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Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 3rd 2017, 12:56 am

Vincent stood there and tried to process all the information Adam had just told him. The thing in that giant test tube being super durable and the organization tried to splice it's DNA with some of their other experiments? Vincent could probably handle that, that wasn't that a huge deal. What really was worrying to him about this alien was the fact that it could regenerate from whatever he threw at it so quickly. Vincent is assuming that the best way to kill this thing is through total annihilation. His powers weren't suited for that. Part of him wanted to just leave and let someone else deal with it. He floated up an inch in the air before he realized that even if there was someone to go deal with it, by the time they arrived this thing probably could've destroyed most of Chicago. "So what's the plan then?" Vincent asked while he tried his best not to sound nervous. "Do I just try to beat this thing down until it's regeneration fails it? Because that's the only real way I can deal with this thing."


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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 3rd 2017, 1:54 am

Adam bit his lip behind the faceplate. This was so out of his wheelhouse. And not only that, but this guy was asking him to come up with a plan, looking at him to take the lead! His mind was in a whirl; he wished only to sit down and leave this to someone better suited to handling this, an actual hero. He was nothing more than some savant in a suit of armor living out a fantasy that he was something more...that he could make a difference... but he wasn't and he couldn't.

Just end it now. It'll be so much easier if it's all o--

No!'re the strongest person I know.

Adam shook his head. It didn't matter what he felt about himself or which of the voices were right. There were millions of innocent people in Chicago and only the two of them knew about this. It had to be them to put a stop to this, otherwise people could die...even Ariana.

"Ok, we don't know how strong it actually is. But the good news is that it's still in the experimental least according to the files...which also told me where they're doing these experiments at. If we hurry and get there, maybe we can stop them from actually activating it."

With an almost imperceptible whine, Adam's thrusters lifted him a foot off of the ground. "Now I know we don't know a lot about what exactly it can do...but let's theory, they do activate it. Do you think you keep it contained long enough for me to figure something out? We'll be right at the base and I know they'll have information on it...and I know there will be something I can use. I'd just need time."

We'll have to come back for the alien can't fall into the wrong hands as well.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 3rd 2017, 1:01 pm

"Keeping it contained? Yeah I'm pretty sure that I can hold this thing off long enough for you to figure out a plan that part seems easy enough." He wasn't actually one hundred percent sure that he could hold this thing off though. I mean sure Vincent was fairly certain that he was one of the strongest heroes on the planet, but what if this alien was the strongest thing on it's planet? He thought about bringing this point up to Adam before deciding against it. Instead he just chose to keep acting confident that he could hold this thing off. "I just wasn't sure if I could put it down permanently because of the regeneration. That was the part that had me worried, but if we can stop them from activating it then that makes dealing with this thing so much easier. Because then we'd essentially just be dealing with a really big vegetable right?"

Vincent hovered over to Adam and turned his back to him. "Hop on my back," he told him, "I know this seems kind of weird, but trust me. We'll get there so much faster this way." Getting there faster wasn't the only benefit to this. On top of that there was a chance that Vincent and Adam flew so fast that they might not be able to detect them along with arriving at the same time. Though Vincent didn't plan that far ahead. All he wanted to do was get there faster so that this whole ordeal could be over with.

"Oh yeah one more thing," Vincent said as he turned his head toward Adam. "I just figured this out while I was fighting those cyborgs outside, but I'm weak to sonic attacks and gases. So if you see anyone there that might use those, and I'm distracted or something could you take them out for me? I almost died a few minutes ago because I got hit from behind while I wasn't looking."

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 4th 2017, 4:50 am

Adam absentmindedly nodded at Charlie, but he was truly focused on how exactly he was going to stop this thing. Even if the organization did find a way to kill their experiment, which isn't guaranteed, he needed Ariana's help to hack into this warehouse. He couldn't hack into one of their main bases! But hopefully they would get there before the creature is finished. That would make things a whole lot easier.

The request to get onto Charlie's back left a bad taste in Adam's mouth. But he was probably right; as powerful as this guy has proven to be, he probably was faster than his armor. Plus, the possibility of coming in as one radar signature was intriguing...surprise motherfuckers.

Adam reluctantly got on Charlie's back. "I'll make sure I deactivate any sonic weapons or poison gas dispensers before they use them on you. Now let's hurry. These guys are smart...they'll know we're coming and what we're coming for."

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Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 4th 2017, 1:55 pm

"Hold on and give me directions as I fly." And with that he rocketed off towards their main base.

From Adam's perspective it would seems as though Vincent instantly accelerated to Mach 10 and just shot right through the roof of the warehouse. He could potentially feel discomfort from the speeds they were going at or maybe the armor protected him?

As they flew through the sky Vincent was thinking to himself. He felt somewhat bad about giving Adam a fake name. The guy seemed to be nice enough. And it seemed like he trusted Vincent. Would Adam trust him less if he found out that Vincent had lied to him? Probably, but he pushed that thought out of his mind for now. That was a problem for somewhat distant future Vincent. Present Vincent and near future Vincent had other problems to worry about. For example this base that they were going to raid somewhat soon, and the alien that they just left behind in Chicago.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 4th 2017, 7:17 pm

Even with the protection his suit offered him, accelerating to what felt like Mach 10 in an instant still dragged at his organs. He may be physically protected from wind resistance, but his suit was unable to do enough to prevent him from feeling the g forces of such a massive jump in speed. But Adam willed himself to maintain his composure enough to bark the directions to the base in Charlie's ear over the roaring wind.

He thought back to the alien that they were leaving in the warehouse. Leaving something like that out in the open was definitely ill-advised. But was it more ill-advised to give these guys more time to activate their science fair project? Nobody informed him that these are the kinds of decisions you have to make when you choose this kind of life. But he locked the door of the warehouse so if anybody found it, it'd likely be this organization and, if that's the case, they'll store it for later use and Adam would track them down again and get it back. The threat of this experiment was imminent and could lead to a lot of people dying today. Hopefully he was right.

Adam directed Charlie to the edge of the city limits. A factory perched on a steep hill overlooked the lone path leading up to it, a curving concrete overpass. The exterior did a sufficient job at averting attention; nobody wanted to look too hard at some ugly factory. The slate grey exterior would bore most souls while the billowing black smoke reminded others of the uncomfortable result of human advancement. Adam knew this was all a facade...what he didn't know was how this facade was protected.

"Hold up!" Adam shouted so that he could be heard. "This is it, but let me use my power to try and figure out what's protecting this place."

With that, Adam shut his eyes and reached out with his technopathy to figure out what they were up against.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 6th 2017, 1:33 pm

Vincent stood there in the sky while waiting for Adam to finish up scanning the facility. It was probably a really bad idea to just rush in there head first without knowing anything. Hell there was probably some stuff in there that even Vincent would struggle to deal with. Not wanting to just sit there in awkward silence he attempted to talk to Adam.

"So uh... how detailed is the information you'll be able to get about this place?" He asked him.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 10th 2017, 4:32 am

Adam's consciousness was probing his technopathic channels thoroughly when Charlie's question broke his concentration. It didn't matter, he had pretty much gotten what he needed.

"I have technopathy, meaning I can access and control electrical technology. I can't do it to most of this stuff just yet because they're encrypted, but I can still tell that they're there. So this his helping me see the defenses and security measures they have against us and there's a lot." Adam opened his eyes to allow his mind a second to relax. Parsing through the technology at a base designed to produce technology wasn't easy on his mind.

"They have motion sensors and cameras crossing every inch of this place. There are also 10 defensive turrets possessing multiple ammo types hidden in strategic locations within the walls, a great deal of cyborgs patrolling the facility, and a lockdown mode that's meant to seal it off from attack, both conventional and superhuman."

Adam let go of Charlie's back and let his thrusters transition him into a hover just behind the superhuman. "I'm thinking that I fly around the base and gather their attention. If they see me first, they're less likely to just activate the lockdown mode. Then when the defenses are focused on me, you take them all out as fast as you can and make sure the base doesn't get locked down."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 11th 2017, 12:14 am

"If the base locks down you think I'll be able to break through their defenses?" He starts flying down to hide from them. "Er... doesn't really matter either way I guess."

As Vincent separated from Adam to avoid detection he couldn't help but feel kind of nervous. Sure Adam did say that he would help protect him from any cyborgs that he might've missed, but according to him there were "a great deal of cyborgs patrolling the facility". One of them could potentially fuck up.

"Don't think like that." he thought to himself as he flew a little further away. "it's a bad idea to go into something like this when you're paranoid."

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 16th 2017, 2:29 pm

Adam hoped that Charlie could just muscle his way through all of their problems, but he knew these guys; their back-ups have back-ups and they're ready for any power set. And with that in mind, Adam was ready to dangle himself in front of them like a worm on a hook. But as fast as Charlie was, he shouldn't have to avoid fire for too long...unless more people had sonic or poison weapons; that would complicate matters.

With a nod for luck, Adam turned and surged towards the base, thrusters flaring white on either side of him. Both of them had to execute this very carefully in order for this plan to work. If Adam didn't play his cards right, they might lock down the base and if Charlie didn't hurry and destroy the defenses, he could be shot out of the sky. He'd survive, but if he was going to be fighting some alien hybrid, then he'd much rather his armor not have been blown out of the sky by some experimental missile.

The base grew larger with every second, but before it even filled half of Adam's visor, it began to undergo its transformation. At least 16 .50 caliber machine guns painted to look like concrete twisted to take aim at the target, 4 panels on the corners of the base slid back to allow massive cannons fit for a U.S naval vessel to extend from the maw, and two missile launchers rotated upwards out of the roof.

Aw man, that's bad.

Adam turned and then rocketed around the base's perimeter, approaching the speed of sound as the base beside him unloaded with a tremendous yet varying report and a light show to match. The thunderous cannons belched out massive slugs that were easy enough to keep track of while a swarm of .50 caliber bullets trailed him like angry hornets. The missile launchers hadn't taken a shot yet and Adam hoped he was going fast enough that they never would. He planned to circle the perimeter in a predictable enough manner that Charlie would be able to take advantage of the moments that the guns were trained on Adam in order to destroy their defenses. He trusted Charlie, he'd seen his power, but he only hoped they were far enough from the city to prevent any civillian casualties. They should be if these weapons followed traditional weapon specs, but with this organizations' ingenuity, these weapons could easily be beefed up versions of their military counterparts.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 17th 2017, 10:08 pm

As soon as Vincent heard the machine guns going off he sprung into action. He didn't get many instructions from Adam besides "destroying their defenses" so he decided to go for the big weapons first, and slowly work his way down. Vincent flew towards the roof of the facility attempting to take out the huge cannons. While making his way towards the roof several of the machine guns began to fire at him. "Seriously?" He thought. Sure the machine guns might harmlessly bounce off of his skin, but Vincent's clothes were still just regular-ass clothes. As the bullets approached him Vincent grabbed them straight out of the air and threw them right back at the guns.

He wasn't sure if throwing back the bullets actually did noticeable damage to the guns, but that was a problem for future Vincent. Current Vincent landed on top of the roof right next to the cannon. Disabling the cannon wasn't all that hard. He simply dug his hands into the metal and ripped it straight out of the roof. Now the only question is what he should do with it now. He briefly contemplated this before turning and realizing that there was a second cannon. "Oh yeah... that thing still exists." With a casual toss Vincent sent it flying towards the other cannon, and to the surprise of literally no one it disabled the second cannon.

Now that the cannons were dealt with Vincent would have to deal with the machine guns trying to shoot Adam out of the sky. Seemed simple enough to him. Even though the guns were supposed to be hidden in concrete he could still just fly through the concrete.

He ran off the roof and dove into the nearby concrete face first. Once he was close enough Vincent began to dig through the concrete taking out the machine guns as quickly as he possibly could.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror July 21st 2017, 1:03 pm

The scene below him was pure carnage. Charlie, true to form, ripped through the base's defenses like he was ruining his younger sister's barbie playhouse. He wielded the cannons themselves and  appeared to quite literally be swimming through the machine gun emplacements. But Adam wasn't questioning his methods; they were effective and did just enough to allow him to swoop in. Adam smirked and dove toward the main entrance as the first of several cyborgs emerged from that same door. He cut his primary thrusters and allowed his guidance thrusters to coast him to his landing spot: the unfortunate cyborg leading the pack.

Adam felt the cyborg's body crumple in his arms as he slammed into it. A second cyborg cartwheeled off to his right as his extended wing nearly cut it in half. He quickly found his feet and turned to eliminate the rest of the cyborgs; at least 6 more were recovering from the surprise attack and preparing to launch a counter attack. Crouching, Adam raised his fists and twin white blasts of energy lanced into the chests of the two lead cyborgs, sending them twisting into their comrades. Either the sharp cracks of his pulse bolts or the dismay at seeing half of their allies felled caused the remaining four to hesitate; that was all Adam needed.

Slate grey whips coiled out of his forearms. Adam's smirk had turned into a full blown smile by now. Was he actually starting to enjoy the thrill of battle? He reared his arm back as electricity began arcing down the whip and slammed it down onto the head of one of the cyborgs, knocking it on its back. Sparks streamed from its joints as it struggled to get up. But it did manage to mutter one inaudible word.

An alarm blared from somewhere Adam couldn't see and behemoth metal metal doors over the walls of the base, beginning the lockdown process.

"Charlie!" he yelled as loud as the external speakers on his suit would allow him. "Hold the doors up, I'll keep the cyborgs off of you!"

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest July 30th 2017, 3:22 pm

Vincent wasn't really paying attention as he literally swam through the concrete to take out the machine guns. It was boring repetitive work that was occasionally broken up by the sound of Adam destroying a cyborg. Vincent didn't pay much attention to whatever Adam was doing until he heard the alarms blare. "That can't be a good sign." He thought to himself.

These thoughts were confirmed when he heard Adam scream at him to hold up the door. At first he didn't want to. I mean after all there were still machine guns left and he was pretty sure that he could just break the door open. "Actually... on second thought maybe it would be a good idea to listen to Adam." He was smarter than Vincent and probably had a better idea of what kind of attacks the base could take than Vincent did. So even though he really wanted to finish destroying the machine guns Vincent flew towards the door to hold it up.

As he flew towards the door a cyborg attempted to slow him down. Vincent didn't even bother to fight it. He just flew right through it and kept making his way towards the door. Less than a second after Vincent had arrived at the large metal door that he was supposed to hold up. To be perfectly honest he had no idea what he was supposed to do here. Like are you supposed to hold up your arms and just hope that the thing doesn't crush you? Are you supposed to get in a squat position and use your legs for this sort of thing? Not knowing what to do Vincent held his arms straight up and waited for the door.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror August 3rd 2017, 11:59 am

A tremendous groaning joined the symphony of sound the base was emitting. The base's gate struggled to extend past Charlie's outstretched hands, but his incredible strength seemed to be keeping the slab if metal from descending any further.

Adam dispatched the last cyborg and dashed towards his comrade while his wings folded inward behind him. Once inside, all he had to do was shut down the research on the experiment and keep them from awakening it. He ducked into the base and upon inspecting the monitor-lined hallway before him, realization struck him like George Foreman. He had been in such a hurry to get here and stop this that he forgot he couldn't crack the encryption in this base.  


I am a dumbass.

A gallon of ice tumbled into his stomach, numbing all sensation around his body and anchoring him to the spot. He was going to let everyone down. Again.  People could die...Ariana could die.

You know, the last time you thought that, you found the strength to defeat your enemy and save your sister. I wonder what amazing things you'll do this time.

Adam gasped, the encouraging voice returning him suddenly to reality from the void of his mind.

Ok. I just have to figure something else out. Maybe if I get in front of an actual computer, I can figure out how to work it. It's just technology and I'm all about technology.

All the intense soul searching and critical thinking blinded Adam's senses to the world around him, namely the fact that it was now impossibly quiet. The blaring alarms had fallen silent; the metal door was no longer groaning in its struggle against Charlie; the cries of people skittering around the base were all but gone. This was different from library quiet; this was the quiet that preceded something powerful and disastrous.

Adam heard the thunderous crash beside him before he saw the chunks of the wall spiral in front of his face; but blossoming dust from the explosion of concrete obscured the shadowy figure that  caused such an event. On instinct, Adam threw himself backwards toward Charlie as a clawed, brown hand swiped at the air where he used to be. He rolled to his feet to face his attacker.

The 9 foot figure emerged from the veil of dust, snarling with a canine snout and walking bipedal on 2 clawed feet while its other 2 limbs hung by its side, nearly dragging on the ground, but still rippling  with muscle. In lieu of the fur one would typically associate with a werewolf-like entity such as this, there was only taut brown skin stretched over impossibly large muscles. Its yellow eyes were crazed, but determined as if it was programmed to do exactly what it's doing now.

Oh shit.

The experiment crouched on all fours and, with speed impossible for something its size, leaped for Adam. He didn't have time to do anything but fall to the floor as the mass of muscle soared over him.

"Charlie, look out! That's the experiment! They let it out." He wasn't sure if Charlie was watching, but he had to warn him regardless.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by Guest August 4th 2017, 8:21 pm

When the metal door finally attempted to crush him all Vincent had to do was stand there with his arms up and not move. "Yay! I'm actually doing something important here!" He thought to himself completely unironically. When Adam had cleared out the remaining cyborgs he ran into the base to look for a computer.

After a while everything went quiet. He didn't hear the alarms blaring, he didn't hear any fighting going on, he didn't hear the metal struggling to get past his hands. Unfortunately the quiet wouldn't last very long. Vincent heard a huge crash from inside the base. "Oh fuck that's not good." Vincent knew for a fact that he didn't have enhanced senses. So when he could hear crashing from inside the base he knew something was going down.

He wasn't sure if the base door would stay in place without him holding it up, so he just stood there and waited for Adam to say something. After some time Adam got close enough to Vincent to let him know that the group had let the experiment loose. The moment Vincent heard that he turned around and attempted to blitz the werewolf thing. Once he was in melee range Vincent let out a barrage of full force punches. After what seemed like hundreds of punches the creature simply grabbed Vincent by the head, threw him towards the ground, and hit him right in the stomach with his knee as he approached the ground.

When the knee made contact with Vincent he shot straight through the roof and into the air. Although he possessed the ability to fly he was too focused on how much that knee hurt to remember that fact. And so he went straight up until Adam couldn't even make him out as a blip in the sky.

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OPEN Re: Trying to figure out how this hero stuff works

Post by ShroudedKonqueror August 17th 2017, 7:44 pm

Adam watched the frothing mass of brown pass over him and make a beeline for the open door.

Shit, Charlie!

Adam clambered to his feet and ran towards the door, hoping against hope that Charlie was able to knock some humility into the abomination. However, the opposite was true and Adam arrived in time to see Charlie rocketing into the sky from a devastating knee. Adam backed away, slowly extending his wings. They may take up a lot of space in the enclosed hallways of the base, but he was going to need the mobility. The beast stared up at the sky, impatiently awaiting Charlie's return to earth. Its ears twitched before they both perked up and the experiment grew still.

In one movement smoother than gliding water, the experiment turned around and bounded towards Adam, its snarls filling the hallway even moreso than its massive body.


Adam activated the thrusters on his wings and took off, just barely escaping the creature's initial surge towards him and flying deeper into the facility. He needed to dial in on his speed, 60 mph; he needed to escape this monstrosity, but if he went too fast, he would faceplant into a wall or console or something. The only problem: this motherfucker was fast.

A glance behind him revealed that the experiment was keeping pace with Adam and was nearly in range to grab his leg. He couldn't keep this up, he needed to get out into the open. But he couldn't tell exactly what this freak could do. Was it more agile than his thrusters? Could it snatch him out of the air if he were to accelerate full speed? It would really help if Charlie were here. Two heads are better than one.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 66
Age : 29
Registration date : 2017-06-10

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