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AR-T16 Empty AR-T16

Post by ghost June 23rd 2018, 5:06 pm



The Bio

Real Name: AR-T16
Alignment: Does what it is told by Dr. Icarus and members of his family
Age: Model T16 was deigned 4 years ago
Gender: Male appearance
Race: Android
Hair: None
Eyes: Green
Height: 6’
Weight: 210lbs

The Looks

The droid has no skin. There are metallic plates that cover its chest, thighs, spine, biceps and other large body parts. Everything else can be seen, the wires and gears turning and moving. The only thing that is somewhat similar to the T17 (Iha) is its eyes that are green in color.

The Personality

Their program is designed to make them friendly and courteous. He waits on the people within the doctor’s household, taking care of dishes, retrieving drinks, answering phone calls, and if need be defend the household with its life.

The Story

Before there was a T17, AKA Iha Naaji there was a T16. Manufactured by Armored Robotics as a household personal droid. They were created to help Dr. Icarus around the laboratory fetching drinks and food among other things. The doctor’s days where getting extremely busy and long, the droids helped to make it more manageable.

The doctor started by connecting the droids to a central mind within the house but once Iha woke up that changed. He decided that it would be best for them to be able to think and move on their own, but still controlled under a central programming.  

The Priority

Strength 1
Reaction 2
Endurance 3
Agility 4

The Powers

Combat Techniques: The droids are all more than proficient in martial combat and group and squad techniques. They know how to move as a unit or squad and are able to operate an assortment of weaponry including rifles, handguns, swords, and drive vehicles if needed.  

Shielding: The droids have a shield that is in constant working condition. It does nothing to protect itself against physical attacks but repels high-powered rounds and gunshots. This includes arrows and other things that are thrown at a distance more than 5 feet.  

The Weaknesses

EMP: The machines can be easily neutralized by an EMP. This would make all electronics useless within miles of the blast.

Internet Connection: Because they are ‘individuals’ they pull most of their data from the internet and the system within the house. This makes them susceptible to hack, viruses, and other internet intruders.

Magnetism: Their bodies are made of a tungsten alloy, similar to the T17. But not all of them, they can be neutralized, stick in place or ripped apart by a magnet, not to mention how just being close to them could make their systems wacky.

Head: If you cut of the droids arms or legs it will still keep coming at you, but without its head, the droid is dead. It holds its main computing system and internet antenna.

The Items

Laser Rifle: The rifle is housed in the droids arm, it unfolds and is put together like a puzzle in its hand’s. The laser can shoot through most metals and runs off of a nuclear power source, making it almost impossible for it to run out of ammunition.

Weakness: As strong as it may look the weapons blast can misdirected or reflected when shooting through glass.

Weakness: Because of the nuclear power-source the weapon requires a cooling mechanism which can be overpowered or destroyed by massive electrical charges. This can cause the weapon to explode, it would be enough to level a small building.

Tasers: The droids nonlethal option, it can shock people, causing pain and the body to contract and eventually paralysis, for a time. This is housed in the droid’s hands and feet, a quick touch or a shot within 5 feet will work to transfer the shock.

Tear/Smoke Grenades: Used for dispersing large groups of people the tear gas will hake it difficult to breath and cause the eyes and nose to water profusely till a person leaves the area. The smoke grenades are effective at creating a screen to hide behind. These are housed in the droids abdomen.

Laser Sword: The sword is usually just a metallic hilt that is placed in the android’s arm, when needed the hilt will lift out of the droid’s hand and a laser will form the blade. It can cut through most metals with ease.

Weakness: Diamonds can cause the light from the swords to be refracted and shatter the blade.

Weakness: EMP though has a limited effect can cause the swords to glitch, making it flicker on and off uncontrollably.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

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Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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AR-T16 Empty Re: AR-T16

Post by Zonkes June 24th 2018, 2:29 pm

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 629
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Slacker
Humor : What’s the difference between a clown and a pancake? Not much after the steamroller incident.
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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