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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Atlas May 31st 2015, 8:00 pm

To Nɇaroviin the world was an infinite mystery, one he wanted to learn all he could about if only to slake a curiosity that was always burning within him. Usually, that lead him to one of the large human cities that sort of just stood out, with people driving around in their cars and going about their daily lives without a care in the world. However, this city was different than the other one in more subtle ways, such as the shape of the buildings even if that was not too obvious, the smell of the air and how windy it was. This city was a lot windier than the other one, so that was what stuck within his mind the most. However, beyond being windy he didn’t find anything substantially different about this city beyond the fact that there wasn’t a ruined section of it. Why there was that place of ruin, well he didn’t really know about that.

Either way venturing through Chicago was what he was doing, taking in all of the sights dressed in what clothes he could gather, considering they usually ripped whenever he changed. These clothes consisted of a pair of jean shorts and a muscle shirt, enough to cover himself but nothing overly extravagant. Not like he planned to be wearing them for too long, as there was always one reason or another to shift, meaning there was always one reason or another they would end up ripped into pieces. However what was on his mind was food, mostly due to the fact he hadn’t bothered to eat all day for one reason or another. So food was on his mind, and then he began to wonder what kind of foods humans ate.

Maybe they had different kinds than in the colony, so many questions and so many ways to get an answer. The way he would do that was the usual, being that he would find said food and then eat it. Considering his lack of a concept of money, not as if he would worry too much about the fact he had no money at all. In fact, it was the smell of something tasty that hit his nostrils, causing Nɇaroviin to salivate slightly as he took in more of the air. It was something close, so he picked up his walking speed slightly while letting his sense of smell lead the way. Likely, it looks really strange for a guy to be sniffing the air, but he just did not care about that. All it took was a few minutes of walking, and he ended up before what looked like a pizza place of some kind. Some people were sitting around tables with a familiar food they were taking slices out of, causing his stomach to rumble.

He knew humans had a name for it, but he could just not bring his brain to think of this name. An idea hit him, not as if they would mind too much if he took a few of these slices for his own, because some of them just did not look like they needed any more of that food. Otherwise he had a feeling they would develop their own fields of gravity, so while one of them was not looking he reached around and grabbed around four slices, two in one hand and two in the other while he would just make his way out. It seemed right to him, but to others it was not so alright, so he heard someone tell him to stop. Taking a bite out of the pizza, Nɇaroviin walked out of the pizzeria while really enjoying the taste. ”Wow, this stuff is just great.” He said with a grin, licking a bit of sauce around his lips before walking down the sidewalk once again.

Last edited by Nɇaroviin on June 2nd 2015, 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Thorgron May 31st 2015, 8:25 pm

Lights, sound, flashes, neon color assaulted Echo's eyes as he stepped out of the busy hotel lobby. It was funny, he'd seen the place before but only at a glance at he looked at himself in the mirror. Then once more he'd seen it, but only from the bathroom with a cheap whore. Where had she been, how had he gotten her there? All of it was a blur without much substance. Most of his life was. Just glimpses and camera flashes, mornings spent brushing teeth and passes by in rain storms, car rides and seedy bars. But now it was real, constant, an unedited and uncut stream of living consciousness. It was almost maddening. Stepping out into the street the sky above lit up with radiant sunlight. This was open sky, moving things, a life outside a box. Echo inhaled deeply. Fresh air. It smelled like car exhaust and cigarette smoke but it was glorious.

Immediately Echo moved to the nearest person, the fingers of his left hand touching their face. Warmth. The soft compression of flesh beneath the pressure of his fingers sent sensations up his arms."What the fuck man?!" the molested man confronted. "I'm sorry I just wanted to feel you" he returned very matter-of-factly as though he hadn't just assaulted the man's face. Entirely unsure of himself and what to do the man backed away slowly and once out of arm's reach took off away. But this was merely a minor setback. He was here and now and Echo fully intended to experience everything that this life had to offer.

First on his list was food. He'd seen it before even ingested a chicken wing or two but it had never been his own choice. So off he went, following his feet to a small pizza joint not far from the hotel. What luck he thought, moving over to a table to pick up a slice from an open box. Unfortunately for him, someone else seemed to have the same idea. A rather tall fellow came over to the pizza and snatched away have of it in one fell swoop. Echo was only going to take one and here this man was taking half! That simply wasn't going to do. Approaching the man from behind he tapped him on the shoulder, his blue leather jacket shimmering in the sunlight similarly to his dark blue hair. "Excuse me sir" he proclaimed, chest puffed with a pride. "One of those is mine, the other two belong to that man" he gestured towards the individual who was now rising from his seat and approaching the two of them.

Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Pbucket
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Atlas June 2nd 2015, 1:52 am

With food in his hand, Nearoviin had so many things on his mind as far what to do. Sure, people were likely not too happy about having their pizza taken by a random tall blond but then again he did not quite care about that. Well, he was about to do things until someone said something about the pizza being someone else’s. Well, he was aware that the man over there was eating the pizza but they were as he had noted earlier not really in need of anymore calories. Offering one slice to the person that had tapped on his shoulder, he totally forgot about the other.  ”I’m doing that other one a favor, he does not need any more food with his size.” Nɇaroviin said rather plainly before taking a bite out of his pizza slice which seemed more than anything to annoy them.

Apparantly they did not take well to being told the truth of them being a little too fat. Honestly, he had no intentions of giving them any of the pizza he had pilfered for himself, if only because he felt as if he were doing the guy a favor. Even if they didn’t see that way, because having your pizza stolen just sucks.
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Thorgron June 3rd 2015, 12:48 am

Echo was rather pleased with himself as he received his slice of pizza from the rather large man. "Thank you" he said raising the pizza to the man as though in some sort of toast and took a satisfied bite. It was amazing, flavor assaulting his senses for the first time. His eyes bugged out and he stared at the triangular delight in his hands with awe. Quickly he devoured the slice, before the man before him could even get to the next part of his actions. But when Echo did come back from his momentary lapse he was less than pleased.

Size? The man approaching from behind was clearly in possession of excess weight but there was no doubt that in terms of size, the man holding the pizza was significantly larger. "Sir, if size has anything to do with this issue then clearly you should relinquish your slices to this man as he is most definitely smaller." With one hand Echo would reach out to the large man in front of him and with the other he would hold back the fuming man who had had his pizza stolen. "Please calm down" Echo spoke to the disgruntled man. "Man top arguing about it and just let me get my pizza back from this asshole." A group of onlookers had begun to watch the scene unfold, however Echo was entirely oblivious to the attention being drawn.

Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Pbucket
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Atlas June 5th 2015, 1:42 pm

Apparently this unknown man did not quite understand what he was trying to get across, or maybe he was not getting things across very well. If that was the case, then he did not really think too much about it. Maybe he had said it wrong, trying to speak a third language always had it's problems and this was one. Whether that was the case, the man he had taken the pizza from was not too happy as he said something about wanting the guy to get his pizza back. Nɇaroviin  sort of blinked, looking at the guy while taking another bite out of the pizza.

”You should really calm down, you'll have a heart attack.” That was when they died or something, right? He didn't really know human terms quite well, but it sounded pretty bad, so he would have to go with that one. Having something attack your heart, well that sounded painful. People were starting to watch the thing happening as the alien in human form basically inadvertently taunted a person with the pizza that was stolen from them by eating it. Top that off with a possibler lack of knowledge of human anatomy, and well it was possibly comical.

”Weeeelll i'm going to go. People are staring and it's getting weird.” So that was what he would do, turning around and sort of walking away.
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Thorgron June 7th 2015, 9:35 pm

A heart attack? From two slices of pizza? By this point Echo was beyond confused. He'd seen himself eat pizza before, an by the boxful and he seemed fine so far. Still confounded he lifted his hand to his heart to ensure that it was in fact still beating. The familiar thud-thud confirmed it to be so. Okay,, so pizza was not to be blamed for a heart attack and this man was making off with the rest of it.

Putting a spring in his step Echo would create a series of mirrored surfaces at his feet like stairs. With a few bounces he was above the man. Taking his sword he would stab at the slice of pizza currently in the man's mouth in an attempt to skewer it and fling it back to the man behind him. If that was unsuccessful, well, he just might have a little bit of explaining to do.

Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Pbucket
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Grabbing a slice [Open to 1] Empty Re: Grabbing a slice [Open to 1]

Post by Atlas June 11th 2015, 4:08 pm

He was content with getting away with the pizza, conflict was not quite what he wanted really. However, before he could do that the unknown man began to create strange constructs with energy, stepping on them before attempting to slash at his pizza. His body sort of went into overdrive from there, leaning backwards as he narrowly avoided what would have been a ruined pizza, blinking as if more confused than anything. Looking from the pizza to the swordsman, one could tell he did not quite know what was going on.

”Were you attacking me or the pizza?” he would ask, looking at the pizza in his hand which had suffered a cut from the blade. ”Because I think you cut my pizza...that's like just wrong.” He said with a small frown before taking another bite.
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