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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie Empty Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

Post by Puglife43vr August 3rd 2018, 5:27 pm

Warhead collected artifacts every so often. Particularly artifacts that give him immense power. Warhead had gone to Kansas, being told of a blade that held a great secret within, able to grant him wishes that could help him with his mission. Regular people always had the best artifacts, but never knew their true secrets. Warhead would be able to kill anybody with this artifact just by speaking. It was a genie that would give him 3 wishes of whatever he wanted. He could just wish all superhuman heroes away with a few words. He could potentially kill all his enemies with his voice. He could gain control of all the super powers' nuclear weapons for Russia. This is true power. Warhead walked into the museum, paying his entry fee, and looking at the large signs, directing museum-goers to different exhibits. He casually walks toward the glass exhibit with the dagger resting on a pillow.

"It's go time."

He quickly pulls a ski mask over his face. Warhead walks around, grabbing phones out of protesting hands, ripping the electric charge from them and throwing them to the ground, all while growing larger. Security starts quickly approaching him with tasers drawn. "Sir, we're going to have to ask you to cease your actions and leave the premises." Warhead turns to the clueless guards and jumps at them. Random civilians would start pulling out their phones and recording him. They instinctively pull their trigger on their tasers, filling him up with more power. He fires a blast of electricity into a guard's chest, causing them to fall over with their clothes smoking and singed. He lifts another guard up and throws them into the glass exhibit, shattering it and dropping the sword to the ground. He starts to walk over to the fallen blade when a security guard fires a lethal round at him. Well, it would be lethal if he didn't have the superhuman durability granted by the absorbed electricity. He turns to the guard and with a smirk, launches them through the sunroof. The bystanders start sprinting out of the museum through fire exits, some dumb ones staying behind to get a good YouTube video. Warhead swaggers over to where the sword lie next to a knocked over stand. He picks it up, wondering how it works.

"So this is the powerful genie? Not what I expected.

Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie Empty Re: Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

Post by Zonkes August 4th 2018, 2:52 pm

Basir hated Kansas. The backward hicks here never had any imagination. His best wish here was turning wheat into man eating crops. It certainly wasn’t his best work; but he had gotten a chuckle out of it nonetheless. Now he was trapped in the dimension of his blade once more, all memory of his previous prank forgotten, and his life once again waiting a new master.

He began pouring himself some tea, the Jinn blade being similar to a modern apartment in the inside, with windows showing the view outside of the blade. One side of the apartment showing concrete, while the other showed blue sky. Jinn could effectively control his little piece of hell here; but he didn’t. Rather, he merely ensured he had a cable connection and wi-fi to ensure he didn’t miss his favorite television shows.

Sadly, just as he started Meta-Magic; a new “master” appeared. Basir sighed as he felt his form shifting, his fancy shirt replaced with a stereotypical vest and golden shackles. He became smoky as he was pulled into the human reality, and found himself face to face with what he assumed was a soldier. This might actually be fun.

Basir put on his absolute best fake smile, but failed to hide his annoyance. ”Greetings,wielder! I am the genie of the blade you hold in your hand. What is it that you wish?”
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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie Empty Re: Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

Post by Puglife43vr August 8th 2018, 7:31 pm

Warhead blasts a guard behind his back as he hears the genie speak.

"So you are real? What a surprise. I thought it was all a made up story, but look at that."

Warhead smirks, inspecting the genie. What should his three wishes be? He could wish for new powers, he could be god. But why would he want to do that? He wants a real challenge. He probably has a maximum of three wishes, so he should use them wisely. He had the perfect idea. He was gonna go back on that whole challenge thing. Who needs a challenge when you can rule your plane of existence?

"Make me impossible to hurt. I wanna be impervious to damage."

He smiles and waits for him to enter his glorious state of invincibility. The filthy heroes would have no way to stop him. He'd be their greatest hero. Or villain. Or both. Their strongest weapons would have no effect. The weapons on the spiritual plane would flow past him, forever undying. The Warhead would watch the world die and return from nuclear wars, never being struck down or his forces toppled. The Warhead would control all. He starts chuckling maniacally as he is infused with the new "power".

Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie Empty Re: Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

Post by Zonkes August 8th 2018, 7:46 pm

The Djinn grinned a Cheshire grin as the man asked if he was real. The Djinn was always happy to meet a rube in need of a good dose of reality. He was never one to turn down such a wisher, and when the man came up with his wish, the Djinn laughed and his eyes burned with fire. ”Oh my friend, what a lovely wish. Let’s see if I can

The Djinn was incredibly quick and snapped his fingers. ”Immortality will keep you from death, and in time you may learn to not let petty emotions bring you down.”

The Djinn twisted around the form of the man ”But it shall not save you from bullet or blade.” Another snap and the malicious being brought to Rise, a case in the shape of the mans face. ”So this shell should keep you safe.”

The Genie continued its assault. ”Ah, but trying to move this big heavy thing could be dangerous for a man.”, with a whistle the joints and openings sealed.w

”And what of powers? No, those simply won’t do.” A rainbow field, only visible to the in the globe appeared. ”Now no power can reach you outside of my own. Including your own.”” The Jinn cut openings into the nose and eyes. ”Boredom is painful too, so I’ll give you this lovely view.”

And with a wave and a pop, the genie was gone. Leaving Warhead to his thoughts for all eternity.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie Empty Re: Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie

Post by Puglife43vr August 8th 2018, 9:12 pm

Warhead would yell out before being quickly silenced as his new prison encloses him. He struggles to even breathe with the restraints as they seal around him. This was not what he expected. He starts to harness his energy as it is quickly whisked away by Jinn, along with nose and eye holes being added. How embarrassing! Now he would share the same rate as those affected by Medusa. Except he'd have to live through it. Hopefully he would just become extremely dehydrated and die. After all, he was already dead.

Warhead V Jinn: Dawn of the Super Genie HRN5OeL
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "What would you do... For a Klondike bar?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 298
Registration date : 2018-06-03

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