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Down Goes the Boss

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OPEN Re: Down Goes the Boss

Post by Nate6595 December 29th 2020, 10:29 pm

From her spot, she could tell that her plan had gone well. The van came to a screeching stop and wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. From her position, she could make sure that no evac was going to make it there either, at least, so long as no one came and compromised her position or distracted her. But she wouldn't waste a moment worrying about it. Instead, she took aim again, leveling her arm and focusing on the guards coming out, beginning to take parameter. She expected such a course of action, as it was common, at least in her training she found that such actions would be common. She readjusted her aim, lowering it slightly and them dampening the power of her shots.

She would start two at a time, firing off two weaker blasts towards the armored men standing guard. The shots, if they hit their mark, would strike the men in their knees, though it'd just barely be powerful enough to break skin. In the long term, if it did hit, the worst that would happen to them is having a slight limp later in their life. In short term, however, such a wound would put them out of commission, at least for short time. Blast couldn't let the man get too cozy in his van after, couldn't let him feel too safe.

Back inside, well, Sprocket kind of assumed something like this was going to happen. Not worrying about the incoming assailant, she began to reel in her hook shot. It would be quick and actually beat the assailant to her. The reason no sign of worry showed on her face was because of Aegis by her side. Her robotic guardian was built for just this. He darted in front of her, hand raised, and from it, a green shield-like barrier appeared in front of them. The shield would be plenty strong the negate the attack. Further, in doing so, the shield seemed to hum as the strike landed against it. It was beginning to charge up something, Aegis's only form of counterattack. But for now, he would hold, he would trust Pummel to take care of the rest.

Speaking of Pummel, despite her leg being damage, she was still quite nimble. A bit off-balance, yes, but she was quick enough to dash over to the bar, a fist readying as she charged. With a sudden thrust she would lunge forward and attempt to strike the assailant in her back. Of course, even if it did hit, it wouldn't be as strong as it normally would've been. The strength of a punch comes from the legs and hers were a bit lacking at the moment. Still, if it did connect, the force would be enough to send the dragon lady right into the rack of drinks behind the counter.

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OPEN Re: Down Goes the Boss

Post by ghost December 31st 2020, 12:23 pm

The sound of thuds and screams rang through the air as Grovoton's men dropped as they left the vehicle. After the third one, he lifted his arm, telling them to stay put. He touched their necks, one on his left, the other on his right, as if to confide in them. He assumed they were ready to hear deep and touching words as the life was sucked from their bodies. He had placed small thorn like protrusions on his hands that imbedded a neurotoxin and acted much like a mosquitoes proboscis as he sucked them dry. The didn't even know what happened.

Grovoton's form shifted into a monstrosity as he absorbed them. The other five men in the vehicle lifted their guns as they learned what was happening, a few shots where fired, but their bodies were all consumed in a mater of a minute. Tentacles shot out of him in whip like motions, the shock of the hit letting their weapons go of, bullets left the side of the vehicle in bursts. As they were taken in Grovoton grew. His body now platted in large muscular masses, he looked like an ape and stood thirteen foot tall. It was easy to rip the top of the roof off the van. His eyes were like that of a bird, seeking for it's pray. He bounded in the direction of the last shots.

The blade made contact with a shield and created a steady humming sound, then another as she spun to swing again, but she underestimated the speed of the other robot. Her body bounced from the shield and up towards the back of the bar then vanished into a cloud of mist, leaving the room altogether, phasing through the wall. The spin helped absorb some of the impact but she could almost feel the welt swelling up, and her neck ached, even as the cloudy dragon body surrounded her.

In dragon form she snaked around up through the walls of the building, going towards the roof, unseen, then back out of the wall just above the bar area. The dragon's mouth was wide open, as if to consume the one robot, Pummel, but as it phases through the machine, she turns back to her physical self, feet first, hoping to plant her heels in it's face. If the attack landed, she would spin back off the robot, and phase again through the wall by the dance floor. Resorting to a more sneaky approach.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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OPEN Re: Down Goes the Boss

Post by Nate6595 January 13th 2021, 12:09 am

That was far from what had Blast had planned. Even as the men fell she could feel somewhere down in her processors that something was wrong. When the roof of the car exploded off and the giant man appeared, looking more like beast honestly, there wasn't much she could do. She meant to take things out from a range and stay out of melee combat. With the strides it was taking towards her, she wouldn't have much time before its arrival. She began to ready up a shot, charging it in hopes to slow it down, though her real goal was to contact the others for back up.

As her hand began to charge up the empowered blast she brought her free hand to her ear, "Sprocket. I have lost control of the situation out here. It appears that there was some form of monster has either emerged from, is, or attacked the mafia leader. It does not seem to care for the mob's men. It is charging me now and I do not believe that I will be enough to put it down. Please send back up at your earliest convenience. If not, I request that I be rebuilt with more adequate means to best such foes in the future." And with that, she began charging again. She wasn't sure how much time she had, the way it was moving...if she could have the time for the full thirty seconds a blast as powerful as railgun would be deposited right to the face of the creature, if not...well, then she would improvise.

Inside, Sprocket got the message loud and clear, just as Pummel got a face full of heel causing her to stumble. To Sprocket, Blast was never the sort to exaggerate and would only request back up if direly needed. The problem was that they had their hands full with...well...this dragon...woman...person. This weirdo! Yeah, this weirdo! Though, something inside told her that this woman worked for the mob boss which meant...

The gears in Lyra's head turned and turned, trying to work out the details of what to do from here. An idea, like it so often did, hit Lyra in the face and she quickly hopped over the counter and through the shield that Aegis had produced. Aegis watched her go and started to stammer his protest while Pummel was too focused on trying to find this weird dragon lady so she could, well, pummel her. However, before she would have the chance Lyra would speak up, hands raised like she was giving up.

"Hey lady! Listen! It's been real fun beating you up and causing a ruckus here, but there's a serious problem now!" She would, really hoping she wouldn't get attacked, "Apparently a big ol' monster came popping out of your boss's car, I am guessing attacked some of your folks, and is now charging one of mine. Now I ain't saying your boss is dead or down, but if there's a monster out there, maybe we can work together to bring it down. If ya help us with the monster, we'll let bygones be bygones and leave without causing any more damage to you, your boss, or this place. We'll be gone for good. I figure this might be a good compromise given that this monster may be too much for either party to take our own. Yeah? Maybe? How's that sound?" Lyra was really hoping this offer would be taken, otherwise, not only did she open herself up for attack, but meant that Blast outside would be left to her own devices.
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OPEN Re: Down Goes the Boss

Post by ghost January 16th 2021, 4:38 pm

With his eyes in the form of a birds he could spot the machine as it began to charge an attack. Where all of these things robots? Capturing one may be a good idea, they looked sentient enough, could make for a rather tough ally. Bounding forward, he will see how tough they are. Running forward and leaping as far as his legs would let him Grovoton punched his fists into the side of the building. Then, hopping to the other, he was able to jump onto the roof from there. As soon as he landed the machine took a shot. Pain waked through his body as a part of his neck and shoulder  vanished. He cried out, a roar, and dropped to his knees. Looking up at his target, he could already feel the bones and muscles reattaching. Clenching his fist he would rush again at the robot. Attempting to punch it in the abdomen as it charged its next attack, a hit that would surly send it flying if it connected.

The woman spun and stopped, looking back at the lady by the bar. She let the woman speak, if not only to catch her breath. The pain in her neck and back still lingering, she tried to ignore it as she tilted her head from side to side. Thinking for a moment, she was getting paid to kill these folks, cover the retreat of her boss, nothing more. If she was wrong, well, it is what it is. For all she knew this person was lying, just trying to throw her off balance as another one of those things snuck up behind her.

She spun quickly, moving to elbow the lady by the bar in the stomach, staying low to the ground, keeping her balance. Was there another one behind her? Is this some kind of trick? If the attack landed she would place her blade over the ladies shoulder, holding it to her neck. "Drop your weapons." She would say with an Asian accent. If she could disarm the people, she wouldn't have to kill them in order for her boss to leave, just stall them, maybe even kidnap the weak one.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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OPEN Re: Down Goes the Boss

Post by Nate6595 February 4th 2021, 3:32 am

For a moment, Blast thought she was in the clear. She hadn’t meant to blast its shoulder off, but…well…she wasn’t gonna complain about that. However, the beast was far from down. The fist came thrusting towards her at an incredible speed. She was, simply, caught off guard and took the grunt of the force, only raising her hands at the last moment which did little to ward off the force. She was sent flying into the air, and as she soared she began to think. Her body was damaged, hurt…her internal workings identified at least sixteen different issues. This was not gonna bode well for fighting the beast. She would have to focus on escape, regrouping, then planning on what they were gonna do about the monster. As she reached her zenith she made a call, not to Lyra, but to another. As she started hurdling towards the ground she was suddenly caught by the flying drone which had hung in proximity to the group. She latched on and hovered, taking a moment to process things more fully. She stared down at the beast, trying to charge a shot, but…that was one of the sixteen issues she identified. Guns were damaged, unable to fire. That was a problem…a big problem.

Back inside Lyra found herself with a blade at her neck. She rolled her eyes, honestly surprised by the woman’s stupidity. “Th…they’re robots? They can’t drop ‘em, they’re attached to their body. Also! What? What? What?!” She wanted to turn to look at the woman, but thought better of it. “Did you not feel that FUCKING RUMBLING?! It sounds like an Earthquake just slammed into the building! Are you not gonna do something about that! What the hell is wrong with you, woman? Doesn’t that guy pay you? Isn’t him getting hurt a bit detrimental to your job? Think people are really gonna hire you if they hear they let your boss get hit by a monster?” This rant…this was only half the plan. She did want to team up to try and take down the monster, but…this was also a distraction. As her hands raised she slowly tried to position one below the blade. Of course, only a fool would try and grab a blade, but…she was ready with the grappling hook attached to her gauntlet to try and knock, then dodge, if this woman decided to be any more stupid and try something. Worst case…she’d get cut and she’d have to mend herself with, but…she was hoping for the best case that somewhere in this woman’s head she’d listen to some good ol’fashion reason.
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