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The Hell Hole that is Home

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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek September 4th 2022, 7:44 pm

Cebra was taken back by the scramble of girls around him, an uncomfortable situation to say the least. When finally he got a moment to settle himself it was already time for an examination. He was alright removing his own clothing for medical purposes as it were "Thank you sister, your modesty is appreciated." Putting on a front of mild frustration as he would assume a man of this era would. His body was bruised in several places and his gash bled still, It was good Rai got Cebra here when she did because his blood loss was reaching a dangerous point. His form was strong under all the clothing as one might expect, though oddly flawed in some ways for a cyborg. He had some scars and blemishes, just small things across him that made his body look a little more like aged. A form of blending in his body implemented.

He let the nun do her work and stitch his wound as well as apply various poultice and salves to his other wounds. He laid in the hospital bed now alone as he looked out the window down to an herb garden where some nuns were picking plants. Curiosity ran through his mind at the functions of if not the world as a whole then to the kingdom, dutchy and county he was in. The entire situation with Rai going off to perform all these military tasks bothered him as he could often feel a situation and when there was a flaw in logic, when things didn't work correctly. He pondered over the fields of corpses and how a religious organization so similar to the Catholics are alright with the arrangement they have made. Fortunately Cebra was fairly certain that the security of this era wasn't ready for his abilities. He spent a good deal of the time resting and watching the nuns go about their business while he was a good out of the way patient plotting his stealthy leave.

Perhaps some of the nuns may have found it odd when he casually asked about the church and more specifically the Sistine chapel that he remembered Rai mentioning in one of their past conversations. Since the church seems to be the primary authority in this land Cebra reasoned the largest church might keep the deepest records, he was curious as to the official records on the birth of Reavers if those records existed. Furthermore any information he can find on the bloody worm creature that brought the pair here, Cebra's wounds still healed faster than a normal human and would be quite noticeable. The remedies did provide some relief from the pain and quicker healing of the flesh, but Cebra couldn't wait, his mind had worked itself into a mission. As the sun lay twilight Cebra made his escape silent and unseen. He was armed and clothed again, now with bandages wrapping some parts of him and patched wounds.

He got the directions from one of the nuns and began his trek towards the chapel in Rome.

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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter September 17th 2022, 12:06 pm

While Cebra had been with the nuns. Rai was finding herself deflated and defeated. Pretty much as soon as she left the abby she had been off to go plead her case to the church, which most of that time was eaten up by waiting in the grievances que, having to listen to peasants complaining about which neighbor stole their pig or that they were being over-taxed. As legitimate of concerns these were for peasant rabble, she couldn’t help but grow irritated as the matter she was bringing forth was by far more dangerous than anything she’d head before her turn to make her case.

As she made it to the front of the line, the elderly Bishop scoffs at the black cloak before him, waiving his hand to his white cloak guard as they move in the remove the reaver before him. “Wait, I am here on behalf of Mol’ ShaRai. From Terni.” She shows the bronzed cloak pin giving the two whitecloaks a pause, looking to the bishop for orders.

The old man holds up his hand, jewled in rings and bracers of many precious gems and gold. Choosing to hear this out he sits back to hear her speak. “There is a massive camp outside of Terni. I saw it myself.” Rai breathes, only happy to not be immediately tossed out. “I believe they intend to invade the town soon. They have siege weapons an-”

“You believe?” The bishop questions leaning forward to ponder a response from her.

Rai catches herself. “Ah- no. I. How close they are suggests-”

“Girl, which clergy has send you before me? A priest? Perhaps another bishop?”

“No father, I am here to bear witness to what I have seen. A demon camp that close to Terni is dangerous, is it not?”

“So you are here with no orders, just here because you think you saw a few little demons.”

“Father, I-”

“Enough. You waste my time. You best run back to Terni and forget you were ever here. You saw nothing and will tell no one, understood?”

Rai huffs for a moment before the whitecloaks lead her back out of the chapel. Their gaze, although understanding, hardened by orders. She slumps on the steps of the church for a moment, only looking to the que of peasants here to see the bishop every so often with envy that their squabbles over cattle were seen as more legitimate than a full scale camp full of demons.

After a few minutes of feeling sorry for herself she stands in an angry huff and heads out to go find Cebra. If the church would do nothing she’d have to see if any of the other Reavers would do anything about it.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek September 25th 2022, 10:52 pm

This city was something right out his worlds history but distorted in a macabre way. The people around him seemed as normal as those in his world if not a little more depressed. Frankly Cebra was growing tired of his short visit to this world, under different circumstances he might like to investigate the inner workings of Dis but not now. He had mostly gone unnoticed, thankfully blending in fairly well into any crowd but being part of none. He moved at a leisurely pace thinking about what he was about to do, the consequence of being captured in such a time with such a government was a distasteful thought. The hour grew late, and the crowds thinned more and more, Cebra can see the chapel not more than a few laneways away. He hides in the shadows of an alley; quiet, still, cloaked and vigilantly scanning the structure.

It was as he was observing the security, he noticed something in his peripheral vision which was much more adept than a normal human. It was Rai, that armour was unmistakable. Though he may have been out of sight of other people he knew she could see him, it wasn't hard as he obscured himself from view of the chapel while waving her down and pointing upwards to the roof top of the structure. He slunk back into the alley before making labored jumps from one damaged wall section to some scaffolding. The acrobatic move being more taxing on his diminished body, not to mention his still healing wound; it was close t a full seal now but still vulnerable. He waited for Rai on a bench.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter October 12th 2022, 7:33 pm

Rai huffs down the street burying the bubbling feeling of rage. She’d been mad at demons before, but never in her life had she wanted to strangle a man so badly. She had just about paced a rut in the yard of the chappel whilst making a half-hearted attempt to at least look on patrol or something. She had to go find Cebra, but last thing she wanted was to go find him while she was still high on unfiltered and misunderstood emotions she hadn’t quite felt in this context before.

It took her a few passes to even notice the waving from the roof of the chappel. She perks, wishing a demon would before realizing Cebra had magically plopped himself onto the roof and was flagging her down. A moment of panic washes over the reaver, fretting he would get caught or something. However, it was obvious conventional methods and the usual chain of command would do nothing except leave Tierni a pile of ash and ground bones. She’d tried it her way, she’d have to try Cebra's way.

Taking her leave she finds her way to the general vicinity Cebra had pointed out, Settling herself near the bench, choosing to stand leaned against the tree as if she were unassociated with Cebra and simply keeping watch. Seeing reavers at the ready each night was not uncommon so no one would bat an eye. “The church thinks I’ve gone mad.” She growls under her breath, pulling her cloak around herself as if to hide her face and obscure the vengeful tears welling at her eyes.

We are running out of options.” She pauses as a man passes far too close for comfort, staying silent as he lumbers on by. “And time. I have only one more idea. But it is rather dangerous.” She huffs under her breath as rain begins to lightly mist down onto Rome. “The chapel keeps records of every reaver ever made, including current stations. Perhaps we could pull a few units around Tierni in to help if we could intercept their routes.” She pitches, only realizing that the follow up to this would have to be. For all she thought, she had the easy job. White cloak support was going to be pivotal. Without them, no reaver would dare break orders for fear of the pyre.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek October 24th 2022, 6:55 pm

Cebra listens to Rai's problems. "So I take it you want me to have a look inside those records?" He can feel her tension and frustration radiating off her, Rai's ability to keep her emotions in check was dubious Cebra thought. This was all a mess from the moment they got here in this strange land and Cebra was reaching his limit for the whole saving these backwards people plan. "Listen... Rai." He sighed with frustration after listening to her grasp for another plan or strategy. "This is stupid, think about it right? You're wasting your time and no one believes you. Maybe you feel some way because of the way you were made ok I get that." His tone becoming increasingly condescending as he went on.

"These people don't need you, there are plenty of your brothers and sisters here to deal with whatever happens. I learned long ago that the world isn't your problem, just pick and choose your battles more wisely." Even the rain here was displeasing in some way, Cebra was discomforted by everything including the loss of many of his functions. He felt stripped and vulnerable and without any solutions to anything just being dragged along by this woman, perhaps it was he that was failing to control himself as he grabbed Rai's arm to make her face him.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter October 24th 2022, 7:27 pm

Rai blinks for a moment, eyes stinging at the bloodied tears to try not to cry. Any thoughts she had of fixing this mess she had come up with assuming at least Cebra would be helping her. Without Cebra, what was she to do? Her ears twitch under her hood as she pushes herself back to a less relaxed posture. Perhaps he was right that she only felt this way because she was made to do so, but even still was that so bad? If she did nothing, hundreds would die with not much of a defense and if hating that thought was just because of the way she was created then she was alright with that. The more Cebra spoke the more it began to feel similar to speaking to anyone from the church, which at this point was like nails on a chalkboard.

She straightens, simply choosing to leave and work on this mess by herself then, silently walking away. Only stopping and bristling at the contact. She freezes unable to keep herself together, red tears falling down her cheeks, spurred to a more thin consistency with the water that made it past her hood.

She turns in only the imitation of rage a reaver who’s never truly felt it could muster. “I am a Reaver. Because I was created, Dis is my problem.” Her voices raised to a tone that had the citizens around them freezing in their tracks. “Your world might not saddle you with its burdens, but this one does.” She pulls herself loose from his grip before wiping the tears with her cloak.

“I am going to go deal with MY problem then and you are free to wait until I am done with it, or you may find a way home and wait for me there. I am fixing this whether or not you decide it is a burden you wish to share with me.” Rai straightens, heading back down the cobblestone path, past many mumbling peasants.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek November 1st 2022, 10:03 pm

Cebra instantly draws his hand back realizing he'd clearly gone too far and hit a nerve; he opens his mouth to apologize but is instead caught off guard by her anger. He sits there staring at her and feeling a cold anger that keeps him quiet while she admonished him. In all his own frustration with this world he was selfish and didn't consider how Rai was dealing with everything or if she was already upset. He was about to reach out and try to apologize however the words caught in his throat and he retreated his hand seeing the curious eyes now looking on. He hid his face under his cloak and was quick to make off before he drew suspicion.

Cebra found himself in an alley way near some food stands by himself mostly. His head hung low and sat against a wall grumbling to himself as he rubbed his head. "I didn't mean it like that... Rai." A long, defeated exhale following his words as he mutters to himself. He doesn't have much luxury of time to dwell on what he said and wanted to say to Rai, despite his opposition and desire to leave he was still going to do this thing. Penetrating the chapel was seemingly a Herculean task with the number of guards about, not to mention he couldn't hide in plain sight as per usual. Cebra had to infiltrate with distraction and sabotage as his primary tools. He was well hidden again away from the publics view on the top of a building near the Chapel. Little Saxon power was left in him and producing more was difficult, but as he was he could produce a grapple hook; armed now with flintlock pistols and a grappling hook he leapt high and fired the hook into the rook of the chapel zipping away.

With the lightest touch he landed on the roof and hid himself from view, he found a staircase on the other side that was unguarded and led downwards into the structure. Cebra's attuned senses picked up multiple guards just past a large wooden door he was pressed against. The sound of clinking armour and voices going back and forth ebbed and flowed for a time until finally there was silence. How to proceed while evading capture and find out where the historical accounts are held, he notices not all of the people about are reavers. A young priestly looking man sits on a bench in a corner reading over some papers. Cebra creaks the door open only slightly which is enough to attract the young mans attention "H hello? Is someone there? Oh my who left that door open?" He stands up and heads over to the door, a very unfortunate man. Cebra leads him in only to have to choke him out. He looks at the mans clothes and while they are a size small they will do for a quick guise.

A few moments later Cebra is cautiously making his way around the chapel avoiding any reavers while looking for the nearest priest, several close calls later he finds a man to talk to. "Excuse me." Cebra addresses the older man "Hm? Yes my child?" As he looks up from his seated position observing the rain. "I'm looking for the historical records father, looking for information on the great worm creature." The older priest looks at Cebra skeptically "Hrmm... Ae you new? Not sure I've seen you before... But I forget more names than I remember. On the top floor, take the stairs and down the far hall to you right." Cebra bows his head politely before taking his leave and proceeding to the records room. Luckily their were no guards at the door giving Cebra an easy way in.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter November 12th 2022, 9:31 am

Rai’s eyes were absolutely burning with the unfamiliar emotions she swore she shouldn’t have. This was only amplified by the realization that all the humans in the streets were clearing away from her as if she had some sort of plague. The idea of a reaver having emotions was so ridiculous to them, that she must be some sort of defective reaver, meaning she was dangerous.

She wipes her tears and takes one more deep breath before composing herself as if nothing happened and choosing to try to make the best of it if she wasn’t going to have Cebra’s help. She finds herself headed down the road to the ‘bad’ part of town, brothels, bars and taverns galore full of loose women and dangerous men. It was the prime area to find a bar willing to serve whitecloaks.

Every city had one. It was just absolute hell finding it as they couldn’t exactly advertise, nor could they just serve whitecloaks out of the front of the business. Hopefully if she waited long enough one would slip up and lead her right to it. Time passes, half an hour, an hour, then an hour and a half before finally the shape of the longer cloak catches her attention. He was slipping into the gap between a brothel and a bar, barely noticeable by the amount of barrels blocking the path. Perfect, She hops to it, following with enough haste to turn the heads of the normal deviants the place held.

“Hey, Um.”

The whitecloak turns, his face conveying rage for a moment before realizing it was just a little blackcloak… one he recognized. “What is it, girl?” He asks, arms folded over his breastplate as if she was suddenly the most inconvenient thing in the world.

“I, I need to talk to the whitecloaks here. It’s urgent, a whole town is about to be-”

“You just don’t learn, do you?” The whitecloak groans glaring daggers at her.

“I’m not mistake, I know I saw a camp. They has ballistas and siege towers. They will be attacking soon an,” She hadn’t even noticed him beginning to draw his warhammer as she was so busy ranting. “Terni needs help. The reavers they have will be over run an-” Lights out. She felt it crack over the left side of her head, horn snapping off the side of her head as she felt consciousness leave her. Betrayed by a brother in white, how fitting.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek November 23rd 2022, 3:52 pm

Dusty tomes and pages, endless shelves full of the documented history of this nation ran the entire massive room like a labyrinth. Cebra had no idea where to begin searching for the specific information Rai wanted, perhaps there was some manner in which the sections were separated. Being the only one in the room Cebra had time and in this time found the layout of the sections, tome after tome Cebra looked through with some impressive reading speed, still able to access a minute amount of his cybernetic functions. Outside there seemed to be a big kerfuffle going on, people all heading in one direction as a clamor of words follow them.

Cebra ignored the passing people in order to keep searching for anything related to what Rai wanted. His eyes sped past many pages absorbing information about this land and disregarding the claims of magic as primitive nonsense. He made his way through a few tomes before finally coming upon something that truly caught his interest. "Reaver identity Rai. Common name Lucia Ricci. Current age 35. Survived by one family member, Grandmother and known beggar." Cebra put down the tome and considered what he had just read, was this real? Was this girl really one of those corpses? But how could that be real? He was baffled at these methods of creating soldiers, it seemed to fly in the face of science and reason. His thoughts were interrupted by the voices of two people just beyond the doorway. "Did you hear?" One voice exclaimed. "Yeah, a Reaver is to be punished? Should be interesting to see. What did they call it? Rai?" Cebra listened intently as the two went on to describe what Cebra knew as burning the witch.

He dropped the book and got up right to the door waiting for the two outside to have their notice away from the doorway. He slipped out quietly and followed a group of people moving down the hall making sure none of them were Reavers that would notice him.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter November 27th 2022, 2:14 am

Rai could only groan as she could feel the pressure of being dragged across cobblestone. Her faded consciousness coming to only to be slammed in the head again as soon as she was about to get up. Trapped inside her own accursed body. It took far too much focus to remain aware of what was happening while trapped in the healing loop so rather she was forced into figuring out what she’d done. She had gotten too comfortable, Molly had made her drop her guard and forget that whitecloaks could be just as dangerous as humans. Sometimes the little bit of power a whitecloak gets can turn them into absolute monsters as well.

She could feel her body forcibly contorted out of her armor and some uncomfortable cloth being strapped into place as the unfamiliar weight of copper bands slapped around her wrists, limiting the ability to control her own body. Force once she wasn’t struck again as she regained consciousness. It was the Tullianum, the last place any reaver wished to be, for no reaver stayed long and waking up here meant one thing… Many men were sent to collect some wood and straw. Her undead heart froze cold in her throat as she gripped the now bloody tunic that had replaced her armor. She was only doing what she was created to do and now she would burn for it.

With nothing left to do, Rai suddenly chokes, bloody tears streaming her white cheeks as she suddenly breaks into laughter. It was all her mind could do. A reaver never showed emotion for fear of the pyre, yet here she was. Letting it all out. She moves to stand in her cell but finding no energy to, sapped by the copper welded onto her wrists. She hits the cement, horns scraping the cut stone as she breathes out, staring into the clawed and bloodied ceiling. She was in hell.

The iron door to her cell creaks open as a man enters, papacy robes stained with shimmering blood and in one hand a crucifix and the other, a silver laced cat o’ nine tails. He appeared to be old, or at least as evidenced by his hunched form, but she was unable to see the shaven head and eyes full of malice and disgust.

“Here for last rights?” Rai huffs, sitting back up to stare death in the face.
“Baleful creature, you will confess your sins.” The inquisitor growls, although unsurprised by her sudden show of bravery. Seemed this was common for the doomed reavers soon to burn.
“Father forgive me, for I have not sinned. Nevertheless I become ash despite doing as I was created.” Her teeth grit as she stands, gathering every ounce of strength to do so around the copper. “Tierni will fall, hundreds will die, and it will be blood on your hands for doing nothing.”

“Girl… I have reaver blood up to my elbows. I care not for a little more. Hundreds will die if God wills it. And you will burn for God wills it.” With a heavy backhand, Rai is put back to the ground.


The crowd roars alive at the thought of a reaver roast, any time a burning was to take place, everyone knew exactly where to go. The ash district, a small courtyard cleared of all buildings and permanently covered in a thin gray soot, just outside the Tullianum and the stone streets had a permanent dull stain to their mortar. Wetting the stones with her blood was Rai, absolutely torn to shreds, back flogged so badly flesh stripped from her spine and the back of her ribs as she was forced to the pyre. She watches as her back hits the iron post, but was unable to pry herself free of the whitecloak’s grasp, a small army of reaver guards to keep the peace, none of which so much as made eye contact with Rai. It figured she couldn’t blame them. Show so much as an iota of sympathy for the damned and they too would burn.

“Teirni will burn before the week is done!” She suddenly shouts, the crowd silencing their jests for a fraction of a second before a loud slam echoes through as the same white cloak beats his gauntlet against her jaw to shut her up.

“She’s possessed!” The priest announces. “And the only cure for such a curse is to burn.” He holds up his torch to a crowd regaining its momentum. With a light touch the dry straw ignites ablaze. The smell of smoke churned Rai’s stomach as she recoiled against the growing heat. Hands wretched above her head as the cuffs were welded to the iron, keeping her in place as the inferno grew, obscuring the hissing crowd and disturbed reavers. She could feel her skin scorching and soul pulling from her body. Her vision fading into blackness through pinholes as her flesh began to turn to ash. The pain in her back fading into pain in general, agony felt down to the soul.

The fledgling reavers cringe internally, black cloaks choosing to turn away and maintain crowd control as not to so much as look at the pyre and the two present white cloaks just stared into the flames, unphased and unbothered.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek December 8th 2022, 12:34 pm

The crowd around Cebra seemed to be as barbaric as he imagined, a gut wrenching feeling ripped through his gut as he eagerly pressed his way outside. He became more careless with each passing second and person, vague sounds of a muffled monologue the closer he got to the door he began to understand the execution was at hand. A very dangerous spark had been struck in Cebra and his face took on a grim look, he straightened himself and pushed past people reckless in approach. No guards had yet taken notice of the clergyman behaving strangely as he pushed past the common folk, probably just another priest joining in. He arrived at the execution site and gazed with distraught anger,  the flames bit at Rai's flesh and threatened to consume her. Cebra immediately broke into a dead sprint pushing past guard and citizen alike throwing them to one side.

Unprepared Reavers and the inquisitor could only watch as Cebra shoulder slammed the inquisitor, toppling him over and sending him skidding away. He tackles Rai, as the flames roar, and brings her down to the ground. He uses his cloak to put out the fire on her in a panic. He can hear the Reavers approaching in their heavy armor, not much time and Rai is giving no response. "Rai!" As he holds her head up and almost makes the dumb mistake of checking for her pulse. "Rai... Fuck." He places his cloak under her head after moving her on to a stone bench. "I'm sorry I didn't have your back before." He turns now to face the Reavers that now surround him with bared weapons. "You dare to assault the inquisitor and interrupt this righteous affair?! You will die for your heresy and insolence whoever you may be!" The Reaver doesn't hesitate in charging at Cebra with a one handed long sword, he swings down with preternatural strength a blow aimed at Cebra's head. The swing is stopped by the loudest thundering clanging, and a hole exploding out of the back of that Reavers skull. Cebra having quick drawn his steam punk-esque pistol quickly puts down the Reaver.

The crowd of people panic and scream, fleeing from the madness and the mad man that brings it. Cebra slowly crouches down and picks up the Reavers sword, giving a swing and flourish to feel it out. The other Reavers hesitate at the new weapon that downed their companion in one strike, but they were a steadfast group and came at Cebra who was weakened in power but not in skill or murderous intent. Six Reavers against one cyborg, luckily the S.E.M core program was still functioning. Cebra's eyes turned a bright red as a few fleeing citizens yelled out "DEMON! HE'S A DEMON!" One of Cebra's finest skills is swordplay, coupled with the ability to perceive time slower and the environment as a mathematical formula he could keep pace with the Reavers mostly. Two came from behind with a Halberd and spear aiming to pierce Cebra's spine, Cebra caught the halberd in his blades hand guard guiding it into the ground as he contorted his body like a contortionist dodging the spear.

The Reavers were relentless and tested the cyborgs endurance always pressing him. Cebra blocks several rapid strikes by two of the Reavers striking with swords, Cebra's style adapts from weapon to weapon but the third Reaver comes too fast and smashes Cebra in the ribs with a mace, the sound of crackling and crunching bone audible as he goes flying back into the chapel smashing the doors. Splintered wood flies about as clergymen flee the destruction, Cebra lands on a stairway holding his side. "Mmf fuck me." getting back to his feet as he holds onto the railing, he picks his blade back up and reminds himself he has five more shots before having to reload. The Reavers were fast on Cebra, three burst through the door and leapt at him, Cebra draws his pistol again and quick fires a round into the one with the spear and strafes to the right dodging the strike. The spear wielder was only wounded their endurance and regeneration proved enough to quickly overcome anything but a head shot that at least bought time.

The fight carries on down a long stretch of hall, the narrow space makes it easier for Cebra to block strikes but confines him immensely. Sharpened steel struck at Cebra from up high and ground level as the Reavers worked together overwhelming Cebra, a blade nearly severs Cebras head as he's held to a wall by one of bloody knights. Cebra grew more frustrated as the fight went on. He elbowed the Reaver and found his armour too thick, though there was one point of weakness he could feel as he struggled. Without a second though Cebra gripped onto the male Reavers testicles like a vice, with one savage jerk he pulled apart the flesh like a blood filled, meaty balloon. The scream was spine chilling as he stumbled backwards in agony. Cebra threw him from the second floor window. Cebra glared at the rest of the Reavers daring them to make the first move.

Now down to four Reavers with three incapacitated temporarily, they take Cebra deadly seriously in their approach. Cebra draws his pistol again and aims a shot at the closest Reaver. In a clever move one distracts Cebra by throwing a wooden bench that forces Cebra to slice it in half mid air. That brief moment is enough for one to get close to Cebra and swing a brutal looking claymore, the strike just misses Cebra but obliterates his pistol into pieces. The Reaver followed up with a jack boot right to the center of Cebra's chest that sends him flying out of a window and onto the roof. He can't afford these hits in his weakened state, he clenches his chest as he skids to a stop at the very edge of the roof. He coughs and spits up a little blood. "Come on man, you can't let her down again." Cebra says to himself through gritted teeth. He can already see the approach of the Reavers as they spread out and surround him "Why do you protect this one demon? Some pact formed with her?" Cebra had little interest in discussion, he was busy scanning the environment for any advantage.

He dodged, parried, countered and blocked many blows, but couldn't keep up his pace and took some light cuts. That claymore catches Cebra when he is deadlocked with the halberd wielder, his hip is sliced open with a grievously large splash of blood and a pained wide eyed gasp. The next blow is the mace that strikes his neck and sends Cebra to the ground, he looked like there wasn't much more he could handle, the blood flowed freely from his scowling face. The one wielding the mace came forward ready to execute the intruder and get on with the burning of the heretic. The pain wracking his body was something he rarely felt having the powers he does, even despite this wild fire of pain across his body his willpower was as unyielding as any machine, Cebra's mind was bent towards winning and death was not a consideration. The Reaver drew up his mace to smash Cebra's skull, in that moment waiting for the perfect fraction of a second Cebra reached his hand under a worn section of roofing and ripped a loose 2x4 board. He swung it at the Reavers head and the wood practically exploded, mostly due to its age. The Reaver stood there with two long rusty nails in her skull, before dropping from the roof.

There were three left, and they looked none too eager to approach this demon with an abnormal soul, a blurry imperfect looking soul. Cebra climbed to his feet, the man had a look of wild hatred in his eyes looking at the last few Reavers as he struggled to stand up straight. His chest heaved and finally he spoke to his enemy "You'll not hurt this woman." Raising his blade feebly with what little strength he had left his whispers to himself "I'll always have your back Rai." He knows he can't win this fight, it's time to flee. But how could he escape in his condition? A quick swivel of the head takes in the data about his environment, there has to be something he could use. Then serendipity struck as a priest below fled from the chapel on the ground level, Cebra saw him and got a terrible idea. He feigned weakness and stumbled backwards to the edge he made his foot slip and fall backwards. Directly behind him was scaffolding and a metal bar he caught on to with heavy strain on his body. He slipped and fell down onto some wood platforms with a pained groan, he rolled off and fell grabbing on to more of the scaffolding as he parkoured his way to the bottom and to the priest. Cebra grabbed him by the collar and dragged him across the grounds over to Rai.

The old priest was frightened but quite compliant when Cebra put the edge of his blade across the mans throat. "Tell them to stand down or I'll bleed you old man." The Reavers leapt from up high landing with a crushing blast, leaving a cloud around them. Cebra presses the blade closer drawing a little blood from the hesitant priest "DO IT!" The waves his hands towards the approaching Reavers "STOP! STOP AT ONCE! LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!" Like orderly puppets they do as commanded, stepping back and sheathing their weapons away. Cebra edged closer to Rai while keeping a steady hold on the priest, he reached down taking the figurine she carried with her that seemed to call upon a horse of some kind. He didn't understand the technology but somehow it worked via smashing it, and so he did, throwing it to the ground harshly. The horse was stil strange to Cebra and he wasn't sure if it was organic or artificial in nature, but he didn't have time to think about such things. "P... Please, help." Cebra said through a blood drenched, battered and beaten face, looking up at the giant steed.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter December 12th 2022, 10:37 pm

The flames ate at Rai’s skin, turning the texture to paper as it sloughed off her bones into ash that crumbled away with each futile attempt to pull away from her pyre. At least as her vision faded and the world crumbled away with the rising hell she could no longer hear the vitriol from the crowd or see their souls flickering in collective rage. It was one thing to be passingly insulted, another to be spat on and treated worse than some rabid animal. She eventually couldn’t hold herself off the pole anymore, slumping back as her marred back scrapes the iron with one last painful groan. The inquisitor had been brutal with her, but it could have been worse. He didn’t cut out her tongue or pluck one of her eyes from its socket like they were known for doing, but the lashing still left her flayed to ribbons and the copper stopped her from doing much about it. The shackles holding her in gleamed red hot from the heat, only giving way from Cebra’s impact and remaining an angry red burning against her skin, calming as the cool air hits it.

Rai was a mess, exposed bone through what used to be pretty painted skin from the nape of her neck to tailbone, lashed with silver that refused to heal and bleeding what little blood she had left. Some of the more zealous lashes even extended across her sides leaving ribs exposed. Her skin seemed thinner with a papery texture, as if barely holding together as the skin on her lower half had been sloughed away pretty early and instead left aged yellow bones in their wake, just hanging together but what little strings of flesh left from the thighs down. Her arms had much diminished in size, but did still seem like the most held together part of her body save for her wrists which were still exposed to the rapidly cooling copper cuffs that had scorched angry lines into her wrists. There was absolutely no real indication whether or not she was still alive, other than the fact her body was holding together and hadn’t turned to dust and bone in Cebra’s hands, although it wasn’t keeping it’s form very well, as every so often a bit more dust blew into the stone road to join the small coating of reavers burned before her.

Rai got lucky in two aspects, one was that Cebra fought like some kind of cornered animal, the other was that most clergy had balls the size of chickpeas. It seemed the inquisitor was no different in quickly surrendering and calling off his reavers. If conscious, Rai couldn’t blame them for fighting when told to. Now that she’d experienced it, she wouldn’t wish the pyre on any other reaver. They only acted out of self-preservation. As they backed away and the glass shatters across the ashen road, Grimmorah rips from the void with the typical hellish scream. He seemed panicked if at all possible, stamping in a much more frantic manner than usual. He swings his back end around threatening a nasty kick to the now stalled reavers who were just waiting on the next shoe to drop. Rai gently heaves in air, so subtle it almost couldn't be detected. Her hand raising to cover Cebra's as the frail skin threatens to tear at the mere touch. It was the only bit of life Rai could muster before returning to her grave-like state. Grimmorah gives a harsh snort as his tosses his head, as much of an invitation as any.

Molly had been working since the pair left, the gates reinforced, a few units diverted here and there and still no sign of either Rai or Cebra. Deep down he knew that was no good but he still sold himself the comfortable lie that everything was alright and more reavers were coming. He knew the siege was coming closer and they had a maximum of three days to his estimate of when they’d be swarmed but he was working with what he had. As promised a literal mountain of copper and tin ore stacked just behind the gates as well as whatever metal scrap they could fight lying about for Cebra to work his magic. Around the city a trench had been dug and somewhat of a plan laid as the city ballistas were moved to face the north in order to catch the enemies when they advanced.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek December 29th 2022, 11:52 am

Cebra was in a sort of meditative state as Grimmorah galloped along the road, his mind was unaware of the world while his body autonomously held the reigns and kept his balance. A sort of sleep mode he used to conserve energy and slightly quicken his healing factors. The fight wasn't over and Rai was in terrible condition, he would have to suffice as her replacement even in his condition. "Rai... don't go leaving me in this fucked up world... Alone. You're not gonna die in this place." Words that echoed in his mind as the the semi functional nanobots sewed and stitched the man up. He still carried a bloodied sword in one hand, and it was familiar and comfortable, the prospect of engaging in a full scale battle made him uneasy and reminded him of his time as an a drone.

He arrived at the gate entrance and immediately was awoken, the city looked somewhat fortified but at the same time lacking. Seemed like building was still underway and may give him time to help with whatever power he had left to summon. He hauled Rai's limp body off of Grimmorah as the gate opened up, Cebra was relieved to see Molly there.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter February 2nd 2023, 10:14 pm

Molly had spent his time tirelessly working on fortifications and alternating between sending out scouts to get a more accurate count on the encampment and thinking his way through a way to fend it off. A small fortune worth of trees had been cut to build a thicker wall and a few ballistas mounted on them and as promised a small mountain of freshly dug ores of copper and iron. In the pile were as many bent nails, broken lead cutlery and pipes and anything that looked even remotely metallic. Though as days grew by and threat of seige grew closer, Molly began to realize just how bad of a position they were in.

Scout reports had settled on a thousand or so infantry imps, siege towers and trebuchets, around 10 hell knights each holding a unit of 100 imps. But worse yet was the 3 colossal demons of surprisingly unknown kind. They were large enough to bring down the walls on their own but slow. Currently the city only had 120 reavers in all and only 5 colossus slayers who could cut down the brutes and cleave armor off of hellknights. This both included Rai and Hayseed. Just as Molly took a moment to sit and think he heard the horns at the gates, Jumping up, he remembered that horn was not the one to sound war but to herald in a Reaver.

A good thing can’t last long as Roth was on gate duty. “Molly, get out here.” He calls, scaling down the latter to help Cebra with Rai, minding the dust falling from her corpse-like body. He cringes as the copper cuffs from her wrist catch his skin, but does help get her off the horse.

“Fucking hell.” Molly breathes. As Roth moves to mess with the cuffs. “Wait. Remove those and we’ll never get her still. Get her to the bar.” The reaver commands, arms crossed over his bronze breastplate. Roth immediately jerks back and instead shifts to take Rai from Cebra instead as Molly offers his own shoulder for the man to lean on.

“Walk and talk, how the hell did they burn her for this?” He asks as the gate closes behind them.


In the bar Mariza was busy taking stock of the emergency supplies she’d managed to snag and was still trying to keep the veneer of normalcy to the regular people as Roth and Molly explode into the back and go straight past the room from earlier and into what seemed to be Mariza’s living quarters. Setting Rai up in a bed as Roth then just seems to stall out.

“Molly… can we even fix this? I’ve never seen anyone survive a burning before.”

“Neither have I. Ari swears she saw a man burnt nearly this way by a demon before and live to tell about it though. That isn’t my concern.” Molly’s face portrayed almost nothing, but a trained eye would pick up on the whirlwind of emotions in his head. “Her back is the worst of it. Even if she heals, those silver whips could have crippled her.” Molly flops back in a chair, defeat stricken and exhausted.

Tell us everything that happened.” He urges to Cebra.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Cerek February 14th 2023, 9:37 pm

Cebra gives no words at first as he's brought in, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "I..." He finds it difficult to speak in his state, for the first time in ages he truly felt vulnerable and tired to the bone. "They wanted... To burn her, I couldn't let." He growls pulling a a splinter of wood from his back the size of a small dagger. "She tried to warn... The..." He has a hard time now thinking of the correct words for what they were. "Your holy men, priests or however you say... They did not believe Rai." Cebra looks up to see the settlement being fortified, a sign that at least there was one faction on their side. "Rai... I got there too late, she needed me to..." His words cut short by a sharp strike of pain, he takes a second and continues "I just wanted to leave this place, she felt compelled to stay... I tried to press her and it went poorly... She was caught because of what I said to her."

"I'll be alright, don't worry about me. Just take me where you need me to be to help. Tell me what you need if you indeed gathered some resources for me to work with." Cebra stood up straight ceasing the need for a helping hand and did his best to look at least in fighting condition as he wiped away blood from his face.
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The Hell Hole that is Home - Page 3 Empty Re: The Hell Hole that is Home

Post by Demonhunter March 7th 2023, 7:03 pm

Molly sits silent for a moment. Dead orange eyes flickering from Rai to Cebra, then back to Rai. His ears twitch as he could hear a bit of commotion outside but thought nothing of it as they were preparing for war after all. “Don’t blame yourself. My kind have a tendency to be too stupid for our own good. It’s just in our nature.” He shrugs, although rather surprised the church didn’t believe her even with his cloak pin. Usually the backing of a white was good enough to be listened to. If he had thought it’d go that sideways he would have gone himself, however if that then who to prepare Teirni?

Gritting his teeth in pity he studies Cebra, as if judging if he were in good enough condition to continue. The poor man had to have fought tooth and claw to have gotten out of Rome alive with a half-executed reaver in tow. Sure enough he looked like he’d been dragged through hell once already but who was he to turn him down if he wanted to continue. Just as Molly was about to speak up, the door to the bar swings open to a still silent Hayseed.

“Out with it.” Molly hums, rather annoyed at being interrupted.
With a deep breath Hayseed sets a cloth sack on the wooden table with a loud thump and rattling of its contents to free up his hands to speak. He quickly signs a few quick gestures as Molly squints.

“The ballsy fucks sent a messenger… with that.” He crosses his arms over his chest in frustration.
Hayseed clenches his jaw, refusing to sign any further, just staring hard at Molly, bloody tears welling at the side of his scarred and marked face. Molly seems to pale even further than a corpse should before slumping down further in his seat. He is silent for a moment before slamming his fist down onto the wooden table as the sack seeps a bit of reaver ash as it splinters under his gauntleted hand.

“Of course it’s her.” He murmurs as Roth suddenly catches on and seems to bite his own lip to stay silent.
“Roth, Hayseed, show him where he can help. We’re going to beat these fuckers or we’ll all be dust trying.”

“Molly, are you going to b-”

“I just need a moment. I’ll catch up with you.” Molly’s eyes well with blood as he stares straight to Cebra. “This is what happens when you love one of us. You get handed a bag of bones and dust one day. Remember that.”

Roth takes the que to lead Cebra somewhere else, lest the man lose his composure. “Sorry you had to see that. Molly um.. Ari and Molly were kind of a-”

Hayseed quickly gestures to his ring finger in a sort of rough-sign language.

“I wouldn’t necessarily say married… Lets just say the two have been close for about thirty years or so.”

Hayseed rolls his eyes before making the gesture again, this time with a bit more dramatic flair.

“Whatever. You look like hell. How about you rest a moment while we finish dragging up every scrap of metal we can and- what in fucks name.” Roth stops short as what seemed to be a procession of reavers marching their way through the gates of Teirni. About fifty, all fresh and equipped for a fight.

“Ox?” Roth calls to a whitecloak in the ranks as he stops his horse.
“Hey, thought you could use the help.”
“What the fuck are you doing with your men here!? You’re supposed to be in Folgino. In fact all these fuckers are.”

The white cloaked reaver hops off his horse, boots clacking in the street mud. “Yeah. But one of my men came running back from Rome saying a guy beat the ever loving shite out of him the other night to steal a girl off the pyre, I decided we might want to take whatever threat would drive a man to do that seriously… So I might have changed our plans a bit.”

“Ox, you crazy fuck. They’ll scorch your ass for this.”
“What are they going to burn 56 men over it? If they ask, we stopped for provisions.” Ox smiles brightly as The horn to the gate blares once again to allow another few ranks of reavers. “Looks like more than just my lot are coming.”

Ox then looks Cebra up and down before laughing under his breath. “Helluva thing you did to Korra’s balls. He’s been walking poorly ever since… Hey, Sorry about your girl, I’m sur-”

“She’s alive.” Roth asserts.
“You’re shitting me.”
“I am not. She’s alive. Anyway, you boys get set up. We’re going to teach this man how to use a ballista.”

“Right. I’ll catch up later. I gotta tell Shryks about this.”
Ox waves as he leads his horse near the tail end of his group.

“Looks like your trip to Rome wasn’t all for nothing. We’re getting reinforcements regardless, lets just hope it’s enough… Anyway, ever shot a crossbow before? We’re about to set you up with a really big one.”
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