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The Homeless and Spark

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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

Post by Dustin Waugh April 1st 2017, 10:02 am

Well there time together was just beginning and thanks to his answer they would probably be busy the whole day now. It was time to leave since he was sort of rushing the kick crime in the face thing, but he could apologize later in advance. Plus this guy may turn out to be a friend in the coming future. He set the money on the table and stood up. As everything was finished he proceeded to walk out the cafe and Yuri followed behind him exiting. Which way was the warehouses. He was unfamiliar with the city, but he would go with instinct.

Like those buildings look like crap the father you walk down that way. Good point to start there since it is typical abandon buildings are unkempt and people loved to hide in them. Strange since it was cold and it would be easy to be next to a heater right about now, but crime like they say is always at hand.

It took a little while, but they finally made it to the darker part of the city and he was not talking about diversity or race. For some strange reason this side of town was literally blacked out. It seemed like a cloud just wanted to cast a dark shadow over this forgotten place. It was gloomy and the streets were disgusting, but this seemed like the best place. Old buildings and rundown motels.

Now that they were down there they also seemed to be getting some attention. People were emerging from allies giving them a look over. But they were just kids why would grown men have to fear them? Keep your guard up, they might try something. They look dumb enough to.

Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

Post by Champion April 3rd 2017, 4:46 pm

As they ventured further into the city, something about t began to grow gloomier into a way that he did not really understand. Something about it made him feel uncomfortable, though that might have just been him being used to something a little more brightly lit. Even a few of the buildings looked like they were going to collapse any second, making him feel even more off. A few people emerged from seemingly nowhere, looking them over with these odd glances that he could not actually read. ”I wouldn’t say that.” He whispered, thinking about the fact that openly insulting people might not get them anything other than pissed off people.

Still, a part of him kept on edge in case they decided to suddenly want to rob them. Hopefully the idea of two helpless looking teenagers wandering into a neighborhood where crime likely thrived. “Isn’t this place a little bit dangerous for a few kids.” One of the less than savory kinds noted, leaning against one of the dilapidated looking buildings. He pushed a cigarette into his mouth, and lit it with a beaten lighter. Yuri gave the man a skeptical look, but said nothing as he turned to David with an arced brow as if asking him to do the talking.

“You one of those metahumans looking to clean up crime or whatever?” It was then that Yuri swore he smelled vodka on the guy.
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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

Post by Dustin Waugh April 5th 2017, 10:11 pm

David looked over at the guy composed in an alcoholic state. He had tattered clothing and a couple singe marks like he was playing with fire. Going off by his attitude he loved arson and was also an addict to the gas he used to start it with. But his clothing spoke otherwise as David with his vast intellect looked over the stranger and came to the conclusion this guy could manipulate fire, but he had no immediate control. Like he was not given the ability at birth. For the man's age he would already be at a potential to not burn himself. It only showed his weakness that he was not trained and he was human.

David shy'ed away from the question with a low no. He did not want to start trouble, but this guy would get up and wonder and stumble closer to them. "Must keep Yuri safe!" i was his only thought since he asked him to come along. "I'm going to need everything you boys posses and then scram. Unless you want to go home with burnt faces." The man was a dick, but he held up a hand reaching for Yuri and soon his hand engulfed in flames. David reacted quick dumping a bathtub of water over the guys head and hand.

It was going to be a day where violence would be a key resort. Soon others around became apparent to his ability and decided to step in. 2 with guns, 3 with random sharp objects, and two more with earth and metal manipulation. At the corner of his eye David seen one pop a pill and soon the guys gun infused with his arm and became a canon. David questioned it but would have to react first. Dropping to the ground he placed his hand on the side walk and used his altering ability to drop the muggers in a jello paste. It hardened to the point where the people were stuck, but not for long as they would escape in seconds and continue attacking.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

Post by Champion April 14th 2017, 5:53 pm

As soon as the drunk guy spoke, someone else moved onto the scene with less than kind intentions. This came in the form of some guy demanding all their valuables, something that Yuri wasn’t even sure that he actually had. Unless of course once counted his shoddy cellphone, though that wasn’t something that would get much if sold off. As quickly as he demanded their valuables, this guy showed that he was a metahuman and set his hand alight with fire. “Ah shit, not this again.” The one that smelled of booze groaned, seemingly to scoot away from whatever it was that was happened.

That was when a bathtub appeared, dumping itself on the pyrokinetic and putting out the flame that he had formed. A few more came out of nowhere, most of them brandishing weapons though a few of them showing metahuman powers. That was of course followed by someone popping a pill, something that normally did not cause a person’s arms to turn into cannons. He would have questioned that, but he was more bothered by the fact that he could likely shoot them to death with that cannon arm.

There was also jello paste somewhere else, but that likely would not hold them for long. Takin advantage of things, he formed a few fists of what looked to be ice and sent the constructs outwards. They proved to easily enough smash two of the armed thugs in the face, knocking them on the ground with a loud thud.
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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

Post by Dustin Waugh April 22nd 2017, 3:46 pm

It seems like the other guy was taking action as well. It was time to hurry and solve the situation and get on their way but David had no understanding just how powerful the meta humans were and if they would at all be a dangerous threat. The one started hovering in mid air and he figured he was the metal manipulator since the bottom of his shoes were coated in metal. The guy spun in the air causing David's attention to be on the guy, but the guy was trying to hit them with a light pole. It was still in eyes view and David turned to his side cutting the pole in to places. The sides veered off path and he manipulated the middle piece.

It stopped in mid air then was sent flying at the man with the canon. It whistled in the air then all you could hear was a loud explosion. He was a good shot and he blew it out of his way shrapnel flying and scattering across the ground. The guy grinned then laughed and seemed to want to fight more. He turned towards David's friend and the cannon set up and was getting ready to fire.

David instantly appeared behind the guy and using telekinesis he punched the man in the back of the head laying him out flat across the ground. The portal he used closed up in both the locations it was used at. He was not going to stand if Yuri got hurt in a fight that was not truly his own.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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INV ONLY Re: The Homeless and Spark

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