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Keeping Motion (Vexus)

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by 16 October 3rd 2014, 12:11 am

Sixteen had been out of action for a while just calling a vacation in trying to bring himself together. All that has happened in his life recently wasn't exactly hitting him, he was always on the move trying not to absorb all the grief and feelings moving against him. His location wasn't important at the moment of the story; Right now all that is explained is the background of how he got there. His resources tries to keep track on some of the most biggest heavy hitters in the world, the ones that actually make the world move a little more then it should. He had a large list of people he wouldn't actually go assassinate no matter how much money was offered or involved, because taking out people who make the world go round would allow heroes to take over and he didn't need that happening. Elena Vexus; One of the most heaviest hitters in the underground of the criminal society, every evil vixen looked at her like she was Marilyn Monroe, a star of the underground. All he knew was she had money, responsible for unspeakable acts of terror, and switches up powers to keep his lurkers at bay. Sixteen admitted himself to having an erection thinking of her, and he doesn't even know what that is. He would usually need to travel the world until he found her but in his case, through his resources he found himself in the one place where many assassins breathe easier.

Las Vegas.

The camera's lens made it's way to fix in on Sixteen's figure. Twelve-Thirty was the time of the night, half of the moon watched down on the world in darkness in almost slow motion, tonight was live where Sixteen was at. Lotus-Sixteen was onto of a large building, probably notified as a townhouse or store downtown. His mood was curious, one of the only emotions he actually felt beyond anything else. His emotions around this time was curiosity, he had to keep himself moving; His objective? Assassins stay in the shadows, if he wanted to actually do something big he had to actually connect. Admiring and watching from events and screens were no longer enough - He wanted change ... Even if it could get him killed. The camera changed its focus to where Lotus attention seemed to be glued on, a very large and popular building. Name of the building was irrelevant to Lotus, but it was the biggest casino in the town and in Las Vegas that is a big deal. Plan? He was cooking up one in his head as we speak, though admitted as nice as it would seem to sprint in there, it was way to many people and security to pull it off without something going wrong.

His eyes watching the endless amount of people go in and out of the large doors to spend their money away; Of course the underground portion was probably the most juiciest of it all. He knew which 'manager' to ask for on the phone, so once he did so the man agreed to see if he could find her; Just come to his office. He's invited. Thing was, that specific 'manager' was part of the underground society and what he didn't know was that Sixteen knew were his office was before he called him. You would have expected it to be under right? No clever bastard office is on a high level of the skyscraper. Not a problem. Lotus body weight fell forward releasing the standing position changing course into a falling motion performing a series of frontal flips until he gracefully hit the ground - Then he was off. Sprinting off the streets and into shadows, even though he was invited in the front door would alert more guards then needed just in case. He moved towards the moving trunk area moving supplies; once he got his chance at full speed he went from an ally shadow to the inside of a building in the shadows. Full speed made things so much more easier, he was able to sneak past any guards and or cameras lurking the building until he got to the floor he was invited for.

Black boots tightly laced - Check. Loosely fastened black cargo pants with utility belt - Check. Black t-shirt with gadget vest present over it with a mysterious hood that looms over his face showing only his mouth. - Check. Current Palms, a close quarter weaponry in the form of gloves - Check.

His heart was slow and steady, his arm grabbing hold of the knob before turning and pushing, opening up the door to his golden destination; The place where he should find answers. When the door opened and he stepped himself in to see a better view, the room itself was large and beautiful in deign as it was large. The details were unimportant, at the end of the room was a office des; behind it a chair in which was facing the large glass window. He was invited so an attack shouldn't be necessary right? His movements were slow walking, waiting for whatever or whoever behind the chair to make a sudden movement or speech but as he got closer - His danger sense tingled even harder within every step. Senses beyond his six was not picking up much of anything beyond silence and a large room. When he got close enough to see the reflection of the chair he noticed no one was present. Danger sense tingled a signal behind him of intent, when he turned around he had the biggest guards they had blocking the door. Six of them to be exact, they looked pure human with lots of muscles in Lotus eyes but it was only one way to find out. They carried stun guns and batons, they moved closer positioning themselves around the room for a planned strike against one man. Lotus felt a bit betrayed, but dealing with underground you don't get much honesty.

No inordinate smells, his ears were picking up their movements, eyes were back up and his danger senses locked in on their intent already analyzing the situation. They were in a fighting stance and intended to fight, so he would fight. He choose a non lethal method, perhaps interrogation would be effective in this manner making them useful alive. He decided to target the one furthest behind. First guy, approached by the wall in speed faster than they would be able to comprehend, snatching his own stun gun getting behind him and grabbing his neck with one arm in a somewhat hold - Using the other to stun him in his heart. Causing a special kind of scream before he was completely out of commission, before his comrades tries to make a turn around to confront him he would be gone again. Throwing the stun gun from another direction of a wall smacking one of them in the head, but as they looked in that area he was no where to be found. Back on ground level stealing two batons, one from each; he began bashing all of them in perfect combo of speed. Literally twenty seconds, could have been faster but flare takes more then effort. Ribs, skulls, bones and egos were broken - No movements in sight ... At least from them. He took the pleasure to at least sit down in the chair that was empty waiting for someone to sit in it. No sweat, he did this shit for pay. As he sat, he looked at the window, outside into the night. Time was about One o clock around now, he was going to wait until they got up and then start the party ... unless he's going to get distracted.

[Feel Free to give advice and constructive criticism]

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Number of posts : 170
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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal October 26th 2014, 7:02 pm

It had been going on for a while now. She had been getting periodic flashbacks of the time she had been captive. Gena still vividly remembers the location of this collapsed laboratory, even though it just looks like a pile of rubble now. Before departing though, she did take in as much information about Elena as she could. She was an extremely dangerous individual and it would be invaluable to have intel against her if the day ever came where she escaped her ice prison. Now though the platinum ice queen found herself in the streets of Las Vegas, the City of sin.
It was not somewhere she intended to stay for long, she was being mistaken for the common folk that are 'for hire' along the street corners. Eventually she commissioned some bodyguards in order to keep these creeps off of her back. With the large men in black suits following her around she began to command a lot more attention that places that she went. The casinos were fun, but they were not for her. Despite her young physical age and appearance, she did not enjoy the activities that her demographic mostly participated in. Being at these locations though did prove to be rather useful. Ms.Montreal had caught word of someone looking for Elena Vexus in this City. What a mistake. Doing so would only result in death for this poor fool, but maybe Genevieve would find a use for him. She made a few phone calls to have a 'meeting' arranged and then quickly left the casino she was at. Gena had relocated to the top of a skyscraper in an executive office where her and her muscle would wait for this overly curious individual to arrive.

Genevieve had made her temporary 'exit' from the room as they awaited for their guest. Once he entered the rather large room, violence immediately ensued. Watching this, Gena could only roll her eyes. She had the background on all of the men she hired, but at this point it appeared as if they had absolutely zero hand to hand combat training. This individual was doing quite a number on her men. He was quick on his feet and definitely knew how to fight, nowadays that was all you needed to get by, find a job, or anything really. He was a basic sort of fighter. Metahuman, no doubt. Though it did not seem like he had been gifted with anything too exotic. This was beneficial to Gena because if he could evolve his abilities then it may eventually put her at a disadvantage. She has experienced first hand what happens when you try to tame something more powerful than yourself.
Very soon her six goons were on the ground, and this man was sitting calmly in the chair behind the desk. Now it was Gena's turn. There was a full length mirror that had been on one of the walls in this room, but the man had not paid any attention to any of the smaller details in the room. The mirror had actually been one of Genevieve's Ice Mirrors which she had been hiding in through the duration of the conflict. The large glass window by the chair began to frost over creating one large ice mirror. Gena's image then appeared as if she was walking in from a distance, despite the other side of the glass being a multi-story fall to solid concrete.
"Bravo. You are a talented individual."
Gena came into full view now a she stood in the ice mirror. The doors on the other side of the room began to freeze over to lock the two of them in. After, frost bean to cover every open surface in the room which also began to dramatically lower the temperature.
"Now, I understand that you are in search of an individual by the name of 'Elena Vexus'. Unfortunately, she is not someone you can simply ask for by name. Though I am not her errand-girl by any means. I am just the closest thing you are going to find to Elena Vexus. So, what does a man like you want with a woman like her...?"
Genevieve remained in her Ice Mirror through the duration of her conversation just in case he wanted to try and get information from her the 'hard way'. The other Ice Mirror was still active on the other side of the room, but still appeared as an ordinary mirror. This encounter had many routes that it could take, hopefully this one would take the path less traveled.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by 16 October 26th 2014, 8:17 pm

Taking down the thugs were absolutely no problem, for Sixteen that is. Sixteen was very curious enough to find this woman by almost any means, though he was worried he may be giving her the wrong impression by taking the men she likely hired down. His brainstorming began to kick in, if she was a meta human or anything of the sorts like the legends and rumors were told: Those guys were by no means her body guards. At least his first assumption, he would be a tad bit disappointed if that's the kind of protection she carried around. Humans nowadays without the proper equipment are like flies theses days - something to swat at. Sixteen had known better to think otherwise, he had a guess it could have been a distraction in order to escape or something - Maybe she was running from someone? He forced himself to doubt such actions trying to keep the faith.

Little did he know, he was about to have a unexpected meeting with an ice princess. The guards were out of commission, killing them wasn't required but for the moment he needed to think on his toes before he decide to try the casino lobby again and this time pull people out one by one. He then had a second confrontation, but this time something of much more value then the ones before. His danger senses gave him a tingle, this alerted him that someone was near - his eyes opened and scanned with the senses of his eyes and found nothing at first.

His ears picked up on the sound of a kind of crisp, like something being harden or being changed by form - then his eyes followed that trail to find something of indifference. To his right the closest full length mirror began to freeze up, around the edges and changing color to a more bluish feature. Analyzing it to be some sort of ice powers, his first suspect was obviously Vexus. He didn't make any hasty movements, could be a special item, or secret door - But his danger senses were not telling him he was in trouble or in danger of an attack - So he sat quietly.

Emerging was the image of a woman at the gracious timing of her giving him a compliment on the work he had done on the men in the office. She was visualized as walking while inside the mirror. Giving him an idea of how possibly creative she could be in her own element; likely watching the whole event. Sixteen had a split second to actually respond to her compliment, but with her powers he had a doubt she could have been a bit sarcastic given it was just humans. So naturally he didn't respond, he didn't move, he just waited to see if she would come out of her shell. Fortunately for her she didn't, lead him to believe she was smarter then that - Or she figured she may not be able to best him in combat. Could be she's not here to fight?

Moving on. Before he had the mind to be rude, she began to answer questions for him. The chill in the air was obviously her, as well as what she think will lock the two in. All he had to do was tornado drill his way out if needed; but he was trained to be more patient then that of course. Now it was his turn to answer questions, the errand ice girl was going to have to do for now. He blinked under his hood, his visible mouth not giving her anything to go upon he'd need to speak up if he was going to jump for what he wanted.

"Not sure to take that as a compliment or sarcasm or not. If first, thank you but if latter then nice to meet you too. How am I not surprised? Figured I'd take much more then this to bring out the famous 'Elena Vexus'. Well, from what I heard she's one of the hardest crime bosses in the underground and she keeps things ... In motion; so to speak. I want in."

His speech had a bit of a slang too it, but it was all the more professional and upfront, no mixed signals.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal October 26th 2014, 11:06 pm

He was a bold one, there was no doubt about that. The was an air of confidence to the way he spoke and he held Elena Vexus in very high praise, which Genevieve did not enjoy. She wanted to tell him that Ms.Vexus was currently incapacitated and at her hands, but that would stir up a lot more chaos than what she needed at the moment. It was not unusual for such an individual to fall off the face of the earth for an extended period of time with no warning, so her disappearance should go some-what unnoticed.
"Indeed, Ms.Vexus was a powerful individual. Unfortunately I cannot say whether or not she has any open positions. However I am always in need of more competent help, as you can see." She said, referring to the unconscious mass of muscle on the floor behind them.
The whole room now almost had a nice thin, slippery, layer of ice over it now. She knew he was fast, but his form of speed requires friction. Hopefully he didn't try to skip out on her too soon.
"I can offer you protection, if need be. Consistent work, and a genius salary. That is, of course, if you're comfortable taking orders from lil' 'ol me."
Genevieve had run into many individuals she had tried to recruit that did not want to listen to a tiny little girl like her. She had unfortunately 'lost' a lot of good applicants that way. Power was a great attribute, but personality would seal the deal.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by 16 October 27th 2014, 12:20 am

She was a bold one, there was no doubt about that. His current written description of her would be somewhat informative. She seemed to be on his side, his danger senses wasn't telling him she was a threat, but she was freezing up the place with her ice Juju. His warm light tattoo came to mind, but he would wait a while longer. He didn't know anything about Elena Vexus, but if she was the next best thing and she could really play with Sixteen a bit why not right? She spoke again, him allowing her to speak on a term of she using the term 'was' made him blink. Under his hood he began to question in seconds notice, but she spoke on another sentence giving him a commission that perhaps she was unavailable or something similar. For the moment he dropped that thought, until another time is needed. Her mentioning she may need his help had his ears jump. Then she motioned at the guys who were laid out, as the moment was now. Motioning them to look at the sleeping muscle laying around sleeping.

Sixteen had to activate his tattoo, well one of them at least. Her presence was cute and all but she was freezing up the place and he wasn't sure if it was her on accident or that's just how she does business. Activating his Warm Light Tattoo on his body, his tattoo on the top of his chest flashed before erupting a bright warm orange light that radiates a small amount of heat around him keeping him safe and warm, melting the ice underneath his feet at least around the desk. He couldn't run, unless he'd have to blow the room to pieces - Luckily he wouldn't need to do all that. He looked back at her and she kept speaking, once she was done he gave her a moment before responding.

Moment was up, and he spoke before chuckling under his hood. A hooded black man chuckling after he took down your crew? Intimidating right? "Offer me protection? Not to brag but ... I've been an high class assassin for years, I'm an expert in anything you got. I aim to please. Though you may could use an upgrade on security, lovely salary with a pretty face to work with would be nice. Wait did I just compliment you? That was strange, I'm sorry?(Look of confusion under his mask). Anyways. As long as I have purpose. You are exactly what I am looking for" he spoke. Questioning parts of his statement in complete confusion. His tattoo allowed him to stay nice and warm, with a deep sigh he was fine and alright inside the ice for now.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal October 27th 2014, 7:42 pm

Good, his mind was off Vexus. It also appeared that he had a way to heat himself and keep him warm, convenient to have against someone with her abilities. She gave a smirk hearing that he would join her efforts, whatever they may be.
"Excellent to hear! I have your contact information and will do so when your services are needed. Now unfortunately we have reached the part that I do not necessarily enjoy..."
From the ice cover floor, three large ice creatures began to rise up. They were about 7 feet tall each and were made of an extremely dense ice. Though they were not for what her new friend might have first assumed. The three of them picked up the large brutes he had taken care of earlier, two each, and exited the room after the doors automatically opened. The doors then closed behind them and the ice on the doors thickened dramatically.
"I'm not going to ask for a resume or references to prove your worth. The fastest way will be to find out for myself. I don't want to hire someone, send them on a mission, and then have them get killed or fail miserably. That looks bad on me. If my reputation was not on the line then I would not have to go through this 'screening' process. It's my lest favorite part of this interview process, so the faster this ends the better."
The ice on the window she was projecting herself on also increased in thickness, she didn't want him to run out on her. However that would speed up the process, she would know not to bother with him since cowardliness was unacceptable. From above the man icicles formed and then launched downward, and lethally sharp ice-stalacmites formed all around him creating a very dangerous environment. The icicles from the ceiling would continue to form and fire at him while the stalactites would continue to protrude upwards, both following his motion to keep him on his toes. This all happened simultaneously while Gena remained 'safe' in her ice mirror. Her prevailing test was to see if he could figure out how to get to her, but for right now a proper agility performance would suffice.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 74
Registration date : 2011-10-23

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by 16 October 28th 2014, 5:55 pm

He indeed was not thinking of Elena, at least for the moment. I mean with the temperature dropping and a trigger happy second best how can he? He was feeling curious of the ice princesses motives, being able to replace her position like this will only hope that she actually have a bit of 'flare' in what she does. In truth he was hoping she'd stop with the cold fever, in truth he was getting a bit worried she may actually try to attack him - like she was staging some sort of an event. Congrats, he was now employed. Not like he was before but maybe this time he actually could make some bigger money - with a new house - and gadgets. She began to speak again, she sounded more very happy to have her on the team. He figured he was about done with the conversation, bout ready to pack up and then - she got to the point where she admitted she didn't like a specific part of the interview. He blinked, under his black hood respectively. Sixteen finally used his body taking his legs off the desk and laying them almost gently feeling what would be normal friction but instead it was not. His danger senses did not go off just yet, but he did not like where this was going. He saw creatures making its way upwards, creating out of thin ass air. This was something almost new to him, but it was in ice form - so in turn it was new too him. His danger senses still did not go off, so of course his thought of movement didn't work in his favor yet. He watched the door closed and freeze shut which was a gift by his truly. He was on his feet at this time, slowly walking farther around the glass, his feet in a slow formation - His tattoo was effective but for it too melt the ice was beyond it's capabilities. Now face to face with his demons, in the mirror he actually got the full view of her from almost completely across the room. His ears caught wind of her next section of her sentences, which while she was talking it began. His eyes shifted towards the door, but his senses were letting him know of the dangers on both. His eyes focused back on the mirror she was sitting so nicely put in, seemingly trapped in this stupid box of a huge office.

Testing time begins now.

It seemed obvious she wanted to test something, maybe beyond the capable means she had already saw, either way no point of standing in one place. They came down with the power of the gravity, Sixteen under his hood eyes locked on her materialistic body as he made small movements without even looking at the ceiling or floor began to dance. His dance however consisted of small inched steps dodging below and fast enough upper body dodges to evade the Arial attacks. Sixteen began to use his compressed energy gloves to began to use rapid fire shot gun blast of pure energy that actually explode on contact - while shooting and dodging at the same time he couldn't help but look bored. He usually looked bored, he didn't have any opinion on what was going on. He assumed it was part of the exam so he didn't question it, blowing ice everywhere and making plenty space now before they began to grow. He started shooting the other glass mirrors inside the room with the PTSD of her may having the power to jump into more then just one mirror. Danger senses picked every piece of possibilities of her advantages and the mirrors in the room were the only ones they found. So while still evading the dangerous room - He blasted a long range blast of purple energy through the room at the last mirror standing. The one protecting her.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by Genevieve Montreal October 29th 2014, 6:15 pm

His agility was still impressive, but that was not interesting to her. She needed to see his tactical sense. Anyone can be powerful and have common sense. It was battle experience that would help an individual in a situation. Gena had a set of complex abilities, and it would take someone with battle smarts to figure out how they work. He had began using an energy based ability to destroy her ice, however every time her ice shattered the shards of ice stood still in mid air like they had been frozen in time. It happened repeatedly, unsure if this man had noticed. Even if he had there wasn't much he could do besides try and attack them again.
Soon enough though he did decide to attack the mirrors in which Gena was hiding in. Though it would be a little more difficult than just launching a single attack to destroy them. The shards of ice that had been floating all over the battle field moved in the way of the energy blasts, preventing them from damaging her mirrors. Afterwards Three more mirrors appeared around the room. One the doors to the exit, one on the wall to his left and one on the wall to his right. The one on the window and the one on the mirror in the room were still operating giving a total of five. Gena's image appeared on all five of them to add to the difficultly of locating exactly which mirror Ms.Montreal was in.

What was left of the floating shards of ice increased in size and sharpness and spiraled around creating a 'ice tornado' of sorts sounding like glass in a blender. They flew around in a circle keeping close to the mirrors, that way if another attack was launched at any of the mirrors they would be able to stop and block the attack. Or, if her opponent decided to get too close they would tear him to shreds. From the ice on the floor rose up two ice creatures. These were much different from the last being that they were much thinner. They began to throw kicks and punches in very quick succession, with both of their 'hands' and 'feet' covered in spikes full force contact would prove lethal. Simultaneously the rotating shards of ice began to close in, shrinking the space they had to fight. Of course the humanoid creatures attacking him had no reason to worry, in fact, they couldn't worry. They were just ice. Every so often a shard of ice would shoot across the space they were fighting in try to get another cut in. Genevieve was focusing pretty hard on all these things as she had to control them. Her image in the ice mirrors all had her in her heels with her arms crossed confidently, watching very closely. Even if there was the slightest slip up, she would not hesitate to take advantage and make a deciding move. This volley of combination attacking would truly be a test of this boy's powers.

INT: 5FS: 3
OCC: ---FLT: 2
STR: 2MAG: 0
SPD: 2POT: 0
DUR: 2SPL: 0
ABI: 8/4$$$: 3
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal
Genevieve Montreal

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Registration date : 2011-10-23

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Keeping Motion (Vexus) Empty Re: Keeping Motion (Vexus)

Post by 16 October 30th 2014, 8:35 pm

Fight or flight. Nah just kidding, he couldn't tell if he was supposed to be a show boy or they were really fighting each other. She's safe like a Barbie doll and he's dancing around like a play thing. As the energy blast released itself from his grasp they sliced through the air in the efforts of breaking the target's field of ice - it would make many connections and the sounds of multiple explosions in the room would echo through the room which would be music to his ears. Did you get the whole ' would be' part? It's kind of important because the rest may confuse or anger you. This ice doll had the nerve to not let her ice projectiles down when he shot them, instead they actually stopped in place. Sixteen's danger senses notified him immediately, he had no choice but to pay attention to everything, every piece of detail and every fabric of emotion and movement of smooth air. The shards would be stuck in one place, just one place in the whole world as the world spun around them, okay let me stop being poetic. Anyways, Sixteen was now on the defense - actually he has been on the defense since she popped her head from that mirror, instead he would have to wait for his chance to strike.

He wondered just how long she could perform theses task, could be forever but what would be the point if she couldn't actually hit him? Maybe that wasn't the point. He sighed lightly once he realized what they were used for, using it as a shield it blocked his energy laser blast effectively, obviously trying to stay on her kind of defensive. He was impressed with her power to keep all of this going at the same time. While more stupid ass mirrors were being formed he had to form his own plot of some sort, with a little time left he had to come up with something quick. She was playing dirty, so he had no choice but to fight dirty too, his plan would be very simple. His left hand went up, index and middle finger stuck out - Zap, large lightning show and boom - pitch black. Since she had all exits technically blocked, this was clearly a game of wits not strength or agility. With the lights out, he could still sense everything clearly with his danger senses even the new mirrors with her appearance in them. Giving a large assumption that fighting in the dark wasn't her cup of tea he gave himself the advantage. His tattoo was deactivated so he was right along in the dark with her, but being a ninja things like this didn't put him on edge - It made him feel alive. Basic move in his line, though he did secretly reveal that he likely had a super sense right about now. Now that the lights are out, she would have to come up with another method because he couldn't see him.


"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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