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Clubbing like a mad man

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INV ONLY Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 1st 2017, 10:03 pm

Music pounded throughout the club as Rory sipped some water, to young to drink life's sweet calming agent, alcohol. The only reason he came was that he got some free tickets (neat oh!) and that he needed a break, couldn't stand to get emotional with Boegy's latest attempts to please/ run his life. He was at the bar, the bar was your average club bar, bean bag chairs were around with tables, circling the dance floor.

The DJ up on a raised platform with his fancy lights and speakers, blasting the catchy dub step mix. Near the bar, was a door that lead to a hall, to the employee room and bathrooms, bathrooms on the right, male and female having their own sections. The front of the club had the entrance to said club, located to the far top of the dance floor, and to the south-west of the bar. The vip room was up some stairs, containing some strip poles and more bean bag chairs, with of course, better food, service, and chicks that dance for you in underwear.

The club was pretty packed tonight, a bunch of rowdy types of well, Rory took another sip as his stomach growled, he winced, its been four days since he last ate. He has to hold on, Boegy shouldn't be the only one in control, he could also fend for himself...besides, another incident with who ever...that chick was, Danny right? Might come again, the last thing Rory needed was her to figure out the connection. He shuddered and took another sip, good thing he was taking a break.

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 1st 2017, 11:58 pm

Danny needed back up. Instead of taking on the investigation by herself, she enlisted the help of her partner and college roommate- Tsukimi Sanada. What Tsukimi lacked in her ability to navigate western social gatherings, she more than made up with her sense of justice and ability to stop caring about whether or not she was being intrusive. "Suzy-" Wearing a black turtle neck with a red skirt, Danny tapped her partner on the shoulder as Tsukimi was looking through a phone. "Put that phone back where you found it. Someone is going to miss it."

Tsukimi tossed the phone across the bar, hitting the 'lost and found' and letting it slide down next to two other phones. "I am close to finding something important. Neither of those were important." Wearing a green shirt with a pair of jeans, Tsukimi leaned back to try and find anyone looking suspicious. "I'm going to check the backroom. I have a feeling they don't want people back there."

"Suzy, they don't." Danny failed to grab Tsukimi's arm as she walked away. "Suzy, don't go- Suzy. Stop! Bad!" As her pitch grew, her voice lowered to a whisper. Feeling her partner could compromise everything about the situation, Danny decided she needed to locate a place where she could try to investigate on her own.

While she thought about whether or not the bartender would buy her story that a turquoise construct ID totally counted, Danny passed by another soul trying to fit in without alcohol. He looked familiar, but the sway of the club kept her attention to the vibrantly colored room and her ears drowned in the throbbing sounds of a rabid DJ.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 2nd 2017, 12:59 am

Rory eventually turned around as he sipped his water to watch the crowds, deciding to drop the Boegy issue and just have fun, he watched people pass by, like some girl in a red skirt, if she had blue eyes she would be cuter. He sighed as he smelled something pleasant and oh! What a good smell, like fresh steak, cooked medium rare. He turned his nose to the smell as he stood up, entranced by it until he saw what was causing it.

Some thug was bulling some kid and that kid, he sniffed, smelled so good, even tasty. Black spots begin to form in his eyes. He quickly put a hand up to his forehead, calming his emotions. Don't want a rampaging Boegy now do we? But what was Rory to do about it? He was just some kid...hey, maybe he could, perhaps step in, talk him out of it, heck, he could even get a little bit of grub, of course, not doing that strange feeding thing Boegy does, but just being near the poor sap should help. He puffed up his chest and started to walk over to the thug and his victim, its a good thing the bathrooms are near to, now, if he gets beaten up, he can quickly refresh and get out.

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 2nd 2017, 4:10 am

The music changed from one song to the next, all the while keeping the same beat. Again and again. While it kept the mood monotonous, the monotone happened to have some life to it, giving Danny some time for a quick dance. Hell, while she was at it, a drink would not kill her. She just needed to get someone willing to buy it for her and then hope no one Id'd her after she got it. For some reason, she could not help but feel overcome with joy.

It did not last on the other side of the club. While some larger man began to exert his zone of control over a smaller man, well maybe not even a man. The lines of his face seemed softer and less worn by time. At least three misdemeanors and maybe a felony began to swirl in the situation before Tsukimi ever made her way out of the back room.

Once the ruckus began, Tsukimi would be quick enough to make sure no punches made contact with the boy or with Rory if need be. And if the punch did make its way towards either, Tsukimi would grab the man's forearm, altering the direction of the punch as to make sure the large man missed. Then, she would step her way in front of the man, leverage her shoulder under his gut and then flip him to the ground, twisting his arm into a more submissive position.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 4th 2017, 11:50 pm

Rory would tap the thug on his shoulder "Excuse me sir, but it seems that guy has had enough." he would say. The thug would look over his shoulder and go swing at him "None of your business a-hole." Rory would duck...but luckily, he missed? Some lady came out of nowhere just moved this guy! The man would grunt and then yell as he's tossed onto the ground, Rory, being a smart person moves away and head toward the poor sap being bullied and pointing toward the door "Come on kid, exits this way.".

The kid would just nod as Rory grabbed him and started to lead him to the door, feeling giddy that he's the one in charge instead of Boegy...that was before the bouncers stepped forward and tackled him yelling "He's that thug thats been dragging people outside and beating them up, Get him!"

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Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 9th 2017, 12:50 am

Tsukimi took her toll on the man. And that toll paid for a full ride on the pain train. "Next time pick on someone your own size." With her grip around the man's arm more giving the bruiser a bruising of his own, Tsukimi let go. It took less than a second for another debacle to pull her attention. "Thugs? I just beat one up. How bad is Chicago?"

Feeling much more loose, Danny stumbled back to the front of the club, bumping into Tsukimi. "Hey Suze, how's it going? Hey, we should really think about-"

"The smell of poor mistakes on your breath is drowning out the smell of bad decisions." Tsukimi felt Danny invade her personal space, slumping on her shoulder. "I am currently in the process of taking this man's wallet to see if he is the suspect, however, a thug in the alley is robbing someone, so I need to-"

"Oh my god, Suzy, you talk so much and your mouth looks like an 'equal' sign." While trying to keep eye contact, Danny lost balance and fell forward into the wall, using some cheerleading lower leg strength to keep herself from collapsing to the floor. Danny watched as Tsukimi turned to walk away. It took her a solid five seconds to push her head with enough force to keep her off of the wall.

"What is the commotion out here?" Tsukimi stepped into the alley, trying to locate the men she barely got a glimpse of earlier while saving them. "Is everyone alright? If not, stop it now, or I will stop it."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 9th 2017, 3:59 pm

The alley was dirty, a trash bin near by was the only object besides for a few empty beer bottles and bean cans that were there. The guy Rory saved was already running away as Rory himself was picked up by the misunderstanding bouncers.

"Your in for a heap of trouble kid." said one of the bouncers as he punched Rory in the stomach. Rory coughed, pain flashing through his body, adrenaline started to pump. Black spots appeared before his eyes as he suppressed a giggle, the hunger and pain becoming to much.

"P-please stop, please, you'll let it out! I beg of you." Rory wailed as the bouncers laughed, happy to have the tables turned on their "punk". They both looked up as they heard Tsukimi's voice as one started to walk over, the other bouncer still holding Rory and gave him another punch.

The bouncer that approached Tsukimi stopped out of hands reach and smiled "No worries ma'am taking care of a trouble maker, you can go back to your fun, we got this under control." he then turned frowning as he heard a giggle coming from their punk. The bouncer that was holding Rory dropped him as he Rory went from giggling to laughter and started to hold his head before saying, madness dripping through his voice "Run, run while you still can! I can't keep him in any longer!"

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Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 13th 2017, 5:48 pm

Tsukimi did not like many things about this situation, but the finger in her face somehow drew more ire than being told to go back inside. Without much threat, Tsukimi took hold of the man's finger, looking to find the nerve in the finger connecting to his primary pain sensor. She applied just enough pressure to take the guy down to his knees, hoping it would show the rest of the men in the alley party time was over.

"Suzy! Where are you doing?" An inebriated Danny stumbled against the doorway, looking out at Tsukimi holding a man on the ground. "Oh, so we got a problem." A turquoise whip formed out of Danny's bracelet as she bobbled her head out of the doorway and into the alley.

Tsukimi released the man and turned to her friend. "Danny, you are not allowed to use that while you are currently in your state."

"What do you mean you can't keep him in?" Danny tried to crack her whip, but only succeeded in getting it caught over her shoulder. "Hey, what are you doing over there?"

"I told you to leave him alone!" Tsukimi pushed Danny back before going back to help Rory by removing the men, not knowing the danger in her blindspot.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 13th 2017, 6:01 pm

The bouncer went to his knee in pain as he winced tears in his eyes, very bouncer like. The bouncer just kept stepping back, fear quickly started to replace his confidence.

What was making said confidence go away was Rory. Rory, was getting taller as his clothes started to warp into strange ones, a hat forming out of no where was starting to appear on his head, its like his clothes and hat were hiding in mist, only to come out. A mask also started to do the same, Rory's eyes would turn purple as he looks at Tsukimi, a pleading desperate look on his face before he grins, obviously, he is gone as Boegy stands up and takes a breath of fresh air.

"Oh baby, its lunch time and daddies hungry." Boegy says as he laughs manically before walking toward the bouncer, seeming not to notice Tsukimi, like she's not even their.

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Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 14th 2017, 7:27 am

Danny felt her stomach turn, but it was not the alcohol. "Hey Suzy. Hey Suzy! HEY SUZY!"

"Quiet!" A quick turn of Tsukimi's head took her in direct eye contact with Danny, but she did not see the same intoxicated Danny as before. She still saw an inebriated Danny, but something in her eyes looked far more sober. Or, at least sobering. "What is-"

They both stared as the young man turned into something unnatural. "It's you!" Danny's normally steadfast finger swayed a bit as she pointed out the injustice of the creature in front of her. "You're the worm from before. Where is the guy who was just here? Are you actually him? But, like with a worm inside?"

"How much did you drink?" Tsukimi tried to keep track of the story with her eyes surveying the man, but none of Danny's accusations made sense. Still, for some reason, the oddity of this man and his current demeanor proved her more favorable in Tsukimi's eyes. "We would normally tell you to give up and stuff like that, but you won't listen, so we're going to beat you up until you listen."

"Let's give him the chance to give up first, Suzy." While Tsukimi felt rock solid about this fight, Danny in her current state felt fear begin to cloud her mind. Fighting this guy on her own worked well last time, but with her head a little tipsy, she did not know just how favorable it would be for her. Still, she needed to do most of the heavy lifting. "You wanna give up?"
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 14th 2017, 10:14 am

Boegy completely ignored them, hunger, over bearing him as he grabbed the bouncer that backed up by the shoulders, the bouncer was freaking out now as Boegy bent over and looked him in the eyes, the bouncer froze mid scream before turning rigid and falling over. The other bouncer said "Oh I'm not getting paid enough for his." and fled.

Boegy turned around, dropping the poor rigid bouncer "Much better! Now, what were we talking about? Oh yes giv-....hey! Its Pudding girl! Hey hey, I was told this was a club, you wanna dance? Oh! Where's my manners, I'm Boegy little girl thats next to Pudding, you know, I'm going to call you Banana, there we go! Banana girl and Pudding girl, the two together make Banana pudding!" he laughs histerically before stopping, sniffing, and then looking at Danny like a predator looking at its cornered prey "Mmmm, you smell good, really good." he would say again before beginning to walk closer, giggling with laughter.

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Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 14th 2017, 3:29 pm

"It's the creature from the studio!" Danny lunged forward to extend her whip to try and strike Boegy. This time trepidation also made its way into the stroke of her whip, causing her aim to be good enough to hit, but not well enough to entangle or pull back to cause a large amount of damage. "Suzy, get back!"

"We need to retreat for now." Tsukimi knew the face of her enemy- or at least the appearance of his mask. If they pulled back, it would buy Danny some time to sober up while allowing Tsukimi to look more into the methods of this man. "Let's just make our-Banana, someone called Bliss-?"


A release of turquoise energy shot out of Danny's wrist. Slowly lowering her arm, now covered in enough turquoise energy to make it look like a canon, Danny looked over towards Boegy. Her aim faltered, missing the target, but the sheer force of the gun and the enclosure of the alley made for some spectacular effects. "Whoops."

Unfortunately, it sent a loud boom through the club, making people believe a shooting took place. Not only would the main exit be swarmed, it also sent out a great deal of fear through the club. "We should get going. Now."
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 14th 2017, 4:24 pm

Boegy took the hit with a wince as hit him in the chest, his eyes grew wide as he ducked holding his hat, the shot going over his hat as he looked behind him. He sniffed and grew ridged. The smell of fear over loaded his nose, oh yeah, this could fill him up, and he could take revenge on the bouncers and that one guy.

He smiled as he turned back to the Banana pudding team and waved good bye with a giggle. A wall would suddenly appear from the ground, made of the same material as the buildings. It was real as Boegy focused on it and sprinted towards the hole made in the building. Looking at all the scared people. He licked his lips and jumped in, making himself appear to be some huge demonic bug demon (like a giant humanoid fly with horns and claws) as he dove at them, buzzing with laughter as people screamed.

The wall would remain real only for a minute before he lost focus, becoming an illusion again. If people were to try and break through, it was only 6 inches thick, made out of brick.

As Boegy dived in, a thought occurred to him, what happens when they get to him? Meh, He'll eat them...but, if he's not hungry? Dang, at least Rory's going to get popular with the girls.

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Registration date : 2017-02-05

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Danny The Sphinx March 14th 2017, 9:11 pm

"He ran away!" Tsukimi watched as the alley grew more absent, turning back to Danny. The only way back in the club disappeared behind a wall matching the rest of the alley. It did not cut of their retreat, but it did manage to make their entrance to save the day more complicated. Her brow furrowed as her attention moved over to Danny, still holding her arm cannon.

"I got this." The cannon held a blast, but no stability, forcing Tsukimi to walk over and hold the cannon. "Don't worry. It's all good."

The blast from the cannon sent Danny flying back to the wall and floored Tsukimi. But, it did knock down the wall. Being without the debilitating condition currently working its way through Danny's bloodstream, Tsukimi got to her feet first, then forced Danny back to hers. "Be careful with that."

The arm cannon fell apart. Taking some weight off of Danny's arm. "Yeah, you're right. This is all an illusion."

"Did someone lace that drink with acid?" Tsukimi tried to smell Danny's breath.

A swiping hand motion pushed Tsukimi away. "No, get off me. This guy puts up illusions, but if you know they are illusions, they don't work. So, just don't believe in the illusions."

Tsukimi just stared at Danny.

"Come on. We got a worm to bust." Danny began walking towards the hole, but after a few feet bumped into the newly crafted doorway. She regained her composure, brushed the hair out from her face and followed the screams to the giant fly monster. "Hey ugly! I got some fear for you." A giant flyswatter would form out of Danny's bracelet.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

Post by Boegyman March 17th 2017, 5:04 pm

Meanwhile, while they were busy busting down the wall, Boegy was having the feast of his life! So many scared people, and all staring at him! He picked people up as they believed that they were being eaten while in reality, he was just staring into their eyes. After four unlucky, but well deserved punks have had their fear devoured, in rushes in the Banana Pudding combo. Luckily, most of the people have fled.

Boegy turns to the shouting of Danny turning back to normal as he chuckles. "Well well well, I'm glad you decided to show up, but sadly, the rest of the party left...but thats ok! I'm still here, so get ready to par-ty!" He shouts as he starts doing the disco looking at the two before he sighs while he continues to dance...horribly "Well come on! We got to bring the party back somehow, so lets dance." he says as he starts to do the worm, face planting in the process.

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INV ONLY Re: Clubbing like a mad man

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