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For the Girls

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OPEN For the Girls

Post by Demonhunter October 12th 2020, 12:49 am

Rai finds herself in a bit larger of a crowd that she’d originally planned for. Where was she? And what was all this noise? She’d seen taverns with bards stroking their lutes before, but the new bar scene was like nothing the reaver had ever seen in her life. The music was inhumanly loud, so much she felt it thundering within her body as she walked by open club doors. There were so many people weaving through the crowd was almost impossible. However she was getting any odd looks as she definitely stuck out. Her horns where the dead give away if her armor wasn’t. The devil woman couldn’t quite understand all of it. And for some reason the sting of alcohol was much stronger than it was in Dis. Perhaps due to the humans being able to grow things other than wheat and the occasionally barley. Beer was really the only option in dis. Whiskey if you were wealthy. Wine was a very rare delicacy as grapes didn’t do great in Dis at all and were reserved only for church communion. However there were some smells Rai didn’t recognize. And some foods. She comes to a bar’s entrance noticing some very strange fruit in a bowl. What the hell were those things? One of them was small and round. Out of curiosity the steps into the bar fascinated by the bar counter’s many small round fruits.
She experimentally squeezes one of them as she accidentally squirts lemon juice into her eye. She winces before that really starts to burn. She rubs her eye just as the bartender notices a strange girl groping his lemons forcefully.
“Hey, If you aren’t buyin’ somethin’ get out.” He shouts.
Rai just stares in confusion, unsure of exactly what he meant. Reavers couldn’t buy drinks.. So was he just telling her to get out?
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Cerek October 12th 2020, 5:41 pm

Aria was already sitting at the bar enjoying the Alabama slammer she'd ordered and checking out the crowd around looking for something or someone to have fun with, pretty regular night for this chick. Her hair was let down and colored a fiery yellow and red. She wore a rather interesting get up almost ironically.

A short red and green tartan skirt nearly showing off her genetically perfect rear, a white crop top showing off a very fit body, Catholic school tie and a patched jean jacket. Aria took a look over at the other folks around the bar and saw someone looking like a lost puppy getting into it with the bartender. This could be something interesting, this girl looked like she was fresh from a crusade.

Aria hopped off her seat and walked her way over, getting no small amount of gawkers on her way. She slides up next to Rai and turns to the bartender. "Yo, chill. Give the lady the same thing I'm having, on me buck-o." She turns to Rai and cocks an eyebrow. "Do you have a thing for lemons sweety? You're groping them like a porn star." She smirks playfully.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by The Nekromonga October 12th 2020, 10:24 pm

Diane took a while to get in, considering she was arguing in the parking lot with a large local biker who'd decided to park his hog across five spots. Only once he was taught some manners did Diane realize her charge had already gone in.

"Hey Abby!" The door man greeted Diane, taking her firearms, bandolier and bowie knife.

"Hey Francisco. Big crowd tonight Did you see a weirdly dressed young lady..." The cowgirl wastes no time to scan the crowd, and Rai sticking out like a sore thumb especially with her outfit. They should probably hit a coscto tomorrow.

Diane comes takes off her big duster and wraps Rai in it, making said ogling eyes quietly sigh in disappointment. The Vampire hunting cowboy had to shoot a few angry glares to shut down the rest. "Young lady, one of these days we gonna have ourselves a long talk about being dressed like decent folk. Now, you hungry?" She turned to the bartender. "Hey Sergio, russle us up some grub why don't cha?"

"Sure thing Abby. Here. Some starters while I make some chili con carne." The bartender grabs some salsa dip and some tortilla chips, squirts the lemon on the salsa and lays it before Diane and Rai. He also put a drink before Rai, the same as Aria's. The older lady took one sip and approved of its taste and relative mildness.

Diane takes a chip and scoops up the dip, showing Rai how it's eaten, before handing her her drink. "Try some, it's nice and tangy. You might also want something in your stomach before ya start gettin hammered with drinks."

Dragon Girl Experience
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The Nekromonga
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Katrina A. Russel October 26th 2020, 11:01 pm

She was not moping.

Okay, sure, she was sitting at a bar sipping the same glass of whiskey she had originally gotten at the beginning of the night (the ice had even melted, a damned tragedy if you asked her. Nobody likes watered-down booze.) And, yeah, she was here in what amounted to pajama’s and no makeup. And she had talked the ear off of the bartender, and anybody unlucky enough to sit too close, about how much of an ass her ex-boyfriend was. But she wasn’t moping! She doesn’t mope. She’s the Merchant of Death, for Ala’khir’s sake! Moping was for someone far less dangerous than her.

With a sigh, she downed the last of the whiskey, slamming the empty cup upside-down on the table.

Okay, so she was moping a bit. Can you blame her? For once in her unnaturally-extended life, she found a man able to keep up with her; and he relished in her terror! Fed off it, in fact! They were a match, perfect for each other, two halves of the same coin. A matched pair, in other words. And then, he had to go and cheat! Kitty was many things, but disloyal was not one of them. Sure, she may use her sexuality as a weapon, but she would never follow through! Get a little whiskey in him and Jack is apparently throwing dick around like confetti. And with Katrina! They may not get along all the time, but that’s like fucking her sister!

Ugh, she needed a distraction.

Her sapphire eyes slid down the table, looking for something - anything - to distract her, whether it was a fight, a hostage, or just good conversation. It was with girlish glee that she found the perfect candidate - or, perhaps, victim was the better moniker. Demon girls were no foreign entity to her; after all, her ex boyfriend has a bar in Hell. Or hell-adjacent, whatever. She’d seen her fair share of demons and horned girls and other sorts of monsters. No, the interesting part was the innocence and naivety she could practically see rising off her in waves. And the fact that she had a group of friends, apparently; more people to have fun with! With all her usual grace, she slid down several seats until she was seated next to the small group of girls, currently sharing a bowl of salsa.

”She has a point, darling.” There was the slightest accent in her voice, eclipsed by a drunken slur. ”This stuff will twist you up. Best to have something to absorb it.”

She flashed a brilliant smile, an expression that never fully reached her eyes. Her pleasant, nonchalant demeanor was slightly at odds with somewhat disheveled appearance. Her clothes, consisting of nothing more than a thin white dress, were wrinkled in places, as if she’d been wearing it for a couple days now, and her hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed for the same amount of time. Tear streaks marked where she had spent the majority of the day and night crying, and her lips were bruised red. It did little to distract from her beauty, though.

Suddenly, a knife flashed to her hand, seemingly from nowhere, and with a flick of her wrist it flew straight at one of the leering men, scoring a red mark across his face and burying itself in the wall behind with force that really shouldn’t be possible for a woman not even topping ten feet. Kitty didn’t even look his way, instead letting it stay as a warning.

”Kitty, darling. Kitty Russel, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She offered a delicate hand, on which glowed brilliant gemstone rings.
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Demonhunter October 27th 2020, 12:49 am

Rai rubs the stinging juice from her eye, shaking her head lightly. Only to have her attention caught by a woman coming in at her side. "Lemons? What's a porn star?" She only had that much time to ask before a sharp smelling glass was pushed toward her. She'd smelt alcohol before but never anything this strong meant to drink. However it was offered to her. Reavers were never served in Dis, much less were they allowed alcohol. However this wasn't dis so... did the rules not apply? She looks around and notices everyone else quickly downs these tiny glasses... So she does too... and immediately starts hacking. Gods it burned. Than- cough- kyou. She musters up her best 'I totally didn't just drink what could best be described as liquid fire' smile. She does quickly stiffen as cloth is suddenly draped over her shoulders as she was distracted.

Luckily she recognized both the voice and soul at play here. Oh.. Hello Dianne... decent folk? Am I out of order? She asks, pulling the duster around her a bit. Unaware of exactly what she meant. I'm kind of incapable of feeling hungry. What happens if you drink on an empty stomach? She asks as she's handed some very strange food she'd never seen before. It almost looked like thin bread with some kind of weird sharp smelling soup on top. She tastes this concoction and immediately notes a flavor she's never even heard of before. Peppers were not a thing in dis either, therefore no one had ever tasted anything spicy before. I like these, what are they? She states as she begins feeling a strange tingling in her nose. As well as her head. She dips another chip in and moves to hand one to Aria just as Dianne had done. She experimentally sips this new drink as well and finds it much more to taste.

Rai's attention was drawn to yet another new person, seemingly very wobbly. Outside as well as within. Her head tilts and she almost feels her coordination slipping just a bit as her movements are a bit more pronounced than normal. So I'm assuming bad things happen then? She asks before Kitty seemingly launches one hell of a knife across the room. Rai feels momentarily conflicted. Yes she was supposed to protect human life... but from another human? Her mind quickly lets that rest as not to confuse her already nulling mind. Civil affairs were not Reaver's business she supposed.

She was more amazed that someone had offered a hand in her direction. She still wasn't quite used to people willingly touching her. Rai tentatively moves to shake Kitty's hand as she'd seen done a few times, he skin cold as corpse and lacking the cushion of normal skin. She almost felt like skin covering stone. "Rai. A pleasure She copies, just trying to look somewhat normal, however her ability to remain entirely restrained was wearing thinner and thinner as she continued to sip this new drink that didn't taste like the fires of hell. I have. Never been in a tavern before. This world is strange. They just allow anyone in? She asks in general? Seems she had three friends now, two new, one a little less new.
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Cerek October 30th 2020, 9:49 pm

Aria snorted a bit almost letting a sip of her drink spurt out her nose when Rai responded "What you dont watch porn? Nah that's cool, to each their own I guess. Aria herself had not bothered to really fill her gut with anything, not like alcohol poisoning would be a problem for her. She took a quick look up and down the cowgirl, she wondered for a moment who looked more out of place between the two of them. Then lo and behold a cowgirl steps in "So I take it you two know each other or something? So what's with the get ups? Come from a movie set did ya?" Aria's smile always coming off unintentionally lewd. She downed the rest of her drink and ordered another really getiing hammered tonight. As if the south was rising again another cowgirl? Or at least it looked that way.

Aria wasn't really adverse to violent acts, but she found it odd when that girl threw her knife at the guy. On the other hand it looked like she'd been having a bad time, those looked like break up tears on her face. Aria could kind of sympathize with that mind set, she was prone to doing pretty awful things when she was heart broken. Aria tilted her head back as Kitty came by slightly leaning back on her bar stool and getting a quick glance of her figure "...Nice" Aria thought to herself. She turned her attention back to Rai "Sweety you look lost, like it's your first time out drinking with a fake I.D. So what's your story honey? Goth society learning to be more social?" Aria giggled and grinned.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 624
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Katrina A. Russel January 15th 2021, 10:12 pm

”Well, darlin’.” When she drunk, her English accent crept further and further into her voice, leaving no doubt to her origin. Kitty felt for this girl; she had the sense this Rai was like her. A fish out of water, somewhere she wasn’t supposed to bed. [color=red]”You certainly aren’t going to burst into flame or anything, love.” She downed another shot, drinking like a professional (though she did wobble a bit). ”It just makes it a tad bit harder t’ determine when you’ve had enough. And trust me, darling, a pretty girl like you don’t wanna be having too much.” The much shorter girl tried to slip an arm around her shoulder, but instead settled for her waist; hopping was undignified.

Then again, so was crying in public and she had little problem with that.

There was another girl here, a punk-looking woman wearing all leather and with an attitude that dared someone to start something. Kitty liked her immediately. The girl was the shortest one there, but she had no problem with that; there were plenty of advantages of being short. And loaded. With a whisper to the bartender, Kitty slid him her credit card, a simple black affair emblazoned with a stylized golden phoenix. Technically it wasn’t hers, as the Reflection of Katrina so angrily pointed out, but Kitty ignored her; after all, drinks were on her tonight.

”Yes, love? Where are you from, France? This is the land of the free, after all.” She sounded a bit bitter, and she pounded back another shot; the long burn down her throat felt good after the day she’s had. ”Where any asshole with power can do anythin’ they want … guys fuckin’ suck.” She ran her finger around the nearly-empty glass, playing with the acoustic singing it made.

”Tell me, Rai … and Jessica Jones?” She held up a hand. ”I’m just gonna call you JJ, k, Pumpkin? You aren’t important enough for me to care about your name.” She flashed a smile at her and tossed her long, silky black hair over her shoulder. [color=red]”You ever been in love? I mean, really in love? You’d kill for the guy … or girl, I don’t judge? Just head over heels, doin’ anythin’ for them, live your life accordin’ to their rules in love?” Without waiting for an answer, she continued.

”What sucks the most about being in love is when they hurt you, it really hurts. Like draggin’ your heart through a mile of broken glass and acid. And they’re sorry, so fuckin’ sorry, but they don’t fucking know you can’t ever trust again. Can’t ever love again … doesn’t matter what they say. Doesn’t matter … ‘specially when its with your sister …”

Her voice slowly faded as she sunk into the counter, again filling the all-consuming void of despair swallow her whole. She knew she was ranting, knew she was drunk, and that to these complete strangers, she just gave them a whole lot of TMI. But she didn’t care. It felt good to talk about, even if it was like acid in the wounds. She downed yet another shot, flipping off the bartender who dared give her a look; she can handle her liquor, dammit!

She’s only had 3 … 4? Shots? Plus two glasses of wine before she got, a glass of whiskey … or three, who’s counting?!

The point is, nobody fucking judges her.
Katrina A. Russel
Katrina A. Russel
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Cerek January 26th 2021, 3:27 pm

Aria being a few drinks in was a little duller of mind, but not enough not to let that womans comment pass. Aria was less upset and more confused not even sure she told the girl her name. Under most circumstances this would probably be enough to start a fight with a second thought. However Aria had run into a plethora of drunk cunts in her time and was more interested in the goth princess. At the same time she couldn't help her snide mouth from firing back in an overwhelming sarcastic voice "Oh gee a dude broke up with you? Why ever would that happen, you're so pleasant." Rolling her eyes.

She turns her gaze to Rai hoping things hadn't gotten too awkward, but she looked fine from what Aria could tell without mind probing her. "Listen you look like you could use some help... And she's not completely wrong about dudes I guess. Some are kinda... Eh. Let's just say it's good we came along when we did, who knows where a cutie like you would end up." She snickers a bit malevolently.
Mega Poster!
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Registration date : 2017-03-20

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OPEN Re: For the Girls

Post by Demonhunter February 1st 2021, 10:48 pm

“We killed a demon on a cow farm.” Rai states bluntly as to the question of if she and Dianne knew each other. However it did seem Dianne had to go, so she waved as her friend left. She felt the little bit of restraint she was holding onto begin to slip as she had no idea how to handle liquor and thought since this new drink tasted nice, she could just keep drinking it. Poor girl was blissfully unaware of the consequences of drinking.

As soon as Kitty hugs around her cinched waist, if a corpse could blush she could be. Not many people touched Rai in any way shape or form that wasn’t malicious. She didn’t really know how to react other than just let it happen. However her origins seemed to be of interest to her friends.

“I am. Um. From another dimension. Dis. I came here on accident and have no idea if I’ll ever get home.” Rai shrugs, looking into the half empty cup. “I don’t really know if I want to go home.” Rai takes in a light breath, disturbing her otherwise statue-like composure. Any expression of want at home was punished indiscriminately. Reavers didn’t have the right to want.

However Kitty’s probing on the subject of love made her immediately choke mid-drink. She leans forward, coughing, trying to buy time to get a good answer in her head.

“I um. No?” She almost asks as if trying to figure out how to word her answers. “I am a Reaver. And reavers in dis are-” She pauses trying to think of English words. “Controlled? Bound?”She still didn’t entirely know how best to portray what she meant. Nor did she realize she might be disclosing entirely too much.

“We are not ever allowed in any businesses for example. Speaking out of turn is also very much frowned upon. If we were caught in bed with anyone it wouldn’t end well… especially with a human.” She cut out the details as to what bad consequences could come of that. “We are man-created demon hunters.”

The implication she could end up somewhere bad did confuse her. Perhaps Rai got confused over the language again? “Is it possible I could have ended up somewhere bad? I must admit I’ve run into much less trouble in your world than Dis. In fact, people are… nice. I’ve never really been talked to this much before.”
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OPEN Re: For the Girls

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