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Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Los Angeles, California
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Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
Getting back to the usual vigilantism for a change was probably for the best, got his mind off things. In these uncertain times, doing what he did was one thing he certainly believed was right. After all, getting rid of people that only wanted to hurt others for personal gain couldn't be wrong, right? The effect wasn't at the very least, but the process definitely desensitized the young man, not that he cared. He was going to do what he believed was right, not what society thought was. That was his philosophy really, that every man created his own morality. The rest of it was social constructs to keep people in line, most of the time.
But down to the target in question. Michael Dunn: US congressman, and big supporter of the PSD pharmaceutical company. He pushed through bill after bill to help his multi-billion dollar friends, and in return got a cut. It was incredibly lucrative, the only part he seemed to ignore was that the bills he got through allowed drugs to hit the market with little to no testing. It made it easy and cheap or the company, and incredibly dangerous for the consumers. Stuff like this happened all the time, but to see it all out in the open with nobody acting was quite disgusting. So what was Drifter going to do? Kill the motherfucker, of course.
He sat, hunched over his work table, tediously crafting a few things. They were tightly wrapped bars of iron oxide and aluminum powder, better known as thermite. These little sticks were created to be launched out of the barrels of his gauntlets, along with the makeshift detonator of white tip match heads, ground up and sprinkled over the sticks. This meant the friction of going out the barrel would set the stick ablaze, then detonate the thermite. It didn't explode though, thermite just burned at about 2500 degrees Celsius. Basically, Drifter created little hellfire starters.
In the other gauntlet, he put his explosive sticks, then got his armor on, and equipped himself with a few extras such as some pistols and a large knife. After that, he was off.
His plan was simple: climb up to the roof of the congressman's home, bust through the massive skylight window, kill the capital police, and then the man himself. The first part went off without a hitch, he managed to make it to the roof undetected, but that wasn't the hard part.
(A little thrown together, but I'm lazy right now )
But down to the target in question. Michael Dunn: US congressman, and big supporter of the PSD pharmaceutical company. He pushed through bill after bill to help his multi-billion dollar friends, and in return got a cut. It was incredibly lucrative, the only part he seemed to ignore was that the bills he got through allowed drugs to hit the market with little to no testing. It made it easy and cheap or the company, and incredibly dangerous for the consumers. Stuff like this happened all the time, but to see it all out in the open with nobody acting was quite disgusting. So what was Drifter going to do? Kill the motherfucker, of course.
He sat, hunched over his work table, tediously crafting a few things. They were tightly wrapped bars of iron oxide and aluminum powder, better known as thermite. These little sticks were created to be launched out of the barrels of his gauntlets, along with the makeshift detonator of white tip match heads, ground up and sprinkled over the sticks. This meant the friction of going out the barrel would set the stick ablaze, then detonate the thermite. It didn't explode though, thermite just burned at about 2500 degrees Celsius. Basically, Drifter created little hellfire starters.
In the other gauntlet, he put his explosive sticks, then got his armor on, and equipped himself with a few extras such as some pistols and a large knife. After that, he was off.
His plan was simple: climb up to the roof of the congressman's home, bust through the massive skylight window, kill the capital police, and then the man himself. The first part went off without a hitch, he managed to make it to the roof undetected, but that wasn't the hard part.
(A little thrown together, but I'm lazy right now )
Stoic- Posting Apprentice
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27
Re: Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
It was a typical day for Seth, he had been tinkering around with a few ideas he had gotten when he first got back from work, at night he was a mercenary typically, his day job allowed for more flexible hours for his night job. Funny though, his day job being an architect was hell of a lot more mundane than his night job being a mercenary. Anyway, he was sitting in his workshop and began messing around with some flash bangs he obtained from a weapons dealer that supplies the ammo and weapons Seth tends to use. The idea he had was fairly simple, he was going to attach a flashbang to an arrow to arrow. The few arrows would allow for more tactical encounters. To get all working, he set up two modes, time based and a detonator. His helmet was also upgraded to basically act like a auto tint wielding helmet to allow him to keep fighting even after a flashbang is thrown to keep him from being blinded. The "blinder" in the helmet from the flashbang would last fractions of seconds, about as long as a flash bang, well, flashes.
After successfully tinkering, he quickly pulled up the details of the mercenary job he was hired to do. He got into his car with all his gear packed into it, and began to drive to his destination. The employer was Michael Dunn, a congressman. He is said to be in it all for the money, allowing cheap untested drugs into the market. Morally, Seth doesn't agree with it, but he has to pay the bills somehow.
Upon arrival, he quickly got geared up a block from the place and moved towards the building and took the bow off his back and fired a arrow straight up into the side of the building and an electric motor began to reel him upwards, he scaled the building fairly easily and upon nearing the top floor, he quickly and swiftly leaped into the open balcony and stayed within' the shadows. He observed from a distance in the dimly lighted room and remained listening. Nothing of importance was said, so once the other individual exited the room, Seth emerged decked out in his complete suit and sighed under his helmet, and spoke, "Greetings congressman, you specified that you needed professional protection, and I'm here to deliver, do as you would normally and I'll do my job.", Dunn then nods nervously and begins typing at his laptop. As he did so, Seth went around the room silently and casually setting up devices in the room and at every entrance and room, even in the hallways, practically every bit of this floor was covered. Basically these devices were motion sensors, they scanned the areas there are at and relay the information in real time back at Seth's HUD inside his helmet. He was prepared for tonight, and the following hours to come when the congress finally decides to leave. In order to make everything easier, Seth had Dunn order the police to cover the outside of the house. Seth was to watch the inside on his own, Seth made sure things were easier by cutting the lights in the majority of the house, except where the congressman was.
After successfully tinkering, he quickly pulled up the details of the mercenary job he was hired to do. He got into his car with all his gear packed into it, and began to drive to his destination. The employer was Michael Dunn, a congressman. He is said to be in it all for the money, allowing cheap untested drugs into the market. Morally, Seth doesn't agree with it, but he has to pay the bills somehow.
Upon arrival, he quickly got geared up a block from the place and moved towards the building and took the bow off his back and fired a arrow straight up into the side of the building and an electric motor began to reel him upwards, he scaled the building fairly easily and upon nearing the top floor, he quickly and swiftly leaped into the open balcony and stayed within' the shadows. He observed from a distance in the dimly lighted room and remained listening. Nothing of importance was said, so once the other individual exited the room, Seth emerged decked out in his complete suit and sighed under his helmet, and spoke, "Greetings congressman, you specified that you needed professional protection, and I'm here to deliver, do as you would normally and I'll do my job.", Dunn then nods nervously and begins typing at his laptop. As he did so, Seth went around the room silently and casually setting up devices in the room and at every entrance and room, even in the hallways, practically every bit of this floor was covered. Basically these devices were motion sensors, they scanned the areas there are at and relay the information in real time back at Seth's HUD inside his helmet. He was prepared for tonight, and the following hours to come when the congress finally decides to leave. In order to make everything easier, Seth had Dunn order the police to cover the outside of the house. Seth was to watch the inside on his own, Seth made sure things were easier by cutting the lights in the majority of the house, except where the congressman was.
Radical- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02
Re: Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
Of course tonight Michael chose to go the full nine yards when it came to security, he always did that after making a big political move. Capital Police held a perimeter around the building, and all the lights but one were shut off. That room was clearly where Drifter needed to be.
Luckily Lukas had made it to the roof without much trouble. It was dark, and he was an excellent and quick freerunner. He slipped past the security undetected. That was well and good sure, but he still needed to get inside. Unfortunately that meant alerting everyone in the area to his presence, but he didn't come into this job hoping it would be easy.
The security was just too beefed up to go with the original skylight plan, he would be surrounded in seconds as the entrance was right there. However, he would still utilize it as a distraction. If everyone rushed to the crashing of glass he could have Mike all to himself.
He quietly positioned himself directly above the room with the light on, and got to work. He fired two sticks of thermite nearby, making almost no sound from the Co2 powered gauntlets. Thermite was hot enough to melt through an engine block, so in a few seconds he would have a tight but accessible hole in the ceiling. Probably a growing fire as well, but he would be gone before that became an issue.
At the same time, he tossed a fragmentation grenade attached to a brick he had picked up at the skylight. It broke through with a loud crash, then the explosion went off. Soon every one of the police would be in the main room investigating. He just hoped no more then a few stayed next to his target.
About twenty seconds later, the thermite collapsed a section of the ceiling, melting right through it and continuing to burn. After that, Drifter dropped a flash bang in. He waited for it to go off then himself jumped in, gauntlets ready and prepared to fire at any targets, including the congressman.
Luckily Lukas had made it to the roof without much trouble. It was dark, and he was an excellent and quick freerunner. He slipped past the security undetected. That was well and good sure, but he still needed to get inside. Unfortunately that meant alerting everyone in the area to his presence, but he didn't come into this job hoping it would be easy.
The security was just too beefed up to go with the original skylight plan, he would be surrounded in seconds as the entrance was right there. However, he would still utilize it as a distraction. If everyone rushed to the crashing of glass he could have Mike all to himself.
He quietly positioned himself directly above the room with the light on, and got to work. He fired two sticks of thermite nearby, making almost no sound from the Co2 powered gauntlets. Thermite was hot enough to melt through an engine block, so in a few seconds he would have a tight but accessible hole in the ceiling. Probably a growing fire as well, but he would be gone before that became an issue.
At the same time, he tossed a fragmentation grenade attached to a brick he had picked up at the skylight. It broke through with a loud crash, then the explosion went off. Soon every one of the police would be in the main room investigating. He just hoped no more then a few stayed next to his target.
About twenty seconds later, the thermite collapsed a section of the ceiling, melting right through it and continuing to burn. After that, Drifter dropped a flash bang in. He waited for it to go off then himself jumped in, gauntlets ready and prepared to fire at any targets, including the congressman.
Stoic- Posting Apprentice
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27
Re: Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
Things remained quiet for the time being, Seth had left the light on in the one room to make things interesting, it would give away the location of the congressman, but would also make any intruder assume it would be easy to infiltrate and attack. Anyway, the building was properly secured, for what the police could do anyway. The congressman didn't matter much to Seth really, the money was already transferred to his account ,he's only sacrificing credibility if he decides to dip.
Things were too quiet really, Seth began to get real bored sitting in the dark corner of the room looking out the window observing. Until, his motion sensors in the room began picking something up, with that Seth tapped the wall loud enough for the congressman to acknowledge it and gave a hand signal, the congress quickly entered a panic room behind his desk, Seth was confused as he saw nothing within' the room, and quickly gazed about. He finally came to the realization when a explosion went off right as Dunn entered the room and the ceiling came down soon after. The police broke straight in and investigated the explosion while Seth remained in the room and saw the flashbang come down, at the same time he drew a arrow with the stun tips attached to it to tase the intruder. The flashbang had little to no effect to Seth.
This was because of his new upgrades, however, his hearing was slightly effected due to the fact that he wasn't entirely finished yet. Future maintenance will be made to fix that. Seth then waited for the intruder to enter and fired a skillfully and tactically aimed stun arrow straight at any kinks in the intruders armour. This was the best target in most cases for armoured opponents, even if the arrow it's self had piercing capabilities, and in most cases can pierce most armours. In this case Seth should have the advantage, he knew exactly where they were coming in, and had already been aiming in the right spot.
Things were too quiet really, Seth began to get real bored sitting in the dark corner of the room looking out the window observing. Until, his motion sensors in the room began picking something up, with that Seth tapped the wall loud enough for the congressman to acknowledge it and gave a hand signal, the congress quickly entered a panic room behind his desk, Seth was confused as he saw nothing within' the room, and quickly gazed about. He finally came to the realization when a explosion went off right as Dunn entered the room and the ceiling came down soon after. The police broke straight in and investigated the explosion while Seth remained in the room and saw the flashbang come down, at the same time he drew a arrow with the stun tips attached to it to tase the intruder. The flashbang had little to no effect to Seth.
This was because of his new upgrades, however, his hearing was slightly effected due to the fact that he wasn't entirely finished yet. Future maintenance will be made to fix that. Seth then waited for the intruder to enter and fired a skillfully and tactically aimed stun arrow straight at any kinks in the intruders armour. This was the best target in most cases for armoured opponents, even if the arrow it's self had piercing capabilities, and in most cases can pierce most armours. In this case Seth should have the advantage, he knew exactly where they were coming in, and had already been aiming in the right spot.
Radical- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02
Re: Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
One arrow, especelly a stun arrow, wasn't going to be taking Drifter out. Sure it hit him right in a section near his shoulder where two plates met, meaning it ended up digging into his flesh, but it didn't go far enough in to be anything more then a nuisance. Sure getting tasered hurt, and immediately Drifter went to pull it out, but he had taken far more damage then this crap and came out of it.
As he grabbed the arrow with one hand, he wasted no time and lifted his other gauntlet to return fire at the archer. He had the advantage in weapons if that was the only thing this guy was packing. Lukas didn't care if this dude was fucking Hawkeye, a fully automatic weapon wasn't going to be outdone by a bow, especelly at such close range.
A rapid barrage of thermite ammo was launched at his target. It would look like a stream of fireballs coming his way, and they would burn like nothing else. Thermite was hot enough to melt pretty much anything, concrete, metal, whatever. If the guy was hit, he was getting badly burned. If he wasn't hit, well, this place was going to be in a blaze in a few moments. Already the fire from the initial sticks was spreading, and these new shots would just added to it. Drifter needed to get the congressman and leave, but then again if his target was in a panic room he was just trapping himself in a 2500 degree Celsius inferno.
"Where's the congressman!?" Drifter said, his voice modified by his golden mask, which itself was covered by his hood. He held both gauntlets out now, ready to rain explosive and thermite rounds down on his newly found opponent.
As he grabbed the arrow with one hand, he wasted no time and lifted his other gauntlet to return fire at the archer. He had the advantage in weapons if that was the only thing this guy was packing. Lukas didn't care if this dude was fucking Hawkeye, a fully automatic weapon wasn't going to be outdone by a bow, especelly at such close range.
A rapid barrage of thermite ammo was launched at his target. It would look like a stream of fireballs coming his way, and they would burn like nothing else. Thermite was hot enough to melt pretty much anything, concrete, metal, whatever. If the guy was hit, he was getting badly burned. If he wasn't hit, well, this place was going to be in a blaze in a few moments. Already the fire from the initial sticks was spreading, and these new shots would just added to it. Drifter needed to get the congressman and leave, but then again if his target was in a panic room he was just trapping himself in a 2500 degree Celsius inferno.
"Where's the congressman!?" Drifter said, his voice modified by his golden mask, which itself was covered by his hood. He held both gauntlets out now, ready to rain explosive and thermite rounds down on his newly found opponent.
Stoic- Posting Apprentice
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27
Re: Drifter killing someone? Again? (Radical)
The arrow hit it's mark like intended, however it didn't quite have the effect he had hoped it would. With that in mind he stood ready and watched as Mr. Midas over here with the golden get up raised his gauntlets, this foe in particular is new to Radical, typically he dealt with common thugs and mercenaries that were more mundane. This guy however, quite different than those guys. In response to the guy raising his gauntlets, Seth leaped to the side in anticipation of the incoming attack and fired one of his flash bang arrows straight at the foe, detonating the flashbang right in front of their face. At the same time fireballs flew right by Seth, the heat emitting from them certainly reassuring the threat, he of course, completely ignored their question.
The fireballs burning at such a high concentrated temperature impacted the wall, hitting a support beam, the room was now in a unstable state, slowly becoming a inferno. The panic room the congressman was in actually had a access shaft to the basement of the house, essentially it was just a ladder within' a titanium room that led to the basement. While the foe was hopefully blinded for the time being Seth leaped out the window and shot a wired arrow upwards behind him and used his momentum to smash through bottom floor window rolling on the floor on impact.
Seth made it inside and activated his vocoder and ran towards the basement entrance commanding the police at the sametime, "We've got an intruder, cover this floor completely.", with that he also grabbed an officer and said, "Come with me, I need you for another task.", he and the officer entered the fortified basement and made it to the congressman after securing the door behind them.
Once inside they made moments to do this, so Seth quickly had the congressman swap clothes with the officer, at this point the congressman was fully clothed in officer clothing, hat, badge, everything. Seth looked at the congressman and the somewhat similar looking officer and pointed at the officer disguised as the congressman and said, "You stay here.", then Seth pointed at the congressman, "You pretend to be a cop and get out of here, once you leave this room, make your way to a patrol car and get out of here, try to stay out of sight and stay by other cops as you make your way through, now go!", once said the cop remained in the room with Seth and the congressman left the basement in a hurry. By this time the intruder would probably already be on his way down, gauntlets blazing. The rising fire would eventually begin to give off smoke and alarm the other authorities in the area as the police would most likely called it in, and so would the smoke detectors of course .
(Sorry for the kinda weird time scaled post, trying to make a somewhat elaborate plan to make things interesting <3)
The fireballs burning at such a high concentrated temperature impacted the wall, hitting a support beam, the room was now in a unstable state, slowly becoming a inferno. The panic room the congressman was in actually had a access shaft to the basement of the house, essentially it was just a ladder within' a titanium room that led to the basement. While the foe was hopefully blinded for the time being Seth leaped out the window and shot a wired arrow upwards behind him and used his momentum to smash through bottom floor window rolling on the floor on impact.
Seth made it inside and activated his vocoder and ran towards the basement entrance commanding the police at the sametime, "We've got an intruder, cover this floor completely.", with that he also grabbed an officer and said, "Come with me, I need you for another task.", he and the officer entered the fortified basement and made it to the congressman after securing the door behind them.
Once inside they made moments to do this, so Seth quickly had the congressman swap clothes with the officer, at this point the congressman was fully clothed in officer clothing, hat, badge, everything. Seth looked at the congressman and the somewhat similar looking officer and pointed at the officer disguised as the congressman and said, "You stay here.", then Seth pointed at the congressman, "You pretend to be a cop and get out of here, once you leave this room, make your way to a patrol car and get out of here, try to stay out of sight and stay by other cops as you make your way through, now go!", once said the cop remained in the room with Seth and the congressman left the basement in a hurry. By this time the intruder would probably already be on his way down, gauntlets blazing. The rising fire would eventually begin to give off smoke and alarm the other authorities in the area as the police would most likely called it in, and so would the smoke detectors of course .
(Sorry for the kinda weird time scaled post, trying to make a somewhat elaborate plan to make things interesting <3)
Radical- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."
Warnings :
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02
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