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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Sim September 29th 2011, 5:05 pm

((This is to explain how the Sentinels first begin starting up, so it should go by fast. The sooner this thread ends, the sooner the whole group can start! =) ))

Senator Gibson’s rally had a sizable turnout. He was a sweetheart of the public, and was already preparing to take a higher political office. All of the local news stations had cameras trained on him as he made his speech. Unfortunately, the broadcast was about to get more exciting.

As he was making his speech, men in functional black outfits and gas masks erupted from seemingly nowhere. They had strange, high-tech looking rifles that they quickly used to eliminate the security and establish control of the crowd. A pale man dressed in black appeared on staged, and pushed the senator to the side. His short hair matched his outfit, and his red eyes scanned the audience. Beside him stood a giant of a man, who obviously owed his physical state to unnatural means. His muscles bulged disgustingly, he stood almost a full 8 feet and was at least half that from shoulder to shoulder. He wore no shirt, which made it easy to see all the veins bulging out. He breathed heavily but stood quiet beside the skinnier man who spoke into the microphone. “I’m going to have to borrow these cameras senator. My name is Sinister, and this is my associate Butcher” He motioned to the giant man, who grunted in reply. He looked back to the audience. “We are the Black Cabal, the inheritors of this pathetic world, and from this day forth no longer a secret society.” Sinister spoke with a pleasant tone that conflicted with the body of his message. “This city now belongs to as, as soon the world will. Starting with all of you, the citizens will be reeducated like the enlightened fellows holding you at gunpoint.” The men in gas masks didn’t move, but before Sinister could continue a strange blue lightning started from somewhere, and hopped around from gun to gun. The masked henchman looked around frantically, and from within the crowd appeared…what looked like a fourteen year old girl.

She looked almost like a normal young teen, except for her hair and outlandish outfit. Blue hair fell far down past the middle of her back, and over a navy bodysuit she wore a shiny purple turtleneck and pants. Her hands wore large black and gold gloves, and her eyes were covered by sunglasses. The henchmen immediately took aim and tried to fire, but found their guns didn’t respond. Sim smiled. She had used their high tech equipment to her advantage and converted to the electricity in each gun to fire. They didn’t hold enough electricity for her make the whole gun explode or anything like that of course, but she had successfully damaged the guns to where they wouldn’t fire. It was fortunate they depended on computer systems to fire. Without hesitation, the henchman put away their guns and pulled out long batons that once switched on crackled dangerously with electricity. They charged at Sim, the crowd frantically looking for safety.

Sim moved with a speed and precision that no young teen could have. A trained martial artist could easily spot a master in her movements. She dodged every attack thrown at her, placing her own with an almost artistic display. It almost looked like a carefully choreographed dance, and all the masked attackers were intentionally missing and letting themselves be taken out. Her strength was also obviously not proportionate to her appearance, as she took out full grown men with a single well placed blow. She had already taken out a dozen of the henchman when three more charged her. She jumped in the air as two approached in a pincer attack, kicking each in the face with a split kick, as she came back down she forcefully kicked one of the attacker’s baton out of his hand, and it flew precisely to strike the third attacker. He convulsed and fell to the ground, unable to move further. Sim winced at the thought of what one of things could do if it hit bare skin. She yelled up at Sinister. Sinister spoke at the girl through the microphone. “Do you really think another lone vigilante can stop us girl?” He made a single motion to butcher, who quickly moved out into the crowd towards Sim. Sim yelled as loud as she could. “Do you have any idea how many of these little villain groups I put a stop to? It’s like an infestation!” She said it mockingly, but she was starting to wonder if she was even making much of a difference.

None of the henchman even bothered the futile effort of attacking Sim now, but Butcher was on her. She continued her dance as she dodged a powerful punch from the man. It penetrated deep through the concrete they were standing on, warning Sim that his punches were a deadly affair. Even with his raw strength he had nothing to compare to Sim’s fighting skill though. The air around her fists gathered, turning to crackles of blue lightning. She danced around the big man, landing punches all around him. The lighting didn’t act like true electricity, it acted more like ice. Her fists were so cold that where they landed they left small burns. Butcher’s durability matched his size and strength. Even with her considerable strength Sim wasn’t able to cause too much damage with her bare hands, but between bruises and burns she could make him hurt. She nervously worried what his pain threshold was as she jumped over a sweeping blow, a crackling foot landing straight into the giant’s face. As she was landing she heard Sinister’s voice behind her, though she had no idea how he got there so fast. She turned to face him, but without giving her time to react he launched a blast of what looked like black fire at her. Unable to dodge as she was landing, the ebony flames engulfed her and dissipated. At first she was relieved to not be burned at all, but she soon realized what Sinister’s power really was. Disorientation. Her vision blurred and darkened as random muscles cramped, making it hard for Sim to move or to know where she was moving to. Sinister casually instructed Butcher as if he was asking a butler to fetch something. “Punch a hole in the brat.” Given Butcher’s strength, this wasn’t hyperbole. He reared back a giant fist and launched it at Sim. Unable to use her sense properly, all she could do was guard the giant fist with her small arms. Surprisingly, his fist didn’t go straight through Sim. Instead, it sent her flying through the air until the cement brick wall of a building was kind enough to stop her. She went straight through the wall, leaving a Sim-sized hole, and falling to the ground amidst a pile of debris. The crowd gasped, and some children that weren’t already crying started as their would be hero’s body lay in the shadows and dust of the broken wall. Sinister smiled and presumed victory, but shockingly Sim’s body slowly rose and walked out of the rubble. “Your special friend packs a whallop all right. I’ll definitely need the heating pad later.” Sim said with a smile and mocking tone. In truth though, it definitely did hurt. Her back was sending out waves of pain and Sim was certain it was entirely bruised. Her sunglasses busted, Sim took them off and threw them to the ground, revealing her jewel-like purple eyes. She took her battle stance somewhat shakily, still a little disoriented from Sinister’s attack. She would protect these people though, no matter what it took. She would find a way to win this battle. Her jewel eyes watched the villains, trying to prepare herself for their next attack.
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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by BlackOut September 30th 2011, 1:29 am

BlackOut soared through the sky toward the source of all the excitement. The sounds of battle had drawn the hero’s attention. Coming upon the mass of people down below he started to scan them for the ones causing the trouble. It was not a very difficult task. There was the muscle bound monstrosity, he was the easiest to pick out, there was no way he belonged here. Then there was the slender man in black, just looking at him from here made Black shudder a little. The two of them stood facing a freshly opened hole in the side of a nearby building.

As the dust settled around large gap in the wall Black saw a young blue haired girl emerge from the rubble. She took a combat preparing herself for the duo that Black assumed had put her though the wall in the first place to attack again. The attack followed almost immediately the massive brute charged her drawing back one of his massive boulder like fist for a punch. Black made his next quickly flying toward the scene he increased his speed, swooping down on the mountain of a man he cocked back his own fist.

As he reached the man he brought his fist forward and just as his hand was about to make contact with the side of the brutes head he discharged a large burst of electricity. With a thundering clap the giant man was off of his feet and sent tumbling through the air. His grotesque frame crashed to the ground with shaking everything thing around as it did. “Two against one hardly seems fair gentlemen.” He said as he landed gently on the ground.

The man pale man in black stood motionless watching BlackOut for a moment, and an eerie grin worked its way across his face. “You think that there being two of you even remotely makes this a fair fight.” The man said as he let out a short obnoxious laugh. “You fool we are the Black Cabal, we-

Seriously, can we skip the “We are so evil and badass; you have no hope of defeating us.” speech. I would much rather we skip to the part where I beat the hell out of you two. Ya know, if you don’t mind” Black said smiling at his own feigned arrogance. The man narrowed his piercing red eyes that still creeped Black out more than words could describe.

The stare down ended when Black felt the ground beneath his feet tremble. Looking to his left he saw that the giant man had dragged himself from the crater in the pavement that his body had made and was now charging at him. Just from the beasts movements BlackOut tell that all of the man’s extra mass had severely limited his mobility. As the man flung himself through the air at Black, the hero was able to easily time a jump right over the brutes lumbering frame. As he did Black formed a ball of electricity in his hand and flung it downward at the back of the giant beasts head. The ball of energy struck the man straight on sending it crashing back down into the ground, sliding face first across the street.

Black still hovering in the air turned to see the man with the crimson eyes firing a stream of what looked like black flames at him. Black managed to bring up a shield around himself at the last second and avoid the blast. Black smirked staring down the man for a second time. “Is that the best you two g-.” his taunt was cut short by the massive hand that had wrapped around his ankle. “Goddammit.” He cursed under his breath as he felt his body being whipped forward by the giant man’s immense strength. Bringing his hands up he attempted to guard his face as the giant slammed him down into the street. The giant then brought his arm flinging Black through the air.

Black saw himself flying through the air flipping head over heels like a rag doll. The battle field grew smaller and smaller and he continued to sail through the sky. Spotting a nearby roof top he used his electricity to angle his trajectory and slow his momentum enough for a safe landing. Unfortunately he did not have enough time. He hit the roof hard bouncing and rolling but he managed to keep himself from sailing off the other side. His beaten body lay sprawled out across the roof.

Black stared upward at the bright blue sky he watched as everything spun around for a moment as his body attempted to get its bearings. As everything settled down he wiggled his fingers and toes to make sure that they still worked, and then rolled himself over slowly bringing himself to his hands and knees. Black pulled his mask from his head; a stream of blood ran from his mouth, forming a crimson puddle in front of him. “Okay, I’m definitely going to start wearing a mouth guard.” He said as he ran his tongue across his teeth, delighted to see that they were all still in their rightful spots. Black chuckled briefly and felt a stabbing pain in his side. “Broken ribs, fantastic.”

Last edited by BlackOut on September 30th 2011, 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Ace September 30th 2011, 5:19 am

Ace was in the audience as all the commotion came about, he was supposed to go to disneyland but the street he was going down was closed so he decided to stick around, the girl was taking on a whole army by herself "Talk about female independence" Ace said to himself. He obviously jinxed it, next thing he knew the girl was flung halfway across the street into and through a wall, "Well that's my holiday over" Ace muttered under his breath "time to get back to work". Ace thought he better get in there, but these guys were obviously strong, he'd needed to catch them by surprise. The girl started rising from the rubble.
*Now's my chance* thought Ace. He started climbing a pipe on a nearby building, he was secretly hoping that a little kid wouldn't give him away.

Then a man, Another electricity manipulator. Then the Men in black  speech before they were stopped by the man, who said he wanted to get along with the ass whooping.
*I like this guy* thought Ace, he climbed higher on to the pipe, he was now hanging upside down from it. The next thing he knew the man was flying into the air, coming down on the building that he was hanging from, blood flooded down on to Ace's hand. He would have been fine if a little girl in the crowd hadn't yelled "Ewwww, that boy has blood on his hand"
His cover was blown, well and truly.

Butcher charged at him, his huge fist like a hammer, Ace dropped from the pipe and Butcher's fist cut through it like butter, Ace rolled out of the way of the falling pipe, unfortunately he didn't dodge Butchers fist who threw him down the street into a line of fairy lights, he grabbed onto the lights and swung backwards around the corner flying through the air landing next to Sim 
"That worked out well"
Ace charged his fists, he was going to try his best to fend of these beasts and hopefully be able to help the other 2.

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Sim October 11th 2011, 9:37 pm

((Sorry for the wait.))

Sim watched as another young hero quickly appeared, doing brief but high powered battle with the strongest of the villains. Just as the giant called Butcher flung him away another young vigilante came, holding his own against the giant man, landed right next to Sim.

She noticed his hands crackling with electricity. Not with her eyes, at least not at first. Sim’s birthright let her feel the elements around her, the world around her communicated with her in its own complex language. Did he have powers similar to the other hero? Even as Sim thought to herself, butcher charged at the most recently arrived electricity user. He shot a missile-like fist forward towards him, but Sim wouldn’t give him a chance to hit him. It sent waves of pain through her bruised back to already by moving so much, but she was able to move fine. Thanks to her incredibly resilient bones, her spine was still in perfect shape. She popped up into the air and sent her own sharp kick at his fist, knocking it away to slam into the side of the building Sim had just been sent sailing through. Before returning to the ground she spun and slammed her heel into Butcher’s face, putting him slightly off balance.

In the few seconds Sim had spent performing her maneuver, she had conducted a plan. She looked towards Ace. “Can you make lots of electricity?” She asked in a strange accent that sounded like it came somewhere from Europe, but not from a place anyone could put a finger on. Her jewel-like eyes fixed on the giant as she felt the magical energies around her hands, blue electricity crackling slightly at them. “If we work together we can win the day. Hit him with as much electricity as you can. Don’t worry about killing him. I’ll use the electricity to freeze him solid,a t least long enough to deal with the skinny guy.” Something that sounded odd coming from a slender young girl.
Sim was putting her trust in a young human she had only just encountered. She dodged Butcher’s attacks and readied herself, as soon as she had enough electricity to work with, she would put Butcher in a solid ice prison.
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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by BlackOut October 12th 2011, 12:51 am

BlackOut pushed himself back up to his feet gritting his teeth as he did. His body started to adjust to the pain as he started pulled his mask back over his head. Before he pulled the mask over his mouth he spit another stream of blood from his mouth onto the roof. “Alright round two.” He laughed gently, trying not to cause himself too much pain. Black pulled his mask the rest of the way over his face and surveyed the scene that was unfolding below him. The girl who he had seen before was fighting toe to toe with the giant muscular beast that had sent him flying onto this rooftop. She had the aid of another boy who looked to have powers similar to his own.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the slender man in black preparing to throw another one of his blasts of black flames toward the two other heroes. Black dove from the building soaring down toward the grown and the man in Black that was below. Grabbing the man by his collar Black flung the villain through the air protecting his newfound allies from the attack. The man’s body soared through the air and crashed into the side of a bus. The body of the bus buckled on impact and the windows shattered as it did, shards of glass burst into the air and rained to the street as they did.

Black landed on the pavement staring at the smashed up bus waiting for his enemy to emerge. He hadn’t thrown him that hard and if that was enough to do the man in then he would be quite disappointed. As if on cue the man climbed from the gaping hole in the side of the vehicle. His black apparel was tore and tattered to match his face which was covered in small cuts and scratches from the broken glass. The man’s blood red eyes stared evilly at Black, it was clear that he was furious as his body trembled with rage.

An excited smile grew and Black’s face through no one would see it. “You two handle big stuff.” He said to the two other supers as he motioned to the massive muscled man. “I’ll take care of this scrawny punk.” He smiled turning to the man in black, staring into his eerie red eye unblinking. The man flew at him his speed was impressive but Black was able to match it moving out of the way of the wild punch the man threw at him, and flying upward over the follow up kick that came next. When Black was in the air the man in black shot another burst of ebony flames at him. This time he used an attack of his own to defend himself. Black aimed his hand as electricity rushed up his arm and out through his hand. The electricity rushed down toward the ground, toward the villain, cutting through the blackness of the flames as it did.

The electricity struck the man knocking him off his feet and sending him sliding backward across the street. Before the man could scramble to his feet Black was on top of him. One of Black’s hand wrapped around his neck and held him down, hoping to subdue him long enough for the police to take care of him. The man struggled under the weight of Black’s body to get free swinging his arms and legs wildly he struck Black in his broken ribs. A wave of pain rippled outward from the wound causing Black to lose his grip and giving the man an opening to escape. The man pushed Black off of him and tried to strike quickly while Black was still in pain. The man tried to kick Black in the ribs but Black managed to roll out of the way and get back to his feet again. The villain knew where to attack him now he had to finish this before the man could capitalize on his weak spot anymore.

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Ace October 12th 2011, 8:30 am

Ace nodded at the girl, *Gee, for a girl about my age she's pretty……. smart, Pretty smart, thats what i meant* Ace took a brief moment to remember back to his year in high school before returning to the present. The girl was saying something to him about producing high amounts of energy into the big guy while she froze him.

"Sounds like a good idea" Ace Paused "What about…" Ace gestured to the skinny guy, only to realise he was in a fist fight with the other man "Never mind" Ace heard the Big guy groan,"I think its best if i get to him now" said Ace, a tone of nervousness in his voice.

Ace got behind the man "I learnt this in primary school" Ace took two fingers on each hand and jabbed them into his ribs, then he discharged his electricity, *You've never done this before, this is not stupid at all. Your probably going to hurt yourself, what for?* Ace thought to himself
"Im a hero now, i do these things, put yourself in danger, for other people" Ace said to himself.

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Sim October 13th 2011, 3:32 pm

The young Human seemed to understand. Sim had no idea what primary school was, perhaps some kind of educational facility for super-powers. He was a hatchling, even by human standards. He seemed to be capable of carrying himself through a fight though, and Sim respected any honorable fighter. He fulfilled his end of things and started generating electricity.

As soon as the electricity was available Sim went to work. Faint lines of blue left her hands, and the electricity surging at Butcher changed to a bright blue color. First he seemed slow, then completely paralyzed. Around him, like a bent cage, wires of ice formed. The ice was thickening even as empty spots were filled, and before long the only part of Butcher sticking out was the top of his head, just enough to breath. Even if he could bust out without being able to move, the real electricity that had gotten to him had rendered him unconscious. The police sirens were blaring, and SWAT teams were moving in. Without working guns, the henchmen weren’t able to resist much, and now there was only one villain left. Sim smiled at Ace, with rows full of long sharp teeth. “Good job! Let’s help him now!” She said, obviously referring to the other electricity user. “I’m Sim by the way.”

She quickly made her way towards Sinister, ignoring any pain in her back. She took battle position and shouted out to get his attention. “Two of us took out your big pet over there. Now there’s three of us together. You should just stand down now and avoid further violence.” Instead of taking her advice, the villain raged and readied a blast of his strange disorientating fire to throw at Sim.
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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by BlackOut October 16th 2011, 5:40 pm

BlackOut watched as the giant man was frozen into a block of ice by the other two super humans. One of the duo was down now it was time to finish the other. The man in black was watching this development as well, and he was clearly unnerved. Black grinned, he quite enjoyed watched the villain squirm, and this was only made better by the arrival of the authorities. The screaming of the sirens foreshadowed the arrival of the black SWAT vans that encircled them only made the man more desperate. Even though his plan had all but unraveled the man stayed the course he refused to give in.

The man sent another blast of black fire it crossed through the air toward the girl who was standing at his side. Black reacted quickly, placing his hands out he unleashed a burst of electricity. The electrical energy crawled outward, forming a shield in front of the three heroes. The fire splashed up against the solid wall of electricity leaving the three of them untouched.

BlackOut grimaced underneath his mask, as the dull stabbing pain in his ribs seemed to only get worse. He was determined to finish this now, before anyone got hurt. Drawing the electricity that formed his shield inward he reshaped it into a ball of electricity that he pushed outward sending it flying at the villain. The man tried to jump out of the way of the attack hopping up over the large wave of electricity that came when the electricity ball struck the ground.

Black took the opportunity as the man hung in the air, cashing in on the chance he quickly he took aim. With all the electricity he had left in his body he took his shot at the villain. Sparks flew and arcs of electricity jutted off as the swirling beam cut through the sky. The shot landed with a resounding boom, knocking the villain from the air and sending him careening toward the ground. Smoke rose from the man’s unconscious body. The police were quick swarming the man quickly restraining him and throwing him into the back of a squad car.

Black smiled his legs felt weak and he gingerly brought himself to the ground to sit, trying to avoid any more pain to his broken ribs. He rested his elbows on his knees which were drawn up near his chest. A salty mixture of blood and sweat dripped to the ground after it soaked through his mask. “Well that was fun.” He smiled, breathing heavily. “You can call me BlackOut by the way.” Black said looking up at the two super kids that stood over him. Black smiled as he saw a crowd of police officers carrying and attempting to load the block of ice that imprisoned the bigger villain into the back of a SWAT van. “Nice work on that guy.

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Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout) Empty Re: Sentinel Beginnings (closed to Ace and Blackout)

Post by Ace October 16th 2011, 9:55 pm

*Ok, so you did it, but it was only with that girls help* thought Ace. The girl smiled at him, smiled at him with rows of sharp teeth, like a crocodile *Ok, after all the things that have happened recently, that doesn't really surprise me, hell she could be a shark girl and I wouldn't really care.* Ace thought, The girl told him her name "Hi Sim I'm-"Ace started to introduce himself but Sim was already off, helping out the other man, Ace decided to go and help the man out aswell.

The Police and SWAT started arriving, Ace thought it was a bit extreme but then again there was a man trying to take over the presidency. The bigger electricity user managed to take out the man with the black fire, well enough so that he could be restrained. It was done the villains were down for the count "Well, it was no Disneyland but that was surprisingly fun" Ace said. He looked down and saw blackout on the floor, bleeding heavily.
He knelt down to blackouts level
"Did you want me to call an ambulance?" Ace asked to blackout, He looked up at Sim "Oh, Im Ace by the way " He looked back down at Blackout, reaching into his own pocket to grab his phone. "No signal, well that's always great" Ace said sarcastically. 

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