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What is a name? (Open to 1 person, invite after that)

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What is a name? (Open to 1 person, invite after that) Empty What is a name? (Open to 1 person, invite after that)

Post by Artemis November 19th 2014, 11:07 am

The world had seemed so different now compared to what it once was. What was once a might cathedral she was bound to was now just rubble and her remaining brothers and sisters of stone where nothing but dust. She walked from the rubble, her chains dragging against the ground. She made it to the outside, and to the shock of many onlookers made it to what was once the grounds of the cathedral. She was a being made of stone, who have no gender, but was made with feminine curves that where made very apparent as she walked. She wore nothing but the chains around her hands and feet as she didn't need to wear clothes. But now the world was different. The gargoyle's memory was hazy but she remembered the church's grounds being flat, surrounded by a metal fence. Beyond that where nothing but trees. Travelers would come from all around to take up shelter under the cathedral's roof, and to be protected by the legendary guardians who slept in it. But now there was nothing but large ugly buildings made of stone and other strange materials.

She walked past the people who where in front of the church, past all their tools and computers. This place was strange now. She turned her attention to a woman standing close by. She closed the gap quickly. Her tail shot out and wrapped around the woman's torso, holding onto her tightly.

"What happened to my home." The gargoyle asked bluntly. The gargoyle was calm but her presence it self was unnerving.

"I-I don't know!" stammered the woman, obviously scared. "An earthquake a few years back uncovered it, we only just got the clearing to explore it. I-I swear I don't know what happened! P-Please don't hurt me!"

Not the answer the gargoyle wanted but it would have to do. She let go of the woman and continued to walk, making her way onto the road. She walked up till a point. There was a feeling deep in her. The feeling was familiar, it was the feeling she got when she approached the edge of the grounds. The feeling would drive them away from the edge to keep them from leaving, not like their bodies would let them leave the grounds anyway. She stood therefor a while, until a loud sound, snapped her back to reality. A strange looking beetle came flying towards her a a high speed. The car slammed on it's breaks, but it was to late. The car hit the gargoyle, yet the gargoyle didn't budge. in fact she didn't feel much of anything when it hit. The person inside the beetle was laying inside unconscious. The gargoyle approached the car and tore the door, off and pulled the person out of the car, laying them down on the road next to it. She then continued to walk. The feeling in her got stronger and stronger as she approached the edge of the grounds. But then, the feeling past, as if it never existed. The gargoyle thought it was strange but she kept walking. After a certain point she stretched out her wings and took off, to explore this strange new world. She had always wondered what was beyond the trees but now they where gone. The only thing that remained was confusion.
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Post by Rozmer November 19th 2014, 6:15 pm

Rozmer gave the city a once over through the smoke from his dying cigarette. It was a problem the strange man had. He liked heights, a vantage point where he could just sit back and observe. The world, every world, was full of wonder and beauty in every little intricacy and from a height like the small skyscraper he was currently perched on, he could take in all of it. But Rozmer also liked to smoke. Well, liked is a strong word. He was in the unbreakable habit of smoking, addicted if you will. And in the heights he enjoyed it was not unlikely that one would go out many times before he could finish. It got to be quite a bit frustrating. But it was a small price to pay for a good view.

Speaking of a good view, Rozmer's eyes were immediately drawn to a rather odd sight, for this world anyway. There was a gargoyle with golden chains bound about her arms taking off into the skyline and headed relatively close to Rozmer's position. Now Rozmer had seen gargoyles, living gargoyles before, but never in this universe and certainly not taking to flight in the middle of an otherwise normal and crowded city. It was if nothing else cause for investigation. As she gained in altitude Rozmer put out his cigarette on the roof and disappeared from sight. In an instant he was floating in front of the stone construct, hands in his pockets and a quizzical look on his face. He was for a moment taken by surprise, she was more than evidently female and incredible care had been taken in her construction. Every detail had clearly been painstakingly crafted. She was a beautiful piece of art. "Hello miss--?" he began inquiring to the construct for its name. "The name's Rozmer," he continued on "and you appear to be just a little out of place." A smile crossed his lips as he spoke to the construct. Meeting people, strange and unusual people, was one of his favorite parts of being what he was.

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Post by Artemis November 20th 2014, 12:44 am

The gargoyle flew through the city in much confusion. Where were the magisters that commanded her? Where were the other gargoyles and golems. This all made no sense and it didn't help that the gargoyle's head felt hazy. She needed to find a magister, even if it wasn't her master. They should be able to answer so many questions that plagued her. And then sudden a man appeared in front of her, floating in mid air. The gargoyle came to a halt, her wings taking large flaps to keep her in the air. The strength of the flapping was impressive, but it needed to be due to the gargoyle's weight. It didn't feel heavy to her but she knew it was considered heavy for others. She could vaguely remember stories told about when she first arrived that it took at least 6 or 7 men to move her around before she was awakened.

"I do not have a gender, I am a construct." said the gargoyle, completely missing the fact that the man was asking for a name. She never had one. Her master would call her 'it' or 'gargoyle', but on rare occasions referred to her as a 'her' or 'girl' although it usually w as followed with some task she wasn't meant to do in the first place.

"Rozmer I am looking for the magisters that look over my cathedral. When I awoke I had no new master so I must find my current one. I and a few of my sister where put to rest until we where needed to protect. I awake to my home and sisters in ruin and the enchantment that keeps me on the grounds faded. The forests around my home have been replaced with these strange buildings. I seeks my masters for answers. Do you know where I can find my master."
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Post by Rozmer November 20th 2014, 10:23 am

"No gender huh?" Rozmer remarked back with a chuckle. "Well whoever made you certainly thought otherwise." The gargoyle was driven he had to give her that. Dozing right over his own inquiry to her name she continued right on with an outpouring of her current dilemma.

"Magisters you say?" Rozmer racked his brain trying to think of any he knew of. IN this reality the list was scathe. There were dark magics sure but this sounded ancient. Her description of Chicago made it sound like a lush forest not a bustling city. Thinking over the information she had just poured out Rozmer came to the conclusion that she had been in some sort of stasis for a very long time.

"Listen" he began as delicately as possible "I have a feeling you were out longer than you realize. If I had to guess, your masters met their end long ago leaving you to awaken only when their old magics faded." Taking a hand, he would lift one of the gold chains that hung from her wrists. "Your chains are broken. Don't be alarmed are free now." This was said with a great deal of care. Gargoyles were usually beings of great vigilance and pride but will, free will, was not something they always understood, or took to well. "I'm sure you have all sorts of questions and I'm more than willing to answer them but first I've got just one of my own." Rozmer reached into his back pocket and pulled out a sour apple lollipop. Unwrapping it and popping it into his mouth he would ask his question. "What's your name?"

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Post by Artemis November 20th 2014, 11:25 am

"I did not have a choice in how I was designed, the artificer who made me decided on my design." said the gargoyle. The man seemed to be thinking about what she said. The gargoyle just hovered there for awhile, flapping her wings up and down to stay in the one spot. And the came some news she didn't know how to take.

"Impossible, I would of awaken at the first sign of trouble. The moment something would become amiss my sleep would of ended." said the gargoyle. She back up a bit and stiffened up as the man reached over and grabbed one of the golden chains around her wrist.

"T-That's why I need to find my master." said the gargoyle, avoiding the man's eyes. "I need to find that perverted old man... he... he..."

The gargoyle was starting to trip over her own words. Starting to wonder what to do next.

"I have no name. M-master would call this one 'it' or 'gargoyle' when he needed me. On rare occasions referred to this one as a 'her', 'she' or 'girl'... but that was usually followed by me preforming a task I was no created for." said the gargoyle. She was starting to freak out. This man must be lying, he had to be lying. If she was free then why did she still feel a lot of the compulsions that kept her in line. Suddenly her tail shot out, aimed directly at the man's neck. However her tail froze a few inches from the man's next, as if it was just normal stone.

"See I am not free. I am still bound, I need to find my master and if I can't find him I need to find a new one." said the gargoyle, obviously distressed at this point.
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Post by Rozmer November 20th 2014, 4:56 pm

Rozmer knew full well that his words might have this sort of effect on the gargoyle. Poor thing. She was lost and afraid, not unlike how he had been what seemed to be ages ago. "Death does not necessarily mean trouble, death happens naturally willingly even. Whatever happened to your masters happened off your grounds." Rozmer spoke through the small paper stick that stuck through his lips. Then as the gargoyle continued Rozmer's eyes cast down as the reason for her feminine appearance became apparent.

It was a sick thing, to bind a soul who could not refuse a command to twisted sexual desires. Rozmer's blood boiled at the thought as his teeth crunched through the lollipop in his mouth. If he had wanted her to be free before, even more so now he wanted to separate this poor soul from her deprived past and sick master. She was scared and afraid, lost in a world that must have seemed so giant to her compared to her monastery. And as her confusion grew her actions and words became more frantic. A stone tail like a spear came flying at Rozmer's neck. He prepared himself to phase through the incoming attack but it never arrived.

Lowering his head cautiously he came to discover that the tail was floating inches from his neck. He lifted a finger to it's tip and pricked it to ensure its sharpness. The drop of blood produced from his pointer finger made its lethality very clear. But without fear Rozmer would move forward, allowing the tail to pass harmlessly through his neck. "Shelby I know you"re-" The name escaped from his mouth before he could stop it. His face immediately turned red and his eyes widened. Not a day had gone by that he did not think of Shelby, but never had he let her name slip so carelessly. Putting a hand up compassionately he would apologize and continue. "I know you're scared without a master, out in this world so large compared to what you've known. I know how you're feeling. I was like you once, thrust violently into a world too impossibly large for me to comprehend. But you don't need a master. You're free. If it suits you I can function as a master until you're strong enough to function on your own." Rozmer held out a hand, a friendly gesture trying to comfort the stone beast. Thinking on his little slip and looking into her ruby red eyes he had to admit to himself that she reminded him of Shelby. She had been so lost, forced into a role she did not want but with no idea how to remove herself from it. It took an act of faith and aggression to remove her from it. He could only hope that something similar would not be required for this girl.

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Post by Artemis November 22nd 2014, 11:39 pm

"L-Lair! Y-You have to know where my masters are! I-It's a crime punishable by death to lie to a gargoyle." yelled the construct, shouting laws that lost their meaning centuries ago. The gargoyle unconsciously started to fly backwards, getting space between her and the strange floating man. And then something clicked in her head.

"W-Wait... " said the gargoyle. She looked over the man. Maybe she never questioned it cause she had just woken up from sleeping, but this man was strange.

"Y-You're floating... the only people who could do that where the magisters. B-But you're not one of them that means are..." Said the gargoyle. In her head she had now pegged the man as one of her enemies. He had to be one of her master's enemies. She heard stories that the enemy could use magics not to different from their own.

"What did you do with them!" said the gargoyle. She charged at him with what could be considered misplaced anger. However her form was off and it was easy to tell she was striking out of fear and anger. But she really didn't know what to believe at this point.

"What did you do with my masters!"
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Post by Rozmer November 23rd 2014, 8:57 pm

Rozmer was anything but a liar so the construct's accusations were a bit jarring. He'd been nothing but sincere to the creature and she began throwing laws at him from her past. Her confusion must have been getting the best of her. Then she called his floating in to question, flapping her powerful wings away from him. "Listen, I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not-" No time to speak. Rozmer's words were cut short as the gargoyle began a headlong charge right for him. Really? he thought to himself as she clumsily fluttered in his direction. Allowing his body to phase out, the gargoyle passed harmlessly through him. Turning as the back end of her went through his body, Rozmer would reach out a hand and grab her by the tail. "Calm dow-" again he was cut off as the force from her body moving forward made him lurch backwards. Getting his bearings he would put more force into pulling her back towards him. The creature was heavy, heavier than he had considered but not out of the realm of his own strength. "I'm trying to help you not hurt you" he said through gritted teeth, much of his strength being used to hold her back. "I'm no magister and I'm no enemy of theirs either. The world has changed. Either you're going to listen to me and accept that or bumble around aimlessly for the rest of your life!"

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Post by Artemis November 29th 2014, 6:44 pm

"Lair!" yelled the gargoyle, continuing her attack. Some people down below had started to pick up on the fight happening in the air. People whispered and took photos. This man had to be lying. There was no way he was telling the truth. And then she flew right through the guy. Her confusion was long as the man grabbed and pulled on her tail, causing her to be pulled back. She made a strange moan like-noise as it was pulled, before it turned into a surprised yelp. Soon the gargoyle on constrained by the strange man who surprisingly could hold her down. Even if just barely.

"Let go of me!" said the gargoyle, struggling for freedom.
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Post by Rozmer November 30th 2014, 4:16 pm

Rozmer 's mind grew restless as he looked at the gathering crowd below. If enough b=people got wind of this incident the poor gargoyle would be put on display in some freak show somewhere. That would certainly not help her ever growing confusion. He too did not want to become a public figure. An omniversal being had no place making the headlines so he did the only thing he could think of. "Be still!" he commanded, authority in his voice and with the gargoyle's hand still firmly clutched in his hands he teleported, taking the girl with him.

In an instant they were gone from the crowding street and standing safely within the walls of an abandoned church somewhere within the city. The midday sun shone brilliantly through the cracked stained glass and illuminated the dusty pews. Rozmer could only hope that a location like this would give her peace and allow her misguided anger to settle. But at the moment, he was still struggling with her tail. " I mean you no harm, why else would I bring you to a place like this? You are going to have to trust me!" He was a little more than agitated at this point. The gargoyle would listen, she had little other choice.

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