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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by WhiteRaven03 June 14th 2015, 12:02 am

This wasn't really Loretta's day, not only had she come to Riyadh for vacation, not only had her private jet been hijacked by a bunch of criminals at landing and had forced her and her pilot to take them to the middle of the fucking desert, but also, angels had to come join the fucking party and clusterfuck her day was. She groaned and looked at the angels outside her plane, they were all surrounding the speeding jet. Her captors looked petrified.

She looked at what she was wearing, a nice dress that showed her left leg and a hat that covered her from the hot sun of the desert, and the sweat covering her body was just ruining it. A long, frustated sigh followed her groan.

Loretta glanced at the man holding a gun to her head, looking very scared of the interdimenional beings now trying to attack Loretta and her plane.

"Say, don't you have some sort of fan? I'm feeling very heated right about now" She asked the man, while crossing her legs and leaning forward, attempting to seduce or at least make the man awkward.

His eyes widened at her gorgeous looks and for a second softened his hold of the gun, and a second is all she needed. Loretta slapped the gun away and kicked the man in parts that shouldn't be mentioned and proceeded to hit his poor hijacker face with her knee.

She took her guns from a hidden panel in the floor of her jet. The commotion further back (where his partners where stationed) suggested that they were aware of what she did.

The minute they came through the door, she unloaded on them (even though bullets were neverending in her guns) until every, single, one of them fell.

She kicked open the door to the pilot and shot his captor. When she made sure he was okay, she jumped out of the jet and into it's roof, and instantly got surrounded by "angels".

"My god, you guys never give up! You're acting the wrong way towards a lady like me, I'm going to end up getting the wrong idea if you lunge at me everytime you see me!" Loretta exclaimed at the angelic beings.

Before she could react properly, one of them did what she said, lunge at her, ripping the chest area of her dress and blowing her hat away. Another one did the same, but even though she dodged it's attacks, it ripped her back and leg areas.

"How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

She grabbed her dress and ripped what was left of it, showing not a naked body, but a tight leather suit, she took her guns out and began shooting. She ran and slid under one that was riding a pegasus like beast and go on top of it, shooting the rider and stealing the steed.

Loretta took aim and shot an angel that was lunging from above with it's spear. She grabbed the weapon and stabbed the angelic horse with it. "ALATUM CLIPEUS!" She chanted while crossing her arms above her head and slightly spreading her legs.

Archangel came through a portal and sliced an angel in half with his blade of light. "You know, my fair lady, I do not like killing my own kind" He said, with his deep and soothing voice.

"Don't lie to me, you do enjoy a good rumble once in a while, and don't call them your kind, you are so gentlemanly that you could be two separate races" Loretta said, while ripping the head of a flying angel with a clean shot to the neck.

She slid along the roof of the jet while madly shooting her guns at every angel, then ending up under one. She instantly shot her guns and ripped the poor angel in half. When a centaur looking one tried to stab her head while she was in the ground, she rose her legs and tied them around his lance, and repeatedly kicking him in the head with her high heels.

Loretta placed her guns in the poor angel and shot into his eyes, making it go mad with rage and trying to attack Archangel. His reaction was a powerful beam right beetween the freshly exploded eyes. She jumped on top of one and slid across the ground with it's body and shot one in front of her, making it's head burst, then finished off the one under her by shooting it in the neck.

When none were left, more wings fluttered towards her and Archangel.

Last edited by WhiteRaven03 on June 14th 2015, 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by Elena Vexus June 14th 2015, 1:34 am

After Elena's somewhat success on fighting an angel, she's moved forward. Leaving with the left arm of such a being was a win in her book. It had been returned to her research department for further analyzing, this was just one more completed step for her. Her next quest brought her to the middle of a desert, or at least what was supposed to be an airport. Vexus has commissioned what could be called a skilled group of thugs to hijack a private jet. They had succeeded in the hijacking, however they were unable to make it to the airport destination where Elena would have been waiting. Sitting in the back of her armored Mercedes her General gunned it in the direction of the plane.
"Remind me to wire the money I gave these fools back into my accounts once we get what we initially hired them for..."
"Of course Ms. Vexus"

It was not difficult to tract a jet, and so once they were within proper range the car stopped and the two exited the vehicle. Vexus was wearing combat boots with a pretty trendy yet casual outfit, her hair tied up in a pony tail, and her modified Prada sunglasses. The plane was fast approaching and Elena needed to ground this bird. Activating her Celestial Eye a large amount of Technomatter formed and then rocketed up into the sky in order to intercept the jet. Once at the proper altitude it expanded into a large cloud and when the plane flew threw it the Technomatter would latch onto to the jet and slowing drag it down while also adding a significant mount of weight. Soon there would be enough Technomatter coating the plane to give Elena full control over. She slowly brought it down to her and her bodyguard setting it about 500 feet away from them. She let out a breath as the Technomatter fell off of the pane and mixed into the sand, she had not yet deactivated her eye only allowing herself a short break.
Her and her General casually walked closer somewhat confused as to why their target was on the roof of the plane.
"Huh, standing on the roof of the private jet. Is this one of those new drinking games you kids came up with? I swear, the things you children do with your parents' money."
She said in a sort of authoritative, parent-like tone disapprovingly shaking her head. Elena did not know much about who she was after, she had only gained a slight bit of intel that she may possess magical pieces worth looking into. Obviously she had to possess some kind of something due to her clear ability to stand onto of a jet mid flight.
"Sorry about the hijacking. Its terribly hard to find good help these days. But I do know how pricy these little jets can be so I was careful. You're welcome." she said with a bit of sarcasm.
"Though I am going to assume you  through a cloud of chickens based on the feathers surrounding you. And also the blood. But all this is besides the point. The point is your guns, little miss."

Elena wasn't going to mention they eyes. She needed those to further her project, but saying something like that right off the bat never went well. Also it appeared that she has her self an angel like side kick. Since she had not be able to retrieve wings in her first encounter, maybe this time she could prove more successful.
"I'll be forward and honest with you. I'm only assuming your weapons have properties I'm interested in. And I was merely tipped off about your location. I could have the wrong girl completely. Oh imagine how embarrassing that would be, I digress."
Elena let out a sigh, pushing her sunglasses up on her nose.
"So, to business. Your weapons. Do they have any unusual or super natural properties? May I borrow, rent, buy, steal, and/or loan them from you so that I can study their potential abilities? I would like you to just say yes so that I don't have to spend much more time in this blistering heat."
Elena spoke confidently, yet casually. Like she does this sort of thing all the time and she did not view the girl, or her angel, as a threat. Hopefully Vexus could get what she came for and be merrily on her way and no one, or any jets, would be harmed in the transaction.

"Well, what's it gonna be child?"

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by WhiteRaven03 June 14th 2015, 2:01 am

When her jet was beginning to be dragged down by whatever force that cloud was, she immediatly feared of something worse than angels, and she was right. A woman, looking almost her age, barely older, proposed something she could not agree to. "I'm sorry, but these two are to dear to me, and they are not for sale, and I would never let you snatch them away. Do you even know how much these energy projectile cristals cost in that goddamned bar that idiot owns?" She answered to the woman's proposal. "And something else, these guns are incredibly important to my current occupation" She said. Loretta noticed the woman eyeing Archangel, especifically his wings.

"Darling, can you please take your leave? I noticed this female taking a very close look at you" She said, and without a word, he left. She kicked down a hole in her jet and took out the pilot, who aparently was knocked unconscious, she left him behind the jet and stood firm while watching the other woman.

She heard a noise beind her and nonchalantly evaded a lance by tilting her head to the left, she aimed her guns back and shot the angel who tried to surprise her. It fell to the ground with a loud thud.
She turned around to see about twenty angels surrounding her and the woman. "My oh my, where did you come from? I'm afraid that I'm in the middle of some negotiations here, so I'll have to kill you all to be able to continue with them, Is that okay with you?" She said, facing the angels.

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by Elena Vexus June 15th 2015, 4:01 pm

She was a confident one, no doubt. And observant. She quickly had her angelic sidekick leave when she noticed Elena eyeing him. As expected, she was not willing to hand over what Elena had come from. But that was of no immediate concern. What fascinated her was the group of angels that defended around them. Vexus figured that this could have been what slowed her team in bringing this girl to her. Her target quickly did away with one of them by nimbly avoiding a spear and then filling it with bullets. Efficient no doubt, but these glorified birds were indeed interrupting their negotiations.

Vexus motioned her hand up slightly and from underneath the sand burst tendrils of a grey matter that latched onto every single angel. Her Technomatter bound them tightly before forming into a cocoon that completely encased them. The twenty some angels were then slowly dragged under the sand. Elena then pulled out a cell phone from her small clutch slung over her shoulder.
"Hello, yes I'm going to need a carrier... Yes. About twenty bodies. Give or take... Thank you darlings, see you soon."
After the short conversation she placed her phone back in her small purse.
"Okay, now that our little distraction is taken care of why don't you and I resume our negotiations... You mentioned you bought these crystals from a man in a bar? Where does this man reside, or even better. Save me the trip and I'll simply buy them off of you. Just name your price. I'm sure we can find a compromise."
She said with a dark smile on her face. With her Technomatter still residing under the ground Elena was more than ready to proceed with aggressive negotiations if need be. She had pulled the angels down deep enough into the sand where she wouldn't have to focus on keeping them restrained with her matter. The pressure of the sand would prevent them from moving a single finger. All the while she was converting the sand into more and more of her Technomatter. Vexus normally did not start conflict with her Celestial Eye being active. Though hopefully it would move things along a little faster and she would not tire herself out from causing self-harm with her elemental based attacks. It would be some time before her transport arrived in order to take away the bodies of the angels, so ideally in that amount of time she would like to have another prize to add.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by WhiteRaven03 June 15th 2015, 8:42 pm

"If you are looking for the bar, you have to talk to the owner... Tenebrosi Alatum..." Loretta covered her eyes with her palm and extended her right arm. A portal appeared behind her, showing a cluttered bar with everything except angels, probably because of her recent activities. Azazel, the barkeep, stepped through, with his impecable grey tuxedo, and almost invisible black wings.

"You called Loretta? Bussiness is very busy at the moment, so who's the target? That woman?" He said, clearly in a rush. Azazel looked at Loretta expectantly.

"No, no, she's here for bussiness, she is asking for these two" Loretta said, pointing at the cristals in both her guns. "But she probably doesn't even have your currency, is an exchange possible in your bar?" Azazel shook his head. "I sense some of our celestial friends, maybe if you kill them, the materials should be enough to buy at least two cristal, shit's expensive. You can still get the materials when they are alive, though I dunno why you would want these motherfuckers alive" He said, he made a gesture of goodbye and went back through the gate.

"Well, that is your deal, the materials are their armor, their weapons, and some skin, we can kill them, or keep them alive".

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by Carnyveil June 16th 2015, 12:59 pm

A crate opened in the storage area of the jet as Ghost stepped out of it silently. He looked around and then moved toward the racket trying not to make a sound. he phased his head through to see whats going on and then back after seeing a bunch of angels and two women fighting them. He then began to load his m16 while thinking

Two hot women fighting angels...they might have my answers that I need. They might know and have information on it...only one way to find out.

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Registration date : 2015-06-14

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by Elena Vexus July 2nd 2015, 3:58 pm

At least her curiosity were quickly put to rest. Soo after Elena finished speaking a portal opened beside the girl and the apparent bar owner stepped out. He simply wanted a few parts of the angles in exchange for the crystals. This was almost two easy.
"Flesh and armor? Coming right up."
With a flick of her wrist all of the clothing worn by the angles, their armor, and a few fingers were quickly removed from them deep underneath the sand with her Technomatter. All without killing them.
The materials were brought up to the surface by the silver sand and dropped it at their feet.
"There you are. If there are any more of these rats with wings mucking about I would be more than happy to disarm them for more of your exotic crystals."
The Technomatter she had used to drop off the Angels' materials seeped back down into the sand, flowing strangely almost like water. Her General still stood confidently next to her, fully cloaked as to not completely reveal his appearance. Not that anything would startle this one. She had just been perfectly content fighting angels on top of a crashing plane. So far negotiations were moving smoothly and hopefully they would continue that way.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN) Empty Re: Hot Angels, on a Jet (OPEN)

Post by WhiteRaven03 July 6th 2015, 2:36 pm

Loretta sighed softly and said; "How boring, oh hell, Azazel dear, here's your pay" The woman snapped her fingers and Azazel's hands appeared through portals around the materials and took them through. A few minutes later, a pair of gems came through a portal that appeared under Elena.

"There, our deal is done, now you won't take these two won't you?" She said, sheathing her guns on her hips. Loretta patted off some sand in her outfit and picked up the pilot of her jet. The woman sighed and summoned Lilith's whip. She pulled the jet out of the sand and welded broken parts and had Azazel's hands repair a broken engine.

Loretta slapped the pilot across the face and he woke up. They both climbed on to the jet and the engine purred as it was getting turned on.

The earth suddenly started shaking before Loretta got on. She looked at her pilot. "Go! I'll be right back!" She shouted as she jumped out of the ladder leading up to the jet's door.

The sand around them began shaking as the pilot flew off. A hole appeared under Loretta, thankfuly she had already jumped out of harms way.

A snake like creature erupted from said hole and extended it's wings, sending sharp feathers around them, cutting Loretta's cheek slightly.

Ignoring the attack, a smirk appeared in her lips. She took out her guns and aimed directly at the...thing. "A new one? How interesting, well, I barely killed any of you today, so it was nice for you to come here" She glanced at Elena. "You already got what you wanted, now, let me kill at least one!".

Status :

Quote : "How dare you attack a lady like that! And ripping her favourite dress too! I think you naughty little angels deserve a good spanking from me!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Location : Somewhere.
Job : Being stupid.
Humor : All kinds of dirty.
Registration date : 2015-04-26

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