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The Red Siren

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Contest The Red Siren

Post by Demonhunter June 25th 2023, 7:17 pm

The Red Siren

"My kind teaches humans the art of music and your kind chooses to bastardize it like this?"

The Bio

Real Name:Cyrus Merlin
Villain Name:The Red Siren
Alignment:Neutral Evil
Hair:Crimson red, fading to a navy at the ends
Eyes:Cyan blue
Height:10 feet from the top of his head to the end of his tail, 6ft even when on land
Weight:300 pounds as a siren with find and 180 pounds on land

The Looks

Source: Babajzk
The Personality

Cyrus comes off as a violent mad man, churning with  rage at all times and blood thirsty to his core, however this is far from the truth. Cyrus has been afflicted with the curse of good taste and incredible audial perception which has made him a perfectionist of the arts. It is said that he hates music, but this is far from the truth. He loves music, however his ability to hear across more frequencies often means that human musicians and even sirens leave him wanting to tear his own ears out. Thus, he is most content when alone and when there is no one around to disturb his peace, and begrudgingly stomachs the other sirens from a distance.

However, each day his disdain for the human bards that venture into his waters grows as each one seems to infuriate him even more than the last. He almost can’t help the rage induced frenzy that comes after yet another failed bard.  He deep down wishes one would just give it a rest, lay down the instrument and just be quiet or even just talk.
The Story

Cyrus was born into Siren society as any other. His parents forged in the magma seam in the bottom of boston bay and his siblings fought the monsters that constantly crawled out of the molten ooze at the bottom. Cyrus, however, was different. It was like everything that made a siren a siren was overdone. Whereas a normal siren can hear frequencies from between 25 and 50,000 Hz, Cyrus could hear as low as 20 and as high as 70,000 making his hearing on par with some of the more advanced wildlife such as dolphins or elephants. This gift was also theoretically linked with his incredible hydrokinesis tallents. Just as his hearing range is boosted, his ability to control water puts him on levels of potential catastrophe that would potentially take up to five regular sirens to accomplish. He was a potential asset to Siren society as he would potentially be capable of taking out creatures from the vent all by himself, however that quickly soured as he grew and became a violent force to be reckoned with on his own kind.

The wider range of frequencies made living around siren society painful, their contant music sounding like squeals and screeching at higher frequencies. Music was a constant in siren society and it was like torture to him. Cyrus would often interrupt songs with violence, sometimes even severely maiming other sirens just to make it stop. He would get so upset and angry that for the first time in recorded siren history the capital city of Neptonia was completely silent due to fear of the young siren’s outburst. After three days the queen had had enough of the silence. She ordered Cyrus banished from siren society and gathered her personal guard to drive him out.

Ever since Cyrus was left at 16 years old to raise himself in the haunting silence of the sea, however silence was only an imperfect paradise for him. It didn’t hurt his ears like the other sirens did, but sometimes nothing was better than pain… that is until the damn humans and their stupid wooden contraptions disturbed his peace from time to time. The damn sirens had blasted so many ships out of the water that they’d begun pinning their foul musicians to the ships. Somehow, they were even worse than the sirens. Cyrus would at least lend an ear to these bards, yet they all only infuriated him, whipping him up into a fury and blasting their ships to matchsticks in the night. It was exciting at first but over time it began to bore him, not even one of them could come anywhere close enough to entertaining to earn them their lives.

Over time more and more bards would venture into his territory, some of them even seeking him specifically to play him music and every last one of them ended up drowned, split in two or boiled alive just to make the horrible noise stop. Over time the very idea of a human bad being so bad began to make him even more angry as they supposedly learned from humans and in his mind had plenty of time to perfect they art… they should be BETTER not worse. Then the thought hit him, if he was on the ships himself every so often it might grant him a reprieve from the racket for just a moment.

Thus every so often he comes ashore and boards a ship, posing as a bard himself. The only music that didn’t drive him mad was his own, so if ever he grew bored, no one had to know he himself was a siren. That and any time another siren saw his face and recognized him they wouldn’t dare stick around to hear a song from him.
The Powers

Siren Physiology:

Dual oxygen system Sirens have both lungs and gills and can choose which to use. When not in use the lungs remain deflated and only fill up with air manually.A siren can hold their breath with their lungs for almost five minutes.
Neurotoxic venom All sirens have specialized barbs hidden within the fins around their wrists. They're roughly 6 inches long and lay flat against their forearms when not in use, but spring out at a 45 degree angle. These barbs are used to deliver nature's most potent neurotoxin, immediately seizing up all the nerves in the periphery systems. This means normal bodily functions such as breathing and eye movements are inhibited but one could find themselves completely immoble for up to ten minutes. The toxin itself is non-lethal, the fact that they follow up to this is typically to pull an immobilized person into the water and just wait for them to drown.
Interchangeable fins Sirens spend almost the entirety of their lives in the ocean which is helped by their powerful tail fins that can propel them through the water at 60 miles per hour in short bursts. However they can ascend onto land and their tail fins immediately fade into usable human legs for up to three days, longer if it’s raining or humid. The only thing that could distinguish a siren from a human at that point is small details like their slightly pointed ears and angular faces as well as a small dorsal ridge down their spines where their fins would connect.

Hydromancy All sirens are capable of some degree of control over water, however Cyrus has a much higher level of control than is considered normal.

Pressurizing water Cyrus suddenly condenses water to create highly pressurized jets of water capable of blowing holes in steel hulls of ships.  
perpetual motion Cyrus can bend large amounts of water to his will, be that large constructs, whip like tendrils or even create an undercurrent powerful enough to send a thirty foot tidal wave crashing into shore.
Superheated Growing up near the vent taught Cyrus a thing or two about superheating water. So much so that he gained a propensity to turn seawater into a rolling boil by exciting the molecules in it in a moment's notice.

Hearing frequency range Cyrus can hear at frequencies between 20 and 70,000 hz, making his range of hearing the widest of any animal alive. Useful underwater, but in dealing with others it highlights undertones in voices and instruments people are oblivious to, including his own kind.
The Weaknesses

High frequency screeching Noises at particularly high frequencies will do good to drive Cyrus quite literally insane. Violence is typically how he gets it to stop but if that doesn’t work he’ll do anything he can to get away from the noise.

Forced onto Land Sirens can venture onto land and stay there for three days, other factors such as rain or humidity can buy them a few more hours, however, over time they begin to get forced back into their siren form. If he cannot get back into the water and is forced into his siren form on dry land his fins will be dry and stick to his surroundings. Getting them free could tear them off and leave him too injured to swim until his fins grow back.

Gills Gills are a very vulnerable and important part of a siren’s body. Located on the upper part of the ribcage and tucked under the arms, they have a massive network of blood vessels and arteries. Damaging his gills could cause him to bleed out rapidly and force him to use his lungs or suffocate.Gill bleeds are incredibly hard to stop and if not gotten under control in a timely manner and he’ll lose consciousness quickly or die.

Close range toxin A siren’s venom, as dangerous as it is, comes from barbs only six inches long and it’s in their hands. This means in order to use their most powerful weapon a siren has to be within touching distance of someone, which puts them in danger.
Venom regeneration A siren’s venom is a calorically expensive commodity and Cyrus has no control over how much he doses someone with. It’s an all or nothing shot. Cyrus can jab three people with his barbs in quick succession before he’d dry stabbing people and has no more venom to defend himself with. It takes almost two weeks to build up his reserves.

Stamina Hydrokenisis actually drains a siren’s stamina similar to running in humans. Cyrus is very fit and can keep his control over water for a much longer time than some of his kind, but he is not a never ending well of magic. He will run out of steam eventually. He typically fights most fights with an extreme bombardment and then disappears into the ocean, but when that fails, he’ll be running with very little gas in the proverbial tank.

Fresh water Salt water lends itself to his magic much better than fresh water. However if he is forced to bend fresh water, especially if it's on land such as rain water, his stamina reserves will begin to deteriorate at almost double the speed as normal.

The Items

-set of human clothes hidden under the docs in boston
-3 golden earrings
-5 golden bengals one of which has mother of pearl embellishments
-Gold tipped spear made of driftwood and barbs of fish bones.
The Fluff

Most never realize that if someone is silent or keeps their voice down when merely talking, he will actually not attack and can be somewhat cordial. He knows he’s become a bit of a white whale to the local bards and he hates every minute of it as they never just talk.

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