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Clubbing like a mad man

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 17th 2017, 5:04 pm

Meanwhile, while they were busy busting down the wall, Boegy was having the feast of his life! So many scared people, and all staring at him! He picked people up as they believed that they were being eaten while in reality, he was just staring into their eyes. After four unlucky, but well deserved punks have had their fear devoured, in rushes in the Banana Pudding combo. Luckily, most of the people have fled.

Boegy turns to the shouting of Danny turning back to normal as he chuckles. "Well well well, I'm glad you decided to show up, but sadly, the rest of the party left...but thats ok! I'm still here, so get ready to par-ty!" He shouts as he starts doing the disco looking at the two before he sighs while he continues to dance...horribly "Well come on! We got to bring the party back somehow, so lets dance." he says as he starts to do the worm, face planting in the process.


Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 17th 2017, 11:16 pm

Most likely Danny would miss her first shot, followed by her second, and then whomever she was firing at would eat her. This course of action proved unsavory to Danny, who would much rather spend her time fighting crime. "Suzy. Hands up, I gotta present." A massive turquoise hammer materialized in Tsukimi's hands at the will of Danny's summoning. "Stop! Hammer Time!"

"Why should I stop? Are you? Just be quiet-" And with her mighty hammer, Tsukimi swung out to try and bring justice to the face of the evil of Boegy. "You will stop what you are doing and return to whatever form is-" Tsukimi over swung the creature as it dove to the ground. Even though its primary means served as a dance, it also doubled as a means of dodging the first swing from Tsukimi's hammer.

"What are you doing? Hit him!" Danny grew impatient with Tsukimi's first swing. A crossbow formed on Danny's arm, needing to grab material from somewere else.

Tsukimi's second swing failed to materialize. Tsukimi swung, but the hammer in her hands disappeared, leaving Tsukimi flinging herself towards Boegy without a weapon. "Danny!"

"I got this." A blast shot out from Danny's wrist, hoping to connect with Boegy in a meaningful and damaging way. "Now, get out of here and give us back that weird guy."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 18th 2017, 11:05 pm

Boegy man laughs as he does the dance poorly as he watches the hammer swing over head "Well, I now know, that my dancing is so good, that not even a banana can make me split!" he says as he laughs again before saying "Well pudding, banana can't hit me because Bananas, clearly, has no eyeballs" he giggles again and then makes a shocked sound as Tsukimi's hammer disappears.

He giggles as he goes to grab Tsukimi and drag her in front of him as a hostage, pulling out a desert eagle if he succeeds in his en devour. Wincing as he takes a bolt to the shin, hoping to hold her as a hostage. Laughter ringing thru the air.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 18th 2017, 11:42 pm

The blast from Danny's wrist crossbow blew out a section of the wall behind Boegy, but left the creep free to move about the dance floor. He started hurling insults in the food based category as he led he accustomed Danny to assume, but the true danger came when his dance turned into a grab towards Tsukimi's arm. Well, the grab looked like something Tsukimi would use to simply throw Boegy over her shoulder with, but the gun to her head stopped both girls in their tracks.

What Danny wanted to do involved shooting Boegy. Her aim went up, but it did not stay steady. If she could hit Boegy- game over. If she did not, no more Tsukimi. "Woah, woah, woah!" Danny waved her hands as Boegy moved to take Tsukimi hostage. "Woah. Let's calm down." The construct from Danny's wrist dissipated, but Danny knew her constructs were more real than Boegy's weapons. However, a Desert Eagle was not built out of moon rocks, so a reasonable assessment could say he bought one.

Unlikely, but Danny still did not have the greatest grasp on her situation at the time. "I'm pretty sure the gun isn't real." Danny put a finger up to try and stop the hostage situation, but with the situation in a state of uncertainty, Danny wanted to be a little more safe. "But, let's say we don't want to call a bluff. What happens?"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 18th 2017, 11:57 pm

Boegy smiled, though on the inside, he was wiping his brow, it seems guns are still to real in mortal minds. "Well Pudding, I want you to arrest the punks and the bouncers that were in the club, second I was never here, third I want you to buy a shirt that says "I'm pudding." he says in all seriousness.

He frowns saying "Errr, the punks and the bouncers may be hard to find, but I bet you can find them! If not, and I ever find out, I'll find you and make you watch your worst fear over and over again for hours." his eyes gleam a predatory purple as he says this before he chuckles and says "Do you agree Pudding?". The gun never leaving Tsukimi's head.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 19th 2017, 12:21 am

"First of all, I can't just walk around arresting people for being mean to you. They weren't even mean to you; they were mean to the other guy, and you are probably destroying that guy's reputation." Danny kept her distance from Tsukimi and Boegy, not wanting to give him any reason to strike. "Second of all, I know you were her. I'm always going to remember you being here. It's not like how much you suck just goes away, and third of all, I will not buy a Pudding T-shirt."

Tsukimi kept her hands on Boegy's arms. If she could find a soft spot or the gun could move outside of her head's range, she could break free, but she wanted to let Danny go on with the negotiations. However, saying 'no' to everything typically did not work in the favor of the negotiator, so Tsukimi might be in some trouble.

"Why don't you just leave?" Danny flailed her arms to the side of her body. "We won't arrest you or take you to jail, and we won't tell anyone about what happened here- especially what happened to that wall, so just head out of town." While Danny tried her counterargument, she still harbored no ideas of letting Boegy escape.

In actuality a plan popped into her head to save both of them from their current debacle and take Boegy down.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 19th 2017, 1:02 am

Bogey, stayed silent to the proposal before he giggled and said "Oh Pudding, I'm not trying to ruin his rep, I'm just trying to obey his wishes to the letter, I, also don't suck, I rock thank you very much. And yes, you will do this AND buy a pudding T-shirt or I'll eat your friend. There, that is my final offer, if you don't do what I want, I'll eat the know, how about you wear a pudding shirt." suddenly, Danny would be wearing a plain white T-shirt that says "I'm pudding and best friends with Banana! OMG". Boegy would invest some effort to make it real, about 30 seconds or so before it goes back to being a normal illusion.

While this happens, Tsukimi would feel something crawling down her shirt, multiple things actually. Of course these are all illusions to make her feel fear. Boegy would look down at her, gun cocking before looking back at Danny "Oh, by the way, I can't just leave, not without completing the grocery list of task Pudding."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 19th 2017, 7:27 am

"Danny the bounty hunter just doesn't sound right. And, I don't want to do it." The last of Danny's words would trail off as her shirt suddenly turned to a shirt showing the words 'Pudding'. "So, how about I follow through with forgetting you were here, and we call a sixty six percent a passing grade."

"Probably not going to-" An odd feeling began to cause Tsukimi to squirm around, removing her hand from Boegy's arm. While she could not fully scratch the itch while Boegy remained in control of her posture, she did manage to ease a little tension with how she had been standing. "What the-"

"Don't worry. It's probably not real. Just like this shirt is-" Danny pulled down on the edges of the shirt, taking tension with it. "For a made up threat, it's actually pretty good cotton. Suzy, weren't you in the process of arresting people here anyways?"

"Yes. And we should still arrest those people, however-" Tsukimi nodded her head towards the man holding her. "You know."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 19th 2017, 4:00 pm

Bogey nods "Excellent! If thats the case, I'll let go of Banana here, but I must ask, you sure you don't want a pudding shirt?" he says pleadingly.

While he speaks, he actually creates an illusion of himself, on top of himself. He then steps back, and making himself look like a guy covered in poop. When he steps back a loud farting sound is heard as the real Bogey (who looks like a crap covered normal person) gets up franticly, screaming and running for the door. The illusion Boegy would gasp and then sigh in pleasure before saying "Man, I'm so glad that guy was out of there, who knew what problems people could give to a poor stomach.".

The real Boegy would smile on the inside, hoping the ruse would work.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 19th 2017, 4:45 pm

Tsukimi hopped out of Boegy's grasp, moving to evade any attempts at a recapture. Once she slipped loose, a creation of a new form slipped out of Boegy, completely unbeknownst to Tsukimi with her back being turned and to Danny because everything looked like it was two people to her. A terrible smell began to fill the area, causing Tsukimi to turn quickly and hold her nose. "What did he do to that guy?"

"Arrested!" A pair of turquoise shackles would appear over the illusion Boegy, filling both girls with a sense of relief. Perhaps too much relief- or just the right amount.

Tsukimi marveled as the man threatening them disappeared so suddenly. "You didn't shackle anyone. There's no one-"

"The other guy!" Danny turned so suddenly she planted herself on the ground. With just enough of an angle to plant a pair of shackles on the real Boegy's ankles. "I told you illusions were real!"

"Illusions can't be real. They are illusions. Now let's tie this guy up." Tsukimi headed off behind the bar to try and find a roll of duct tape to serve as astand in for handcuffs, not trusting Danny's light construction, but still acknowledging it as very useful.

"Oh my god." Danny started laughing. "The shit just got real! It did!"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

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