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A Little Lady & A Big Cock

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INV ONLY Re: A Little Lady & A Big Cock

Post by MissingAxis October 18th 2018, 6:32 pm

Jason clambered over rocky mounds and stone bricks, the forest around him eerily silent save for his footsteps and the burbling of a stream some abstract distance ahead.

A variety of ferns carpeted the forest floor, thriving despite the perpetual twilight cast by the mile-high trees. Occasionally, Jason spotted crumbling stone structures. Each was reminiscent of a building he’d seen in his world, though no amount of conscious thought helped him in identifying them. It was that uncanniness surrounding each arrangement of stones that eroded the confidence he held in his sense of direction.

The mask-maker stayed his course, occasionally guided by a dream-like intuition for the geography of this world; perhaps it was one of the Traveller’s many gifts.

As earlier, Richard began yammering on. His voice was quieter now, some of his power expended by his recent escapade in Jason’s world. It was frustrating still, but that overwhelming clarity that accompanied it a mere hour ago was absent.

“I had her, mask-maker. You’re a traitor. She was dying and you took that from me.”

The gamecock’s form was hazy, barely visible in the half-light of the feywild. Jason allowed himself some minor satisfaction regarding that.

It left only the Changer to be concerned about. The mask-maker couldn’t see it now, but he felt that it was close. Perhaps it was disguised among the trees and ferns and stones. Perhaps it was simply lurking in the corner of his vision, always overlooked.

Jason’s journey had taken him some miles away from the mile, he estimated. Surprisingly, none of the entities that had gathered there earlier sought to follow him and his captives. He would have to learn why that was, someday. After all, how do you fully harness the power of something you can not fully understand?

When he reached the stream, the Traveller silently directed Jason to follow its flow downhill. It bothered him, but he heeded the Traveller without question. He’d followed the stream downhill every time he travelled through the feywild, even when simply making a round-trip between two points. It made no sense to him, but the Traveller had never steered him in the wrong direction.

And it appeared that was still the case. The stream led to the ruined castle that corresponded to his hide-away, and Jason could already hear Aubrey feasting and Graham restlessly pounding his feet against the forest floor. As he had every time before, Jason circled the ruins three times, finding no entrance until his third lap was finished. Once inside, the Traveller released him back into his world.


Frantic, Jason dug through his belongings: a disorganized heap of trashbags and shopping carts filled with books, clothes, and ready-to-eat food-like substances. After a few minutes of spreading the heap across the floor, he found what he was looking for. Carefully, he popped open the container of pills and selected two.

It took time, but the fey eventually faded, their voices muted and their forms only half-visible. Finally at peace, Jason curled up on the floor and slept.


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INV ONLY Re: A Little Lady & A Big Cock

Post by REDSHEILD October 18th 2018, 7:43 pm

“I need more suction here.”

“She’s not going to have any blood left if we keep draining all of it.”

The voices near her head are muffled, unfamiliar. Alyssa’s eyes flutter.

“It’s not blood, it’s this white… stuff. Keeps flowing out from under the scalp.”

Alyssa feels the cellular slush get sucked away, followed by a tingling sensation as fine tools prod her brain.

“That’s better, now let’s find those bleeds… Huh.”

“What is it?”

“CT showed major trauma. Swelling, a few subdural hematomas, intracerebral hemorrhaging, developing midline shift. All gone. Practically normal.
Jerry, how’s her spine?”

The mention widens her perception; she feels another surgeon working on her lower back. A third voice replies.

“Spinal cord was nearly severed when we opened her up. Stitched itself together. Vertebra have been easy, like a puzzle. Put the fragments back and they’re just sticking.”

Alyssa finally realizes what is happening. Panic and fear wash over her.

A fourth voice, a woman, further away.
“Heart rate increasing. She’s waking up.”

One of the male voices, the neurosurgeon, rattles off a list of drugs to the anesthesiologist.

Alyssa feels the pressure at the IV’s location. Desperate, she makes the blood around it clot. At last, she finds her voice.

“Stop! Stop! You’re making everything worse!”

Her eyes snap open and dart about, scanning the room. She tries to move her head, but finds it restrained. She can only see the anesthesiologist, who appears confused. Only then does she feel the breathing tube in her throat, placed correctly, despite the swapped position of her trachea and esophagus.

She grabs it and tears it out, shouting again.
“STOP! Get away from me!”

The sound of footsteps, enough for a dozen people, as the group of surgeons and assistants back off.

The bone encasing her right hand dissolves back into her, and her weapon falls from her grasp. She reaches around her head with both of her original hands, undoing the cranial restraint.

“Stupid doctors. Never listening. Always trying to help. Always getting in the way.” Her words are softly spoken, yet still audible.

Alyssa pulls her head free of the restraint. She rolls off the operating table, standing awkwardly. Without the sheet covering her she is naked, shivering in the cool air.

“Where is my skull.” She scans the tables covered in tools, finding the missing piece of flesh-coated bone sitting in a surgical tray.

The neurosurgeon steps forward slowly.
“Calm down. You’re badly injured, there’s still more we need to do.”

“No.” Alyssa picks up the fragment, placing it into the void in her cranium. The bone seals up within seconds.
“I’m not humpty-fucking-dumpty. I can put myself back together.”

A man speaks: Jerry, the orthopedic surgeon.
“She’s right, Simon. You said it yourself, those bleeds just went away on their own.”

The neurosurgeon -Simon- sighs in frustration. Alyssa scans the room, spotting a container filled with a pinkish-white substance. She points at it with two arms.

“Is that all from me?”

“Y-yes.” The assistant operating the suction machine answers, sheepishly.

“Gimme. Now.”

The man hastily removes the container, scurrying over with it. Alyssa grabs it and removes the cap, poking a lance-like former hand into the viscous liquid.
“Damn. All dead.”
She glances at the biohazard symbol on the plastic bottle. She shrugs.
Several of the assistants in the room wince as Alyssa chugs the contents in one go.

Her broken hip begins to come back together, straightening her posture. She makes eye contact with Simon.

“I know you just want to do your job and help people. But I don’t need your help. The last doctors who just wanted to help me locked me in a padded room and told me I was crazy. When I told them something was wrong, that something was happening that I couldn’t control, they told me to eat more pills. And now I’m this… this freak.”
She raises her arms for emphasis.
“It’s more than that. It’s worse than that. I can feel every single cell in my body. I can feel every single neuron. You know what I’m talking about, right mister brain surgeon? I can feel my own thoughts. Every day I face the reality that the woman I thought I was is nothing more than a bunch of slime bumping around in my head.”
The spikes of bone dissolve, the extra arms following suit. The teeth on her left hand are pulled back in, disappearing.
“I gave up on trying to be normal. I got to be a hero. I beat the bad guy. I had never felt more alive. And then I wake up surrounded by a bunch of fucking doctors trying to fix what they don’t understand. So if you want to help me, here’s what you’re going to do. Get me some clothes that won’t stand out. Delete all records you made of me. Give me back any blood draws you took or destroy them. And enough cash to get a cab.”

“We can’t just wipe everything and pretend you never showed up. There are procedures that need to be followed, for the sake of all our patients, including yourself. Like it or not, you became my responsibility the moment you entered this operating room.”

“Well I never asked to come here. Your EMTs brought me here without my wallet and without my phone. And I’m pretty sure you destroyed my costume. Do you want me to just walk out of here naked? Because I’d rather do that than get back on that table or be forced to stay in one of those beds. Your job is to make sure I’m healthy and I’m telling you I am. So let me go.”

Simon lets out a frustrated sigh and looks at his colleagues.
“Jerry, your take?”

“Emergency surgery assumes consent, since most people like being alive. For obvious reasons the law doesn’t consider many cases where the patient would’ve been fine without aid, at least for serious trauma. Even if she isn’t healthy, I’m not sure we’re qualified to make that call, given the circumstances. She can walk, she can talk, and she’s not bleeding. I say let her go.”

Simon removes one of his gloves and reaches into his pocket, taking out some coins and placing them on the surgical table.
“There is still a payphone in the lobby, if you can believe that. We’ll get you some scrubs to wear, and a bag for your belongings. Is that acceptable?”


“Good. If I see you in my hospital again, though, I’m going to drag you in front of the review board and you can explain to them what happened here.”


Alyssa fumbles with the coins, nearly dropping them. The machine clicks as the quarters finally fall the right way.
She holds the handset to her head as she punches in a number. The phone rings briefly before the call is answered.

“Who is this?

“Hiiiiiii Cindyyyy!”

“Alyssa! I was so worried about you! You have no idea!”

“Worried? Why? Hey, before you answer that, can I ask you a faaaavor.”

“Of course. Anything.”

“No questions asked?”

“Uh, yeah, yeah.”

“Yaaaaaay! So I’m over at uhhhh Marlborough Hospital? I don’t have my phone or my wallet. Can you come pick me up?”


“You already want to ask questions don’t you?”


“Good thing you promised not to! Anyway I will be waiting outside wearing piiink scrubs.”

“Scrubs? …Argh, right, no questions. I’ll get there as soon as this traffic will let me.”

“You have the same car right? Want me to wave so you can find me?”

“Yeah, same one. And no, no, I’d recognize you anywhere, Alyssa.”

Alyssa’s face shifts back to ‘normal,’ the change hidden by the phone booth. A mask, familiar, but a mask all the same.
“I know you would. Bye-bye!”


“Oh my god Cindy! It’s sooooo great to see you! Thank you sooo much for picking me up!”


Alyssa almost slams the door shut as she gets in the car. She pushes the passenger seat back and sets it to recline.
“Cindy I always forget how talllll you are. How do you fit in this little thing?”

“How do you see past the dash of that truck you drive?”

“Oh, the truck died. I drive one of those essss-yoooo-veeees now. It’s much better. And bigger.”

“It ‘died,’ huh?”

“Okay, okay, I totaled it.”


“Hey, it wasn’t my fault. Some dick on a bike ran a red light so I swerved into a tree.”

“And that was enough to total it?”

“Well okay, I was speeding just a little bit. Okay, a lot. It was kinda funny. When the cop showed up he was like ‘Holy shit! You’re alive!’ and I was like ‘yeah funny how that works right?’ which he really didn’t think was funny at all.”

“It’s not funny, Alyssa. You’re putting your life in the hands of something you can’t control. What if it stopped working? What if you got too injured to heal? You can live your life as wild as you want but don’t be stupid about it. Just, be careful, okay?”

“Is that why you were so worried? C’mon, it was just a fourteen hour road trip. I’m not the best driver but I’m better than at least half the assholes on the road.”

“While it would have been nice to know about, that’s not why I was worried. But I promised not to ask any questions and I know you’re okay, now, so I’m just going to drop it.”

The trip continued in awkward silence. Alyssa used the break to adjust her body’s hormone levels, trying to stave off collapsing from exhaustion. She added a small trickle of adrenaline, to help maintain her facade of being a bubbly airhead.


She felt movement, rousing her from sleep.
“Five more minutes…” she muttered.

“Alyssa, it’s been an hour.”

She almost jumped out of the seat, managing to lock the seatbelt instead.
“Aw fuck. I was trying reaaaally hard not to fall asleep.”
She looked around: still in the car, but now parked at the mall. The sun had set, and there were still multiple emergency vehicles.

“I, uh, thought we’d be going to your apartment, Cindy.”

“Alyssa, I know I promised, but I can’t stand it. I know you were at the mall, right around the time of the attack.”


“Just tell me the truth. Please.”

Thoughts raced around in Alyssa’s head:
Oh, hey, didn’t tell you I could control my powers because I’m a self-absorbed cunt.
Guess what, Cindy, I fight crime now.

No, the truth would be too much. She settled on a lie.
“I, I was in the food court. This guy in a mask showed up. I-I don’t remember what he did, but there was a lot of blood. I think I just dropped everything and ran away, with the crowd. It was a tight squeeze getting out of the mall, with all the people panicking, and… and it was too much. Too familiar. I, uh, I had a seizure.”

Alyssa looked down at her feet, waiting for a response. Instead of anger or disbelief, she felt the warmth of a hug. It was nice.
The lie hadn’t hurt to tell, but now she felt guilt welling up inside her. She let herself cry.

“I’m so sorry, Alyssa. That must have been awful.”

“I think I hit my head or something, because the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. And then I had a panic attack and threw up all over myself. When I managed to calm down the nurses helped me get cleaned up and gave me these clothes to wear.”

“And your… abilities behaved?”

“Yeah. No alien limbs or anything. At least, I don’t remember any.”

Cynthia leaned over to hug her again. Alyssa made the tears stop, and blotted her face dry with her sleeve.

“If anything like that ever happens again, you can always talk to me about it, okay? I’m always here for you.”

“Thanks, Cindy.”

Alyssa undid her seatbelt, reaching for the door handle.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“Uh, no. My car is at the autocenter and I already paid them so they should just give it back. I just need to talk to the cops to get my stuff, if it hasn’t ended up as evidence at least. I think I’m going to miss check-in time for my hotel though.”

Cynthia fiddled with her keys, pulling one off of the ring and handing it to Alyssa.
“Here. I’ll probably be out when you get done here. This will work for my building and my door. The parking lot says sticker only but don’t worry, they’ll leave your car alone for a few days. You remember my address and number?”

“Yeah. Thank you so much, Cindy.”


((Exit Mitosis. End thread.))

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INV ONLY Re: A Little Lady & A Big Cock

Post by MissingAxis October 24th 2018, 5:42 pm

The Facade arc continues in Bound In The Gaze Of The Abyss
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