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A Calm Day

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A Calm Day Empty A Calm Day

Post by OveristOfLords July 10th 2017, 5:20 pm

Oscar sat in the second bedroom of his humble little apartment (his second bedroom being what he called his workshop due to the fact he fell asleep in it so often). He was tinkering with things as he usually found himself doing, today his arm was the victim of his relentless attempts at self betterment. His robotic limb had taken a heavy few hits in his last fight and some of the wiring inside had been knocked loose, Oscar taking this opportunity to give himself a quick check up. He messed around with the wires and pulled out a small pair of clippers to rearrange a few tangled ones. Long story short they broke, it was clear he needed some new equipment.

He didn't have anything on so he decided he'd go on a much needed shopping break, he hadn't had a free day of him time for what seemed like months.

Not before long he got himself out of his pajamas (because he'd slept in the workshop and woke back up) and walked out the door, breathing a deep breath as he finished wrapping up his left arm and walking to the subway, jumping on the train to time square so that he could enjoy his day of shopping.

The train was compact, as it should be on such a nice day, and Oscar wasn't too comfortable, having a old man sitting next to him and squishing him to the side of the cart. Luckily his music left his journey shorter in his mind.

First on his list was some breakfast, he was hungry so he found his nearest café and ordered a coffee with a few pieces of toast, his diet always being quite light in the mornings.

"At least the coffee's nice." He chuckled as he drank from the mug, keeping his tone quiet.

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-06-25

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