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Dusker's advancement application

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Dusker's advancement application Empty Dusker's advancement application

Post by Dusker July 31st 2016, 1:44 pm

Item/Character Advancement Name: shadow drive

Item/Character Advancement Description: When Dusker becomes enraged he will go into shadow drive. In this state shadows aren't needed for him to create constructs. Also whilst in this state he will emit a kind of black smoke from which he creates shadow constructs.  

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):
This state does come at a price however. This form can only last for around 5 minutes/ 4 posts.

Also once he has been in this for five minutes without being shaken out of it he will be unable to fight for around two hours because he will be knocked out.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 10 EXP

Item/Character Advancement Name: Kage dōkan

Item/Character Advancement Description: Kage dōkan is a katana with a black blade and white bandaged handle. It can be used to harness Duskers shadow ability into more of a compact form. when he uses his power whilst holding the sword he's able to slash at the air to create waves of shadow that shoot out as projectiles and for a more melee situation the sharp end of the blade will start to construct a higher damaging blade that covers the normal one. note that he doesn't need to be in the shadows to do this, he only needs to be in the shadows when transferring his power to the blade. The blade also comes with a kind of phantom that guides Tyler on what to do and defends him, this phantom can change it's shape but still remains as a phantom.

The phantom is a projection of his inner thoughts and has one soul job, protect the person who freed him from the boxes seal. The phantom is able to change its own shape, regularly turning into a 8 ft protector or a shadowy copy of Tyler. It is also able to block most in coming attacks for Tyler so that he can focus on fighting hand to hand.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):
This blade can only hold the shadows for around 15 minutes/ 6 posts. before losing the power.

Also once after about 20 attacks with the weapon it will be full depleted.

The phantom can only defend attacks but can do so by any means necessary  (I.e killing them)

Item/Character Advancement Price: 5 EXP

Last edited by Dusker on September 14th 2016, 6:57 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Dusker's advancement application Empty Re: Dusker's advancement application

Post by Chellizard August 9th 2016, 1:55 pm


Change those times to rounds - aka, rounds of posts. So your katana's charge can last for 20 attacks, or 6 posts.

The enraged form can last for 4 posts.


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Dusker's advancement application JiLqjv0
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Dusker's advancement application Empty Re: Dusker's advancement application

Post by Dusker August 9th 2016, 2:21 pm

I have edited the app.
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Dusker's advancement application Empty Re: Dusker's advancement application

Post by Kid Kronos August 9th 2016, 5:51 pm

This checks out! Approved until stated otherwise.

Dusker's advancement application Kidkha10
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Dusker's advancement application Empty Re: Dusker's advancement application

Post by Dusker September 14th 2016, 6:46 pm

I don't intend this to be costing exp but Chell said to post it here anyways. That is why I'm keeping this armor within plausibility of being created IRL.

Item/Character Advancement Name: DKR armor

Item/Character Advancement Description: This armor was a specially coloured soldier suit that was created by Gillware. It is of the light infantry variant and is made mostly of cloths and ballistic weave that can withstand anything as powerful as a 44. magnum. which covers the chest area.
Armor (minus the color scheme):

the armor also has a helmet that is only included in Tyler's version. This helmet is deployed by putting the front of it on Tyler's head and pressing a button on the side. Once pressed the rest of the helmet with attach at the back of his head.

The colours of this suit vary from their usual counterpart. insted of the usual black color scheme Tyler's version is mostly black but also has white and gold decals.

Item/Character Advancement Weakness(es):
Even if his chest is covered in ballistic weave a well placed shot to the head can kill him easily.

Because his ballistic weave is standard it cannot take the kinetic force produced, therefore throwing him back if he gets shot.

Item/Character Advancement Price: 15 EXP

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