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Betwixt the veil of this world (Turo)

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INV ONLY Betwixt the veil of this world (Turo)

Post by Amor April 8th 2023, 6:42 pm

From The Shroud the material world felt as if it stretched below him.

Wriggling and roiling emotional waves set over solid things separate from their platonic concept.  Messy humans living out those all too human aspects and affecting that around it without even realizing it. This was what Amor loved about the world, and why he constantly looked over it with an intrigued eye. Anything that shook things up was something that interested him. There was afterall, always something going on in the world. Small little moments that transcended to massive tragedies that swept like storms over the world. It was always this way he had learned.

Among these many intrigues was those few that stood out like a beacon. Stars in the night sky, incapable of being ignored by even the most blind. Titans among men so to speak, and they were what often drew his attention more than others. That was why he stepped onto earth this time, feeling the air wash over him.  When was the last time he graced Minnesota? Was it it even called that the last time he came around there?

His typical form was what he chose this time as well, young adult in appearance with light brown hair, a dusting of freckles along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose that he just found cut and grey eyes to avoid drawing much attention from others.  Humans were fearful of meta-humans it seemed, especially with what happened to London not long ago. With a sigh he fully zipped his jacket,  a forest green affair that made him feel like his blended in a little more with the locals.

The air was crisp, chilly against his flesh and made each breath form into a puff of mist as it came out. A few eyes turned his way, some of them intrigued and others a mixture of what he could only call anger mingling with attraction. He didn’t pay it much mind, instead approaching what looked to be some kind of dojo.

Institutions where humans learned martial arts, this one by the name of Jujutsu. A japanese style of fighting, though not one he knew much about beyond the very basics. He was a lover instead of a fighter, which usually meant he didn’t go around fighting a lot of people. Not that he was worried about humans, their knives and whatnot weren’t exactly something that could kill him.

He scanned the dojo as he stepped through the entrance, not really paying much attention to the humans that instantly took note of him as he stepped through. With hands buried into his jacket pocket, he followed the beacon that grew closer and closer the more he walked. Was it on the dojo floor? Could be dangerous for the people here, but he didn’t let even a glimmer of concern show on his face. Whistling a happy tune as he stepped out onto the floor, contemplating the various spars until his eyes fell on one person. A massive man, and even with a glance he could tell there was something about them.

”Well now, that was easy wasn’t it?” He muttered to himself in bemusement.

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INV ONLY Re: Betwixt the veil of this world (Turo)

Post by Seamus McAndrews April 28th 2023, 11:24 pm

As was typical of the life of a Metahuman, especially one with a rather potent power, Turo was often treated as more of a dangerous pet than an actual person. The community sheltered and fed him, so he protected them. Unlike the otherworldly being who sought him (entirely unbeknownst to him, as well!), Turo was no perfect manifestation of a concept, and could not sense emotions. Hell, he could barely sense the power of others. All he knew was what laid dormant within himself, and it had gotten him through life well enough so far. One of the few amenities Turo could actually enjoy with the community, though, was the Hokutoryu Jujutsu Dojo near his house. In this dojo, despite the fact his power did not have much to do with martial arts, Turo excelled at the practice, seeming to have a mind and body meant for Hokutoryu.

His skill with martial arts, though, was not what made him stand out. Even a martial arts master could only do so much without the assistance of superhuman powers in a world like this. What truly made Turo stand out was the immense power he contained. This same power drew all kinds of people and creatures alike to him, even if he didn't want their company, and especially if he didn't want their company.

Today was set to be another one of those days, where some being or another was drawn to Turo's latent power and would be seeking him out because of it. Turo never had any idea or way of knowing in advance when this would happen, and he didn't really care to be constantly paranoid in the event such a thing happened, so he simply adopted a stance of "burning that bridge when he came to cross it". While Turo trained his grappling, by which he used his proportionally long and muscle-wrapped lean arms to hold his sparring partner down onto the mat, he heard the doors of the dojo open. Immediately, the students looked over, for they didn't expect any newcomers; all of the class had been accounted for already. As Turo made eye contact with this strange, young, freckled gentleman, even his relatively rookie-tier innate power sense was sent into a rapid alert; the Finn swiftly realized this was yet another strange being that was drawn to him, most likely because his very existence was a beacon.

Immediately, Turo stood up, righted himself, and quietly cracked his weathered young knuckles, seeming to expect Amor to have come for the purpose of attacking him or his town, like about 9/10ths of every other being that came to him due to his "living beacon" status.

To greet Amor, Turo bluntly inquired, "Kuka olet ja miksi olet täällä?" (Who are you and why are you here?)

Turo's voice was deep, rumbling, resounding, but also rather quiet in its tone and nature. His supernatural ability reflected in his speech, but he spoke in lower tones because he appeared to be rather reclusive. Amor could tell, though, that if Turo wanted to yell, he could probably rumble this entire building apart.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Registration date : 2023-03-10

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INV ONLY Re: Betwixt the veil of this world (Turo)

Post by Amor May 10th 2023, 4:44 pm

Amor felt the eyes on him. A collection of them, all with varying different emotions that coalesced with those glances. The tallest of them was the one to approach, bringing with him a strange chill.  The hairs on the back of his forms neck stood up.

He spoke up, a language he didn’t hear often in this country. Where had he heard it before? The Warden thought through the many languages he had known and heard before, until he settled upon one. Finnish? The language settled on his tongue well enough, comfortable the moment he figured things out.

“Vain kiinnostunut ulkopuolinen. Olemassasi huusi ja halusin nähdä, mistä siinä oli kyse.” (Just an interested outsider. Your existence called out and I wanted to see what it was about.) he spoke, falling into the flow of the language once he figured out what was being said. Amor stroked his chin, considering the man and noting that he didn’t react too much to his presence. Most tended to react more favorably around him, or perhaps just awkward if nothing else.

No matter the language he spoke, there was always a certain pleasing quality to the speech. A way of intonation that seemed to hit some kind of spot that made people more likely to listen to him. He looked the man over, wondering what about him could be special. “toivottavasti en häiritse sinua” (hope i'm not disturbing you )

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Registration date : 2018-08-24

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INV ONLY Re: Betwixt the veil of this world (Turo)

Post by Seamus McAndrews February 28th 2024, 2:26 pm

As the odd outsider spoke to him, the Finnish lad felt his one eye narrow slightly, as if he were sizing the other man up in preparation for something to go wrong. The words were friendly enough, but he'd been lied to before under similar pretenses, so he wasn't about to take any risks. What "startled" Turo the most, if one could call the feeling that, was the fact that this newcomer spoke fluent Finnish, despite looking nothing like one of his people. Finnish was a hard language for an outsider to learn, and it thus was not popular by any means. Did this particular stranger just happen to have learnt Finnish, making him the exception?

The thunderous Finn had no clue as to what the answer to that was, and he really didn't care too much. Enjoyer of Finland or not, this person was uninvited, had an odd aura to him, and just confirmed that he was here specifically because of Turo being a beacon. Turo scratched his blonde scalp slightly in contemplation, as he tried to figure this other fellow out. Past the second sentence, which was an attempt to alleviate disturbance, a hostile being would have attacked by now. The paranoid young man didn't feel any more secure by this, but it was at least an assurance that he probably wasn't in the presence of someone that wanted to kill him for his nature.

Amor's "pleasant" intonation, while certainly disarming and relieving to everyone else in the building, whose gazes lessened in nervousness and intensity, did not have any major effect on Turo himself. His one-eyed stare continued, unblinking, and did not leave the intended target for even a second. Turo needed to know who this person really was and why he came here. It wasn't his own life he was concerned with, though.

The young Finn tersely answered his "guest", "Sinä olet. Muut ovat tulleet ennenkin haluten satuttaa minua. En tunne sinua enkä luota sinuun, ja haluan tietää tarkalleen, miksi olet täällä." (You are. Others have come before, wanting to hurt me. I don't know you and I don't trust you, and I want to know exactly why you're here.)

Even still, Turo's voice was quiet, but the intensity of his words carried with them a greater rumbling that shook the entire floor beneath their wake. He was poised to defend this community by any means necessary.
Seamus McAndrews
Seamus McAndrews

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Registration date : 2023-03-10

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