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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 1st 2011, 6:06 pm

Rex looked at the man and watched him die before crossing his arms and leaning back. "China men trafficking women I know the kind and if what he says is true about them just blowing the Pimp away I say Triad or Yakuza. Either group would have no problem just killing a man for not agreeing with them, I know a few here in China Town that came from New York if we need to grab some leads." Rex looked at red then at the broken computer. "I assume you got the information you needed?"

Rex turned as the new person entered than stopped himself from throwing a punch at the man's skull since he didn't seem to be much of a threat. He looked the guy up and down then grabbed the fat man throwing him out of the chair and sat down propping his feet up on the table. "Well you seem to follow the bodies we leave behind either your very clever or very lucky either way doesn't hurt to give a name when you meet people. I'm Rex the Crimson Titan and Justicar of Earth. My friend over there will give his own name and title if he wishes."

Rex sat back his red hair dropping to the floor as he thought about the people he knew. "Ok if it's Triad were looking for which is the better guess since a lot of there operation is Trafficking more so than the Yakuza then the man we want here is John Po. However if it's Yakuza then we need Carl Chink." Rex grinned shaking his head. "Ya his last name really is chink but he is small time and may not know much but he is thirsty for higher class so he will have information either way you want to play it, We could split up grab the guys and bring them here for interrogation or we could go visit them at home either way is gonna be a lot of gun fire." Rex looked at the new guy trying to decide if he was on there side or if he needed to crush the man's brains.

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 2nd 2011, 9:52 am

Red had done wonders before, but if what Rex had just suggested as right things just got more complicated. The yukuza were from Japan, so Red didn't think they would have much to do with this but the Triads were a different story. It seemed like the closer they got to the root of the problems the more impossible it was becoming. Connor opened his wrist top computer and quickly skimmed through the database he had stolen for information on the missing girls. Let's see what became of them...ah ha...good.

"Yes, i got just what I was looking for. The other kidnapped woman are being shipped over to China by boat along with woman from other cities. They haven't been auctioned yet, which means they won't be touched until they arrive and are sold. If you and I can track down that ship we might be able to..." Red stopped as suddenly a completely ordinary man walked in, if you could call a leather sleeveless vest normal but Connor was in no position to judge.

Their seemed to be no hostility immediatly, Rex didn't seem that much afraid of the man but Red was weary of his sudden appearance. After an introduction Rex continued on talking about the information he had, Red smirked as he disclosed what he knew. Muscle and some brains, it really is nice to have an indestructable partner but what of this new guy... Red closed his computer, looking at the Rex "Yukuza are Japanese so we want John Po, since he has connections to the Triad. We need to figure out the route the ship is taking and from where, than we can intercept it and rescue the woman."

Connor turned his attention to the new comer, "Pretty fearless of you to just waltz in here nonchalantly and I think you know enough by now that you should just go home to where ever you live to forget what you saw hear today." Red picked up the office phone and dials 9-1-1, when they picked up Red smoke calmly and did his best to make himself sound like a concerned citizen. "Hello? Hi, I'd like to report gunfire and explosion by the abandoned East end warehouse. I think there is a gang battle going on because their going crazy." Connor than hung up the phone, and opened his computer for a moment before nodding. "We have about five minutes before the cops arrive new guy and we aren't leaving until you tell me who you are."
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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 2nd 2011, 12:34 pm

The biggest one seemed like he was going to throw a punch, but stopped himself before the action went completely through. The man had a long name, Rex the crimson Titan and Justicar of the earth. He had said that Terran was pretty lucky or pretty clever. Terran had a very simple response to that comment "Clever? You have no idea what level of intelligence I have been gifted with." But Terran's expression went cold then and he held out his hand. Red plasmatic energy filled in his hand and took the form of a sphere "I know you look at my body Titan and see nothing to fear, but I can draw off your life force to fuel my own power, so do not think of me as weak."

The other person must have been red, as he was the only other person there...and he was wearing nothing but red. Terran squeezed his hand closed, dispersing the orb. Red talked about a gang prostitution ring, and it seemed all the information they had he now had. Red dialed the phone, 9-1-1, and gave a very vague description of what happened. He then said that they would not be leaving until he made his introduction. A smile crossed on Terran's lips. Red had a sort of psychological menace to him, while Rex was clearly the brutish, fearsome menace.

"Well Red, you never introduced your own name, yet you ask for mine? At least Rex told me his. Oh, and I figured out your name thanks to the hospital you dropped that girl off at. Anyway, I have long forsaken my name given to me by birth. I have taken on my race's name, Terran. I am Terran Lockheart." Any more information would need to be taken care of later. For now they needed to get out of here before the cops showed up and thought they were the problems.

With a flick of his wrist the wall had cracks in it, in the shape of a circle, and then pushed out of the wall, leaving a large hole. "Here is our exit. Red, since you have that oh so lovely mustang, I will hitch a ride with you. Oh, and I figured I should tell you, if you wish to track a boat that went out to see, all you have to do is use the information that you stole from the computer. You can figure out which harbor it left from, then figure out what type of boat. If it was a fishing boat, commercial liner, or what ever other type. local harbor patrol, authorities, or control should have records on the boats departure time as well as a means to contact the boat, which is most like an old fashioned CB radio, or something similar in modern tech."

"I am willing to quess it would be something not so conspicuous to avoid attention, but something that can properly hold...merchandise without having problems. I am thinking a freight liner, though that is just a guess. None of my degrees or skills pertain to the life of an old scallywag, " He knew he would regret saying that later, as he doubted either of them would get the joke. Owell.
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 3rd 2011, 12:25 am

Rex looked at the guy and laughed thumping his chest. "If you thing you got what it takes to bring me down let's see it little man but until you actually do something your all talk." Rex stood up looking over the other two men. "Alright Red if it's Po we want then we hit the strip joints in China town the Blooming Rose is a great place to start that squealing pig mentioned it once. Red listen this guy is a made man in the Triad so let me do the talking and be prepared because if they draw guns I can't promise to keep you alive after all Bullets don't hurt me but I'm not faster than them. "

Rex looked at the hole in the wall and shrugged walking to it and bent his knees and leaped as if he was doing a simple pounce. He shot up onto the top of a Warehouse building and pointed at Red. "325 west Comet St that is the address of the Blooming Rose meet me there I prefer to go on foot....If you want to bring the new guy fine just don't let him get in the way." Rex turned and ran his boots thudding on the concrete roof as he jumped soaring through the air to land on a farther building where he gave a great leap and shot a good five miles forward.

Rex landed shifting his weight so not to cause a earthquake on top of a building and when he landed he ran and jumped landing on yet another roof and leaped one more time up onto a twenty story building where he stood looking out seeing the Blooming Rose's light. Rex backed up to the edge and running full sprint he jumped at the edge laughing as he soared through the air his leap carrying him high into the sky and out heading straight for the building covering fifteen miles with that one giant leap. He landed in a broken down alley causing a deep hole and cursed climbing out as he looked back seeing the whole came up to waist height but the momentum and height gave him no option.

Rex sighed walking around to the front and leaned against the wall as a girl walked up and stopped dead, Rex turned his head his eyes sharpening as he moved over to her and growled. "Bianca get home now. What the hell you doing out here? Last time I saw you you were in New York giving up this crap." the nineteen year old girl looked down and mumbled about her Pimp not letting her which only made Rex madder. He walked forward looking at the Bouncer his eyes blazing as the man stepped in front of him and held up his arms and shook his head. Rex grinned grabbed the big Black guys arm and with a twist snapped it at the elbow dropping the man and brought his foot up kicking in the door.

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 3rd 2011, 12:47 am

"You would be right, Terran, if it wasn't for the fact that the Triads have been doing this for a long time." Red walked to the edge of the hole after Rex had lept his way towards the Blooming Rose. "These guys didn't deliver the women to the docks, they were delivered here and picked up." Though Red had no experience dealing with the Triad, he knew their reputation and they wouldn't leave so much information out in the open like Terran would expect, which they didn't.

"These guys are not Triad and they were only told what they needed to know." Red shot his grapple into a near by building and tugged on the line. "We don't know what boat but..." Red let Terran have a look at his computer, on it was a picture of Po and some minor details. "Po is the middle man in this little business, thats why he left New York and came here...guess you can say it was his big break but i think Rex has something else in mind he wants to break." Red snapped his computer shut and smirked as he heard the sirens of the police cars approaching; for Connor it was good to hear that the law enforement was still punctual. "Listen...I'll meet you guys at the Blooming Rose but if we are going to do anything about getting to that boat we will need transportation, i leave it to you to figure out how to get there. Be on the roof and wait there once you've gotten the information we need." Connor, of course, meant the roof of the Blooming rose, he had a kind of crazy plan.

Red was than pulled out of the hole by his grapple towards the near by building, he latched to its side and climbed up onto the roof. The time was now 1 Am, and the night for Red was still young as he made his way over the roof tops to his mustang. Sitting in his car, Red accessed the information in his computer and located a private air port in which he could burrow their transportation. Peeling out of the alley, Connor drove off to the airport as his computer began loading up instructions on how to fly smaller aircraft.

Some time passed and Connor arrived at the airport parking a block away. Pulling up the data he stole from the fat mans computer, he found police routes which they used to help decide where to post prostitutes. "Alright, the squad car is over there and will move in ten minutes to fifth street leaving me with thirty minutes to get into the air before i am spotted." Red waited patiently, hoping that his two friends will follow what he had said.
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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 3rd 2011, 1:55 am

Terran sighed. It would seem that in the end he would have to prove to Rex that looks are not everything, and that brawn alone was useless without the intelligence or skill that was needed to use it to its full extent. He did not have the same strength as Rex, yet he could put a hole just as big in the wall. Point proven for this matter. But it would be dealt with later. For now, he kept the title of the blooming rose in his head.

After the crimson brute left the scene Red looked at Terran, told Terran that what he had said before about the boats did not apply to the current situation, as it was too obvious. Obvious to someone like Terran and Red would not be so obvious to a typical thug though, but that could always be a different matter as well.

Red offered Terran his computer for which he could see what data was found. A picture of Po, which was as ugly as he expected, and a bit of info about details from New York. It would seem tPo was a long time Pimp...What ever happened to people growing up to be a doctor? Sadly, that was not the case, and a few seconds later the computer was snapped shut and taken back by Red.

Red told Terran to meet him on the roof of the Rose. HE was off to get transportation. What the hell did this guy have planned? Terran thought things over and figured he might as well go with it. He had other plans he could have spoken, but the others would pay him no mind.Rather then argue, he figured he would try to be of the greatest assistance that he could, which in this case meant going to the blooming rose. Terran nodded and made his way.

How did he make hos way? Well, Terran sort of maybe borrowed a car. He went into the parking lot of the warehouse and decided he would use one of the thugs cars. HE went over and found a black 1996 Dodge Avenger with a V6 LXI Mitsubishi motor. He used his telekinetic skills to unlock the door, then he hot wired the car. This process was taking off the panel of the steering column, exposing the wires, then mixed the red and blue wires. The car roared to life, and Terran was happy.

HE drove to the address that Rex had spoken of, drove around the block, and parked the car. He un-hot wired it and put it back together so it looked as though it was never tampered with. From there he walked round to the side of the building. HE saw that there was a camera, and being scene by that thing was not on his list at the moment. So Terran proceeded to use his intellect with his powers. He created an air pressure sphere in his hand and gathered water vapor in the other. Mixing them together he created a type of fog that he scent over to cover the camera. From there he simply climbed the wall, which was old school brick so it had plenty of hand and foot holes.

Once on the roof Terran realized that there was some commotion, and noticed a highly wounded black man near the main entrance...Rex. What ever he was doing, Terran was not sure if it was really heroic or just getting even by playing dirty. Either way, he would wait for Red. After all, Rex did insinuate that he was unstoppable, so he should be fine...theoretically.
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 3rd 2011, 10:54 am

Rex walked into the Club looking around at the gangsters who stood up then up to the second floor where Po stared down his eyes widened in fear at the sight of the Justicar. Rex walked forward passed the gangsters who backed up as hey saw the bouncer laying on the ground holding his destroyed arm. As he got to the stairs one pulled a gun placing it into his face and grinned showing him missing his front teeth. Rex shook his head and chuckled. "It's called a tooth brush my friend buy one helps with the girls."

Rex looked at the gun and lifted his hand grabbing the barrel and crushed it into his hands causing the guards to blanch and step aside as Rex walked up the stairs passed some young girls who were too young for this kind of work and stopped looking at the man they were...entertaining. He reached out laying a hand on the young girls shoulders and pointed to the door, The men stood up screaming and with a quick backhand broke three jaws sending them to the ground he hated perverts.

Rex turned his head looking at Po who sent away his girl with quickness instead of facing the Justicar with that but he had a good idea why the man was here and closed his eyes praying to whatever god he served. Po cursed himself realizing if Rex ever found out about Bianca he was gonna die. Rex sat down across from Po and crossed his fingers looking at the man. "Well Po seems you got some talking to do and not just about Bianca out there but some Human trafficking. I got a friend who is very interested in your work so talk fast or I start breaking fingers." Po stared at Rex wondering what god would allow this man to find him again he sighed looking around at his fellow members and sat straight shaking his head.

Rex grinned and brought down one finger on the man's Thumb and pushed down feeling the bone give as Po screamed as his thumb was broken.and his guard's stood up drawing guns. Po looked at them with fear as one man pulled the trigger the bullet bouncing off of his right temple as he sighed and stood up looking at the man who stared disbelieving at the bullet on the floor. Rex grinned and shoved his fist forward into the man's stomach sending him flying off the second floor and onto the bar counter where he landed with a resounding crack. Po dropped down screaming for Mercy as Rex turned to look at him. "Well Po are you going o talk are does this get messy?" Po stood up telling him all he knew and with a nod he turned walking down the stairs and out of he Blooming rose looking at Bianca and handed her enough money for a Plane ticket and gave her a fearsome look.

Rex looked around and for red knowing he was suppose to meet him at the Blooming Rose and yet the man still hadn't shown up nor had that energy user so expecting a wait he sat down against the wall and laid his head back waiting for Red.

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 3rd 2011, 4:28 pm

Terran waited roughly ten minutes or so untill he saw someone come out of the door of the Blooming Rose. It just so happened to be Rex. The brute gave money to some girl and she ran off. What the hell was that? It was not his concern really, as long as he did not pay her for sex. He had at least that much faith in the crimson man, which was as much as he could at the moment.;

Red has still yet to show up, joy. so Terran needed to make sure that Rex got his bulky ass up on the roof,,,without breaking it. Terran would use his powers now, which he did. He focused the energy he absorbed from the living things around him and used it to fuel his trick. The ground in front of Rex rose up before him with a message inscribed on it. Terran hoped that this man could read.... The message said "Look up."

Terran looked down, hoping the brute looked up. Assuming that Rex looked up Terran would motion for the man to come up on the roof. Assuming that Rex listened, Terran would return the ground to how it once was. There was a complete scientific way of doing things, which allowed him to use his nature skills to the highest advantage. For example, the ground below was concrete and black top. At face value, it is not the same thing as the earth...but, looking at things on a sub particle or molecular level, one would realize it is earth, simply altered with additives.

So using this knowledge, Terran would manipulate the base molecules, the same as earth, and use his other nature bending abilities to manipulate the rest of it. Some people would use this intelligence for gadgets, like Red did, but not Terran. Alchemy and Chemistry played a more important role, but that did not stop Terran from learning all he could about technology.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Terran waited for Red. What was taking him so long? what was he going to grab for this said transportation anyway? Was he getting them there own boat? Was he getting them a plain, chopper, or some other flying vehicle? Hell, Terran would not be surprised if Red found some strange creature like a Shoepuff for them to use. HE ha seen some strange as creatures in his time.
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 5th 2011, 9:57 am

With the squad car now out of Reds' way, he made his way effortlessly over the fence and onto the open field making his way towards the nearest building. Spotting a window high up, Red grappled the top of the half-circle shaped building and instead of zipping up climbed vertically. He examined it carefully, alarm systems were installed making this trickier than he really cared for. "Alright...i'll just disable the device." Red opened his wrist top computer and started hacking into the system. "Wireless router connects to computer which is connected to the security console that controls the alarm and..."

A green light illuminated on Reds' face, lighting up a grin as he took his gloved fist and punched out the window. He then took hold of the ledge and retracted his cable. Lofting himself over the window seal he landed down onto the ground but his boots cushioned the thump that would be his landing. Before him was a small airplane with a sliding side door. "Lets hope Rex is good at timing..." Red found the keys in a near by office along with a users manual with basic information. All Red needed was the Planes manufacturing number and the rest was up to his wrist top computer.

Connor opened the bay doors, letting in a gust of cool wind as the storm from earlier was passing over onto the sea. "Rough sea's if we are heading that way..." The novice pilot boarded his vehicle and started identifing componants as his computer spoke to him, giving him instructions on how to start it up.

The engine roared and the plans began to move forward onto the stripe, and Red hit the pedal to gain enough speed to gain lift. Police cars began to arrive outside of the field as they were responding to reports of activity on the air base. They were to late, and Red was in air flying towards his destination. "I hope they're ready..."

Not to long after he took off, around the time Terran was on the roof, Red leveled the plane and was going to pass by the Blooming Rose. Connor put on the auto pilot and made his way to the back of the plane where he opened up the side door. He looked down towards the ground and at the top of his lungs screamed down as he was getting closer. "Rex!" He called out, "Grab Terran and get the hell up here!" Some would think Red was being foolish, he didn't even know if they had the information he needed but some how he had faith that all he needed was soon to be in his possession.
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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 6th 2011, 9:22 am

Rex looked up as the stone raised and sighed and with a single push jumped to the roof and landed with ease looking at the guy who followed them. "Seriously do you have anything better to do? I mean all you been doing is following us not very helpful so if your not going to add to the team then you don't need to be part of it." Rex looked up as the plane came into view and grinned pointing to it. Show me your worth it hop aboard and contribute." Rex looked up as the plane came low he bent his legs waiting then jumped soaring up into the sky his long hair blowing around in the wind as he slammed into the plane causing it to lean and threw himself through the door balancing the plane back out.

He looked up seeing Red and patted his shoulder taking a Seat. Well we got the Information we wanted from Po that man knows when to talk and when to shut up sucks for him he probably won't last the night unless he runs. The Triad doesn't forgive talkers anyway he said the Shipment of girls has already left so if we want to catch up we either have to find the ship or go to there destination which is China. Unless you have a different view?" Rex leaned back putting his feet up as he waited to see if energy dude was gonna follow up or if it was just the two of them. "So red while I was getting information you got a plane, Nice man I was wondering how we were gonna get there but it seems you think ahead. Po talked we got a destination and transportation were doing pretty good."

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 10th 2011, 5:44 pm

Terran gazed at the the hulking ass hole who literally got in his face and jumped away. That still did not help Terran now to get the damn airplane over to him. Well, fine, he would have to use his power again. This time he he manipulated raw energy and propelled himself into the air with green energy, the life force from random people and trees in the area. Whilst is the air he released the energy and landed on the edge of the plane.

Now, agitated, Terran looked straight at the big red thing "Get in my face, call me useless, or be a dick one more time, and I will personally show you how useless you really are, how pathetic your existence is, and leave you wallowing in your own world of sorrow."

Terran's skin started to change to a dark hue, he needed to control himself before he lost control. He swallowed hard and his skin looked normal again. For now he moved and sat in the copilot seat. Red had the plane under control, so Terran held his hand out to toward the window, causing a lightning bolt to strike down where ever he pointed. He did this six times and stopped, for he calmed down then. He had always liked storms, but he hated driving in them.

Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 10th 2011, 7:54 pm

Good, at least Red thought at first, but when Terran arrived on the plane their seemed to be some sort of tension between Rex and Terran. Clearing his throat, the peoples guardian spoke, "If you two would stop fucking around and start focusing on the mission. This is a very big boat and they more than likely have a fair share of armed henchman. Now Rex, i know that doesn't mean much to you but to me that could possibly spell death." The plane was now over the water, in his head Red already made the calculation to how far the boat was on its journey and if the plane could travel that distance. It was a one way trip for their aircraft which meant read would have to send a random generous gift to the airport later.

"We can't go in their half cocked trying to prove whose the better man, we need a plan because those women are our main priority. Our second priority would be to take out every single henchman on board that boat because its our ticket back to America." The radio began sounding off, a man on the other end demanding to know who had stolen his plane, Red calmly answered. "Sir, listen carefully to what I am saying. If you want to arrest me you will send the police to the Dock where a large freighter will arrive. It was scheduled to leave earlier but did not make it to its destination. On board this boat will be tied up thugs along with the missing woman who have been disappearing all over Chicago."

Connor switched off the radio and took a deep breath, everyday he went out he was prepared to die, or be arrested which all came with the territory of his work. "The three of us must work together in order to achieve our goals and I need both of you to do this." Red handed his computer to Terran on it was the material the boat was made out of. "By observation and what you've said your powers draw energy to manipulate the matter as you see fit. Can you get us into the haul of the ship undetected?"

"If so, than Rex i'm going to need you to throw the both of us out towards the boat when we can see it with these." Red pulled a pair of binoculars from under the seat, crude and old but still effective. "We will use those parachutes and Terran, you will use yours powers to direct us to the side of the ship where you will make a hole. Also, i'll need you to make the parachutes a color that will mask our arrival. Once on board, Rex, I will signal you useing this hand radio" Red pulled out from under the seat two-way communicators. "You will ditch the plane and cause a distraction on the deck while me and Terran get the girls before the criminals can grab them to use as hostages."

Red looked forward into the night sky, the clouds came over the moon covering the sky with a darkness betfitting of their mission. "Once we have tied up all of the criminals, we will turn the boat around and try to escape the police before they can capture us." Red looked between the two of them, making sure they understood the plan. "You both understand?"
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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 11th 2011, 9:42 am

Rex smiled and leaned back looking at Terran and chuckled. "Your power doesn't mean crap to me I faced those who use energy and beat them down as well trust me on this it will be a long battle before you keep me down however looking at you all I need is one punch.". Rex looked over at Red and nodded as he listened to the plan tapping his foot with anticipation since he wasn't a big emotion shower and this was gonna be fun. "OK Red so you and Cry Baby over there are darts to be thrown that's cool as for the plane it's a shame really to destroy such a beauty. Why couldn't you have found a piece of junk instead of a nicer plane like this? Oh well can't be helped. As for the distraction don't worry you guys do your thing I will do mine."

Rex looked out the window his mind drifting to those innocent girls and felt fury flood through his body for this was why he believed in Justice, This was why he became Justicar of Earth. He turned his head seeing the freighter coming into view and rolled his shoulders. "Alright Red, Terran will be starting in just a minute the games and jokes are over Those girls lives are at stake so let's do this right for if one of us messes up those poor souls die. Now Red I can't guarantee the safety of the Mobsters in this mission some will probably die actually most likely more than some. But your focus is those girls do not fail.". Rex walked over to the door and took a deep breath. "Ready?".

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Terran Lockheart April 11th 2011, 8:09 pm

Terran took the computer, ignoring Rex for now. He would beat the shot out of him later, for now he needed to study the ship. He ran through the basic list of materials that made up the ships existence. "All right, the majority of a ships are made of iron However a great number of other metals are used ranging from lead, steel to gold for the various components that make up a complete working ship. Iron seems to be the main part of this ship as well, so manipulating a hole into the ship will not be a problem at all. Same thing with manipulating the wind to guide us over to the damn boat as well."

A smile cut across Terrans face "Red, I doubt I mentioned this, but I have a masters in multiple fields of expertise, perhaps I can rig up something a little bit better then being thrown and using large parachutes that clutter space/. If we would get caught into each other with them, we would fall into the ocean, so I suggest you let me make gliders for us. I could easily manipulate the wind currents to guide us straight for it."

Rather then wait for permission, Terran took action, and within a few minutes, using his powers to speed up the process of cutting, attaching, and shaping, Terran made two gliders. "All ride Red, lets do this. I need you to jump first so I can see you so I can manipulate the air waves properly. Rex, every other part of the plan stays the same, aside from you throwing us."
Terran Lockheart

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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by XxRedxX April 12th 2011, 9:40 am

Red smirked as Terran used his powers to form the parachutes into gliders, an improvement indeed and just in time to start their mission. Grabbing the latch of the planes side door, he turned it and forced the door open allowing the pressure in the plane to escape into the open air. Rapid gusts of wind blew Connors hair back as he starred out towards the large freighter in the distance. "Rex, i only have one favor to ask of you and its a big one."

The crime fighter didn't look back at the titan of a man, "Don't kill anyone, because if you do that makes us enemies." Red turned towards his companions with a solemn face. "That includes you too Terran." Connor took hold of his glider and did a quick salute to the both of them. "See you on deck gentlemen." With that Connor dropped out of the plane, his glider taking hold of the wind carrying him towards the boat. On his belt was the short wave radio which he would use to contact Rex once he and Terran were on board the boat.
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Caged (open to two or three more) - Page 2 Empty Re: Caged (open to two or three more)

Post by Rex April 16th 2011, 10:03 am

Rex looked over at Red and shrugged. "The choice is there's and if they choose to surrender.". Rex watched them leave the plane and tilted it towards the sea and locked it in place before moving to the door and jumped out soaring forward as he landed on the ship causing the front to push down into the water than rise back up a giant shudder flowing through the steel as the Crimson Titan stood up looking at the stunned faces of the Guards. "Surrender and you will be spared fight and you shall die.". The men stared at the Hero in front of them than looked at each other than fired full automatic weapons slamming the bullets into Rex who stood there as the bullets ricocheted off or just dropped to the ground.

Rex pushed off the ground running forward as he slammed into the first three like a Linebacker smashing them against a container as he turned catching two more with a single backhand throwing them overboard. The Justicar leaped onto the container and jumped forward bringing both hands down smashing it into the ship causing a tremor that tilted the entire ship on it's right side. A click was all he heard as a Missile shot at him from a RPG. Rex spun around reaching out and grabbed the missile then threw it back like a football sending a explosion onto the ship. "Surrender or die that is your only options." He yelled to the entire ship his voice booming out.

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