in slow motion, was a man pinned against a wall, trying desperately to escape the grasp of an attacker who was... going in to kiss his neck? No? What? Parable tilted his head to the side.

No, it didn't matter.

Quickly the hero angled his feet downwards; his arms and flowing, white cape rose above his head as he descended to connect with the asphalt below.

Grabbing the ground with his feet, Parable readied himself. With a charge, the speedster flew across the ground, ready to knock the man's attacker out cold. His fist to his side, Parable was sure that one speedy right cross would do it.

The hero sent his arm flying, to let the target of his ire really have it.

And then the figure dodged his punch.

Parable kicked back, stopping his punch from hitting the victim he was trying to protect, by throwing himself back into the air with his power of flight. As he drifted backwards, Parable allowed his hand to roll back to his right cheek, as confusion overtook him. A street mugger... fast enough to dodge one of his punches?
The 'mugger' turned to face his attacker. The man's 'fangs', red eyes, and pale face gritted in anger, as he spun to look at a floating Parable.

There was no way.

What were the chances?

The hero's mesh eyes bounced between the man who was now fleeing the monster that had pinned him, and the monster itself. Parable watched the creature's eyes drift after his prey and then back to his own floating, white form.

Parable clenched his gloved fists. In response, the monster barred his fangs, releasing a horrible hiss, that was like pressurized steam escaping.  

As he bit down on his own teeth behind his black mask, the young man angled himself forward. Brian readied himself to attack for the second time. This thing could move relatively quickly in Parable's slowed perception, which meant that it was way faster than your average thug; and way more dangerous.

As the hero prepared himself, the child of the night threw his arms to the sides and released another hiss.

Parable kicked his left leg behind his floating body; then, to the average onlooker, there was only a fleeting stream of white where he had once been.

With a rush and a thud, jeans and leather collided with cape and costume, as fist and claw began their struggle for dominance.


Last edited by Parable on December 5th 2015, 10:08 pm; edited 5 times in total

Status :

Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 29th 2015, 8:02 pm

It was a silent night filled with horrid intentions and blood lust from a few people around the area. It was not a favored night but it would have to do for anyone caught underneath the moon's gaze.

The light struck the ground and bouncing around to produce a hazed view that would slightly brighten what was around in the scene. Coronel who was one of these individuals walked amorously around with his grin held high. People would walk by noticing his rather dark bled clothes and would veer off to not hit him. they could barely see his face in the dark so no one knew specifically who he was.

As he ascended into the sky a weird feeling hit him. A meta was lurking around .... Gone! What was it he thought. Something moved at some crazy speeds just to get around. It was a meta or his senses would not have lead him to conclusion. As he walked down building by building he would hear a faint scream. Something of interest and something he could do for fun.

He turned right and headed across the roof tops to quickly and effectively get to his next location. As he would near the scene he would see two individuals fighting and it seemed rather equal. As the screaming pedestrian fled, Coronel took it upon himself to rid them of their blabbering mouth and would pull the head and spine out of their body using his ability like a hoist.

The blood spewed from the corpse and would run into the streets and into the sewer.

The guy who was being fought seemed a little weird, and he knew why. He knew exactly what they both were. But thankfully the same guys presence he felt had wound up coming to his new party. And like every party he payed close attention to ever guest.

He leaped down into the alley out of presence and sight and started walking towards them both. He would send a punch forward and it would engulf the entire alley in a giant telekinetic, matter wall. It ripped through the alley and roared like a train; ripping building wall off to use as an extra attack bonus.

Last edited by The Perfect Sandwich on November 29th 2015, 9:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 29th 2015, 8:13 pm

Dread (PM To Join) Jeannie_the_vampire_slayer_by_ccrgameman-da94kg3
one of this days Jeannie's going to find whatever fates decided she is the one that has to deal with all the weird crap that pops up and give them  peace of her mind about it.

nazis, ninja, time travel, yeti's and most recently ghost Jeannie is slowly becoming an expert in weird so it's no surprise she ends up with another odd assignment. she's found her way to Los Angeles there's been a series of murders with the bodies strangely drained of blood and odd bite marks on their neck. some kinda nutjob killer that thinks there Dracula or something.

well, knowing her luck it probably is Dracula will good thing she's a buffy the vampire slayer fan so she's got this. now for the tricky part of finding the baddies so she can stack um. she decides to check out the area where the murders started to see if she can pick off the trail.  so wondering around she hears some noises coming from an alleyway must and decides to check it out.

she see a panicked man running out babbling about a monster, bingo that was quicker than she thought it take
she looks down the alley and see a man in a funny costume fighting with what looked like a homeless guy with rabies at an alarmingly fast rate that if it wasn't for her enhanced eyesight would be hard to follow. the  costumed man must be some hero that saved the guy that ran by well Jeannie will help him out then looks like he's got his hands fully with the vampire.

pulling her guns from her coat, she tries to get a shot at the creature not sure what to call her would be partner she shouts out to the masked man calling him the first thing coming to mind after seeing his interesting skillshey speedy duck!!!she then goes to take a shot at the monster hoping the man gets out of the way as shooting around him while not impossible for someone with her skills would be trick given the speed they're moving at ,and she'd hate to get the wrong one

Last edited by Jeannie Rose on July 6th 2016, 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Grey November 29th 2015, 9:10 pm

Usually, Jardin liked the dark.  It was comforting, allowing him to quiet his mind, calm his nerves.  It marked his rest cycles and was his safety blanket.  And since he could see in low light, he had little to fear in the dark.

Little, but not nothing...At the moment, Jardin was being kept as a feed bag by a coven of vampires.  Huzzah, something else is real.  He was shackled by his ankles, inverted...and he had no shirt...why was he not wearing a shirt, Jardin wondered for the nth time.

"...and your mother, givin' up on askin' why~y~y..." the hanged man sang in his best falsetto.  He had sung through "Short Change Hero" four times before.  The vamps were starting to look...agitated.

"This ain't no place for no hero.  This ain't no place for no better ma~oomf!"  The refrain was cut off as a greasy haired fang slugged Jardin in frustration.

"Damn bastard never shuts up..." he muttered, returning to the card game with three other fangs.

"Aw, don't be like that Jack," a woman said.  Jardin had...felt her presence behind him so he wasn't surprised.  She strode confidently around the helpless meta, crouching at eye level.  She was dressed in a tight fitting black vest and blue jeans tha contoured her body well.  Her velvety siren song was equally alluring.  "He really is quite handsome," she said, tracing a finger across his toned chest.

"I'd be flattered, but I have this thing about offense."

The lady-vamp laughed, an unnerving musical sound that sent a chill up (or down) Jardin's spine.  And then she kissed him, her fangs grazing his lips.  Her tongue snaked past his less frightening teeth.  "Delicious," she whispered as she pulled away. Damned woman with her classic good looks and red hair.  Arrogantly, she turned away, having toyed with her new favorite plaything enough for now.

Jardin licked his lips.  " been having Italians!?"


Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Parable November 29th 2015, 9:30 pm

Parable slipped his masked face to the side, a claw brushing past his hood as he did. Brian felt the creature's hand cause his cowl to ruffle inward and touch his left ear. The hero grunted, as he rolled his shoulder off of another punch.

A vampire. This was definitely not a human.  The thing was too fast to be mundane, not as fast as himself, but Parable could swear that he could feel the force of the thing's punches cracking the air around him. The creature wasn't quite moving at a 'normal' speed when it came to Brian's slowed perception; but he was giving the hero a bit of trouble nonetheless.

Parable felt a pressure build behind his eyes, as he watched his enemy attack him; he wasn't used to viewing the world at such speeds, and it hurt his head.

Something that moved too fast to see, even for Parable's current perception, slipped past the hero's vision and into his opponent's leg. The creature faltered, giving Brian Silverline enough time to shift his focus to his self and to his powers.

Parable's muscles began to pulse internally. As the hero sped up his body and slowed his perception, he completely ignored the latest frenzied claw swipe of his opponent, that was all but reduced to stillness in mid air. There. Things were back to normal.

Parable glanced to the side, his eyes  being drawn to the sight of a girl with a gun, as she called out to him.

"Hey, Speedy Duck!" she cried.

The hero raised an eyebrow.

Parable glanced back to the gun.

In any case, it had been a bullet then. Parable clenched his teeth. No, she had helped, he needed to put it out of his mind; for now.

On his way to turn back to his opponent, the teen-turned-vigilante caught sight of an odd figure walking towards him.

Then he saw the body.

The innocent was decapitated and mangled beyond any chance of resuscitation; Parable's eyes widened in horror. The man near the body reared back his fist. Parable only saw red, hot fury.

The vigilante's feet shifting off the ground, Parable was ready to rocket towards the murderer, but before he could a giant bang erupted. Brian watched in confusion and then panic, as the walls around him began to rip themselves to pieces. Instinct suddenly replaced anger and Parable found his body exploding with a burst of power.

At a blinding speed, faster than sound even, Parable and the vampire were suspended high in the air between the nearby buildings. With a clap of force, the telekinetic punch the hero had just dodged rushed underneath the floating combatants.

Brian Silverline simply starred. What kind of power was that? How was that possible?

It didn't even matter.

With a grunt Parable limply let go of the vampire, as his initial adrenaline rush faded. The creature began to fall in slow motion, as Parable shot forward through the air.

Brian was on a course to tackle the villain, who had--in cold blood--slaughtered the man that the hero had tried to save.

But as Parable rocketed to take out his sudden righteous fury, yet more clawed figures were beginning to creep from a certain alley door. Clawed figures that  had fangs. Clawed figures that didn't like someone-or a few someones--being so close to their home.

Last edited by Parable on December 2nd 2015, 2:04 am; edited 7 times in total

Parable's Character Sheet

Status :

Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 29th 2015, 9:54 pm

As Coronel was already ready for the guy's next move he did not foresee him escaping the attack no matter how fast he was. Usually that surprise attack and it's speed was fast enough for people who could out run sound. But any ways; he was ready for the guy to attack since he also placed a telekinetic force field around himself waiting for the guy to strike it. If he were to hit it the moment reaction his ability would instantly react and impale the guy.

it also seemed like when he jumped he pulled the vampire with him. They both got lucky thanks to that mans speed. Also thanks to his ability he also knew there was another on the other side of the alley waiting to help the speedster. Not going to fly in his book and neither will all this disturbance.

It was like a small army was being brought form hell. Crazy right, but in this world everything was possible. As they would flood out like rats from the sewer, they would also start to get mangled. What? How you ask? Coronel was that answer. He could sense them before they ever made it up the first flight of stares, or in their case coming out of the buildings.

He had detected way elevated bodies even if they were dead or alive... ish just like himself.

As they flooded out the closest door he also would keep the telekinetic barrier around himself while sending sharp waves of wind to cut through his enemy and the building they resided in. He did all of this and never took the hint of leaving his spot. What a person, what a champ, or what a dick.

He would also remain confident in his new fight and would send a force to meet the guy mid air. Just because you are fast does not mean you can beat reaction time. Coronel would grin and start to laugh as the turn of events would continue to unfold.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 29th 2015, 10:48 pm

what was that! Jeannie's quick reflexes saved her butt as she was able to duck behind the wall after taking a shot at the vampire and miss whatever that whirlwind that blow in was. peeking around the wall to see if the masked hero was ok Jeannie found the vampire dead caught in the blast,the masked man was charging at another guy who she assumed was who made the blast,wait he just helped them right before she can bring it to their attention she notices more vampires emerging from the buildings, agh right guess she'll leave them to them selfs while she deals with the current threat can't have a gang of bloodsuckers running amuck.

Jeannine opens fire with her guns at the hoard of vampires since she knew she'd be after vampires she stocked up on silver bullets apparently from what she read it works on them just not as good as werewolf nope she learned from watching buffy you need MR.stabby to take them down for good. luckily the strange floaty man's attack left plenty of broken wood laying about so she grabs a sharp looking piece in one hand and uses on of her pistols in her other shooting and stabbing when she gets close enough. having her hands full so she shouts out to the masked man and the other guy hoping they might help hey boys think you can wait and kill each other after we remind these guys there supposed to be dead?she hopes that she talked some sense into them as the three of them together would have an easier time dealing with the threat. she thinks the masked man mistake the other for one of the vampires perhaps will there clearly something odd about him but he smells different he is some other type of creature but the masked guys sense might not be a sharp as hers to identify between the vampires and whatever the weird man is, she then turns her attention back to riding the ally of the undead. agh how many of this guys are there?
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Grey November 30th 2015, 12:11 am

They must have been deep within the bulding as the pantry guards only just began to hear the commotion from without.  Perking up, the four looked to the beautiful woman.  With a wave of her hand, they bolted from the room.

Jardin could make out the din of combat as well, though faint and unhelpful.  "Oh no," he quipped.  "Are you sure those guys can handle the trouble outside?  They don't seem to be...ya know...'all there'."

"Would you shut up," she hissed.  "God, Jack was right."  She quickly passed to the opposite side of the room.

Seeing that she is more focused on the danger to the coven, Jardin decides to take his chances.  He pulled a set of pins from his hair, an advantage to having a sissy ponytail.  Curling himself up, he found the lock and began to pick it, using his makeshift picks until it gave.  His hands shot up,catching himself before he fell from the contraption that held him.

Turning as his feet touched down, Jardin just sidestepped as a clawed hand tore at him.  Backing away, Jardin bobbed and wove like a boxer as the faster vampire lunged with fang and claw.  As was often the case for him, he saw every move coming and would react accordingly...

That was until he bumped into a wooden chair.  The sexy vampire smiled.  "Oops," she taunted, playful.  Then she lunged for his throat.

Wordlessly, Jardin sidestepped, only this time, he took hold of the chair, kicking it.  A piece of wood came free and the young meta was able to step in.  He drove his improvised stake into her heart.  "Oops, indeed."  Jardin seemed somber this time around.

Pushing the vamp away, Jardin moved to free the other blood bags...those that yet lived at least.

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Parable November 30th 2015, 12:53 am

Parable's reaction time was not something to be underestimated, as his mind was currently seeing things through the scope of a paused world. The hero did not just move fast, he thought fast and he saw fast, and he reacted with just as much speed. And right now, he was thinking fast enough to comprehend things moving at hundreds of miles per hour, as if they moved no faster than someone walking.

Of course that didn't really matter; he couldn't exactly see a telekinetic wave of force, to avoid it.

And thus, the teenager found himself being hit hard in the chest. The impact sent him back-flipping at great speeds through the air, spiraling, as he struggled  to rein in his power of flight.

The hero completed a full six more flips, before he finally managed to balance his equilibrium.

Floating in a shocked state, Parable dizzily watched, as the first of the vampires were shredded in a  familiar and invisible fashion. The hero glanced down to the villain who was clearly, somehow behind all this. He moved slowly. Pathetically slowly. But the blasts of force around him cut the air at high speed.

His mind drawing parallels between everything that was happening, Brian glanced to the dead body and to the hands of his attacker. Not a drop of blood coated the hands of the villain, from the innocent man he had literally shredded to pieces.  It was crazy, but this individual was clearly capable of dishing out death without laying a single hand on someone. He had to have powers too; and he could do some serious damage with them.

Parable clenched his muscles in anger. He had the force of a speeding bullet behind him. The power of a supersonic jet in his fists. No, he wasn't weak. He was strong. And this damn murderer hadn't even begun to see what a pissed off teen from L.A could do.

Parable's form began to vibrate intensely, as he broke the sound barrier without moving an inch. Within another second the hero had hit mach two with his vibrations. In another second, he went beyond even that.

In no time at all, Parable ripped himself with intense speed from where he was floating. This time though, the hero didn't simply fly straight to the man. No, Parable weaved between the air like a bullet; he was never in the same place, or in the same line of fire twice.

The villain could shoot force waves that moved fast, he had proven that, but his powers just couldn't have a mind of their own. No, Parable was willing to wager that the telekinetic had to consciously control his power; if this was true, well then the vigilante was moving as fast as some bullets, there was likely no way his enemy could place the hero's position for long enough to attack, or defend his charge.

Slamming into the ground on his way to his destination, Parable screamed, running towards the man with the intent to punch him in the spirit of a drive-by, never stopping his run as he hit him. Parable would not stay in one place for this assault, and he would come back and do it again and again, if he had to, until the villain stopped all the killing. Of course, he was aiming for the man's shoulder, he wasn't sure how much the guy could take, and he didn't want to kill anyone himself. No, he'd keep hitting non vital areas until the bastard collapsed.

"Who do you think you are! To take a life like that, to kill like that!"

In his fury, Parable all but ignored the woman pleading for them to stop. He would deal with and help her after he incapacitated this fiend.

Parable's Character Sheet

Status :

Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich November 30th 2015, 1:28 pm

The man was truly fast and he had no recognition to try and follow such speeds, but it gave him some sort of insight on to what he would try. The man landed on the ground and darted towards him at Mach 3 he believed and he closed in insanely fast but not fast enough for him to try and catch his punch... No effect.

He could not stop the force but he could show off a little longer. the man hit him in the palm of his hand but he made it seem more deadly when his entire arm and chest were ripped away from his body. Coronel would fall to the ground for about a simple minute.

As he laid there and counted the time he would stand back up in the attempt to surprise his attacker and let the vampires get closer to him. As he stood up his most vital areas were close to healing and his arm was also being repaired. But in truth someone with regeneration only could not have survived that hit, but he was not that someone.

He was much more powerful than everyone who walked the very earth around him, and he also had time to see the end of the vampire hoard and some.

It seemed like there were others under ground being held in a cage. Seemed there were other more powerful vampires down there as well. Probably body guards to keep their food in check.

Well it was time to play and with so many targets he would have a full on blast. He spun in place then used his ability to make him go faster. As he would accelerate; his ability would flow from his body pulling and pushing debris away making a tornado. As he moved his hands it gave the tornado life and he would use it to smash into the vampires. They were dismantled as if they were put into a giant wood chipper,but the only thing he did not like was the lack of excitement.

He dropped the tornado and would impale a good 30 more vampires with the wood floating in the air. So what that is now a couple hundred dead. He was not to sure now, but no point keeping score either since he knew they would not want to play that game. He even found it more amusing when he actually dropped his barrier to let the guy hit him. But he was a good sport.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Jeannie Rose November 30th 2015, 7:02 pm

good thing whatever that guy is, he appears to be on her side Jeannie thinks as he makes a tornado out of no were to blow the vampires away. is he some kinda wizard, he might be like the guy on the avatar show he makes the wind move like that, she sense a funny vibration around him whenever he uses his powers moving the air around him.

thanks, Mr. wizard!jeannie takes advantage of the relief her allies attack brought to reload her guns she then decides since the masked man and Mr wizard seem intent on beating each others brains out leaving her and the vampires as a after thought as the wizard only seem to kill the vampires accidently or when they get in his was and the masked man seems to think the wizard is the source of the trouble,maybe but if he is why is he killing the vampires? will if there going to keep playing with each other she'll deal with the vampires then.

maybe there a hole she has to plug up to keep them from coming out or something, she decides to check out the building they came from, upon entering the building she smells a familiar scent mr.lee whats he doing here, she wonders. well better find him he was nice and she'd hate if he got eaten plus he's a smarty pants so he'll be able to figure out how the ended up in a bad horror movie. so she goes off looking through the building following her friends sent she wonders though the building mister lee are you here? it's Jeannie we chased the ghost in France you really shouldn't be her there there's vampires and two crazy supermen are having a smackdown outside that could bring the house down any minute
Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Grey November 30th 2015, 9:10 pm

Using a piece of steel pipe, Jardin broke the lock on the only safe exit from the building.  A half dozen other prisoners began to file out.  "Remember, head away from the violence," he advised.

A sweet young redhead gave the renegade a hug.  "Thank you so much."  She backed up, still clutching his hands.  "I never forget you."  She lingered for a time, then she was gone with the rest.

For a moment, the thief stood there.  Then he moved back to the pantry.  Taking the chair he had already damaged, he lifted it high and shattered it on the table.  He was left with a pair splintered legs that would work well enough as stakes...a glance at the sexy vampire told him stakes did work...good to see the classics worked.

As he went to leave, hunting more vamps, he heard a familiar voice.  Only one woman called him "Mr. Lee."  

Jardin moved to the next room as Jeannie called out her warning.  "Actually, I was just on my way out," he told her as he drew near.  At which point he sneezed with enough force that he doubled over.  He sneezed again, then glanced at the bounty hunter.  "Cad hair," he said in a stuffed up voice, pointing to Jeannie.  "You god cad De-Ed-Ay."

Distracted as his own senses were, he did not sense the vampire perched above.  It fell upon him, knocking away one of his stakes.  A clawed hand tore open a portion of Jardin's face and gouged out one of his eyes.

The monster snapped at him, hissing, but Jardin put a hand on its...his forhead.  Using the other stake, he thrust between the creature's ribs, impaling its heart.

Now it was Jardin's turn to his: "Mother fucker!"  His body was saturated with adrenaline by now; he had no notion of pain.  "Basdard dook my eye..." Always the eyes lately. Rising to his feet, Jardin was more interested in killing fangs that catching up with the British bounty hunter.

"Come od," he said, leading the way out of the nest after reclaiming his stakes. His nose was still acting up do to his allergy...

Corey Jardin (The Grey)[XP]
Special Agent Sarah Jardin[XP]
Heather Jardin (Violet Feral)
Antonio Ramirez (Guerrero)[XP]
Adelaide Zollern
The Grey
The Grey
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 393
Registration date : 2015-08-11

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Parable December 1st 2015, 2:42 pm

Parable felt his fist collide with Colonel's hand. The hero was for but a moment filled with a  smug satisfaction. Damn bastard was too slow to use his powers.

But Parable's joy was quickly kicked from the forefront of his mind with a dropping of his stomach. The speedster watched in horror, as the concussive force of his speed blew one side of the telekinetic to pieces.

"Oh god," Brian whispered, as his mouth began to run dry.

As the hero zoomed past his enemy, he quickly stopped his running and looked down at his hands. Bloody. He had a murderer's hands. The hero glanced back to the felled villain, who was now planted firmly against the ground. He hadn't meant to do that. He hadn't meant to do that to him. He didn't know he was that strong; he had just wanted to surprise his enemy.

It was a complete accident. But it had killed someone.

Parable continued to stare at his fallen advisory. He had to be dead, didn't he?  Ignoring the vampires that were invading the alley, as he was still moving fast enough to simply sidestep any attacks, the hero began to walk over to Colonel, a sense of dread and nausea filling his heart and stomach with each step. As he walked, the speedster noticed something.

Parable stopped on his lead foot, as his eyes grew wide. Muscles were reforging themselves, sinew was growing anew, and bone was locking itself back into place. The man was healing.

As his enemy stood up, Parable watched in abject confusion. That kind of power, no, it was just too much. Suddenly, the hero found himself being filled with both relief and dread. He hadn't killed someone, but, as the newly revived telekinetic began to release a literal tornado of physic force at the vampires, he realized that he might have to. The vampires were monsters, but they were still human; not bugs to be exterminated, stopped maybe. Even supervilains weren't outright killed, no one had a right to slaughter these bloodsuckers either.

Parable felt his eyes fill with a glow, as his body vibrated to build up speed once more. Multiple muscle were starting to ache internally, but  the hero ignored it. With a bolt, Brian came back at the telekinetic, aiming to hit him hard on the side of the ribs. The man had to be stopped, but Parable prayed that his enemy could take whatever punishment accomplishing that might require.

"No more killing," the young man said, as he bolted towards the villain.

"No more, do you hear me? We can end this here, if you just stop!" at this point, Parable was part-pleading, part-begging, and part-commanding.

Last edited by Parable on December 1st 2015, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Parable's Character Sheet

Status :

Quote : "The law needs to mean something, decency needs to mean something!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2015-11-28

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich December 1st 2015, 9:26 pm

Well this was amusing now. The guy seemed to have a mix of emotions and it seemed to be relation to the thought of killing someone. "Feeble minds only get in the way when needing to take down real threats like me." Coronel would think about the stupid actions of not trying to finish him off, but also it seemed someone he knew was arising to the ground and would accompany the group soon.

The speedster finally got his emotions checked and was a little pissed off that Coronel was killing the blood suckers.

Just ask yourself this, how many have they killed and why are they roaming the earth doing as they please. They were not as bad as him since they only killed for food, but in his eyes they were around his level. He who did not know his purpose, and would fight until he could gain the purpose. He only had the knowledge of a mortal wound that he received, but that was all.

As the guy would lounge at him; it seemed like he again was going for another body shot. Coronel wore a surprised expression as if something was wrong. He would bring both hands together, but fail do to the guys speed. His body was not living so his flesh ripped much easier than that of a human, but he could also heal faster than most. All he had to do was make more dead tissue and it was more simple than live tissue.

As the impact again hit, his chest was now scattered across the ground and he was barely connected by the strands of skin on his right side. His heart and most major organs were ripped out by the force and he again was left on the ground.

After a few seconds he stood back up turning and facing the guy with an over baring evil grin. Happy? Yes. Crazy? More so. He lived for the excitement.

He pulled all his parts back to himself and quickly repaired. He would then stomp the ground sending a telepathic force through out the ground causing it to buckle. It started to collapse and then caved in since there was a sewer system underneath. He remained a float as the ground quickly fell.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 444
Location : unown
Age : 30
Job : unown
Humor : Donuts and Donut holes? Are you trying to suggest something?
Registration date : 2011-04-22

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Dread (PM To Join) Empty Re: Dread (PM To Join)

Post by Jeannie Rose December 1st 2015, 10:34 pm

Jeannie follows her friend as they continue there to search for the source of this dead guys being not so dead.she's worried about him though and sad she couldn't keep him from getting hurt and starts crying
ewww that's gross mister lee are you sure your ok? you did just get you eyeball poked out,need a band aid maybe I could give you some of my blood and your eye might grow back never actually tried that too see if it work but you never know it could work, or we can take you to some science doctor guys and you could get a cool robot eye that can shoot lasers that make short work of this icky monsters or you could get an eye patch and parrot and ship and play pirates that be fun

Jeannie Rose
Jeannie Rose
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : crazy but that's how i roll
driving everyone else insane
i'm the conductor of the crazy train Smile

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2489
Location : where ever my next adventure is :)
Job : universe's greatest bounty hunter
Humor : why so serious ? seriously just cause we have to face life threatening danger on a daily basis don't mean we can't have fun with it ,instead off oh no we're doomed be like me and think gee wonder how i'll survive this....oh you don't have heal powers well you might not find the evil deathtrap as amusing i do then
Registration date : 2014-10-22

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