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Seventeen (Invite Only)

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INV ONLY Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard December 16th 2019, 1:39 pm

Snow fell as children scurried across the school yard, trying to make it inside to get out of the cold. Cyrilla, however, did not. She pulled her over sized hoodie closer and tucked her ears down into her tuque. There was a hole in it right by her left ear, but it was better than nothing. Her whole body would convulse as she shivered, but she was ditching this place. She had already done all her work for the day, and her last period was a free period.

So, she was done early. Part of her wanted to go to the arcade, with the little change she had left, but she knew that would not be a good idea. Her hot breath made a few clouds in front of her face as she breathed out, the end of her nose noticeably more red than the rest of her face. She had her feet tucked into a pair of dock martin's, keeping her toes nice and snug. A big scarf was wrapped around of her neck, doubled over, and keeping her figure from being admired.

Ever since she could remember she wore bigger clothes. She hated the way she looked, and wished for nothing else. It had started way before she had met that strange boy those years ago, but she was sure that event had something to do with it. She had been so terrified, but she felt so free as her body was just picked up and slung into battle, but as a weapon.

Now, you may be asking yourself 'Wtf is this girl talking about?' Well, Cyrilla is not your average punk. She may only stand at five feet and five inches, but she definitely packs a mean punch. She hasn't told anyone about what happened, and part of her wishes she could figure out how to become a weapon on her own and just, rob a store and run away. But, she knows that it's not the smartest choice.

Cyrilla is, oh what do you call them, a meta human? A demon? A mistake? Either way, she's edgy and not in the mood for your bullshit.

Coughing, the cold nipped at her cheeks as she walked, the snow crunching underneath of her boots. She had a messenger bag around of her torso, it carrying a few books, notebooks, a beat up cell phone that was almost out of minutes, and a bottle of water. She had a few hours to kill before she had to go back to her latest foster home, but she knew they didn't care about her. As long as she played nice and made the family look good, she was pretty much allowed to dip out at any time that she wanted.

The walk that she took brought her down side walks, winding into neighborhoods that brought her to a busier side of the town, a larger, four lane street with stop lights at every block end. Speed limit was only 25MPH, but that didn't stop some people. As she made her way down the sidewalk, a big ol' truck came roaring through and splashed slush and snow and water all over her, sending a chill down her spine. She shivered and gasped in anger.

"Asshole! she exclaimed, shaking her fist after the truck. She caught a glimpse of the driver in the side mirror, and he was laughing his ass off, his buddy in the passenger seat looking a little less enthusiastic. She felt that, but she was still mad.

Cold, mad, and wet.

The next nearest stop was the library, and it had a bathroom with one of those hand dryers. She made that her next destination.

-My DeviantArt-
Seventeen (Invite Only) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Zonkes December 16th 2019, 7:56 pm

Honestly? Dante had no idea where he was going. He was struggling even to move, and the voices of his captors screaming at him were no help whatsoever. He couldn’t see, he could barely breathe, and the only thing that would even come to his aid was some sort of demon. In all honesty? Dante was lost, and in more than one way at that.

He struggled with the muscles in his face until he found the one controlling the new eyelids over his new third eye. If he was going to stumble around in Minnesota, the least he could do was see exactly what he was doing. He saw people staring at him, and especially his scars. No one paid him much mind, despite being an obviously wounded teenager. Crap. ‘Yeah, pardon me, folks. Sorry I can’t seem to avoid slowing you down on your to work.’ Dante thought, as one person just shoved him out of their way.

Suddenly, a vision struck him, and he saw himself being hit by a truck. Instinctively, he jumped back just as the horn of a 16 wheeler blared in his ears. Another side effect? He would have to hope that it wasn’t something bad. Then again, it had just saved his life, so? He put that aside, and began searching his mind. Hospital? No. Clearly that won’t work. Ugh. He would have to find another way through this mess.

Breathing deep, Dante began moving through the crowds of people. Honestly, the more he moved; the less wounded he felt. He even felt… good again. Suddenly, a voice called over the throng of people. One that he half recognized, even if it had been a while. The voice was cursing someone out.

“Cyrilla?” Dante called into the throng. “Is that you? It’s me, Dante!" He tried to open his third eye, to get a glimpse of her, but the damn thing was as good as glued. Crap.  He needed to get a grip on that ASAP. He tried gesturing around, hopefully bringing her attention towards him. Cyrilla might know something of what to do after all. Wasn't she a street kid more or less?
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Puglife43vr December 29th 2019, 5:55 pm

Chandler would scream as he hurtled across the sky, lightning rod in hand. The scene picked up directly after his bio on the character sheet. He had only now been blessed (or really cursed) by the Grayliens. Newman tried to steer, but ended up being dragged across the sky at his maximum speed. Gritting his teeth, he'd start to lose speed for some reason. Eventually Chandler had lost all forward momentum and was now falling from the sky toward the ground at terminal velocity.

"AAÀAAAAAH!" he screamed out as the ground rushed up toward him. Wait. What was... Oh, no.

A large telephone pole! He was moving at high speeds toward it. He'd either be impaled or electrocuted if he didn't stop. Chandler had to act. And act he did. He'd grab the lightning rod and began to wave it around in every way possible, trying to get it to work. For a few moments, things looked bleak. And then, slightly less bleak as the wind began to push up on him again, decelerating him. However, he was still moving way too fast. This was going to be close!

Chandler managed to redirect himself into a fast glide, narrowly missing the pole, but now flying into the path of a large truck! He'd deactivate the lightning rod last minute, getting rid of the wind supporting him and falling quicker. Because of his action, he landed hard on his leg, but was able to roll off the road and out of the way of the truck into a snow bank just in time!

Chandler would pull off his mask and toss it away, breathing heavy. He'd grab his leg and let out a cry of pain, alerting those in the area.


It had been minutes since he had received his powers and now this happens. A broken leg after being blessed with immense power. Would the world know his secret identity before it even becomes a secret? Would the aliens find someone else to be their champion? Would it all end this soon?

Seventeen (Invite Only) HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Rowan Eldraine December 29th 2019, 11:12 pm

The ratty looking german shepherdsniffed at the small pile of garbage, turning back to him with a quizzical expression. ”How can you stand the smell of that stuff?” Rowan asked with obvious disgust in his voice, eyes narrowing and considering the various bits of refuse from the capsized trashcan. All the dog did was smile at him, wagging its tail in that same friendly fashion that he always did around him.

“It smells good. You humans are just weird,” That left him frowning, though he had lost count of how many times he tried to correct the dog about what he was. Instead he scratched him behind the ears, getting the same pleased reaction. He liked dogs. Even if they were mostly friendly to humans, there was something about them that endeared him. Might have been the friendliness that was absent in some wolves, though he could see the similarities between them. Physical behavior and reactions.

”I think you’ll like this better,” He rummaged through the small satchel slung over his shoulder, removing small strips of dried meat which the dog snapped up happily. Almost too quickly, as he had to rip his fingers away before they could get bitten. That didn’t hold his attention for too long. What did grab it was the sound of lightning shooting through the air, sharp to his senses and painful even. He pressed his hands to the glamoured ears, teeth grounding together as he tried to allow himself to orient to the pain.  His dog friend was more interested in seeing what the fuss was, considering everyone running around.

“Hey! That was like a big boom!” The dog barked in a speech only he could understand, wagging his tail and running towards it because he had to get the strange dog or maybe because he knew what he could do. All he knew was that he was curious about the source of the noise and so in the end Rowan followed after the canine. If there was any destruction, it didn’t look like anything that would cause the blue suited men to come around. Well, not quick enough to matter anyway. What strange being had descended and were they one of those metahumans he had heard so much about?

The young halfling ducked and weaved through a few people who had begun to gather around the site of what looked to be their landing. They didn’t pay much attention to someone as short or young looking as him, which was pretty convenient. He pulled up the collar of his warm jacket, eyes narrowing as he moved further to examine what had fallen from the sky to see someone with a mask they had ripped away.

Well they were human, that much he could tell.

The dog upon seeing the strange person sniffed along the trail before just approaching him and sniffing at his face before going to lick at it. ”I…imagine you weren’t trying to fall from the sky,” He appraised him with his own superior sight, though nothing immediately popped out as injured. He could hear the people talking around them, wary now more than ever. ”doesn’t matter. Can you walk? Don’t think you want to be stuck around here.” He offered a hand, pushing the dog aside who seemed to enjoy the concept of new people.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard January 2nd 2020, 10:47 pm

Still soaked to the bone, and really not enjoying her day anymore, she felt as if a pair of eyes were following her. Turns out, it was just one. Well, really, none. She gasped out loud when she finally laid eyes on him. Dante! She had met him once, and it was a wild adventure.

What the hell happened to him? He was beaten and bruised, his body scarred and bleeding.

"Da-Dante! What the hell happened to you?" she asked, looking him over. She noticed an odd scar on his forehead, and it looked as if his eyes had been made blind by chemical burns or something.

She rushed over to him and put her arm around of him, peeling her scarf off at the same time. It was soft, and warm, and the only thing that hadn't gotten wet. She wrapped it around of him and started guiding him into the library. There was a conference room that she frequently 'rented' with her library card, taking up an hour each evening to enjoy time alone, in a secluded room that none of the attendants actually bothered to check.

As she walked with Dante toward the double doors, Cyrilla heard a scream that kept increasing in volume, then followed by a thud and a poof of snow and slush. It was as if a person had been flung into the earth at cosmic speeds. What the hell?

Keeping her arm around of Dante to guide him, she audibly groaned as she looked over to see a kid cry out in pain. He couldn't be over fifteen, so not really a kid, but definitely not grown either. The way he landed did not look pretty.

She was only five feet and six inches, and she had no idea how she would go rescue that boy, and Dante, and get them into the library. So she opted for the next best thing: get Dante inside first, then come back out for the kid if he didn't get scooped up next.


Cyrilla carried Dante with her, making sure to guide him carefully into the library. The woman behind of the counter was round, had a face full if wisdom, and two blue eyes hidden behind of bifocal lenses. The powdery white hair challenged the snow outside, and the singular streak of gray that ran down the middle of her head into her bun added a bit of flare. She took her glasses off and let them hang around of her neck on a beaded chain.

"Welcome back Cyrilla - and who is this?" she asked, looking at the boy. Cyrilla kept her scarf wrapped around of him, and smiled nervously.

"Heh.. eh hehehe... he's just a new study buddy! In fact, I have a few people for my study group. I need to go wait for him outside - his mom is dropping him off." lying through her teeth, she hoped it hit like a nat twenty.

The Librarian would quirk her left eyebrow before letting out a huff of annoyance and check Cyrilla in to the conference room.

Getting Dante settled down, she smiled again, but this time it was a bit more genuine.

"I just need two minutes. Maybe less. Stay here. Don't take the scarf off. I'm gonna steal the first aid kit from the bathroom and get you cleaned up. For the love of all that is holy, don't fuckin' move." She parked his butt into a chair and took off her bag, leaving it on the table. A bottle of water rolled out of it and laid on the table as Cyrilla dashed out of the room, leaving Dante alone.


Back out into the cold, she shivered as she looked for the kid that crashed into the snow.

"Greaaat... a crowd. Just my lucky-fuckin-day." grumbling, teen angst bled from her entire persona as she made her way through the crowd.

"Alright everyone! Back up! Can't you see? He just wiped out after doing a sick snowboard trick. See? she pointed over to the side of the fence, the butt of a snowboard sticking out from underneath of it.

"Give the man some room to breathe. Don't you monsters have other things to do? Scram." the majority of the group were smaller kids that were on the way to the arcade. A bunch of rowdy kids between ten and thirteen, just trying to be nosey.

The only person that stood out was standing with a dog near his side, a big grin on the mutt's face. The last standing person had extended their hand to the hurt kid.

"..." she was quiet until she was sure the crowd was gone.

"Inside the library. Conference room. Tell them you're here for Cyrilla's study group. The Librarian is Ms. Fritz, and she's an old bat that likes to pick on me. Don't let her bully you." she looked at the dog.

"Tell them the dog is an emotional support dog. He can come in, too." she leaned down and scratched the dog under the chin, his ears folding back as his tongue rolled to the side of his mouth, a big grin still on his canine face.


Cyrilla went inside, her invitation open ended. She bee lined it for the bathroom, and grabbed the first aid kit. Now she had to clean up Dante, and find out what happened.

-My DeviantArt-
Seventeen (Invite Only) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY The Trials of Dante Miller

Post by Zonkes January 3rd 2020, 2:05 am

Dante had managed to himself moving through the pain and, with Cyrillas help, managed to get into the library no problem. He had wasted most of his strength trying to get somewhere safe, so when she sat him on the chair, he passed out before she could really say much of anything. He had no choice but to sit tight as he waited for her to come back. While he slept, he heard voices, whispering to him. They spoke of great things in his future, great things... that sounded like a nightmare for Dante. He woke up panting, and with a shush from the librarian, he quieted down. What the hell was going on? Well, he knew what was going on... but he just wanted to ignore that. He wanted to live a normal life, to never have to worry about anything like this again. But as he moved his hand in front of his face, seeing only a void, he knew that any chance at a normal life was over.

He heard Cyrilla come in not long after, and he remembered what she had asked him before the commotion that had caused her to bring him indoors. "Hey, Cyrilla." He croaked out, not wanting to remove the scarf. Not wanting to reveal himself to the world. "You wanted to know what happened, right?" He asked as she sat in one of the chairs, and he heard a couple of others sit as well. Since Cyrilla didn't object, he figured they must be fine.  

"It's a long story... I don't know if I have the strength to share it all with you right now, so I'll sum it up best I can." He explained his situation, being the messiah of a dark cult - supposedly, being tortured for weeks on end by his crush and her "family", and escaping to find her. He didn't want to explain the visions he'd been having, or the insane situation with whatever it is that killed them, especially since he wasn't even sure if that creature had been commanded by some dark impulse hidden deep within him, or if it had just seen trouble on the horizon. In any case, Dante didn't know if his friend would react that well to him possibly murdering a group of people. Even ones that had nearly killed him.

With his story out of the way, he needed water. Grimacing, he concentrated on the bundle of muscles that controlled his tertiary eyelids, located the water fountain, and began stumbling his way over. He made sure to cover his new... "blessing" as soon as he found it. After stumbling over the chair slightly, he managed to limp his way over to the fountain.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Puglife43vr January 4th 2020, 9:38 am

Chandler would flip around onto his back, only to see that he was surrounded by a bunch of demons! Was he like these kids 2 to 3 years back? No, he was better, right? Soon, a decently sized dog ran up to his face and began to lick at it.

"Guhhhhhh." He groaned as kids started murmuring about him. A person, likely the dog's owner approached him and began to talk to him, making conversation about him flying and eventually crashing.

"Yeah, it wasn't really my intention." After his reply, he'd attempt to stand, but stagger again, his legs failing him.

He'd gaze up at the owner of the dog. "When I wiped out, my leg must've been damaged somehow. Well, I think it's pretty obvious how."

All of a sudden, some girl would come through and would call him crashing down a snowboarding accident, which it obviously wasn't. However, she immediately scared all the kids away.  Weird. Did kids still believe in the concept of cooties? Anyway, she spoke to the individual attempting to help him, so they were likely friends. He'd grab his new ally's hand and pull himself up, wincing as he put a bit of pressure on his damaged leg. He'd bring his new watch up to his face and peck at the touchscreen with his nose. It was broken as well. Should've known these aliens were cheap.

Now trying to rest on Rowan, he'd sigh, looking somewhat disappointed at the situation. He was  given his hero powers a few minutes ago, but the only things that had become of it was him being pecked at by a bunch of kids and having to rely on others. He was supposed to be the champion of this alien race or whatever. Now he was reduced to just being... Himself.

Seventeen (Invite Only) HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Rowan Eldraine January 4th 2020, 6:51 pm

Rowan examined the male, mostly any injuries he might have incurred despite what he might have called a lack of interest in whether a human was hurt or not. It was one of those unconscious examinations, something he went through when working with his fellow brothers before he had left. The guy mentioned something about his leg being harmed, looking down and noting it further when he tried to stand up and seemed to show some pain when standing on one leg. “Woah, he looks hurt.” His dog friend noted, looking at him as if he should do something about it.

There was the unknown girl talking to him as if he knew her and inviting him to somewhere. The kids scampered away from them when she scared them off, which made him feel a little more comfortable now that he wasn’t crowded by a bunch of children.  Honestly Rowan was a few seconds from doing so himself. “I like her.” The dog added when she scratched him under the chin.

”You like everyone,” He said to seemingly no one, looking reproachfully to the dog while supporting the taller guy the best he could, not that it was too hard. His eyes scanned the area around him, following the girls tracks in the snow through the snow. ”try not to put too much pressure on your leg, it might be broken.” He added, seeming to put more attention back to him as they moved through the front entrance of the building. He turned to the dog.

”Stay outside. I have no idea what an emotional support animal is.” The  dog seemed to pout a little before seeming to trot off, likely waiting until he walked out once again. He found himself trying to find where the Library was, making use of limited English reading skills until he just followed the smell of partially aged books and what smelled like perfume. Not the most pleasant smelling perfume but it was something to follow. That was when he looked down to the males outfit, looking around him to make sure no one was around and waving a hand which sparked with mana.  

An illusion shimmered to life, turning his costume into clothes he had seen humans wear more casually before. Jeans and a t-shirt with a cute bear on it, along with tennis shoes he found himself thinking looked nice at one time.  ”I don’t want you drawing any attention. ” Luckily he could stretch his own glamour enough to hide his inhuman features or the few skins which were attached to his own clothing. Once that was done he stepped into the library, feeling the eyes of an older human woman looking at them with a kind of silent questioning.

”We’re here for..Cyrilla’s study group. Know where I can find that?” He questioned, sounding a little unsure, and uncomfortable in such an artificial looking building but he went along with it. She seemed to eye him even harder after that, as if that was some reason to make him even more questionable.

“That way.” She sounded terse but let the two of them walk by without too many questions. The two moved into the conference room, Rowan lowering the injured man onto a seat and seeming to take a little more time to considering the injured leg.”I could fix this. Would just take a minute or two.” He snapped his fingers, allowing the natural energy to spark and form along his fingertips and palms. The healing energy attracted itself towards the injured limb as he rested his palm against his leg once he was sure human eyes weren’t on them.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2017-06-06

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard January 25th 2020, 5:50 pm

Cyrilla would pull a chair up next to Dante and place it facing backwards to him. She then straddled the seat and leaned into the back of the chair, using it as a crutch as she started dabbing his wounds with gauze soaked in hydrogen peroxide. She saw people do this on television, so this had to be the right thing to do, right?

"So... you're telling me... you're the new Jesus?" she asked, a little too blunt, but she was also trying to lighten the mood.

She gently applied triple antibiotic ointment and clean bandages. She was careful around of his eyes. She finally moved his hair out of the way off of his forehead and just stared for a few moments. Squinting back at her was a third, new eye with it's own eye lid and even a few lashes.

"Just be careful. And ignore the other people in the library. There's a crazy homeless lady that talks to herself, and the maintenance guy Joey. He's harmless, just annoying." she dusted off Dante's jacket and looked up to the doorway as it opened, revealing two more bodies.

It was her new found misfits from outside!

"Bro. Tell me you were flying. And if yes, tell me how you did it. That was amazing." she was standing next to Rowan and Chandler as they settled into the back room.

Cyrilla smiled and sat down next to them, glancing over her shoulder to watch Dante as he made his way to the water fountain. He had gotten here by himself. Who was she to be his guide and baby him to the water fountain. Plus, if he fell or anything, it was a library with  carpet floors. He had clearly been through worse.

As she looked back, Rowan had started to heal Chandler's leg.

"Whoa, uhm, excuse me. Should I leave..?" she suddenly grew quiet and started watching. The little spark of energy from Rowan's hand to Chandler's leg was a sight that she just couldn't believe was real.

Well, she could. Maybe.

She had turned into a friggin' scythe when she first met Dante those years ago.

So what was a little magical healing energy, huh? Just normal, everyday, seventeen year old stuff. Yep.

Totally normal.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, looking at Chandler as the mysterious dog owner worked his literal magic. How did this day go from zero to one hundred so fast?

-My DeviantArt-
Seventeen (Invite Only) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Zonkes January 25th 2020, 6:05 pm

Dante would shrug. "I mean... I'm not gonna say yes, but..." He looked better after the water and Cyrilla's care. He was healing, quicker than most; but definitely not fast for the superpowered world they lived in. Dante would look toward the other two and frown underneath the bandages. He could hear them

Who were they? He heard the crowd outside, and assumed that they must be part of it, or even the cause of it. Metahumans? He guessed so based on the fact that one of them was using some sort of healing magic. He was just barely able to see it through the covering of his third eye. He wanted to say something. Dante was never a racist, but... he knew others were and he didn't want to get called out in the middle of the library. Then again... judging by his own newly found powers... He guessed that he had no place to speak on the matter, and kept his mouth shut.

"I don't know where i'm going to go, Cy... I think I'm screwed." Dante looked down at the table, he wanted to go home and curl into a ball. Maybe die? No, not yet. He still had things he wanted to do. "How do you even deal with... well... becoming... something else... How did you do it, Cy?"
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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Puglife43vr January 25th 2020, 6:40 pm

Chandler would receive his new glamour, making his way into the library with Rowan. He would eventually end up in a room with the other misfits. The girl that and invited them in there prompted him a question, asking if he was flying.

"No? Well, it depends on what happens next. Are you a Metahuman Hunter or whatever? I've seen way too many on TV.."

His leg would be put under Rowan's healing power, his hand on Chandler's leg. Chandler would feel wonky internally as his damaged leg would revert back to its normal state. It was warm and cold at the same time. Again, Cyrilla would look back at the two and ask if she should leave. She must be thinking those weird teenager thoughts.

"Hey now, don't get weird. It's just some leg super healing stuff. And no, my leg doesn't hurt. I think it'll be fine by the time this guy is done. By the way, what are all of your names? "

Chandler was trying to stay cool in this potentially volatile situation. Sure, this guy was healing him, but the others could be bad dudes. Maybe even an enemy of the aliens. If he made it outside, he could defend himself with his powers. But wait, where was the–

"Have you all seen my lightning rod? Wait, that didn't come out right."

Seventeen (Invite Only) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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Registration date : 2018-06-03

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Rowan Eldraine January 25th 2020, 7:08 pm

Rowan didn’t contribute much to the conversation, instead allowing what he assumed were humans or metahumans talk among each other while he worked at what he was doing. Allowing nature energy to pour through his fingertips, speeding up and allowing any damage to be undone.  He eyed the guy he was healing as well as the girl who asked the question when it came up, considering them curiously until he realized what was implied. Which left him silent though faintly blushing as he finished up the healing. When the spell ended, the current of energy broke and he felt the natural mana retreat from him in a rush, leaving him with the momentary sadness that came with it.

”That strange rod you were holding? Might have left it behind,” he mused, finally speaking and stroking his chin while looking around. ”though knowing my dog he might have picked it up because he thought it looked pretty.” He added, though his tone didn’t suggest if he were trying to make him feel better or just stating a fact. That was when he eyed the strange teen with what looked to be something wrapped over his forehead and eyes which likely held no light, bringing with him a strange sensation that roiled within his gut. As if his very being felt uneasy around him, though he couldn’t tell what that feeling meant.

Maybe he was a demon? He tended to feel this unease around magics used by them, though he tended to like demons a mite more than human. Around these people he wouldn’t ask the questions which could lead to something awkward. That was always more trouble than it was worth. ”So something tells me you three are some kind of…metahumans right?” he took his seat beside Chandler, resting his elbows on the table and looking between them curiously.
Rowan Eldraine
Rowan Eldraine

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Registration date : 2017-06-06

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Chellizard March 19th 2020, 12:03 pm

The room they were in was small, and had the back wall lined with older bookshelves. There were 3 lone desktop computers, two of which had 'OUT OF ORDER' posters taped to the big, outdated monitors. The last computer had a password locked terminal, and was definitely not going to be cracked by Cyrilla. The table in the middle of the room was sturdy, and made of oak. It stands on four legs, and is as wide as a twin mattress, and as long as a standard surfboard. Eight chairs were nestled around of the table, all made of oak. The table felt like some sort of executive meeting place. It didn't feel like a place for four teenagers to hangout. The floor was covered in a very short carpet fiber, and just above the bookshelves were thin, spy windows to allow whatever little sun to shine through.

Cyrilla would keep her distance, her height nowhere near as intimidating as Dante's, or even Chandler's. Maybe it was a little more intimidating than Rowan... just maybe. These four misfits running into each other was not just a coincidence. It feels like fate.

But what was Rowan's play in this?

Cyrilla's brain was going a million miles a minute, but most of it was her panicking on what to do or say next. She didn't want to be viewed as a fool, or immature, or even imbecilic. She wanted to be viewed as some sort of... leader? For them? For any kid that needed help.

She was sick and tired of being sick and tired, and she wanted to do nothing more than to get away from it all and break free.

"Okay. So let's get this straight. I have a lightning boy that can fly, the new messiah, and... whatever it is that you do." she looked at Rowan, sizing him up. As she did, it gave everyone a chance to get better associated and accompanied.

"People call me Cyd. My first name is too hard to say, and my last name is even worse. So people opt to call me Cyd, and I am okay with that." as she spoke, her hazel eyes would move around the room, watching each of them with a lingering curiosity. She wanted to talk to Dante, alone, and discuss what had happened to him. She wanted to get to know these other two boys as well.

Cyrilla's small frame was bulky due to her overcoat and scarf ensemble, her clunky boots keeping her feet dry, and her long, skinny jeans adding just enough layer to her legs to keep her from shivering. The reality of everything had settled in and she was realizing it. The four of them were indeed in some unspoken oath of silence.

"Okay. I feel a lot less important now," she said, having just listed the three of them with their newfound titles. Lightning Boy was quite a good one, and she was noticeably proud of it, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips when she had said it.

"I'd say... yes..?" she replied to Rowan's open ended question, her attention pulling to Dante. He was looking better with each passing second.

She let her gaze settle on Chandler, wondering if he could stand now that some weird light had been shined on his leg.

Last edited by Chellizard on March 30th 2020, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

-My DeviantArt-
Seventeen (Invite Only) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Zonkes March 23rd 2020, 6:48 pm

Dante winced at his new title. "Look, Cyd... Just call me Dante... I..." His head pounded with the voices. God they were so loud. He felt the minor scratches on his hand itch and crawl as his body apparently started healing faster.

His head was still swimming and he wasn't sure what to do about it. It was then that one of the males spoke up again. Metahumans. He wished. If he were a metahuman, at least his powers would make sense... At least his origin would make sense... Cyd answered for him, but he nodded. Lying didn't seem like a good way to start a relationship with these people, if that was even what he wanted in the first place; but he also felt that explaining to them that he was a demonic force of nature would be just as bad.

Suddenly, Dante's mind wandered and saw before him, a large group of metahumans staring down an alien invasion. And in front of them,
was Cyrilla. Dante didn't see himself anywhere, but she seemed to be leading this group. Snapping back to reality, Dante whipped his head toward Cyrilla. "Cyd, you're more important than you realize... I think." He couldn't explain why. Something told him that if he told her, at this moment, that the future might not happen.

He looked at Rowan. "So... who might you be?"
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Humor : This site is great <3
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INV ONLY Re: Seventeen (Invite Only)

Post by Puglife43vr March 23rd 2020, 8:04 pm

Chandler was still missing his lightning rod. He kept it on him somewhere, but it must've gotten loose when he crashed into the snow. His eyes would dart around as he considered that he had just lost the gift of the aliens. He caught the female of the group glancing at his leg and he would begin to speak.

"Yeah, I lost my super alien high tech stick of power and I need to grab it and go. You're nice people and all, but the fate of some alien race is at stake and I don't want the burden of a race's death on my shoulders." Chandler would begin to stand after his little spiel, but fall forward and flat on his face in the small room as he hadn't gotten used to his repaired leg.

He'd pop back up, having risen to his full height, supporting his weight on his better leg. "Also, to answer your question of Metahuman or no, I fall in the middle on that." He'd hobble toward the door they'd come in through and begin to grab the handle.

"Thanks for the company and magic leg healing. I'm glad I landed with you guys and not in a government facility!"

Seventeen (Invite Only) HRN5OeL
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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

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