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Minions: Savior bots

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Minions: Savior bots Empty Minions: Savior bots

Post by lonbon June 5th 2023, 11:21 pm


"We are here to save you. Do not resist."

The Bio

Real Name:Savior bots
Hero/Villain/Renegade Name:N/A
Height:5ft 11in or 180cm
Weight:200lb or 90kg
Blood type:N/A

The Looks

The Savior bots are all the same when it comes to how they are made. They are all humanoid looking and rather sleek in their designs. besides that, that is about it.

The Personality

They are robots, no personality is needed.
The Story

These robots were built by one Viktor Vaughn to help him on his quest to get rid of all supers and magic users.
The Powers

Super strength:The savior bots all have incredible strength, able to lift around 10 tons each. And their striking power is even better.

built-in laser blasters:The savior bots can all shoot a beam of intense energy that can melt through most metals and completely vaporized individuals not probably defended against it. They can shoot these lasers can be shot from the hands and chest of the savior bots.
The Weaknesses

Hackable:The savior bots are made to be mass-produced. They are very simple AI that allows them to follow Viktor's orders. Anyone with some level of hacking expertise can hack the savior bots to shut them off or temporally control them for 2 posts.

Overheat:The lasers of the savior bots have a lot of power, but when used too much, they have the tendency to overheat and be unusable for 3 posts.

Not durable:The savior bots are produced in bulk and are not as durable as other robots. A solid hit from an individual of above average strength could destroy them.

Coding could use improvement...:The savior bots have a difficult time following complex tasks. the most they can do is attack things or do simple tasks like 'pick that up', 'move here', 'push that', etc.

The Fluff

The savior bots have a unique design. In each head of every bot that is made is a chip that is connected to their creator's brain. This means that the maker of the savior bots can give mental commands to the bots instead of needing to shout a command out.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Location : New york
Age : 20
Job : Pretending to have one lol
Humor : Anything really, my humor is broken
Registration date : 2022-01-25

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Minions: Savior bots Empty Re: Minions: Savior bots

Post by lonbon June 13th 2023, 11:20 am

Edited: describe the strength of the Savior Bots lasers a little bit more.

Also described the force necessary to take out a Savior Bot

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5
Location : New york
Age : 20
Job : Pretending to have one lol
Humor : Anything really, my humor is broken
Registration date : 2022-01-25

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