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Frozen Synapse
The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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Frozen Synapse
Jacked-in Tactician
The Bio
Real Name: Matthew Gallagher
Renegade Name: Frozen Synapse
Title: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian, Human
Hair: Sandy blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 160lbs
The Looks
The Personality
Matthew is outwardly sarcastic and arrogant, though he maintains a fragile ego and gentle personality behind the facade. Post-diagnosis, he has doubled down on his previously minimal aggressive and spiteful behaviors, developing something of a mean streak and a brooding personality. Where he was once cynical, he is now downright misanthropic. He is self-serving and pessimistic, but a small part of him remains hopeful that it isn’t all bad.
The Story
Matthew lived a private, if lonely life. Though sociable and quick to make friends, he found it difficult to maintain lasting connections due to his reluctance to open up wholly to others. In his early years of highschool, he drifted between social circles each semester until he finally gave up and dropped out. He quickly found himself an apprenticeship as a machinist, maintaining his reserved but friendly nature throughout.
After a night out on the town following a rough breakup, Matthew wrecked his car on the way back to his apartment, intoxicated more by emotion than by liquor. When he awoke, he found himself near totally paralyzed from the waist down. His nervous system subsequently began falling apart, steadily taking more and more bodily control from him.
He continued working, but was no longer employed. Instead, he focused his efforts on attempting to singlehandedly develop cybernetics to replace his dying nervous system.
He failed.
The Priority
1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Strength
4. Agility
The Powers
Tinker Specialty: Networks - As a tinker, Frozen Synapse is able to develop a number of hardware and software applications related to his specialty, providing he has access to the necessary materials and is given enough time. Example applications under the networks specialty include but are not limited to: using tinkertech hardware to link a large number of objects together in a custom-built network, developing specialized neural networks with tinkertech software, and managing massive mesh networks using a combination of tinkertech hardware and software.
The Weaknesses
Progressive Motor Neuron Degeneration - Matthew Gallagher is suffering from a progressive deterioration of his nervous system, which has already taken most of the mobility from his legs and has weakened his arms. As time goes on, Matthew will totally lose his ability to survive on his own as he becomes unable to eat, drink, or shit unaided. Eventually, his cardiovascular system or even his brain may shut down.
Tinkertech Decay - Tinkertech is incredibly esoteric and often relies on poorly understood mechanics in order to function. As a result, tinkertech requires constant maintenance and tweaks to be performed in order to continue operating as intended. Outside of his presence, Frozen Synapse's equipment will begin to malfunction and eventually cease to operate entirely. This fact limits Frozen Synapse's ability to loan out gear or operate without a workshop, and even his ability to operate his technology for extended periods of time without maintenance downtime.
The Items
- Jay:
Jay is an artificial neural network developed by Frozen Synapse to help coordinate and develop plans of action for his other networked assets. He is lazy and reactive, but can be creative and quick to act when pressured. Abilities Weaknesses Tactical Simulation: BLUFOR - Jay works in conjunction with Rose to develop plans for Frozen Synapse by simulating Frozen Synapse’s assets in a given scenario. In this way, he and Rose are effectively playing a real-time strategy game together. Because of their digitized nature, they can play hundreds of these ‘games’ in a matter of seconds. Critical Oversight - Jay only considers the immediate surroundings to be part of the battlefield, often ignoring the existence of doors, manholes, ventilation ducts, and other such means of transitioning from one ‘room’ to another, leaving him incapable of planning ahead for situations where a target leaves the area. The precious seconds Jay spends recomputing the terrain offers targets precious seconds to escape or take up a new position. Simple - Jay prefers simple and direct plans, more often than not ignoring the greater, delayed play or the steady build-up to a ‘checkmate’. He would rather score a dozen minor, possibly inconsequential victories than maneuver and plan for the possibility of one decisive victory.
- Rose:
Rose is an artificial neural network developed by Frozen Synapse to assist in testing courses of action drafted by Jay and Frozen Synapse by developing counter-plans. She is stubborn, aggressive, and hates losing. Abilities Weaknesses Tactical Simulation: OPFOR - Rose works in conjunction with Jay to develop plans for Frozen Synapse by simulating the opposing force of a given scenario. In this way, she and Jay are effectively playing a real-time strategy game together. Because of their digitized nature, they can play hundreds of these ‘games’ in a matter of seconds. Unknown Variables - Rose’s half of a given simulated wargame limits her to the known assets, capabilities, and restrictions of the opposing force she plays in the wargame. Because of this, a lack of intel can result in her managing an inaccurate simulation, and ultimately suggesting inappropriate courses of action. Stubborn - After failing to accurately portray the enemy combatant in several executed plans, Rose may end up dragging out the simulation to be many times longer than before, stubbornly refusing the submit a final plan for Jay and Frozen Synapse to counter.
Drones - Frozen Synapse has a moderately sized fleet of civilian/hobbyist drones, both aerial and ground-based, either bought wholly off-the-shelf or constructed with off-the-shelf components. They are equipped with his networking technology to allow for coordinated remote control, and are armed with stolen or otherwise illicitly acquired less-lethal weapons such as tasers, beanbag launchers, and pepperspray pellet guns.
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
Last edited by MissingAxis on March 27th 2019, 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Re: Frozen Synapse
Approved until stated othereise!
Silus- Retired Moderator
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Re: Frozen Synapse
Moving for edit. Archiving previous state.
- Spoiler:
- FROZEN SYNAPSEJacked-in TacticianThe Bio
Real Name: Matthew Gallagher
Renegade Name: Frozen Synapse
Title: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian, Human
Hair: Sandy blond
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 160lbsThe LooksThe Personality
Matthew is outwardly sarcastic and arrogant, though he maintains a fragile ego and gentle personality behind the facade. Post-diagnosis, he has doubled down on his previously minimal aggressive and spiteful behaviors, developing something of a mean streak and a brooding personality. Where he was once cynical, he is now downright misanthropic. He is self-serving and pessimistic, but a small part of him remains hopeful that it isn’t all bad.The Story
Matthew lived a private, if lonely life. Though sociable and quick to make friends, he found it difficult to maintain lasting connections due to his reluctance to open up wholly to others. In his early years of highschool, he drifted between social circles each semester until he finally gave up and dropped out. He quickly found himself an apprenticeship as a machinist, maintaining his reserved but friendly nature throughout.
After a night out on the town following a rough breakup, Matthew wrecked his car on the way back to his apartment, intoxicated more by emotion than by liquor. When he awoke, he found himself near totally paralyzed from the waist down. His nervous system subsequently began falling apart, steadily taking more and more bodily control from him.
He continued working, but was no longer employed. Instead, he focused his efforts on attempting to singlehandedly develop cybernetics to replace his dying nervous system.
He failed.The Priority
1. Reaction
2. Endurance
3. Strength
4. AgilityThe Powers
Tinker Specialty: Networks - As a tinker, Frozen Synapse is able to develop a number of hardware and software applications related to his specialty, providing he has access to the necessary materials and is given enough time. Example applications under the networks specialty include but are not limited to: using tinkertech hardware to link a large number of objects together in a custom-built network, developing specialized neural networks with tinkertech software, and managing massive mesh networks using a combination of tinkertech hardware and software.The Weaknesses
Progressive Motor Neuron Degeneration - Matthew Gallagher is suffering from a progressive deterioration of his nervous system, which has already taken most of the mobility from his legs and has weakened his arms. As time goes on, Matthew will totally lose his ability to survive on his own as he becomes unable to eat, drink, or shit unaided. Eventually, his cardiovascular system or even his brain may shut down.
Chronic Sleep Deprivation - Matthew subjects himself to sleep deprivation on a regular basis, pulling all-nighters frequently and sleeping as sparsely as he can. The usual symptoms manifest here.The Items- Jay:
Jay is an artificial neural network developed by Frozen Synapse to help coordinate and develop plans of action for his other networked assets. He is lazy and reactive, but can be creative and quick to act when pressured. Abilities Weaknesses Tactical Simulation: BLUFOR - Jay works in conjunction with Rose to develop plans for Frozen Synapse by simulating Frozen Synapse’s assets in a given scenario. In this way, he and Rose are effectively playing a real-time strategy game together. Because of their digitized nature, they can play hundreds of these ‘games’ in a matter of seconds. Critical Oversight - Jay only considers the immediate surroundings to be part of the battlefield, often ignoring the existence of doors, manholes, ventilation ducts, and other such means of transitioning from one ‘room’ to another, leaving him incapable of planning ahead for situations where a target leaves the area. The precious seconds Jay spends recomputing the terrain offers targets precious seconds to escape or take up a new position. Simple - Jay prefers simple and direct plans, more often than not ignoring the greater, delayed play or the steady build-up to a ‘checkmate’. He would rather score a dozen minor, possibly inconsequential victories than maneuver and plan for the possibility of one decisive victory.
- Rose:
Rose is an artificial neural network developed by Frozen Synapse to assist in testing courses of action drafted by Jay and Frozen Synapse by developing counter-plans. She is stubborn, aggressive, and hates losing. Abilities Weaknesses Tactical Simulation: OPFOR - Rose works in conjunction with Jay to develop plans for Frozen Synapse by simulating the opposing force of a given scenario. In this way, she and Jay are effectively playing a real-time strategy game together. Because of their digitized nature, they can play hundreds of these ‘games’ in a matter of seconds. Unknown Variables - Rose’s half of a given simulated wargame limits her to the known assets, capabilities, and restrictions of the opposing force she plays in the wargame. Because of this, a lack of intel can result in her managing an inaccurate simulation, and ultimately suggesting inappropriate courses of action. Stubborn - After failing to accurately portray the enemy combatant in several executed plans, Rose may end up dragging out the simulation to be many times longer than before, stubbornly refusing the submit a final plan for Jay and Frozen Synapse to counter.
Drones - Frozen Synapse has a moderately sized fleet of civilian/hobbyist drones, both aerial and ground-based, either bought wholly off-the-shelf or constructed with off-the-shelf components. They are equipped with his networking technology to allow for coordinated remote control, and are armed with stolen or otherwise illicitly acquired less-lethal weapons such as tasers, beanbag launchers, and pepperspray pellet guns.
Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Re: Frozen Synapse
Edited to replace [Chronic Sleep Deprivation] weakness with [Tinkertech Decay], which I believe to be a more meaningful, exploitable weakness and more relevant to Frozen Synapse's power.
Tinkertech Decay - Tinkertech is incredibly esoteric and often relies on poorly understood mechanics in order to function. As a result, tinkertech requires constant maintenance and tweaks to be performed in order to continue operating as intended. Outside of his presence, Frozen Synapse's equipment will begin to malfunction and eventually cease to operate entirely. This fact limits Frozen Synapse's ability to loan out gear or operate without a workshop, and even his ability to operate his technology for extended periods of time without maintenance downtime.
MissingAxis- Post Mate
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Re: Frozen Synapse
Approved and moved.
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
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The SuperHero RPG :: Applications :: Character, Minion, and NPC Applications :: Character and NPC Applications :: Approved Renegades
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