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Crisis At Sear's Tower

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Van Helcraft September 25th 2011, 11:02 am

Warren had been whittling away time in between his part time jobs by cleaning his guns and knives. Shalala on the other hand was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. Things had been lax for the past few weeks and the masked phantom had gotten little work, the boredom had progressed so far that he was even helping with chores for something to do. Though now his day was looking up as the phone line he had made rang a few times, crossing over to it he answered, writing down the details of his new job. Some physcopath was holding prisoners inside the Sear's Tower, he was to meet a contact at the police line who would be asisting him in the rescue attempt. He didn't think it sounded like much of a problem, he quickly finished the food Shalala brought to him and began getting ready for a fight, putting on his Cloak and mask making sure all of his weapons where in place.

2 hours later after a long time in traffic he pulled up to the scene, walking straight into the police line with Shalala following right behind, he quickly informed the police cheif of his 'name' and was briefed and shown where he would be meeting his partner. He really didn't think the other guy would be needed, after all Warren already had a partner and she was busy cleaning her AK-47's. He stifled a yawn and settled down to wait for the new guy.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by The Ranger September 25th 2011, 11:16 am

The Ranger yawns waking up in his bed at his new home in Chicago only to hear sounds of sirens and police helicopters a few blocks away. He blinks confused at what is going on and jumps out of his bed quickly throwing on his costume, adorning the hood and grabbing his equipment. As well as his quiver full of arrows and compound bow, thinking his long bow will not be needed in whatever is going on over there. He leaves the house from the back entrance completely invisible and making no noise at all as he sprints at full speed to the noise noticing it is coming from Sears Tower which makes him raise an eyebrow in confusion. Is it another terrorist attack, a hold up, hostage situation, what? Only time and the police will tell when he arrives on the scene which he does just then. Turning visible he walks up to the chief and is briefed over the situation looking up to the top of the building to see the flying object circling over it, watching as helicopters are shot out of the sky.

At this site he furrows his brow and pulls his gloves a little tighter wondering what exactly he is up to. He walks over to the front entrance and there waits for his 'partner' in this crisis to show up. After waiting a couple minutes he sees the man walk up and nods at him, "Names the Ranger and you are? I hear your gona help me with this? Told the chief I wouldn't need it but he insisted so I assume this villain must be pretty powerful." He says as he adjusts his compound bow on his back then blinking seeing a girl holding two machine guns "T…t..Why exactly is a little girl holding machine guns following you around? He says stunned but shakes it off and looks up the building seeing it to far up to scale and that even if he did the woman might nock him down. "I suggest we use the stairs, scaling the building or using the elevator is too risky."

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Crisis At Sear's Tower TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Age : 27
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Shockwave September 25th 2011, 11:36 am

Holding people hostage was fun. Shock had to go to russia, but that didn't mean she couldn't  have fun doing so, even though she probably just completely disobeyed Nightkills order of going discretely, but she was just having fun and when she needed to board she would head back and let the cops free the hostages.

"Let the hostages out now or we will be forced to use drastic Actions" Yelled a police officer through a megaphone 
"Yeah, Yeah, go ahead with your drastic actions "

There were helicopters circling around the building, not that it bothered her, as long as she kept close to the hostages the cops were useless against her. Speaking of the hostages there was a hippie girl who was stoned so barely realized she was being held hostage and only started freaking out when she got the munchies, and a distinguished businessman who looked so red like he was going to explode.

Shock looked out the window to see the cop talking to a man who went up to the door to meet another man. 
"Looks like we have company!" said Shock, pouring 3 glasses of wine "Let's greet them shall we" 
Shock poured the rest of the wine in a circle around the hostages and stole a lighter from the mans pocket "it's just a safeguard, besides smoking is bad for you" 

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Van Helcraft September 25th 2011, 11:49 am

"I'm more often than not called the Masked Phantom, and yes i suppose we will be working together,and She is Shalala my one and only partner, though your right scaling would be stupid, the stair are fine, but the longer we take to get up there the longer she has to hurt people so, Shalala dear would you please fly up to the top and distract her while we make our way up to pincer her." Warren said answering all of the mans questions and working on a plan already, Shalala could easily handle a distraction for the few minutes it would take for him to make it up the stairs. "of course master." She answered leaving the small pavillion and activating her leg jets taking off and soaring straight to the top of the building. Warren looked at the Rangers face with a sly smile, he doubted the man expected to see such a robot.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by The Ranger September 25th 2011, 12:06 pm

The Ranger nods listening to what the man has to say blinking as the robot girl takes off into the air from jet boots. He sighs shaking his head not having expected to see that today, "Well then, lets get a move on shall we that is if you can keep up?" He says the last part as a small jest before turning and sprinting off into the building and up the stairs as fast as he can wanting to make it to the top of the building before something bad happens to the hostages. Although he maybe fast, one of the fastest people a live, there are still more than one hundred floors in this building at it will take him at least two to three minutes.

He looks back every once in a while to make sure the Masked man is following him still sprinting up the stairs at speeds reaching up to one hundred and fifty miles per hour though never making a noise as he goes. When near the top he turns invisible and takes out his bow walking up the last flight of stairs bow rose, arrow notched completely invisible and silent in everything he does. Watching and observing, trying to find the best way to deal with this situation, dealing with the villainess and the hostages.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Crisis At Sear's Tower TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Shockwave October 1st 2011, 10:56 am

Shock was expecting company but all she got was nothing, she looked out the window and saw this flying robot thing. She quickly blasted out the window and started sending shockwaves at the bastard.

She flew out the window to get a better shot at the robot and to cause a bit of wanton destruction for the cops below, tipping over cars, warping tarmac that kind of thing. When shock got back inside the tower she noticed the door was Ajar, as opposed to it being closed when she left.
 *I'm not the only super here am I * she thought to herself, she picked up the second glass of wine and skulled it in seconds, waiting for the big hero moment 

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Van Helcraft October 1st 2011, 3:43 pm

Shalala moved around the shockwaves with barely a glancing blow, she shot up to the top of the building where the woman had returned. She was ticked she was treated not like a proper threat, so she opened fire from behind the woman.

Warren hurried up the steps slightly slower than his companion but managed to make it up to the top floor, slightly cofused by the burning liqour around the hostages. He heardn Shalala open fire nearby and knew the woman was back up here. He quickly stamped out the fire with a nearby extinguisher. " Alright i'll go back Shalala up get these people a safe distance down and then come back and help." Warren told him following the logical course the ranger was faster that meant he would be back faster. Warren began sneaking around to get a shot off at the woman shalala was shooting at.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by The Ranger October 1st 2011, 4:00 pm

The Ranger listens to what the man says running over to the ring of fire and starts putting it out the best he can. Once that is done he takes the people and leads them down to the stairs, "Come on lets go, hurry up while she is distracted." He mutters as he then stops telling them to wait, he picks one up and sprints down to the 100 floor then back up repeating everything with all of the people. After he is done with that he races back up to the top draining a bottle of water looking around at his surroundings, he pulls out an arrow and notches it onto his compound bow aiming it the flying person before letting it fly out at her. The Ranger turns invisible and sprints off behind the masked phantom, "Hostages are safe, I'll take shots while invisible, distract her while I get ready." He mutters sprinting off to another part of the building making no noise as he goes.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Crisis At Sear's Tower TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Shockwave October 4th 2011, 11:29 am

(The liquor wasn't burning but whatevs) Shock thought she was done with that robot she was wrong, she was hit in the back with a warm shot burning a hole in her uniform "My uniform!!"
Shock looked at the robot in disgust "You bitch". Shock got the last glass of wine, which was in a vase, yet she didn't realise it, and chucked it at the robot following it up with short, sharp shockwaves.

Shock flew at full speed at the robot and grabbed her, spinning anti-clockwise through the glass, "Woah, I'm getting a little dizzy here" all the blood was rushing to her head, she was feeling nauseous, she swore she blacked out and next thing she knew she threw up on the robot. "Woah that's going to leave a stain"

She pulled out of the spiral and flew awkwardly up to the top of the tower  (Wouldn't you if you were drunk, dizzy and having a robot fire at you?) and stood on the roof, shooting at the roof as she flew around. "Come on up here you robotic bitch, grow a metaphorical robotic pair"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Van Helcraft October 9th 2011, 2:34 pm

Shalala was released from the twirling imbosile who vomitted on her. She had managed to dodge the shockwaves biut the woman grabbed hold of her. Now pissed though she wouldnt dare curse out loud she opened fire all over again, forget about taking her alive they where going to have a hard time taking her in one peice when she was through.

Warren ducked from around the corner cautious of the shockwaves cutting through the floor, he shot three times with both his guns, and simultaneusly launched his knived wires to wrap around the woman. if they managed to get around her he would send an electric current through her body.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by The Ranger October 9th 2011, 2:53 pm

The Ranger watches all that transpires like a hidden ghost, or a god from one of the mythologies looking down on the shameful things of life all wrapped up in one. This is what he sees in this flying drunk woman, a thing that must be stopped so it can no longer cause harm to it's self and others around it. The silent archer, the king of stealth, draws his bow slowly notching an arrow and aiming it at the mad woman with expert aim matched by very few in this world. Luckily ever damn sonic blast she fires off completly misses the invisible archer as he fires off his c7, or semtex, arrow that has enough power in it to take out even the most durable of foes, having proven that against his traininf fight with Prodigy. After the arrow is fired off he quickly sprints to a different section of the roof notching and firing off one electric net arrow at the mad woman that if catches her will send out electric shocks through her body whenever she tries to struggle.

((the net holds up to 4 STR and the shock effect works on someone up to 3 DUR))

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Crisis At Sear's Tower TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
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Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Shockwave October 12th 2011, 9:30 am

Shock was inthralled by the robots determination, she decided the only way that robot would get away from here was in pieces. She sent a huge blast in the way of the robot. She was hoping to see the robot go down so she could stomp on it's head, but all she saw before she blacked out was a rope coming out at her, wrapping around her foot and the spire on the side of the roof, being pulled towards it and then felt a sharp shock going up her leg. Then she blacked out.

When shock came too she realized it was about a minute after she went out, she loosened the rope and just floated upside down seemingly still in the rope, she looked over and she saw that there was a net she nearly missed, if only she hadn't been wrapped around the spire......
(I continue this in the next post because I don't know what you did or didn't do)

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Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Van Helcraft October 14th 2011, 8:27 pm

Shalala tried in vain to get out off the shockwaves path in time. they caught her legs and shattered the mechanics inside the prostetic skin, shutting down her rockets and sending her freefalling into the roof breaking her shoulder joint. She couldnt stand and could only move one arm great she thought just great.She crawled to the nearest AK and picked it up she was almost out of ammo but she had enough to provide a distraction.

Warren went out of his mind he cut the wire attached to his wrist and meant to go help her but she waved him off. He turned and decided it was time to vent some anger he pulled several small capsules from his pocket, they would release a sleeping gas that would surly but her to sleep mopre than long enough so they could contain her.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
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Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by The Ranger October 14th 2011, 9:48 pm

The Ranger frowns as the arrows miss because she was already knocked out by the masked phantom. He mutters something about them needing to have better communication then sees a capsul thrown and fires off a tranquilizer arrow off at the mad woman to hopefully add to the effects of whatever the capsul does and knock her out for at least five minutes. As soon as the arrow is fired he sprints off to a different part of the building and shoots off a electric net arrow, attempting to capture in it which if she tries to struggle from will only get her shocked over and over until she gives up.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Crisis At Sear's Tower TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
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Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

Post by Shockwave October 23rd 2011, 9:42 am

Shock smirked as the robot crashed to the ground and it dislocated one of it's arm sockets and made a pathetic attempt to distract her. Shock flew down from the spire only to be met by arrows and capsules being shot at her, a smirk danced across her lips, she raised her hands and sent shockwaves at the oncoming projectiles.

They fell to the ground lifeless, the smirk turned into a laugh, she rose higher into the air, the laugh turned maniacal, she pointed a hand at the robot. "See ya sister" Shock said before sending a shockwave straight at the robot.

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Crisis At Sear's Tower Empty Re: Crisis At Sear's Tower

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