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The Beasts Below

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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by GamerXZ March 8th 2018, 8:09 pm

The beast's assault on Siren was brought to a sudden halt thanks to the intervention of her two allies. Spade's attack managed to break its grasp on her as it was sent into another wall. It tried to claw away only for Sam's portal to hold it in place even with its wild thrashing.

Siren pulled herself free of the wall and brushed herself off, "I'll be fine. Thanks for the save, you two," She put a hand up to her face and came away with a few droplets of green blood from the scratches on her face, "Huh, so it appears I can still be hurt after all..." Despite her words, an observant individual would notice the hint of a smile on her face, as if relieved for some reason.

Siren went over beside the creature to examine it further, "I'm no scientist so examining it is out of the question for me. That said, I could try and use Telepathy on it...but.." They suddenly scowled and shook their head, "I would very much like to avoid using that if I can. Delving into the minds of other creatures is...well, it's just one of those things I'm not comfortable with..."

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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by superguy1 March 8th 2018, 9:11 pm

Spade was glad when he saw the portals appear and restrain the creature, as he could catch his breath for a moment. He noted the telepathy comment, and added that to his list of things this "Siren" was capable of. He could feel his mind being overcome by his need to understand this beast, and inched forward. He deployed the tip of his photon sword and made a small incision on the beasts forehead, collecting a tissue sample.

"The suit will run some tests, until then, what are we going to do with...this?" he asks, gesturing at the beast. It had such a human look in it's eyes, it scared him almost. Every part of him wanted to blow the thing to bits, but he knew not to.

"I don't know how, but it's managing to bypass all of my sensors. Heat, motion, sound...nothing can pick this thing up." he says, clearly very frustrated.




Carl Gator:
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by Nate6595 March 10th 2018, 12:55 am

Sam winced a bit as the beast struggled in his portal. While his portals were very capable of restraining things, it was something that would exhaust him quicker than regular portals, he could probably keep the beast restrained for another...twenty minutes? Twenty-five max. But his abilities would be very limited in that time span, especially with this beast struggling. He shook his head, trying to focus.

"Now listen, I really ain't good this studying stuff, but I can tell you guys what I've seen so far in this house. Might help out, maybe?" He gave a shrug walking over to the legs on the beast, wincing back as they started to kick nearly scratching him. "Gah! Jerk...just taking a gander over here!" He shoot glance over to the top part of the beast. He let out a breath and looked to the other two. "Now then...I've seen about three things off in this house..." He went back in his head, trying to remember the order of it all. It was a big house and easy to get lost in. "So first...there was...oh! The computer! I found a desktop computer in one room downstairs, I think that was the only room in the house with an outlet which was weird...I figure with an old house that hasn't been used in ages there would be none. After that room...there was..." He had to think for another moment. "Ah! There were a bunch of scratch marks near the end of one hallway, all over the wall and floor, and the floor there was in a big puddle, a lot wetter than anywhere else in house. And after that there was a room where all the dishes were floating. Pretty sure they don't usually do that. When I left and shut the door I heard them all fall, crash, and break."

He scratched his head, trying to think if there was anything else, although he was pretty sure of that being it, outside of the just creepy vibe of the house. There waa something wrong with it, and not just the monster here. There was something more...Sam just couldn't think of what it was. He looked to other two, hoping they'd have some idea or thoughts on the matter.
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by GamerXZ March 11th 2018, 10:27 pm

Siren folded her arms as she listened to what her companions had to say, being especially interested in what Sam had to say though, "A computer, you say? That IS strange...most haunted houses don't have that..." Siren looked between the creature and Sammy as she began pacing while stroking her chin, "This creature doesn't look like it was born this looks more like it was...made..."

She let out a sigh and went back over to it, "I...really hate having to do this but...something tells me we don't have a lot of time, so..." The alien grasped the creature's head and began focusing her telepathy, hoping to quell those negative emotions surging out of control. It took considerable psychic power, especially due to lack of practice with this ability, but eventually the beast seemed to calm down and no longer fought its restraints.

Siren sighed in relief, "Ok, it's calmed for the hard part..." She began to try and read the creature's emotional state...and almost immediately was hit with all sorts of negativity. Pain. Anger. Sorrow. Images flashed through, associated with the feelings, among them were flashes of what looked the ocean...a creature in a creature multiplying into more...the sounds of screaming...finally, it got to be too much and Siren was forced to break the link, stumbling backwards and falling to one knee, breathing heavily.

"I...I saw into its mind...that creature...I don't think it's the only one here...they came from...the ocean, I think..I...I need a moment..."
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by superguy1 March 11th 2018, 11:39 pm

Spade watched, cringing away occasionally at the obvious pain Siren was feeling. He had a look of surprise that wasn't visible through his mask, at the revelation that the creature was made and came from the ocean. Suddenly the sounds of crashing waves against the cliff face below sounded a lot less calming, and a great deal more sinister.

"Release a SpadeSpy, search the beach below and scan the water, relay signals back to me live." Spade spoke to his suit, which made a series of beeping noises in affirmation. One of his little drones popped out from the back of his suit, flew playfully around Siren and Samuel, then whizzed out of the room. The hologram disappeared, and Spade made his way over to Siren to check her vitals.

"How are you doing? Your heart rate is elevated, but you seem mostly okay." He said, putting a hand on her back, and kneeling to match her height.

After checking on her he rose. "Well, I'd hope not but it seems like we may be having to take this party under water...just in case I'm calling for one of my suits."
Spade mentally summoned his Spade Fin, which would arrive in 30 minutes.




Carl Gator:
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by Nate6595 March 12th 2018, 11:35 pm

Sam watched Siren work with a mix of fascination and worry. It was really cool what she was doing, and Sam had nothing even close to that kind of ability and he was always impressed with that kind of stuff. At the same time...he could see that she was in pain and this wasn't something that was easy for Siren. He didn't have any ability to comfort anyone either, all he had was his portals. What Siren was saying as well...that was a bit discouraging. If this thing really was from the ocean then Sam would be even more useless...and there might be sharks. Terrible terrible awful sharks.

"If they're from the ocean...what are they doing here? In a house? That's...well, it's close to the ocean, but if it's from the sea than wouldn't it die because it needs water to breath or something?" Sam thought hard on this. He knew turtles and frogs could breath in both water and air, but this looked more like a rat and he was pretty sure they couldn't breath underwater. Then again...Sam's knowledge was very limited, expect on sharks. "Maybe we should just...let it go and see what it does? It could lead us somewhere, maybe?"

He looked over at Spade and blinked. "Wait wait wait! How can you tell their heart rate? How are you doing that?" He looked back to Siren. "You sure they're alright? Siren, are you alright?" He looked toward the rat thing tilting his head. "And you said you calmed it right? Can I let it go? I can keep this up for a bit, but eventually it's gonna wear me out. So...whenever you think is a good time to let it go...please, let me be the first to know." He chuckled slightly, though to be honest the entire situation was a bit nerve wracking. He didn't dislike things he didn't understand, but there was really something about all of this that didn't sit well with him...
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by GamerXZ April 13th 2018, 10:30 pm

Siren took a few moments to catch her breath and managed to get to her feet, nodding in gratitude to Spade, "I'll be fine. I'm just not that use to using Telepathy and so it can be rather...strenuous, especially when the mind is full of negative emotions," She walked about the house, now examining it in a different light, "This is no ordinary haunted house...and I get the feeling we may've stumbled onto something much bigger..."

At Sammy's question, she turned her head to face the seemingly tamed creature, before giving a slow nod, "Yeah, you can...let it go now. I don't think it's going to try and harm us anymore. Besides, even if it does so, the three of us can overpower one of these guys easily...that being said.." She warily glanced back through the door the creature had come through.
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by superguy1 April 14th 2018, 6:09 pm

Spade looked on with concern, deep in thought. A series of beeps began to sound in his helmet, notifying him of a discovery by his SpadeSpy.

"Gimme the holographic live feed, please." he said, and the suit complied, beaming a live holographic feed from the SpadeSpy.

The footage showed that the SpadeSpy was exiting a window on the first floor of the house, and currently hovered over the ocean. The sensors were picking up large amounts of movement from various sources, but none of them seemed to correspond with any species of fish or sea animal he could think of. That wasn't it though...

"Run a full scan, there's something down there." he told the suit, which relayed his commands to the SpadeSpy, who replied with a cheery chirp and a click. The hologram began to shimmer and shift into a different view of the same area. They could see the heat signals, sound waves, and vitals of anything in the waters below, and they could all tell that something was not right.

"That'" Spade stuttered.

What the hologram was showing looked like a building full of...things roaming around inside. The sounds being relayed through the hologram were as confusing as the video itself. Different machine noises could be heard, as well as conversations in an unknown language. Before Spade could tell the SpadeSpy to return, something shot out of the water and struck it. The SpadeSpy let out an alarmed buzz and shook furiously, attempting to turn and make it's way back to him. It was barely a foot away from it's previous spot when the blur shot in front of it again, this time seemingly destroying it, ending the feed.

Spade opened his mouth to speak, then closed it after realizing he didn't know what to say. He shrugged, and looked to his two companions.

"Anyone wanna guess as to what that was?" he asked.




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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

Post by Nate6595 April 19th 2018, 12:44 am

Sam let out a relieved sigh as he got the okay to release the beast from his holdings. Holding things in his gate was exhausting, he wasn't ready to pass out, he still had plenty of energy, but he was feeling it starting to come on. He gave Siren a thumbs up and watched the beast fall to the ground. It seemed be...passed out? Or docile. It was breathing, but it wasn't doing anything luckily. He was relieved that he didn't have to kill it. It went completely against his moral code to kill things, and even though he had killed monsters and robots before, he didn't like to. It felt bad. It wasn't what a hero was supposed to do. A hero was supposed to save things, good or bad...or neutral?

He went to go say something to Siren, but stopped as Spade began going over the hologram or...whatever that was? Sam wasn't really sure. Something with cameras and technology, stuff way out of Sam's league. He watched nonetheless. It was interesting to say the least, he didn't get it, but it was interesting. And went black. He looked to Spade and blinked. "Hrmmm..." He quietly hummed to himself,  thinking. "Might've been mama or dada to whatever these things are, or maybe just some random thing from the ocean. It could be anything, it was actually probably a shark." He shuddered a bit. "God forbid, if sharks are involved I'm out. That's one thing I won't deal with. Have you seen those things? They're terrifying." He shook his head. He absolutely hated sharks. He had seen Jaws to early as a kid and it ruined him forever.

He looked over to Siren and waved to them. "What about you? Any ideas on what that was on Spayed's doohickey and what broke it? Any way you can use your power to tell what it was or find anything out from that creature about whatever that thing is?" He thought for a moment, looking around the room. "Maybe we should look around the house. I did come across that stuff downstairs. We could check that out, or we could just...I don't know...what ideas do you guys have? Any ideas or input or anything?" He smiled brightly at them, hoping they'd have something. Sam's original plan was to play this all by ear, but now he had teammates to help out.
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OPEN Re: The Beasts Below

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