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Post by FantasyBound July 3rd 2023, 1:24 am

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INVATIST THE EMPATH 71342be3303cc03b70a6d6b3ee27e68e

Ettrabapta - Commission from @olefireval:


Real Name: Fen Jiahao
Hero Name: Invatist
Title: Paladin of Kindness Incarnate
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Meta-Human - Chinese/American
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’ 07”
Weight: 154 lbs.
Blood type: AB-


Controlled chaos, his messiness means nothing.
Fen tries his best to look unkempt and puts effort into fitting into a relaxed enough position. Still, always he is holding this collective look that definitely showed he put effort at the very least daily to maintain this look. Professionalism wasn’t his favorite look as people depended on him too much, and letting it all go was equally bad as nobody would take his words with much merit.

With short dark hair, a well-trimmed full face of sparse facial hair, and clean skin he was an easy guy to talk to for extended periods of time. Otherwise, he doesn’t stand out much, he was fairly athletic even for a superhero but built more for running as he trained his legs far more than his upper body.

Normally he tried to dress in things that looked casual but catching, but now well stuck in Eugenia for a time he decided to wear resilient clothes, composed mainly of padded cloth it was never intended to win him awards in fashion nor defense, cheap and reliable at the very least.


A pessimist possesses fast access to the epitome of an optimist.
Fen always was pleasant for people to talk to, although generally, his mood sat a bit darker.
Fen was often someone who couldn't help but remark himself as rather abnormally useless or rather situationally the least ideal option, always comparing himself with others, this trait is mostly overlooked due to his power passively pushing people into enjoying his presence. Fen is aware of this influence on people and this adds on, thinking nobody really likes him and it's his power influencing things he has a hard time trusting people and mostly just feels bad for things they say about him being a good and reliable guy.
He tries his best to reject this, ingrained into him is the desire to help people and he puts that over his helpless feelings. He may not be the hero he wants to be but he will be the best he can. Being selfless comes easy to him.

The powerful spirit bound to him, Etta Baptiste, a ghostly woman with an overwhelming presence, projects an opposing source of lightheartedness.
Etta is self-sacrificing to a difficult-to-manage degree, she really is boundless in how far she would go to save someone. She will not be satisfied leaving someone in a distraught state, always wanting to comfort and encourage, although she knows when to draw the line from comforting to difficult so people can grow. Baptiste adores everyone and wants to make sure they know this so they can try and improve on her behalf.
Underneath this almost undefeatable projection lies the anxiety-ridden and reflective woman, she struggles with the fear that she won't be enough and nobody will really care for her actions after she eventually dies out in essence and memory. This is all partially the reason she tries her best and beyond, she will give everything she has just for a touch of gentle admiration.

If it feels like nobody really genuinely loves or believes in you, just know Etta does with every fiber of her being.

Ice encapsulates in regions with names lost to time, born and raised in a village that was discarded with the turn of an age.
Etta was quick to adapt to the world around her, a barely surviving small town that was struck with a horrendous snowstorm that would carry on so far as the modern day, although it has tamed within this recent era, she was born well within it’s screaming rise.
The storm was initially called ‘The Bellow’, a deep and guttural thundering would boom across the landscape before its arrival, warning those still outside to find shelter wherever they could as the wall of white came by to snuff out the sun and entomb the ones who thought they could stand against the storm.

The mystical barrage of freezing skies where a bane to everyone who grew up in this region, isolated from allies in this small village the people were growing restless and desperate as another unintentional pregnancy occurred, they were starving as is and more people were going to kill them, more things to have to depend on those struggling to stay alive themselves.

Etta was far from welcomed, only barely accepted in the village without a name, she found she needed to pull her own weight about as soon as she could walk, and only increased in responsibility soon after as she got quickly integrated into the local church, one of the only bastions of hope within their limited world. Undead roamed this region prolifically around this time, seemingly brought in by the stormwinds and arising from banks as slowly approaching and nigh-indestructible monsters that fed on the lifeblood of those asleep. These purple-skinned and frost burnt bodies made mobile from unknown dark forces seemed to become potentially cured when forced underneath this one flowing stream of hot spring water, a warm source that provided a single way to cure many curious afflictions that ravaged them all.
Many of the villagers drank from this spring and were granted unnatural power, they were able to acquire inhuman levels of physicality as long as they had compatible blood, 1/5 had this.
Either way, as enforced by those older than her, in her young teen years Etta learned how to perform a cleansing ritual in this springwater, standing waist deep and forcing the undead beneath its surface until either they drowned or converted into people, shattered people with memories stuck in fragments but still better than an undead force.

This was her life for years, standing within the waters that prior stayed up to her chest and over a brief time would only barely stand at her waist as she grew to giant height and improportionate strength that looked more fitting to be wielded by a mammoth than any human.
She became the sole caretaker of the spring and church, with more undead being delivered to her. A rapid decrease in numbers lead to her discovery that most people resorted to killing them instead of sending them to her to cure, the number of newly cured people was starting to hinder the community.
Defiant to this, Etta claimed that she would be able to tend to those she cured and she would work far beyond her normal job to keep them safe. A week of denial before her pushing persistent and aggravating perseverance forced the hand of the town's oldest members to allow her to do this.
Two months passed from this agreement before a newfound issue occurred.
The undead masses were starting to turn rarely, and the spring ran cold.
Fear forced many things to occur over those few days, long days and multiple day-long journeys deep into the wilderness in hopes to find another spring, if not a way to reinvigorate this one before she made a discovery, through tampering the villagers have decided to cause many smaller holes and multiple old spells to take effect and weaken the spring, a way to trick Baptiste into thinking the spring has weakened before they would reinvigorate it once more, rekindle and renew so they could continue to survive.
Forced to try and regenerate the depleted heat the villagers attempted, and in a terrible twist, couldn't recover the lost heat and only still steadily lost the divine nature of the well. The seers would cry out about the god that provided for them, who they knew simply as Hearth, has decided to revoke her heat and holy healing from the villagers tampering.
In a panic, many ran off deep into the wastelands, and those who stayed, alongside a devastated but headstrong Baptiste, struggled even harder than before.

It never seemed the titan of the stream would cease her support though, rare were the accounts of her sleeping during this tragic time, and even more so accounts of her sustaining herself, although her strength seemed to never dwindle well into the second month.
60 days, before the last villager died by her side well she watched over them.
Devastated but unable to process the destruction, she climbed atop a hill that overlooked the now frozen stream, sitting well into the dead of the night as the sky shone with the northern lights over the dead town, silent.

Before murmurings of people far off into the distance.

Down the slope where a small group of adventurers, a sight that was never seen before.
A man with a blade built from the fingerbone of a giant god of an ancient race, a small lizard nestled inside the mobile skeletal remains of the man who granted him sentience, a warrior from deep within lands that ran without law and operated under flexible rules now arrived in a land of order, and a nearly executed young man who struggled with both an angel and a devil that rested in his mind.
These people would be the first guests of Etta, sent from one who fled and survived, begging for heroes to help solve the stream problem before everyone died. Although now with this mission failed, an invitation was given to the north titan if she wished to join them, with nothing left for her, she had to oblige.

Baptiste the Bastion, a name gifted to her from some she helped, for a few years she traveled with the group, deeply rooting herself in any community she encountered and protecting everyone around her from the supernatural threats the group encountered. She was an icon, someone who grew more powerful with time as she acquired greater gifts and mystical devices focused on keeping those around her safe.
She really started to live through it all, experiencing every range of emotions both positive and negative, but no matter what stayed focused and determined to save everyone.

Although her journey did not end in a fairytale fashion, for those she traveled with it ended fairly well, but only by her own sacrifice.
Before Eugene, someone once attempted to collide this world with others in a catastrophic manner, a sharp man who started to place separate obelisks of corrupting potential, hoping to grant himself powers beyond a god and merge everything into one collected and controlled universe, the group worked hard to attempt and stop his actions.
It was in this brief moment that Baptiste did what she did best, worked on taking on the weight of the encounter well the others weaved and worked their own ways to victory.
Caught within a steady stream of the slowly awakening sorcerers' power, she could feel a tangible source as the hellish energy rushed over her. Knowing the results would be catastrophic to her, she arcanely yanked the threads of fell into her, absorbing the hellish energies and burning brightly, incinerated in compounded hellfire and the weighted sins of the denizens of hell.

Suspended in a hellish blaze, holding back that power from returning to its former possessor she grappled with the definitions of evil until they grew cold, leaving only her out in an endless void expanse with thought withering away into oblivion, her soul shredded into thin whisps.

But from those ethereal echoes, a single strand still stood, returned to the village a small group of cult figures arrived, believing Baptiste was some form of divine they worshipped her in that small town, and through this single belief that she was a god, she was suspended from oblivion and started to slowly recover.
As of now, tatters now grow capable of manifesting, but only with the help of someone who was capable of creating an emotional anchor that dragged her back into the material realm.

The insignificant outsider.
Fen was born and raised in Missouri, and both of his parents were fairly enticed by the lifestyle of super heroics which they quickly pressed into Fen, growing up in a home where they were idealized and it was expected he would use the abilities he had for good, he was actually really excited to see what he was going to get.
Tests showed he had a meta-gene, but it seemed to be unawakened, although under the report that if something weird happened to check in to see if they could get a better idea what it was, Fen was always expecting something to happen.
The hard part was waiting and trying to stay open to the idea that it was always just around the corner, trying to notice if something interesting happened.
Maintaining the status as a popular kid in his class, most people were pretty excellent, and when he was around 14 he was almost getting doubts that bad people even existed because of how genuinely nice people seemed.

The realization at 16 was fairly tragic to him, finding his abilities were some of the most dangerous categories, a psionic influence type, and even worse, it was subconscious. The checkup was about when he was getting angry over some game in an arcade, he felt like he was tasting used motor oil and within only a seconds people around him grew ferociously angry until a small fight started.
Thankfully nobody died, but two people were hospitalized with brutal injuries. Fen wasn't charged but he was forced into taking medication to mitigate the usage of his meta-gene, with a severe side effect of general mental inhabiting. Slowly people around him changed and he started to see their true colors, people showed ranges of emotions that often appeared ugly, people were acting awful and generally were almost intolerable, with nobody really saying anything harsh to him before Fen would often break down when people got angry at him. Everything started to feel so fake, all the people in his life were just moving along to his will.
His power forced people to lie to him, that was his deduction.
At 21 years old he was able to get himself cleared from having to take the prescription of mitigation drugs, it was simple, just don't take them and lie to the face of his doctor. They took his word as truth and he was on his way.

He was able to get himself licensed within only as few months with the most basic training, he was a very likable guy after all, even if people who watched videos of him all agreed he just looked miserable.
He felt miserable, but using his power nobody needed to know that, some questions occurred if he should be allowed to roam freely but it only took him meeting that same person face to face for that accusation to change.
His own emotional powers worked in a way where it seemed to ignore the standard rules, nothing seemed to slow him down including traditional anti-psionic and anti-magic materials, it didn't require him to visually register his target and it worked in an airless environment, ruling out almost every form of activation.
He hated this power, it had its benefits but it was so hard to stop it and generating this artificial life he resided in.

Moreso, it was also useless in some situations where most heroes could solve the same situation without much effort, one such situation forced Fen to stick to rehabilitation after three gunshot wounds when he tried to use his influence to tell an intoxicated gunman to put his weapon away. After his release a few months into advanced care, he was quick to try and get into Boston when he heard of the transformative properties that could take place for those who entered, hoping to recycle his power into something more useful and less manipulative.
Although the resulting journey would happen to miss out on his original goal, he found a new goal alongside a shattered godlike shard.


1. Agility
2. Reaction
3. Strength
4. Endurance

1. Empathy
2. Intelligence
3. Awareness
4. Willpower


Subversive Message
Fen Jiahao has a very unique form of emotional manipulation, capable of 'drawing out' certain emotions in people within a specific radius around him(usually within 50-100 meters) with the ability to cause a certain emotion to flare up and potentially overtake someone. He can force this ability to potentially overtake someone into an illogical state of feeling and this ability can affect a large amount of people at once. Most often this ability is passively up and causes people to interact in a much more agreeable manner with him.
Unlike most abilities of this type there seems to be almost no way to prevent this from being activated, not fitting in any realm of usage, outside of magic and logic.

Invoke Guardian
Invoking the sponsor god Etta Baptiste, Fen can bring up her physical presence into the material world form beyond the void.
Incomplete and barely a fragment, this form acts as almost a totem of power, with various aura effects taking hold in addition to a single powerful summon.
When her presence is available, it is visually represented by a streaming blizzard that spills out.

I Believe In You!
Etta really does want to see the best for everyone within her presence, stretching out to a couple of city blocks is an aura of increased potential, where those within that work alongside her side gain an effect similar to light luck manipulation, generally causing them to be able to pull off feats of power with advantage.
When performing an action that is debatable or in a close call, generally people under her influence will win, and in tests of hard odds those still following her will be able to perform difficult tasks to help through small telekinetic shifting. The effects are minor and work in a myriad of small places, but it's basically a passive slight enhancement to all attempts, even mental or social, and potentially spiritual tests.
She believes in you, prove to her that you can.

The Uplifter
More telekinetic mastery, with this ability people under the influence of her powers can leap and glide through the air at an accelerated rate safely, moving at a similar speed to a pitched baseball it is an excellent way to maneuver people around, she is able to override this in order to get people out of dangerous situations quickly without them knowing about the danger.

The Bastion
Nothing brings Baptiste more pain than watching people get hurt, so she uses this power to reinforce people. Attacks often miss and lethal blows soften, with the most critical ones being forcefully interposed by herself. Those under this effect will find most outside forces will barely graze them, a swing of a blade will rarely damage someone under this effect, and getting hit by a car going at highway speeds may bruise and jostle but leave them generally unharmed. Gunshots can be softened into soft blows, although higher caliber rounds could still very much break past her hold. When something of great scale like a massive explosion or devastating laser attack lands she may interpose herself between the attack and the people she wants to protect, capable of stopping ANYTHING, although this can only be done once.

Draw Upon Pain
Baptiste has the ability to absorb afflictions, which seem to affect her less. Capable of taking on several broken bones and even missing limbs, although damage transfers 1-1 on her she can regenerate from the damage rapidly.
Poisons, curse, and such generally get immediately absorbed and dispelled, well injuries like a broken limb gets repaired in half a minute, and missing limbs take about 10 minutes. Death can be absorbed and dispelled within an hour, but only if the person died within the last minute.

I am here!
Physically making herself present, Baptiste can physically interact with the world around her in a limited manner. Barely a silhouette, she functions like the average person, nothing supernatural about her capabilities in this form although she may openly communicate with people and use her abilities as if she is the one physically performing the feats(picking someone up for her 'The Uplifter' and cheering someone on with 'I Believe In You!').


I Am Only One
Etta may only use 'I am Here!' and one other ability under the 'Invoke Guardian' power.

Protect Them All
Fen has to literally struggle with Etta to stop her from trying to push her powers and save everyone, she drops a lot of her tactical knowledge when it comes to saving as many people as possible.

The Taste Of You
Fen tastes the emotions he inflicts, the more people and the more intense the emotion the more intense the taste, until it can make him violently ill, usually pushing a stoic person into feeling super emotional or causing a group of 10-12 people to feel an emotion strongly will draw him to become very physically ill.
In combination with this Fen needs to use his powers fairly excessively to summon Etta into her material form, limiting him to only bouts of 5-10 minutes of her presence.

Nothing yet, a shield will soon be found and submitted.

The Watchtower
Through invoking his sponsor god, Fen can acquire a rough idea of any kind of threat in a local area, this allows him to know something is wrong in a specific area(to more easily join threads) but can rarely tell him what is wrong and where it is exactly.

In online communities, Fen is remarked as a rather awful hero known for his rather poor attitude, due to his ability not being able to affect those who watch clips of him.

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