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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 12th 2022, 4:24 am

He listened as Jordan spoke on the subject of Deimos. A Dragon with celestial wings, like a view into the cosmos? So he was one of the magic dragons, right? The Celestials and Doomsayers that came from beyond with foreign magics. Despite the name they were always super nice to dragons. Not exactly to people, but hey...people back then deserved it. They were quite rude from what he had learned.

"Oh yeah, I think I heard the name once." Jordan lied, trying not to be left behind from the more modern aspects of news. He only really left home once a day, and that was for a small walk to the beach to stretch his wings and possibly terrorize small humans that didn't listen to their parents and drifted too far out in the water. He simply nodded and agreed, trying to think if he had actually ever heard the name before.

" a month." Was all he could say in response to the comment on the other one that joined them. He rubbed his chin slightly, pondering if that was short for anything in the old tongue. Nope. Absolutely nothing. A Dragon named June? If it was an Eastern Dragon that would really just be in bad taste on the parent's part. He was then caught off guard about the comment about the doing magic part.

"Oh, fuck yeah! You gotta show me some of that stuff. I don't get to see other people's dragon magic often. When we get to the lair you can show me there's more space there. I like Vinny's too much to do it here." Jordan said, trying to practice that contentious thinking his father always stressed on him. He smiled and let out a little sigh. The Conversation persisted a moment before Jordan's name was called. He pushed off the counter, causing the whole thing to rumble, he must have been a little too excited. He quickly walked up to the counter where there were seven very large boxes.

"Your's is the top, I can smell the meat." Jordan grumbled slightly as he tried to cradle these 7 boxes, almost encouraging the other Jordan to take it. He started his way towards the door. It would be a small walk back to the beach, but they had time to kill. "Alright, so. Let's be real here. What DO you know about being an earthen dragon? Like....did you get ANYTHING a note, or a scroll? You just popped out of the egg as a little badass and just ran with it?" He asked as he struggled to keep his grip on all the boxes as they seemed to haphazardly stretch outside his grasp a bit.

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 12th 2022, 4:36 am

”June is a month. Also apparently a dragon or at least that’s what she said her name was. I think it’s a Korean thing,” He tried to explain but he didn’t know much about her. Not like he knew a lot about names to begin with. Well, Korean names mostly because he didn’t live around people or even really talk to people who had similar naming conventions. There was Yasuo,. But he was Japanese and he stressed often those were different things.

”Not sure how much is dragon but I’m happy to show what I can do. Well, not excited to show everything but that’s...a different story,” Some of what he could do required a little more pain than he would have liked. A small wince working across his features when mentioning that some of his powers he might want to demonstrate. Not that it remained there for long, instead he just barreled through the conversation without thinking too hard on it.

Eventually a name was called and the other half dragon returned with a stack of pizzas. This left him looking, slightly agasp at the amount of pizza there was. ”Didn’t know the order you gave was for an actual tower of pizzas.” Despite that he laughed, reaching for his box and sliding it off. It smelled good, though reminded his stomach an entire pizza might not be enough for him.

”I don’t know much.  Guess I know I feel better when I’m standing on the ground, much stronger than when I’m seperated from it. My parents tried to help me with controlling my abilities and...dealing with the fact that I occasionally leaked venom. Wasn’t a problem for me but everyone around,” Most of the people he grew up around were not immune to poison. Resistant if they were lucky but not practically immune like he was. ”No one to really tell me the dragon basics. Went through a phase where I ate rocks, didn’t hurt the teeth really but got a lot of weird looks. Now I just stick to eating shiner rocks,” Despite his grin, his tone was unreadable with that.

He could tell they were walking back to the beach, though his desire to eat some of his pizza was rising. ”\I’m hoping to get some kind of breath soon but for now, can’t seem to do it I guess. Actually, don’t even know how to go all dragon like you can. Wish there was a manual on that. Make the whole thing easier, ”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 12th 2022, 4:49 am

Jordan thought that the tower of pizza joke was funny. Not because he even knew that the tower of Pisa was. But because the thought of someone constructing a tower made of pizza was hilarious to him. He'd need to maybe start doing that. It had been a while since his dad had been to the lair, maybe he could surprise him by making a tower with all the pizza he took there. The next time he popped up he could have Brandon make a lot of mini-golems that could start what looked to be a civilization. They'd need to have laws and personalities though, and they would worship his dad for giving them their Cardboard Kingdom.

The terrible thought faded as he listened to Jordan talk about eating rocks. Jordan smiled at him and arched an eyebrow then nodded. He understood that. When he was younger he ate the cintamani stone because it looked pretty. The compulsion was not one he was allowed to live down. Eating a reality altering, wish granting gemstone was sort of a forbidden thing. Pretty frowned upon. Not as fun passing through either.

"I mean, yeah. The shiny ones are smoother and go down easier." He said with a passing comment, his own level of seriousness was hard to interpretate. Finally as they got to the beach, Jordan set the pizza boxes down out on the farthest pier. He listened as he popped open a box and listened to his friend talking about not even having a breath weapon, and venomous leaking's. Oh yeah, they had poisonous body fluids. He forgot about that.

"I mean you won't be disappointed. Earth breaths are really cool. You've got the gravitation one, you've got the Earth Shatter one. You've got the one with black vines. Plus some of you just do sheer sonic booms instead. It's pretty cool." He said as he tore one pizza in half carefully and then rolled it up, taking a massive bite out of it.

"I mean...not everyone has the same breath type but I can show you how to do it." He offered with his mouth half full. He took a large swallow, the kind that looked like it hurt because of the way he was eating, but it didn't stop him.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 12th 2022, 5:01 am

It made Jordan feel better to know he might not have been the only person who felt the urge to eat rocks, even shiny ones. The fact he knew that the gems went down easier, especially smooth ones was proof enough. All he could do was nod along, as if that were the mos obvious thing a person could say.  Finally they reached the beach, sand crunching under his shoes as he watched the massive tower of pizza boxes get set down. Waves lapping up against the shore and he was pretty sure gulls crying in the distance.

”They sound pretty cool. When I was young I really wanted to breathe fire like from the movies but not sure if that’s possible,” He huffed, looking like that would be a massive disappointment. With a thought a scaled construct shaped like a hand appeared, and rose to hold his box as he took a slice, folded it and practically shoved the whole thing in his mouth. Chewing a few times and then swallowing, not particularly bothered despite how uncomfortable it might look to a human. Yeah, he was regretting not having more pizza.

”You can show me how? That’s amazing! Think I’ll have to take you up on that offer. Maybe I’ll have some kind of cool lava breath, which is basically better fire,” The mental image of him vomiting magma came up, but it wasn’t that gross. ”So is this lair deep under water? Something I’ll have to hold my breath for?” When he wasn’t talking he was shoveling pizza into his mouth, quickly running out of slices before he realized it.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 12th 2022, 5:14 am

Jordan nodded in agreement with the concept of lava breath. Unfortunately he didn't want to tell the poor Earthen Dragon that such a breath was not exactly a conventional one. Granted not impossible. Maybe he could try to help his new friend out with that. The surprise on the face of all the other Dragons when they saw that he was able to spew globules of lava would be absolutely fantastic! He smiled as he continued to munch down hard on some of his pizza.

After they had both finished their first Pizza, Jordan pulled out the bag that he had kept on his back. Quickly unfolding it he began putting the pizza boxes into it and seeing how much room he had. He had to put it in JUST the right way, otherwise there wouldn't be enough room for everything. The other Jordan asked about the holding his breath as he seemed to finish focusing on his pizza. Jordan smirked and pulled on the draw string, then took off his shirt, folding them and his pants into specific small squares and stuffing them into the bad. When the bag zippered up he lifted it slightly, then turned to his friend.

"Well it depends on how you wanna do this. Do you wanna ride, or do you wanna use my mouth?" He said before picking the bag up and walking towards the water. He then tossed the airtight bag into the water and slapped his hands together. "It's about a ten minute dive. Might wanna do mouth. Just hold on tight okay, because like I can't always help swallowing....wait you're indestructible. I can just spit you out. Well either way. If you're going to ride, jump in the water and hold your breath. If you're going to the mouth-oxygen cave, stay on the dock." He said as he stepped back off the dock, dropping into the water with a loud splash.

Transformed once more, the large water dragon slipped the bag into its mouth and stayed at about 20ft in size. He began poking it's head up softly, to check and see if the other Jordan was going to hop on, or motion for entrance.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 12th 2022, 5:27 am

When it came to the question of diving, the other Jordan seemed to smirk before getting naked again. Well, it made sense if he were going to take on his draconic form.  That was followed by a question that might have been unfortunate if he didn’t already have an idea what he was implying.  ”Think I’ll take ride. Then I can brag to my friends about riding on a dragons back...which I think is the equivalent of bragging about a piggyback ride when I think about it,” He brows furrowed, looking perplexed before he shrugged.

”Or I guess mouth works too. At least I won’t have to hold breath. Don’t know how long I can do that actually...last time I counted it was like six minutes which is way too short here,” Convincing himself to jump into a dragons mouth, Jordan stood on the dock while the guy leapt into the ocean and emerged a much larger dragon. Scales slick with water and eyes looking at him almost expectantly.  

Once the dragon was visible, he motioned with his hand to open up. From there he had an idea to maybe hold onto one of the bigger teeth and hope that worked. There was something about being swallowed that he just didn’t like. Being digested sounded worse.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 12th 2022, 5:44 am

His friend had motioned for him to open his mouth. Or he was telling him that he was rambling. He wasn't sure, but given the fact he wasn't talking he assumed it was open. Jordan opened his mouth as the other jumped bearby. His began to increase the size of his form until eventually Jordan was able to fit in a closed mouth comfortably. Then Jordan took a deep breath in, letting the other Jordan grab hold of some of the smaller, second rows of teeth. He then closed his mouth and turned, rocketing himself forward towards the lair.

It was only a few seconds before Jordan realized that a mouth would be dark without light, and to start a fire in his mouth might be bad. He had a hard time with hot pizza and coffee, let alone with a torch or campfire. Focusing as best he could he started to conjure up his Quintessence breath, but kept it charging at an agonizingly slow pace. The soft, heavenly blue radiating light would provide just enough light to keep the young man from claustrophobia.

Jordan hurried as fast as he could, before finding the underwater tunnels and networks before emerging in the cave complex, opening his mouth and allowing Jordan out. When he stpped out he would be greeted with what appeared to be a cave-like structure that had two halls going in either end. These tall cave structures were lit by floating creatures that appeared to be like jelly fish, and even a few pixies seemed to dance around. The cave floor had flowers blooming, grass in some areas and even a fountain made of platinum and marble, which released out crystal pure water. The chamber itself had many structures which seemed to have housed people at one time, but now some houses had gold coins and bars flooding outside of them, as if they had been waterlogged with pure gold.

The hallways were lined with treasures, from gold coins and platinum to animal parts, even the heads of mythical beasts, and swords that shined and shimmered with the presence of magic. Gold, treasure, luxury and wealth spanned all 15 miles of this cave, and the torch light and floating candles seemed to make it all shine, glisten and glimmer. Gemstones, riches, clothes, entire chests and cabinets of books, paintings and pieces of murals were found scattered all about.

This was the hoard of the Dragon King himself, the treasury that belonged to the king of the most pristine and proud race of creatures. The wealth in here was immeasurable and nearly incomprehensible. Occasionally people wearing purple and blue cloaks were seen walking and laughing, their voices softly echoing.

"Welp. Welcome I guess. Dad's hoard. I don't wanna deal with his people right now...mind if we go to the throne?" He asked, almost sounding apologetic as he tried put an arm on his friend's arm and started to tug at him gently, giving him a nudge in the right direction.

Jordan picked up his stuff and started to walk to the Throne room, taking the right path.

"Sorry they're just a little too much for me right now. They're so obsessive and stuff. I just want to eat pizza, show you some cool dragon stuff and see if we can work on getting you your breath." He said sheepishly, carrying the bag.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 13th 2022, 5:50 pm

He didn’t know what to expect from a dragons mouths but it smelled like the ocean and pizza. Not as smelly as he would have thought, which was a nice change of pace from..where was he going with this? All he did was hang onto one of the many massive fangs, hoping he or the tooth didn’t come loose as they descended further in the ocean. Did he need to breathe or did he have another way of getting air down here? The question bloomed in his mind, though he had no one to answer that question so all he did was think over the question and then a few others until they arrived at their destination.

The soft blue light faded to the lights that illuminated the cavern as he stepped out. Eyes adjusting quickly to the new scenes, some of which he was sure only existed in fantasy. Well, he knew enough about how fantasy to know how it worked. Sure, he didn’t read but apparently audiobooks were a thing. That was when he learned he didn’t even need to read, expanding his mind to so many things. He knelt down, feeling over the flower petals decorating the cave floor, all to enthralled by everything he was seeing. It was just awesome.

Reminded him of when his parents took him and the family on a trip to another world, where faeries were plentiful and had no fear of iron. Treasure was decorated plentiful around the massive cave, more than he could have even conceived. Who was this guys dad? He wondered this as they walked through the cavern, vaguely aware of the people talking in the distance. Wearing their fancy looking purple robes, laughing softly amongst each other.

”Yeah,” He answered absently, mind trying to wrap itself around how much treasure was around them. Was it even possible to have this much treasure? How much was all of this worth? ”If you don’t mind me askin, you’re dad some kind of big shot dragon? Not sure if hoards are usually this big,” He followed the guy to the throne, though it was partly drug there as well. Not that he minded that either.

”It’s fine, I gotcha,” Jordan nodded, not really bothered by being dragged around. He was partly used to it, mostly because he had a habit of standing and admiring the scenery compared to just getting on with things. His new friend was just getting them to a throne room. ”Sweet, this place has a throne room? What’s the throne made out of?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 14th 2022, 1:38 am

There it was, the dreaded question. His chest tightened a little bit and he felt the same constricted breathing as he always did. It felt like an invisible hand was pushing ever so slightly on his wind pipe. Then he could hear the others in his head, asking him what he expected would happen. That was a good question actually, why did he even bring Jordan here? He wasn't sure himself, but he knew that Dragons liked collecting. So he figured this was the way to do it. He cleared his throat slightly and smiled.

"Hold that thought. I'm dry enough." He said, hoping that explanation would be more than enough to distract the other Jordan. He stopped in his tracks and opened the bag, removing his shirt and pants, quickly throwing them on and then picking up a box out of the small, strange bag. He started to walk as he sling the bag over his arm and opened the box. He ripped out a piece and started to Chow down yet again, looking to Jordan.

Hey, that means one day Jordan will be the next Fat ass Alpha Dragon. a harmless encouragement gone wrong. The start of a long blood feud

Stop it! Put us down fat ass! he heard his one brother say, his friend freaking out and pulling on his hair.

"Nice to meet you, Matt's son. You're...big." Even one of his uncle's thought he was too big.

After a moment of dazing out he pushed the pizza box towards Jordan a little, jiggling it and offering the box. He was still hungry, but he was in no way going to be able to eat all of this now. His mind was wracked with memories and little interactions that he wishes had played out better. He eventually did manage to answer about the throne room, as Jordan would have his chance to pick at the food.

"An ancient living metal. It's metal made from dragon blood. It's this big piece of obsidian that is fused with this rare ocean gem and then the seat portion is coated in the bones of a lot of creatures and well, the metal is poured over the bones. It constantly has a breeze flowing around it, coming out of like these cracks in the obsidian around it." He tried to explain it in order to do justice. Of course the process of creating the unions-blood, or even the process of a living metal was almost fantastical even for the child of a primal being. Jordan knew it wouldn't be done justice until it was witnessed.

They came to a large opening where there was a creature with a lion's head, a scorpions tail and the wings of a bat. The creature roamed without constraint, alongside another being which had the body of an inverted tear drop. The shape was bent and slowly levitated with glowing blue spheres appearing to be eyes. More creatures could be seen wandering around some of them hissed at each other, some played amongst each other. Yet despite the chaotic nature of these creatures, they all seemed to be benevolent to the duo of Jordan's. On the farthest wall of the room was a large base of slag and obsidian which revealed the throne that was preciously mentioned.

The obsidian seemed to have been naturally formed into the shape of a tree, water poured from the edges of the branches like a cascading waterfall that provided a soothing sound. The obsidian housed a large abyssal opal in the shape of an egg. A seat had been broken out from it, coated in a prismatic metal that seemed to flow like water. Flowers bloomed from the metal, growing like vines as the ascended the trees trunk and wrapped around the branches, producing flowing flowers and fruits that appeared to have been made of embers and fire. Seven large gemstones sat at the base of the throne. Ruby, Jet, Topaz, Sapphire, Amethyst, Diamond and Emerald. The closer they got the easier it was to see that the obsidian has something on it, carvings and glyphs both of magical and mundane properties. Primordial runes are etched throughout the large gemstones. As the creatures would touch the obsidian, there was a soft chime that echoed, revealing the intents and nature of the heart of the one that approached, as the fountain of water behind the throne changed in color. Broken blades were stuck in the ground, skulls of behemoths, aberrant horrors and a large dual-horned beast with a large mouth trapped in the obsidian. As Jordan stepped on the chime was a soft but very deep resonance, the waters began to flow an unnatural but enrapturing shade of deep blue. As he motioned for the other Jordan to follow. A different tone played, a more calm but stronger tone, as the water then began to flow a seafoam and green color, blending the blues and greens at different intervals.

"Yep. You're an Earth dragon for sure. He said with a smile. Then he shoved another large slice of pizza into his mouth. "I mean my dad just collects stuff so, like if you ever need to read up on stuff or like need something to really stick it to someone. This is the place to come." The large creature with the head of a lion walked forward and shoved it's head into the other Jordan's back. It then proceeded to rub it's mane affectionately against the dragon.

"Hey! What gives, Gig? Seriously. Takes me 3 years but you just waltz right up and decide you like this guy? he said, glaring that the manticore.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 14th 2022, 2:04 am

Dry enough? Jordan looked to the other Jordan confused, wondering what he meant by that. His brain scrambled for an answer, though he couldn’t seem to find one immediately. What did dryness have to talking about someones dad? He couldn’t talk about his dad because he didn’t know him, well not the biological one anyway. He wished he did yet that was just a part of life. The dragon dressed up, snapping open on of the boxes and opened it, ripping into a slice of pizza before stopping and then shoving the rest into him.

A low hmmm worked through his chest as he accepted the box. Even his grin turned into a more subdued smile, one corner drooping down to the side. ”Not hungry anymore?” An innocent enough question considering he bought seven boxes with what was assumed the intention to eat every single one. Maybe the dragon suddenly felt sick? He couldn’t tell, his senses didn’t catch onto things like sickness so easily, instead just having to make guesses. Despite that he still picked out a few slices and worked at them, his deep thoughts keeping him from horking them down. Despite that he still took massive, if absent bites from them.

Soon enough they were on what the throne was made from. A complicated process explained to him and his mind trying to just visualize what it would have looked like. Soon enough they entered a strange room, massive in scope with a strange creature roaming the floor and the described throne dominating one part of it. Flowers seemed to grow from the seat and around it, water flowing to add to its ethereal beauty. Whatever he would have said was nothing more than words lost within his throat. Words just failed to describe it really.

As each of them stepped onto the obsidian he noted a different color for each of them. What did it mean? He was sure the other Jordan would know something about it, though it might be another long explanation. With that the other dragon seemed to continue eating, which meant whatever bothered him wasn’t an issue anymore.

”So that’s what that meant. This thrones pretty neat,” He appraised it, imagining the amount of work that had to go into it and the kind of person who could demand that kind of work to make this throne. The strange creature butted into him, nestling a thick mane against him. It made him think of how a cat acted, so he reached to scratch it behind one of its ears. ”Guess I’m just likeable...or maybe I smell good,” He mused, turning to Jordan. ”So, they some kind of throne guardian? At this point this feels like I just walked into some kind of castle. Which means...if castles have moats that makes the ocean like a kind of super moat,” He nodded to himself, pelased with the concept of the entire ocean as a moat.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 14th 2022, 2:21 am

Jordan was getting dangerously close, despite his attempts to keep the truth concealed. He smiled and shook his head in response to being asked if he was no longer hungry. He was but he felt like this was too much food. Sacrifices had to be made. Granted looking back on it he should have known better. But he lamented that enough as it is, there was no more time to do that. He laughed a little and shrugged, not sure what angle to play at this approach. Wait he was a half dragon right? Even if he was raised by mages the his dad's name might have come up at some point. This was not great, but thankfully his father had multiple names...

"Gig isn't a throne guardian. He's sort of aaaa pet? Just with sentience." Jordan said, suddenly rubbing the back of his neck with a type of nervous realization that his father had sentient pets. That was kind of fucked up once he thought about it. He paused a minute before pulling on the creature's tail, pulling him away from the other Jordan.

"I guess you could say that it's like a big moat. That's the thingy around the castle right? I mean the caves aren't a castle. But you're right." Jordan hummed for a moment as he contemplated what was said. Eventually he looked to Gig and cocked his head to the side. The creature mirrored his movements before sitting down, the scorpion tail swishing left to right as it waited.

"Oh right. You need to learn how to breathe... Did you wanna try that now? Before any of my siblings or the cultist show up to ruin the day?"


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 14th 2022, 2:30 am

”A pet with sentience? That’s cool...I think,” It sounded a little questionable when he said it outloud though he didn’t  know what to think. It wasn’t something that really took up much of his thoughts when the ocean as a moat was even more interesting.

”Oh yeah, it’s like a thing of water around a castle or fort. Don’t know what it was for exactly but I imagine something useful,” He didn’t exactly look up what castles had or what they were used for, but he saw enough moats to know they had some kind of use. ”Throne makes me think castle though. Usually kings have thrones, or important enough people I guess.” He shrugged, internally wondering if the other Jordan had a dragon king dad. Which would make him a prince if that were true, right?

Either way he wasn’t gonna go asking any deep questions like that. ”Sure, I’m game to learn breathing...the breath weapon. I can totally breathe normally,” he breathed deeply as if to prove that fact, falling into a chuckle afterwards realizing how stupid that might have sounded. ”So how do I go about doing it? It some kind of magic thing?”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 14th 2022, 2:51 am

Jordan nodded, excited to try and teach someone else the art of how to breathe. It was a spiritual journey that you had to do in just a few minutes. But it was worth it for sure. He quickly walked off the large obsidian expanse and back to the cave floor. He began shouting in a different language, causing the creatures to all move, begin pushing gold and other such valuables aside. He then stood next to the other Jordan and started breathing through his nose, rather loudly, like a bull who saw red.

"You take little breathes in and force them out through the nose. Then you're going to start pacing. Any direction and anyway you want. Like this." Jordan looked mad, his voice sounded serious, but there was still that goofy look in his eyes. He started to walk in random directions, with a rather quick gait as he started looking around.

"You need to build up an emotion. Like any emotion. Fear, Anger, Sadness. Whatever you can. Just build it up. Keep breathing like this....until you get so worked up you feel light headed. Then just before you pass out ...deep breath in....and close your eyes." Jordan said as he seemed to turn red in the face, eyes closing as he took a deep breath in his mouth, his eyes opened and they were glowing with a bright blue energy, as he turned towards the cave wall and exhaled, shouting something as the blue energy beam began to scorch the side of the cavern. He shook his head, then slapped his cheeks and shook his body out.

"When you uh...get to the almost passing out part you' see something. It'll be a marking or a symbol. That symbol is your breath. Just gotta charge it up and then let it go. Like.... Breathing in to fill the symbol then forcing it out like you're shouting." he tried to explain it the best he could. He was a little confused himself, but he figured if a human taught him how to breathe, that would possibly help a half dragon. Jordan stepped off to the side and watched as the other Jordan took his turn at a first attempt.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 14th 2022, 3:28 am

The other Jordan jumped quickly into an explanation, though his expression looked angry at the start. He was almost worried until the male actually started explaining, which made things flow a little easier. It didn’t sound like he expected a dragon breath explanation to be though perhaps he just didn’t know enough. Aftrerall, this guy had a dragon dad he knew and Jordan didn’t, which meant that one of them knew more than the other.  Breathing and emotion were a part of this, something that made sense to an extent. Emotion was a big thing in magic, and out of control emotions could lead to spells doing something aside from what they were intended for.

He was sure it might have sounded like nonsense to anyone else, but he had an idea what to do with what he was told as well as shown. The scent of scorched rock now filling the room, all he could do was look in a silent awe. Seeing a dragons breath in action was always something that put a dumb smile on his face.

”Okay, I think I understand,” as if to prove that he began the breathing exercise, in through his mouth and out through the nose. Much like a bull he looked, nostrils flaring with each exhale as he tried to follow the instructions he had been given.  It took him a few minutes, a lightheadedness finally coming over him. Would he need to do this longer to finally pass out? He didn’t know that much but eventually the mental image came to him, maybe because he was focusing so hard on it.

Despite that he breathed out, filling the symbol with whatever he could. Drawing upon days of magic practice when he was younger to draw some kind of effect.  Trying to concentrate the energy within his throat and force it outwards with a similar roar to the other dragon, turning to aim at one of the walls.

Nothing game out. Sure, he practically spat all over the place, sticky and sweaty with the exertion of the whole ordeal but no boom.  Disappointment was quick to find its way onto his face and he looked down. ”Huh...that uh..was kinda disappointing,” All he knew was that the scent of the air had changed, into a somewhat sweet scent that reminded him of Deimos. Mostly the dragons breath. ”Now I’m just sweaty, sticky and shouted for I think no reason. Sorry bout that...think my dragon part is broke or whatever. Maybe I did it wrong,”
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Humanity November 14th 2022, 3:40 am

He was doing everything right. He seemed to call upon some kind of emotion, but ultimately he was shocked to learn that there was no energy outpour. There was no output despite the build up. It was disappointing to say the least. Jordan felt like he had failed as a teacher. But his dad had taught him that. How could it fail? He felt guilty even as the other guy missed that his inner dragon was broken. It took him a minute to catch the scent in the air, but his eyes widened. He walked over to his new friend and placed his hands on his shoulders. He leaned closer and started to sniff like a rabid dog, a smile on his face before he shook his head, pupils dilated.

"You smell good. You smell really good. Like a gas station!" he said as he took in one last breath as deep as he could before slathering his hands together. The greasy feeling was uncomfortable, but he still seemed to inquire to it further.

After involving all five of his senses he quickly ran over to a pile and started kicking scrolls from them. Reaching over he washed his hands of the oily substance and began to look over scrolls. "Hey, come here. The symbol in your head. Like the one you say and wanted to fill up with your breath. Look and see which one looks like that." Jordan called for the other. He placed out right scrolls and began pouring over the draconic text. He was hoping to get a full answer as to what was going to be his friends breath. It was getting hard to focus when he had a ton of chemical fumes nearby.

As Jordan came to identify the symbol he had seen the large, squishy looking inverted tear drop creature's eyes went red, and ignited the area where Jordan had been standing. The small dried land caught fire easily and trailed over to his friend quickly, causing him to begin combusting.


Storm front - Page 3 Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

Post by Jordan Reynolds November 14th 2022, 3:52 am

As Jordan began lamenting his strangeness. Rather the strange fact nothing came out of him, the other Jordan began sniffing him. ”Yeah, think I smelled something like this before,” He wasn’t sure if mentioning a person smelled like this was a prudent statement, though he knew it was familiar. Did that have anything to do with it or was he just drawing weird conclusions?  Good questions both but still, he didn’t have an answer to the questions he had going on in his mind.

Other Jordan moved from him to a pile, so he followed looking curious at what he may have found, or was even looking for.  Scrolls were placed over the floor and he began to pour over them, seemingly looking for some kind of answer.  ”Good idea, that might help move things along,” He agreed with a nod, not quite knowledgeable about the fact that problems were on the way until he felt the warmth of something rushing over him.

Jordan had been on fire before. The nature of being nigh indestructible meant he has been set on fire at least once, especially when he lived around children who could produce fire naturally. Exploding was a different thing entirely. All he knew was that there was a massive woosh as the fire overtook him and he found the back of his head slamming against the floor.  That faint crack when bone, no matter how dense hit something hard as well as the faint realization that it kinda hurt.  Not too much, but he felt something.

”Ow...” He muttered, realizing he was on his back, a few feet away from where he had been standing. His clothes were mostly ruined, shirt a black smoldering series of strands along his torso, though his shorts fared slightly better. Well, maybe not enough to spare his modesty fully but it was something. Okay, he was covered up for the most part. ”Why did I explode? I normally don’t do that, unless that has something to do with my breath,” Wait. Was other Jordan fire proof? Without even thinking he jumped to his feet, looking around for the other dragon.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1031
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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INV ONLY Re: Storm front

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