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London City Host Club [Entei]

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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Alpha August 9th 2014, 6:24 am

Travis caused the screen to shift with a simple swipe of his hand, changing the image to a file. The strange grey eyes scanned over the information arrayed before him, all of it gathered by a rather reliable source and information that one of his siblings had brought to his attention as if it would be of interest. Surveillance footage gathered about the subject in question and multiple other thing, yet the manipulation was something that caught his attention immensely. There was footage of him manipulating a strange blue fire, attempts at putting it out useless to the point of…insanity really. This was not conventional pyrokinesis, which alone caught his attention, though the strange features that so many attested to was also something that he could not help but become drawn to. It was from here that he would begin his search, activating facial recognition software that would allow him to get a name to his face.

”Michael Krieger.” Travis muttered with a smirk, musing over the name and the minimal information that it supplied, yet a place where he worked was available. A host club in London was an interesting scene really, considering that they were known for being in Japan, but then again stranger things have happened. His latest sibling now going by the name of Jason was standing behind him in typical attire, dressed in white pants, a white t-shirt and a padded white jacket with red internal trimming. He was stoic almost, with a face that was much like a statue and with features much like Travis’ who was sitting within his seat. He hummed to himself, leaning forward and letting all of the information melt into his mind, so that he would not miss any form of information that the screen that was displaying.

It only took a few seconds, but he had everything memorized within his mind which transcended any supercomputer made by man.”Alright, I think it’s time to start the hunt.” he muttered standing to his feet and running fingers through his hair. He was dressed in simple dark blue shorts and a white shirt with a plaid flannel shirt over it. His hands were intertwined behind his back. ”Prepare a transport to London, I expect to be there by tomorrow.” Travis ordered to his sibling, who could only nod before leaving him, to order the flight and then from there they would be off. Canada was not too far of a flight, and with the resources that he had available to himself; flying anywhere he wanted would be easy. The flight was first class, Travis making sure to drink the fine champagne offered and even tasting a little lobster.

It was early in the afternoon when they touched down, Travis having taken himself a two hour nap on the ride and having been been awake after that as he surfed over the rest of the information that he had been looking up. His sibling was awake the entire time, playing one of the many games that humans enjoyed to playing upon their smart phones. How he did so was much like a child, always interested with everything they saw and always wanting to learn. It was much like Travis had been when he was younger, when he was a wide eyed male fresh from the test tube. This fifteen year old male was just like him then, and soon perhaps he would become just like Travis once he matured. The thought made him smile, a low amused sound escaping from his throat.

As the two would rise to their feet and exit the plane, Travis already making his way to the establishment their target was working at. The child however would only be needed if things went ugly, he would not have his own capabilities be revealed without proper need to. ”Take care of yourself Jason, I’ll be back to you soon.” He said with a small faked smile, ruffling his long dirty blonde hair up and kissing him on the cheek before stepping out of the limo and towards the club simply named The South Side. He had heard of their owner and her ability to poison with a touch, but his interest was in the male that people mistook for a demon. Stepping through the front door, Travis would wear what one called a wide smile and a friendly persona. He was expecting to have someone come to him, not that he understood how this thing worked.

London City Host Club [Entei] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Entei August 9th 2014, 4:33 pm

The first thing one would notice about the club was how dark it was. It was reminiscent of a night club, and upbeat 'mainstream' music played quietly over the speakers that surrounded the club. It was moderately sized, probably capable of holding two to three hundred people comfortable, more if they didn't mind being close to each other. Which, in an establishment like this, most likely wasn't a problem.

"Well hello there handsome."

A small, black haired woman greets Travis as he enters the club. Her green eyes met his, and she let out a small giggle, getting very close to the young meta.

"How can I help you today? Here at the South End, we cater to almost any desire you could have. If you like me, I am available right now. However, if you prefer something...well, something else, that can be arranged too."

Moving to a small table located at the entrance of the club, the young woman pulls out a tablet, before playing with the touch screen a bit. With the LED light of the device, one could get an even better look at her face. It was very clear this girl was classically beautiful, in a way that make up could hardly improve. She could have been a model, and anyone would believe her if she told them that was the case. Smiling as she returned to Travis, she grabbed his hand gently, almost lovingly, and placed the tablet inside of it.

"This is a list of all of our host working today, you can pick whoever you want. If you scroll to the left, it's the list of Host who have today off. You can have them as well, though, they may require additional funds to be persuaded to come in. Or you can just promise them a good time, I suppose."

She says the last part with a wink, and begins to play with Travis chest slightly as she waits for him to make his decision.

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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Alpha August 9th 2014, 8:48 pm

The place was dark, much like a nightclub or so Travis had researched of them, the size and scope of the place enough that one could host 200 to 300 people comfortably, his mind analyzing everything his eyes scanned over with precision. Pumped through large speakers was the popular music of the day, entering Travis’ ears and annoying him already, yet he managed to keep that pleasant expression upon his face rather well. A female voice would greet him and draw Travis’ attention towards her, smiling growing a little wider as if he were pleasantly surprised to see someone.

”Hello beautiful.” He replied in a smooth tone with hands still buried into his pockets, letting so many hours of preparing himself in acting take control. His strange grey orbs would meet with her green, holding there for a moment as he gauged what he could from a simple glance. In a way she was beautiful, with raven hair that fell onto her shoulders and cascaded a little further and with eyes much like emeralds that entranced. He could also tell a lot from her posture, facial expressions and much more.

People were like open books to Travis Masters and he loved to read them. The female seemed to offer herself up, yet he already had his fare for the day decided, oh his mind had been made up before his walking into the club. ’As much as I would love to have you entertain me darling, I have particular fare in mind.” He said with the same smile and an added wink, playing up a natural charm that he possessed. Moving to one of the tables near the entrance, she would produce a tablet, and move through the faces of the hosts that were available.

She would grab softly onto his hand and place the tablet within it, explaining a little as Travis was scrolling through the list of availables for the one he was after. It only took a few moments actually, but he found his poor target, yet did not give any sort of indication of what stirred within his mind. His mind ignored the finger playing along his chest, well toned as it was as he stopped upon a face shot of a Michael. ”I think I've made my choice.” He said looking to the female and directing her attention to the tablet.

London City Host Club [Entei] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Entei August 9th 2014, 9:32 pm

"Mr. Krieger you say? Well, you certainly know how to get your money's worth.."

The girl trails off for a second, sounding slightly disappointed that the freak with a tail was going to get a client that should have been hers. Until it dawns on her how hilarious it would be to watch the teenage boy try to host a male, being a straight man himself. Reaching for the phone, she does her best to hide her internal glee at this situation.

"If you don't mind having a seat at the bar while you wait, it's his day off so we'll have to call him in for you."

Back at Michael's apartment, the young demon was enjoying one of his few days off the best way that he knew how. Xbox in his boxers. The young boy laughed with childish glee as he managed to kill another person in this years 'shoot um up' hits online versus mode. Picking up, and subsequently drinking, from his can of soda with his tail, he hears the soft, melodic ring tone of his cell phone go off, causing him to groan in annoyance. A phone call meant one thing to him, work. With great frustration in his voice, he answered the phone, very clearly annoyed at being bothered on his day off.

"What is it?"

He said into the receiver, venom dousing every syllable that he spoke. He was hoping that it was one of the non meta host who had called, they usually hung up when he got an attitude, too scared to talk to the angry demon looking boy. Unfortunately for him, it was the one human who was completely and utterly unafraid of him in ever way.

"Calm down there dog breath, I'm not the one who wants you to come in.

Alicia was her name, and Michael remembered it well. She was the only one at the club who gave him a hard time for his looks, that, and he stole a lot of her female clientele.

"Ah, so someone does want me to come in. What's the matter, did I steal another client from you?"

Michael had already begun to wander around his house, grabbing whatever clothes off the floor that smelled clean that he could. A faded pair of blue jeans and a vintage Metallica T-shirt was what he found. That was alright though, he was going for the 'I don't care about anything' 'bad boy' type look, and he seemed to fit it well.

"Just shut up and get down here, before this guy realizes his mistake."

As the line closed, and Michael stuffed his phone in his pocket and begun to head out the door, the realization hit him like a freight train. She had said guy, as in a male, as in someone who also liked male companionship. Entei froze in his tracks outside of the door to his studio apartment, he was about to host his first male ever. Oh, if only his reverend father could seem him now, how proud would he be of his son?

The trip to the club seemed quicker than usual, almost too quick, though, that was probably because of the dread that the young demon was now feeling. His stomach was uneasy, and he was suddenly glad he was allowed to drink inside of the walls of the club. Stepping inside, he tightened the strap around the parcel on his back, and headed to the bar after Alicia had told him which man he would be hosting, with a very, very large smile on her face.

"The strongest drink you have Tony."

Entei said to the bartender, placing a few dollars on the counter in front of him. He held a finger to the man sitting next to him, who he would be hosting, a clear sign of 'just a moment' as he waited for his drink to arrive, and immediately downed it. He pulled his mouth back at the harsh taste, revealing his enlarged canines. With a sigh, he turned to the man, dread very clear on his face.

"So, you wish to hire me for tonight, eh?"
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Quote : Entei
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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Alpha August 9th 2014, 11:20 pm

Travis sensed a certain disappointment within the females tone. It sounded as if she was expecting him to chose her, when she was of no interest to him. True she was visually appealing, but he was not a being of carnal desires, everything he did was for a greater good. She would offer for him to sit at the bar while he waited, which was what he did, placing elbows on it lazily. His mind was moving over how he would acquire what he wanted from the metahuman, discreetly and without drawing any attention from the male.

True Travis was the soul of caution, but some things would be difficult for even him, as he knew almost nothing about possible minor mutations within him. Here he would wait until the host would arrive to entertain him, though how he entertained him would be seen once he arrived. Speaking of the host that he was looking for, Travis took notice of the male entering the club and smirked to himself. So it seemed that simply requesting his presence here was easy enough, as all he had to do was request and with the money he held, it would be easy enough to keep him here.

Moving back from the bar, and crossing his arms over his chest he would consider the male that had arrived, considering every movement he was making. Facial expressions taken into consideration, as well as even how he moved. The things you could learn from small visual cues such as those were amazing, especially with the observation skills Travis had. He would make a motion that suggested he would be only one minute, leaving him to sit there and hum softly to himself. Play off the playboy persona that he was creating for himself, one that was blooming a lot.

He would watch the male down a drink, and with an expression that displayed dread he would approach Travis. He took in the pointed elfin ears, as well as the strange blue eyes. ”Yeah, I wish to hire you tonight.” He said making sure to sound as friendly as he was intending to. He patted on his left pocket softly, feeling over the wallet set in it, making sure it was there. ”So I assume this is the part where you ask about my name or whatever.”

London City Host Club [Entei] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Entei August 10th 2014, 10:03 pm

Groaning under his breath, the young demon turned toward the man with a smile on his face. With his enhanced hearing, he heard the soft pat of leather as the man hit his wallet, and knew exactly what that meant. This man had money to blow. Now would be the time that Entei really proved how good, or poor, of a host he was. Awkwardly placing a hand on the man's back, he leaned in closer, his tail wrapping around his own upper body to pick up his drink, and signal to the bartender that he was going to need another, and quick.

"So, tell me, what brings you to London on this fine night Mr...?"

Quick Draw
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Quote : Entei
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Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 394
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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London City Host Club [Entei] Empty Re: London City Host Club [Entei]

Post by Alpha August 11th 2014, 12:12 am

The males groan was barely audible, and yet he could hear it well enough to know that he was not too pleased with the situation he was in. A hand placed awkwardly on his back drew Travis’ attention towards that for a moment, feeling some manner of hesitation from the male and planning to capitalize on it. One thing he loved about hair was that the occasional strand would come lose enough that a nominal, if almost nonexistent amount of pressure would allow him to collect a few strands without any trouble. ”What brings me to London?” He would mime the question with a wider grin. ”Business I guess, my dad is doing some kind of business trip thing here in London, one I tagged along on and that left me with time to kill. You could say I managed to hear about this fine establishment and here I was.” A false explanation but it would serve its purpose.

”Lucky for me, I found one of the more interesting hosts.” His inhuman features were obvious, sharp canines, and the ears, as well as the tail.

London City Host Club [Entei] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 30
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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