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What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin)

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What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin)

Post by Danny The Sphinx July 26th 2019, 2:50 pm

"You can't just roam around convicting people of being guilty." Danny tossed a bag on the bed. "So, do we just go back to the strip or do we have other bad courses of action to run through?"

Tsukimi started to make her way to the dresser. "Let's go grab-"

A concussive force akin to a bomb detonated. It lacked a distinct point of origin. From Danny's point on the ground, she could not tell if the bomb came from the road or from inside of her hotel room. The dust floating around definitely originated from the drywall, and the breeze must come from- "I can see the outside. Through about five rooms!"

Danny picked herself up off the ground, brushing dust from her magician's costume. Coughing came from Tori's general direction. Coughing never killed anyone. "Suzy?" She looked over to the bed. A body slumped into the bed at an awkward position, dropping Danny's stomach. A slight twitch, leading into the body extending an arm made her feel slightly better. "She's down and out, but still alive."

"I think we found our suspect." In between coughs, Tori managed to get out a line.

The dust began to part, giving Danny a view of her antagonist. "She found us."

A voice gave a command and a warning.

It took her a little longer, but Tori got to her feet. "I'm not leaving."

"You need to get Suzy somewhere safe." Danny looked over to the bed to see Tsukimi somewhat flailing.

"Um fun." In her plight, Tsukimi rolled over on a pillow, unable to get her face out.

Danny eyes crossed from Tsukimi back to Kotomi. "Sure thing."

A blade appeared on Danny's arm. "They don't want to leave, but we all want you to go. Since that probably isn't going to happen so quickly, maybe it's time to- wait, did you knock out any support beams?!" Danny tried to peak behind Kotomi. "If you did, I need to take care of that before dealing with you! I'll just knock you around- cool pipe by the way, and I feel like you really want me to complement your bandanna- but if this building collapses, we're all in for a bad time. Oh, and the people above us."

Turquoise supports would rise at every hole Danny could see, bracing them and keeping stable for the mean time. "Okay, so yeah, like, we're fighting now. You couldn't just message me? I get villains threatening me on Instagram all the time. Some of them turn out to just be basement dwellers, but it's the principle!" A shield appeared on Danny's left arm. "Now, first tell me why we're fighting, then maybe we can figure out a peaceful solution. If not, we're fighting!"

Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin)

Post by Captain Muffin July 28th 2019, 10:24 pm

Her sudden entrance seemed to caused somewhat of a confusion, but unexpected things tend to have that effect. She caught the girls completely off guard, giving them little time to properly gather their senses at first, but because of the kind of person Kotomi is, she allowed the friends of Danny the chance to escape without any serious injuries. How unfortunate it is that they are fools. Kotomi's only goal here is Danny, innocent civilians are possible casualties that she wanted to avoided as much as possible. After the announcement that they weren't going to leave, Kotomi kept her pipe pointed at Danny, but her eyes darted over to the other girls to fully observe their foolishness. Once a second or two passed by she looked back towards Danny. "Suit yourself."

Kotomi observed the small room she now stood in, considering how well she would be able move around in here, because depending on how large Danny could make her structures, Kotomi might have a bit of a problem in such a confined space. She created a way in and out, so even if this area got a little crowded she'd have the ability to move the fight outside where she'd have the ability to easily escape if need be. With the end of her consideration, Kotomi let her arm lower down to her side, taking the pipe away from Danny and aiming it towards the ground. She slammed the open top end of her pipe downwards, forcing a rock to get stuck in the open top of her improvised weapon.

It seemed as if the entire time that Danny was speaking though, Kotomi was damn near completely ignoring her, most of what came out of her mouth was nonsense anyways, and Kotomi was more interested planning out a method of attack than she was listening to the annoying ramblings of this hero. When her mouth finally stopped moving, Kotomi's hearing coincidentally came back, but she didn't say much of anything. Avoiding any further conversation would be best anyhow.

With the rock lodged in the tip of the pipe, Kotomi twirled the pipe three times with a fast rotating motion of her wrist. In the midst of the third swing though, she abruptly stopped the movement of the pipe while also pointing it directly at Danny's head. The sudden and forceful stop of the pipe caused the small rock to dislodge at speed comparable to that of a baseball being thrown. She did this in an attempt to get Danny to dodge or set up some sort of defense. After that, she quickly dashed at a an angle, moving forward and towards her right, coming up to left side of Danny while swinging the pipe at Danny's abdomen.
Captain Muffin
Captain Muffin

Status :

Quote : "Roses are red, I don't have any lids, Jenny left me and she took the kids."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Location : Niflheim
Job : Watcher in the Mist
Humor : You know whats funnier than 24?
Registration date : 2019-07-06

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What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin) - Page 2 Empty Re: What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin)

Post by Danny The Sphinx August 2nd 2019, 5:13 pm

"You two really don't have to stay here." The formed shield on Danny's arm would raise as she started to advance. "As a matter of fact, I would really prefer neither of you to be here- actually, I would prefer her not be here, but since I need to deal with her, you know."

"I'll get Suzy somewhere safe- but then I'm coming back!" Tori rushed behind Danny to pick Tsukimi up to her feet. She looked to see Danny build a barrier to the door to keep her egress clear. Then, she took the egress with Tsukimi using her as a crutch.

"Good." Danny would begin to fire a crossbow bolt. "Just you and me."

Seeing the rock at the end of the pipe, Danny fired her bolt to try and force a dislodging of the rock from the pipe. If it hit, it would make a problem disappear, but a second problem rose up at a sharp angled shoulder. Her shield would lower to try and block the shoulder to the best of her ability.

But if it absorbed the block, Danny would not stop there. Turquoise bars would emerge from the shield, trying to wrap Kotomi's pipe to the shield in question, temporarily seeking a way of incapacitating Kotomi's headlong attack. Or, at least seeking a quick way to disarm her foe.

If she managed to ensnare the pipe, she would summon a turquoise bar in front of her. Then, she would spin to try and leverage the pipe against the bar, pushing to either break the pipe or force Kotomi to let go of it.

What Stays In Vegas, Happens In Vegas (Muffin) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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