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Harbor thief hijinks

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek March 18th 2021, 7:18 pm

The silhouette of a paint brush, large hammer and a young man with a bushy tail and canine ears in the dying light of the evening amidst a blustery windy day. They stand atop a massive stone stairway leading down to some docks as they seem to be fixated on a luxury cruise ship that made port not a few days ago. "Is a big bloody boat ain'tit? But why we goin on board again?" The voice of the Hammer cobbling together his rough cockney asks. The paintbrush turns to the hammer and sighs a frustrated breath "Your such a clod Tom, that is wheya they are keeping that big gem thing. And I want it!" The young man smacks the brush on its back before scoffing "We're not here for a dumb shiny rock Bobby, It's the fooooooooooood." His eyes widen as his mind wanders to images of a luxurious buffet o exotic food aboard the vessel. "I'm DONE! Steali-er I mean surviving off of scraps. I'm tired of humans throwing shit at me as well... Assholes with their eating competitions and... Stuff." Bobby and Tom exchange glances as Tom utters "You could probably buy all the grub yeh want wif dat jewel mate." "SHUT UP! We're doing my plan!" The young wolf and his odd friends descend down the walkway but take a quick turn into a nearby alley.

The wolf lad takes hold of the brush by his handle, from the front pouch of his hoodie he pulls out a plastic bottle full of some blue liquid dumping some on Bobby's head. He slathers and brushes the alley wall in a flurry of fast strokes that turn his arms into a blur. A few short moments later the painting is already done revealing a tunnel that led to what at first seemed to be darkness, but upon approach appeared to be stacked boxes blocking out the light. The trio first made sure no one was observing them before they skedaddled through the strangely made portal.

The ship itself was vacant of guests and some crew, there were still plenty of guards left patrolling the halls as well as a skeleton crew while the rest were on leave. The guards for the most part were lightly armed with ____, however there was a small contingent of security that were stationed to guard a certain room in the ship near to the engine. There was kept the special "cargo" which was very strange for a cruise ship, things only the executives of the cruise company might know. The security was not human but android in nature though passing for normal humans. They came with body armor and energy based light SMG's, on their hips were three canisters that were clearly marked as flash bang grenades. The wolf through his strange cartoon craft had bypassed that security however ending up not only in the secured room but inside a vault, a far measure from his goal of the kitchen.

The wolf spoke in hushed tones whispering to his friends "Any idea what this is? I can barely see a thing... Are we in a box?" As he felt around him slowly, eventually feeling a metallic wall. Bobby quietly hopped around until he felt a split where a doorway was. "Here, I found the door I think... I think it's locked from the outside." Tom chimes in "Lemme take a whack a it, I got it." "No no no, no noise Tom." the wolf cuts in "I'll just make er uh Bob c'mer... Right here maybe?... Um sure that'll work I guess." With some dexterity, talent and luck the wolf opens a portal up again in the form a a massive doggy door. The wolf only had a very crude idea of how to get around the ship with his portals, having been a stowaway not too long ago he had little opportunity to hit the kitchen with all the people about.

This portal leads him to the engine room on the lowest deck of the ship, from there the trio snuck out not seeing anyone around the immediate area. Tom was behaving rather oddly... For a living hammer, a sudden stiffness and shifty glance came over him, not that the others noticed right now.
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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 March 22nd 2021, 3:09 am

The Midnight Club usually took interest in specific pieces that held their own interest. Rarely did they ever get a specific request, a commission from an outside source that required a specific good or service. They occasionally had gotten them, but the current mark seemed...almost basic, but it came from a good source, a person they had occasionally bought information from and it would be an easy enough job, so they had accepted it. To further show good faith they had decided to send in their best agent, Midnight.

At least, that's how it was all explained to Maggie when the boss had called her to the office. She honestly thought it was because she had stolen and crashed the car of some rich guy who had cut her off earlier in the week and had nearly gotten caught and then by extension almost led the cops to the Midnight Club. This all felt more like punishment, to go after something so common, instead of going after a hero's weapon or tech of some underground fringe science group. Still, it was a very big gem and that at least sparked some interest in her.

She had been perched upon an overlook of a building, not too far from the docks. She was casually leaning forward, peering through some binoculars and trying to spy anything of interest before going in. There certainly were a few guards and some of them had weapons the likes of which she had never seen. That certainly piqued her interest. Maybe there was something more to this gem than just being a gem? Usually little things like that just had a normal security team. Could be...nope! No ideas came to her head, besides...she was just here to steal it not to find out what it did.

She tossed the binoculars over the side of the building and stood up, stretching up her arms as she yawned. It was time to get to work. Spreading out from her back, her two, dark indigo wings unfolded and gave a few stretching flaps. She took a step forward and off the building, and with some hard flutters, she took to the air! She soared through, heading straight for the boat, and she seemed to blend in pretty well with the sky, making it hard for anyone to really pick her out. She would, at most, look like a bird from the ground and shouldn't warrant any watchful eye, not for more than a moment and certainly not enough to sound any alarms.

She took a few circles around the boat, getting in the different angles and seeing where the guards were stationed, where she could hide, and, most importantly, where she could land. After a few sweeps, she found it! There was a window open near the midsection of the ship where she could slip into. On her glances in when she circled she hadn't caught anyone inside. With a quick swoop, and keeping herself quite tucked, she dove to the window and cleared the land. As she entered the room she can to an abrupt stop which nearly caused her to lurch forward and slam into the wall, but managed to stop herself at the last moment.

She brushed herself off and felt quite confident and prideful in how she handled that. Alls well that ends well. Now came the hard of the even, actually finding where the gem was hidden. It'd be in a vault, that was for sure, but where that was...tricky. What was trickier was knowing where she was. She took out a small flashlight and began to peer around the room. It looked like...a storage closet? There was a hammock in here so maybe it had once been a room and just made to be storage while the cruise was on break?

There was nothing of use here, so she decided to just move on. Giving a quick peek outside the room, only cracking the door a bit...things seemed clear, though for how long was another story. She stepped out into the hall and gave a more clear look around. The hall was lined with doors and it was really impossible for her to know where to star-oh! Her flashlight landed on a red door that had the word "Engine" written above it and then an arrow pointing down. From her limited knowledge of ships, usually an engine room would have a more detailed map of a ship, they had to know what was where and what was connected to what and so forth.

She opened the door and lo and behold! An elevator. If she was right, well...if the sign was right! It'd take her right down into the engine room. With a giddy little hop forward, she entered and began her descent downward, ready to find that map and deal with whatever came. Before entering, of course, she'd peek in and check for cameras. There had been one in the corner and with a quick little flick of her wing, sent a few feathers to cover it. They'd read it as a technical glitch and eventually send someone over, but if all went according to plan, she'd be gone and to the vault by then.
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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek April 2nd 2021, 12:55 pm

Clink clink clink clink the sound of the moving trio along the hard metal floor and echoing room. Clink clink clink clank... The wolf boy stopped dead in his tracks and held his friends still. He raised his nose to the air and sniffed deep "People." he whispered before scattering about. Bobby hid behind a series of valves and pipes with Tom as they peered out from the shadows, the wolf boy takes cover behind an engine and peeks out from behind his cover.

Well of all the creatures he had seen in his or this world this is the first time he laid eyes on a bird girl oddly enough. Though how someone could fly with metal wings was confusing to him, but then again there were airplanes and such. She didn't look like part of the security boys patrolling around, certainly not with that dumb giddy smile on her face. "Was she part of the staff?" he thought. But no she wasn't wearing the uniforms they did, she was another thief then? Bobby kept a careful eye on the girl as well but Tom seems to be shifting from watching the woman to something just hidden from view. Bobby notices his distracted friend and tries to peek over him to see what he's gawking over. As soon as he gets close enough Tom hides his secret and feigns ignorance making a shrug like motion as only a living hammer can.

The wolf boy is completely fixated on this girl and what she may be up to, was there a chance she was going for the buffet as well? He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice his tail brush up against an insanely hot pipe. "YAAAAAAAGH!" He leaps up grabbing his smoking tail and SMASH! hits his head on a large pipe above before landing with a loud TWANG! on his back hitting the metal floor. "Owowowowowow my fucking tail! Why me?" As he rubs his tail with a whiny tone. It takes him a second or two before he comes to realize he's landed not three feet from the bird girl as he slowly turns his head to look at her. His face flushes red as he looks up at her and his ears twitch. "... H Hey."
Mega Poster!
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 May 31st 2021, 3:15 am

As soon as the clang had filled and echoes through the engineering bay, feathers had shot from Quinn’s wings. They flurried around in the air until they all seemed to freeze midair and point down at the strange individual who had just…appeared, screamed, and collapsed before her. She herself bore a more serious expression at first, expecting the sudden appearance of a person to be a security guard, but as the figure greeted her she just stared down at him, a tilt to her head. She looked more confused than she did scared or alarmed, although the feathers still lingered in the air. She had to be ready to strike if this man was some line of defense.

She doubted that, though. If he was, then this might be an easier job than she first imagined.

She placed a hand on her hip and then started, “I am gonna wing it and say you ain’t a security guard, yeah?” Her wings folded behind her and a few of the feathers around the air began to return, though still at least four remained. “Listen, buddy, I don’t know who you are or why you’re here, but I am gonna say you ain’t supposed to be here. I’m also not supposed to be here, so…let’s make a deal?” She crouched down to be on his level, giving him a small, forced grin. “I won’t tell anyone that you’re here and you don’t tell anyone that I’m here. I got a job to do and I’m sure you have…something to do.”

When she was finished, she stood back up and brushed off her knees. “Sound like a deal?” The feathers around him suddenly swooped down and, instead of piercing into him, attempted to scoop up the man and place him back on his feet. She gave him a nod, dropping her arm and returning the feathers to her wings. “We don’t have a whole lot of time before the folks on the ship come down here to check on the cameras, so…go do what you gotta do, bud.”
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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek June 25th 2021, 9:05 pm

Seeing all those blade like feathers... Or feather like blades hovering over him made the wolf boy twitch nervously, that was until the woman bird thing using them seemed to calm down. He listened to her plight curiously and in no small part because she was cute. It was a bit awkward getting to his feet as he wasn't ready for that feather sweeping like he was a dust bunny, but one thing about what she said had stuck out like a sore thumb. He dusts himself off and pinches out a small flame on the tip of his tail that smoked for a second after "Did you just say 'wing it'?" And chuckles like a dumb ass. He currently had no reason not to trust this girl or to trust her, but they both didn't belong here and he didn't really care either way. As long as he got to taste duck again he'd go along with whatever he had to, she didn't look like she was here for food so good enough for the wolf.

From the shadows Tom and Bobby listened intently to the conversation happening and waiting for the signal to jump the girl. Though they would be just as happy hiding in the safety of the shadows and not fighting the razor bird woman. "Psst Bobby, we gunna go out dere and rescue our boy?" Tom whispers nervously. "If he wanted our help then he'd give a sign, just be quiet."

"Ok then, yeah sure I'll just mosey along and you never saw me... But do you know where the dining hall place is? Help a brother out yo." He says as his ears flop in frustration. As it turned out the girl was quite correct, it was rather obvious to security now that there were intruders about. Search teams scrambled all about on the various decks and sections of the ship. The wolf boy waves to Bobby and Tom telling them that it was fine to come out. The two emerged from the shadows and hopped there way around the girl and beside the wolf boy.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 August 29th 2021, 2:44 am

Quinn gave a small shrug, “I did, what’s a thief without a bit of humor, that’s rule twenty-two in my handbook.” She shot him a small finger gun, a freebie for a newbie. The feathers at her back seemed ruffle slightly, but they were now all, mainly returned, minus a few that now dipped away and hung out of sight behind something, ready to strike. Maybe not strike this wolfish boy, but ready to strike someone if need be. But maybe this did include the wolf boy. She wasn’t gonna eliminate any possibilities here, not when she had so much riding on this. Point and order, she could at least try and get on this wolf’s good side and have him help her.  He, at the very least, could be a distraction or the fall guy, but perhaps more if it came to it.

She blinked at a bit at the help a brother out yo remark, it wasn’t something she expected from a talking wolf boy, but…well, there it was. She scratched the back of her head, giving the place a quick once over. “Uh, hm.” She thought for a moment. This really wasn’t on her agenda today and she really-

She suddenly flinched, arms and a leg moving up defensively as the two emerged from behind and the feathers in the hidden place flicked ever so slightly. Thankfully, though, she did not strike as these seemed to be some companion to the wolf boy. She settled as quickly as she had risen to the defensive and let out a small breath. “I honestly got no idea. You wouldn’t happen to know where a safe is, would you? I think it’s close, more or less, but if you got some instructions or directions, more than happy to take the word of another thief.”

She gave the room another once over, not out of parnonia, but rather…well, a ship like this it was good to be stay on guard. A rando could come walking out at any moment and she really didn’t want to get caught in the middle of anything. She especially didn’t want to have to play guard for this wolf or his friends either, but she had to be ready regardless.
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Quote : "Let me be your friend, you jerk!"

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Registration date : 2017-12-21

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek September 18th 2021, 9:55 pm

"A safe?" The Wolf boy repeated curiously, he glanced at Bobby then to Tom who gave back the same look. "So that's what... Huh makes sense now." The Wolf boy remembered the big metal box he came out of and all the junk that was in it that he couldn't see. Must have been the safe this bird girl was looking for, a sly smirk struck his face quickly as well as a gleam in his eye that suggested no good. "Mmm I might be able to help you out with that little problem, you might say I not only know the location but an easy way in." Tom shifted his eyes nervously for a second as the Wolf boy mentioned the safe. "But if you want me to spill the beans then you have to help me first my fellow thief." He said with a little cheek in his tone.

There was a sudden commotion at the doorway that sent the Wolf boy flat against the wall obscuring himself from the doorway view with the piping in an unnatural way that that stretched his torso like rubber. Bobby and Tom hid themselves in plain sight in a bag of tools by a generator, they closed their eyes making them look much less conspicuous and more like normal tools. The doorway opened as some security armed with heavy gravity rifles able to bring anyone down to the ground hard, particularly nasty for any airborne enemies. They start to sweep the room but don't seem to be very worried as their weapons aren't even raised. They start to casually chit chat with each other, one of them mentioning that the ships captain and security chief dont get along at all.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 November 19th 2021, 2:47 pm

There was a slight twitch in Maggie's smile at hearing that. She often did things alone, maybe sometimes help from the help desk back at the Midnight Club, buuuuut...this cartoony wolf boy offering a hand? She had, at the very least, very mixed feelings on this one. He had gotten this far, which spoke somewhat to his benefit, but first impressions still gave her some worry. Also there was something about the smirk that sent up some red flags in her head. Working with someone was bad enough, but working with someone she had never met while on a job when they too were not supposed to be here? That was something entirely. That tone was also annoying. But still, despite that slight twitch in the smile she managed to keep a relatively cool demeanor.

Before she could reply, though, the sound of coming guards sent her on the defensive. As her new "ally" ducked into the shadows, her wings quietly took her up and onto of a strange machine and then ducked back into the shadows. It was thankfully, out of sight of most, but...down below she could still keep her eyes on both the entering the guards and the Wolfish boy who pinned himself against the wall. She wasn't sure if the boy could see him, but she gave a nod, signifying that...unfortunately for her, yes. She would agree to his conditions. She would help him with whatever it was he wanted help with in return he would take her to the safe. She would then motion to the guards and give the Wolf Boy a questioning look, wondering how they wanted to handle this.
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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek January 8th 2022, 11:48 pm

Ornlu grinned wide with a set of teeth that was sharper than his own for a moment, acknowledging the bird gals agreement in his deal. The guard haplessly walked past the wolf and his hiding companions, somehow missing the animated wolf clung to the wall. "This is Alpha three, I'm not seeing anything in the engine room. I'm gonna... huh?" The guard looks on the ground and notices something peculiar, a few animal hairs with some singing on them. When the wolf boy saw this he had a moment of panic and looked over at Big Tom with urgency, sweat streaming down his face. Tom got the message more or less, as did Bobby. Before the guard had any more time to investigate Bobby hopped out in front of the guard "Excuse me there." The guard showed visible shock at the talking paintbrush as he raised his weapon "Wh what the fu" is as far as he got before Tom came from behind and whacked the guard in the skull, the guards head bounced off of a pipe and hit the floor.

... The guard was still, VERY still. The wolf boy and his two companions emerged from their hiding places, they each exchanged wide eyed looks that couldn't have screamed "oh shit" any louder. "Is... is he?" Bobby whispers as he inches a bit closer. Wolf boy stands over the body and nudges him with his feet... No movement, no breathing. "By God Tom you've killed the man." "I didn't mean to!" Wolf boy hushes Tom down "Keep your damn voice down moron, help me move the body c'mon. Not the first time this has happened." Just as the Wolf boy goes to grab the body it starts shifting around. "SY SY SYSTEM REBOOT IN PROGRESS... CPU DAMAGE INCURED... REPAIR PROCESS UNDERWAY." The wound to his head revealed that under the flesh like exterior was a frame of metal, this revelations making the three jump back. "Whoa, he's a robo dude? Gnarly." The wolf boy mutters as he prods the body "We best get outta here yeah?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 February 12th 2022, 4:09 pm

Seeing that grin made Maggie wonder, perhaps for a moment, if she was getting into some terrible sort of arrangement. Yet! This was probably the best bet she had unless she rather spend a better part of the evening searching through this vast ship. At least finding the cafeteria would be easier and probably less guarded as well. The chances of there being a large gathering of people there as well were significantly lower now as well, given the fact wasn't really a dining hour.

That could come later, though, as a new situation to deal with was slowly arising. The man had found something No, fur. Fur from a particular wolf boy, but...well he wouldn't know it came from a wolf. Or a wolf boy? There were probably rats and other creatures down here, so it would probably be easy enough to dismiss, nothing to raise alarm about. They could lay low with no worries at all, they just had to stay put and not...


That was short lived, and Maggie couldn't help but bring a hand to cover her face as she saw the wolf boy assault the man. She kept her head there for a few moments, only lifting it when tried to reboot? Or repair? That wasn't good. She sighed and looked to the Wolf Boy frowning and giving him a shrug. She tried to wave to get his attention, though she didn't dare leave her spot. If that was a robot it probably had some kind of recording system and the last thing she needed was to get her face recorded.

"Oi...Wolf Kid, just smash it." She said, making a motion to stomp it. "Quietly smash it!" She motioned for him to move on with it, then ducked back into the shadows.

She would appear a few moments later, still trying to stay out of the line of sight of the machine, and over at the door, reading a map of the boat and trying to find out how far the cafeteria was. Regardless of how much sound the Wolf Boy made, she would keep her eyes on the map, determined to find where they were going before dealing with any more problems that might arise from this situation. After a few moments of quick scanning, though, she had it and finally turned back to look at her new partner in crime.
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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek February 16th 2022, 11:42 pm

Ornlu looked at the bird gal with a glare, his ears laid flat as he crossed his arms in frustration. "Ok the first thing is I'm not a boy." Pointing his finger at her. "I'm 18... ish I think. And secondly my name is Loup, Loup Ornlu. It's Dutch for wolf, or German or whatever." Tom goes to give a huge whack to the back of the androids skull right before Bobby catches him with a tackle and angrily whispers "Quietly you knob."  Loup turns his attantion to the android, the gears turn in his head that quite literally produce the sound of gears coming from his ears. He spots a can of some black liquid that seems to be oily and thick, perfect for his needs. He grabs Bobby by his handle eliciting a small yelp of surprise, he dumps some of the liquid on Bobby that coats the brush part. He begins painting right in mid air as if a solid invisible object was waiting to be coloured in.

Ornlu finished the work in moments at naturally cartoonish pace, when the black drops of oil stopped flying around like sparks from a blowtorch it revealed a rather formidable looking cattle prod in all black, the electricity snapped and cracked in the air for a moment as Ornlu looked at it with devilish delight and a glint in his toothy grin. "Alrighty then let's see how this baby works on the tin man." He shoves the cattle prod against the androids head, it begins to spasm hard and jerk its head around while it's facial features (now with some of the flesh removed) twitch out of control in a rather unnerving and inhuman display. It stops after a few seconds having made a minimal amount of noise to the benefit of the would be thieves. But certainly there would be additional guards coming to check on the whereabouts of the missing guard.

Tom nudged the body to make sure it was down and out. When the bird gal turned back around to look at them the three boys were already in the midst of hiding the body among the practical web of pipes in the room above them, somehow having reached it. "Ok ok just lift the leg like that." Ornlu orders Tom. The three finish up and leap down a little more quiet and graceful than the last time. "Alrighty then, we can get out."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 March 8th 2022, 11:18 pm

There was a deep, annoyed sigh that left Maggie as she was so promptly corrected over something that didn’t matter in the slightest. She hadn’t even meant to imply that he was a kid, at least in that sense, but that was whatever. It didn’t matter and it didn’t really require much in the ways of any more attention, so they got just a simple nod and a moving on to the next topic. If he made a bigger issue of it then that would be a bridge to cross then and only then.

That first annoyed sigh was soon joined by another as there was a reminder to the quietly part of her request and then a third when Bobby yelped, another noise that would surely alert the guards. This was going to be a much longer night than she had hoped. Much to her dismay, however, this boy would make her job all the easier. She didn’t need him to do the job, but she needed him to make the job all that much quicker. And…it was always good to have someone to take the fall, not that that situation was part of the plan, buuuuuuut it was a role that was now filled if the need arose.

When she did finally look back at them, there was a deep, exasperated frown on her face, looking as though she was exhausted from their efforts from a distance. At least their landing had been quiet, which was the least credit she could give them. The need for a fall guy seemed all the more likely the longer she looked at them.

With a slow movement, not looking away from them, she pointed to the staircase. “Cafeteria is this way…” She sighed for the fourth time, “Let’s get going before anyone thinks of checking on this crew, okay?” She offered, hoping there would be no resistance.

Regardless of any protests, she would start towards the stairs, making her way up, moving with a well-trained silence. She had tried her best to not check on the progress of her new partners in crime, only hoping that they were keeping up in a quiet and professional matter. She doubted the latter, but she could hope. As she went up the stairs she froze suddenly, hearing a door above them suddenly open up. She looked back to the group if they had been following, and motioned to the door they were closest to. Once more, regardless of whether or not they followed, she would dart through, take a quick look around the hall, and then go into a nearby storage closet and found that it was of a good adequate size to hide in. Thankfully, if she was joined they would not be cramped in space.
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Quote : "Let me be your friend, you jerk!"

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Location : New York!
Age : 29
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Humor : Everything!
Registration date : 2017-12-21

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek April 8th 2022, 11:33 pm

Ornlu nodded enthusiastically and followed after her with Tom and Bob right behind, even if the guard wasn't human Ornlu would prefer to avoid any kind of conflict. That was becoming more problematic the longer he was in this place, chaos was always in the young wolf's wake or in his way. Ornlu picked up instantly on what she was laying down, he scampered over to the door right behind her and up the stairs. Being the sneaky boy he peeked around every corner and spotted guards here and there, they walked in a patrol route that was pretty tight but occasionally had a few gaps in it. "So do you fly with those things? Kinda edgy having metal wings yeah?" Ornlu passively says as the group creeps along the halls. Frankly I would never get anywhere over the water with metal wings, unless you turn into a submarine. Some flippers and a diving mask manifest out of nowhere on Ornlu before he quickly discards them, making some unwanted noise disturbance that nearly attracts some guards

As long as the group kept track of the guards position and their distance from them then they were safe for that moment, but unfortunately things were about to get so much worse as the destroyed android guard was found by his companions. The ship security entered a high alert status as red lights drenched the hallway. Ornlu, Tom and Bobby panic for a moment and scramble about. However they don't seem to notice a clear opportunity as they stand next to the maintenance staff lockers and plenty of uniforms for janitorial staff.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Nate6595 May 29th 2022, 4:10 pm

He could follow along which was good! She would give him that at least. Something something, dog can follow orders pun arrived in her head, but she decided to let that one go. His crew seemed to get upset at the use of "boy" she didn't want to think of what would happen if she started using canine puns at his expense. Was that...racist? It didn't feel racist, but again this was a new area for her. Plus, she was a sorta bird person? Not really, but would that make it okay?

She was getting distracted and she had to shake her head to get free of those thoughts. It was then that she realized she had just been asked a question and had to blink a few times to process what was said. Her eyes traveled to her wings and she blinked again and then let out a small laugh, almost a giggle. "Oh? These? They're not metal, they're tough like metal. But they're very light, so yes. I can fly. Not sure how it works. And it wasn't really my choice to get 'em. Didn't get much of a say in the matter." She answered with a shrug, "What about you? Did you decide to have...this." She motioned to all the animated bunch around 'em.

Only moments later did the red lights started to flash, causing Maggie to visibly wince. That was the last thing she needed and with an entire crew it would be hard enough to find some place to lay low. She began to tap her foot impatiently, trying to think things through, although it was hard given that the bunch was seeming create quite the stir. At this rate, they would most certainly give themselves away. Her eyes did drift over to the costumes, and for a moment she considered them, weighing her options.

On one hand, a disguise could work. Pretend like they caught her and bring her through the ship to the harder to access places. Or vice versa, with her leading them. On the other, though, what they had dealt with down below was a machine and the chances of them thinking...processing? The chances of being able to pull off a disguise to robots seemed slim, at least in her head.

Her foot began to tap faster as she tried to work this out. "Alright alright, you three, shut it. I think I got something. First, you three, put on those outfits." She ordered, though at least in a nice enough tone. "They're robots, so they might see through 'em, in the sense of they might know this is an act, but they might also be confused and we can use that. Check if there's any keys as well. We're about...two floors from your dining hall, so if we go up the stairs, make a right, and find the next staircase, we could probably get there. Next-"

Before she could finish the door beside her suddenly opened, emerging from it was another one of the guards. As the door opened, though, Maggie was suddenly flung to the floor, her head clanging against the metal. She stirred for only a moment, and then was out like a light, leaving the three to deal with whatever this guard had in store for them.
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Forum Moderator

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Quote : "Let me be your friend, you jerk!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 675
Location : New York!
Age : 29
Job : Student
Humor : Everything!
Registration date : 2017-12-21

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Harbor thief hijinks Empty Re: Harbor thief hijinks

Post by Cerek June 21st 2022, 2:30 pm

It wasn't too often Ornlu just obeyed anyone giving him an order, but he found himself in a tight spot and no plan up his sleeve. In a manic scramble the trio put on the outfits with a little fuss, though it defied the laws of space Tom and Bobby fit into the uniforms as though they possessed a humanoid body, boots and white gloves for hands formed on the ends of the uniform as their "heads popped out of the top." Ornlu's uniform was a size too large for the wolf boy.

The fiddled with the clothing; the buttons, the zippers and such. They were so distracted they were caught completely by surprise when the door flung open and knocked Maggie out cold. The three of them were mortified and their expression said it all. The guard came in and drew his weapon on the group of them. "Well well well, what have we here? It seems you three managed to capture the intruder, excellent work unit forty-one,, forty-three and forty-six. Take her to the captains office, he will want to have a word with her.

Ornlu and the others exchanged knowing glances. "Yyyyyeah, that's what we did, sure taught this bird brat a lesson eheheh." Ornlu nudges Tom and looks Maggie suggestively. Tom nods and hoists her over his... Shoulders? On the way to the captains quarters Ornlu spotted a key card on the accompanying android guards hip, his eye gleamed a white glint as his dexterous hand stealthily crept its way to the guard. Tom and Bobby ran distraction stratagem 12 in which Tom tripped forward and into Bobby, the ensuing fight and argument stopped the android guard as he attempted to separate the two. "You two must be malfunctional! Stop this behavior immediately! You will scrapped if you keep this up!" It was enough time bought for Ornlu to slip the card off the guard and into his pockets.

The captains office was simple but functional: wood panel walls, a dark wooden desk, a few medals on the wall, photos and... A cage? It was a rather sizeable cage that could easily fit a person or two, though it hardly looked like a person had been kept in there what with all the claw marks on the floor. The captain was a tall and lanky man with some gaunt to his face, his hair was thin and mostly hidden under his cap. "Aha well this little bird must be our intruder." His comically evil British accent made the trio cock their eyebrows in unison before Tom and Ornlu looked at Bobby with accusatory eyes. Bobby rolled his eyes already getting the "Posh Englishmen are evil joke". The Captain continued "Well make sure to bind her up well, those wings look like trouble. I shall interrogate the criminal when she wakes. Good job then men, back to your posts for now."

Ornlu and his friends had to leave Maggie where she was, not like they could do anything about it. The three of them sat guard fairly close to the dining hall, all of them worried about their situation in one way or another. Ornlu wanted to just go for the food, they're not exactly chums with the woman and didn't owe her anything. Tom and Bobby however felt pretty bad for leaving her in there, they wanted to bust her out. "You two know why we're here, we are not wasting our time because some pretty broad is in peril." As Ornlu does a comedic impersonation of a damsel in distress. "I have better things to do besides die." Tom chimes in quickly "Like what? Stuff your fat mouth and sleaze around pubs? I ain't gonna leave that nice young lady with that 'ol creep in there." Ornlu glared Tom down and growled "Hey, who's in charge here? I'm the one with the brains, I say we bail before one of these things figures out we ain't made of metal." Tom stood beside Bobby and stood up for him "You're not the damn Queen, even if you act like one." "I didn't vote for him." Tom mumbles in jest.

Ornlu was once again outvoted by his mutinous friends, he wasn't about to let them go alone to help save Maggie. As soon as the coast was clear of the patrol they snuck away back down inside the ship, more prepared for what they may encounter... Or so they believed.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Location : Montreal QC
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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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