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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph September 23rd 2014, 11:52 pm

"No, Martin, dammit, you can't go!"

"Weird, cuz I'm going."

"I said no!"

"I actually have no idea if that's true, gonna be totally honest, I listen to maybe seven percent of what you say? Nah, maybe eight. Yeah, solid eight percent."

"You. Are not. Going. Anywhere!"

"But I've already got my adventuring goggles on. See, they're different from my regular ones because they're jauntier."

"They're not- well, maybe a little bit, actually, they're- don't try and sidetrack me!"

Martin paused in his hurried dressing and readying. He stopped and looked Pedro directly in his one, really freaky eye.

"Listen. Pedro. My buddy. My man." Pedro was unamused. "You know Middlefield is where I need to go. That's where we CSI'd the evidence back to, that's where at least one of the pseudo-Nazis came from, and that might be where they took the crystal. For Christ's sake that crystal gave me, like, crazy super powers! You really think we need to be letting the- alright I honestly can't think up any more names to call them, you really think we need to be letting those very angry burly men with guns be having that kind of power? Nah man, that's bonker-onkers."

"I know, but Martin, for God's sake, that's Lovecraft country!"

"So come with me! That way you can keep a lookout for all the crazy demons and crap! Man, you know how fast I am, I can be in and out of there in literally ten seconds, and I'm freaking impossible to surprise now, the only thing I have to worry about is Goddamn Nyarlathotep rising out of the deep to try and eat me and you can help stop that from happening!"

Pedro paused, and after a moment, let out a very pronounced digital sigh. Martin did not realize the quandary in that.

"I'm really not gonna convince you to just stay the hell home, am I?"

"Nice 'yes' brah."

And before Pedro could even react, Martin had plucked him from the air and ran straight out of their Boston apartment. By the time the poor droid got a word in edge-wise, they were practically halfway across the state. Pedro spent most of the seven minute run across Massachusetts shouting and cursing at Martin, who pretended not to hear him.

Pedro damn well knew Martin could hear him.

As they reached their destination, Martin came to an abrupt halt. The town was very, remarkably, ominous. There was a thick and swirling fog that bathed the land in the eerie glow of an unnerving twilight; the forest surrounding the town borders seemed increasingly hostile the longer Martin lingered in his spot. He could barely see into the town, but still felt watched from all angles.

"Pedro, man, something's wrong here, I can feel this fog way more than I should be able to, like it's thick in a really unnatural way, it's freaking me out." Pedro wiggled free from Martin's pocket, making spitting noises as he shook off any lint still stuck on him.

"I told you. I warned you it was gonna be weird out here. This is Cannibalville, USA, not to mention whatever other nasties might be lurking, not to mention the commando raid squad you came out here to track down."

Martin momentarily ignored the uneasiness to give Pedro a sour look.

"Christ man, nag any harder and you're gonna cause the nag singularity. Jesus."

"Whatever. Just, be careful. Be cautious. Take it slow, be alert. Hopefully we won't see anything in there other than what we came to see, but if we do, I don't need you running into it headfirst like a jackass."

"Please," Martin said, finally beginning to move, slowly and with care, "when have I ever been a jackass?"

God coughed lightly.

Last edited by Drago-Morph on October 1st 2014, 1:48 am; edited 4 times in total

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Powder Miner September 24th 2014, 12:32 am

Elke Gewinde Eberhardt, brand new persona Seam, raced across the Massachusetts countryside at about 339 miles per hour in a particularly rainbow streak. Though she'd had her super-speed for four years,she never really did get tired of experiencing the wind in her hair and her surroundings flashing by her. ...Yet while she didn't get tired of the feeling of running fast, the running fast itself was still running, and it still was quite capable of making her actually tired! And she'd been running for about a whole hour, so it was beginning to catch up with her. She just had to run a liiiiittle bit more, and she'd be golden. Catch her breath a little bit, then get with the villain-finding! Oh, starting out the whole super-hero business was going to be great.

As for why Seam was there in the first place and what heroing she had to do here, she'd done her research! She had read an email from a buddy of hers (a fellow occult enthusiast) talking about how a suspicious group of people out in the more magic-infested part of Massachusetts had been stealing things and then popping out to do who knows what with them. Elke had thought it to be a fantastic opportunity to start out! Not only did her summons quite potentially have the advantage over any groups of commando folks she might meet, given that she'd specifically woven a few of them for dealing with groups, but she had experience with the occult as well! She was sure that she had the qualifications she needed to find these guys and deal with them, even if not necessarily the most field experience. And set out to find them she did. It had taken her a bit of effort, but she had finally pinpointed their location, and she was off!

Reminiscing fondly on the prep work she'd done, Seam would have grinned if it wouldn't have just meant the air would have raced down her throat. The... incredibly foggy air, actually... it wasn't natural. She figured it was probably just the result of some ritual or something, as generally when you have strange fogs and strange, vaguely culty groups in one place they overlap. Wouldn't be a problem! But the fog did, she could see, enclose a town, and therefore it meant she had a chance to take a little breather! Seam crouched down a little, putting her hands on her knees as she breathed deeply in and out, to get some of her stamina back... she wasn't drained, but she couldn't exactly fight if she was run ragged! And as she did so, something caught her eye.

Someone in goggles looked to be patrolling the area, and Seam couldn't help but be suspicious. She watched him walk around with a little floating ball thing for a while, as she regained just a bit more of her energy. It seemed pretty clear to her that he had to be in line with what was going on here, what with the floating (occult? technological? Seam couldn't tell) ball-thing around him. Clearly the guy wasn't just a normal citizen. Smiling a little, she straightened out her rainbow-lined outfit and put her hand to her frame of strings she used to summon her various golems. "Hey, you! What are you doing here?" she called out to the odd goggled man, as she began to approach.

It was hero time.

Argil stats:
Seam stats:
Flagfall stats:
Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Chellizard September 24th 2014, 7:00 pm

"No, we're not having this discussion right now. Public school is out of the question, Lilia..."

"But, Ma~ma~! I want to go to college! For dance!"

"Do I have to tell you why this is a bad idea?"

"No..." a grumpy grunt hurriedly huffed passed pursed lips, but that was not all there was to be said about public school. "I need to be around other people!"

"The last time we were around other people you almost died, and I lost the sight in my right eye!" slamming her hand down onto the table, Skyler hunched over with her knuckles turning white.

The silver haired anti-hero stared down at the metal tabletop, the reflection of her adopted daughter catching her good eye. Beautiful pouty lips quivered with sadness and disappointment in her own mother's actions. Brown hair was loosely tied back with a ribbon, and a simple white dress clothed the girl. A sweater blouse was pulled over that, and the typical long stockings covered her scarred legs. The gorgeous porcelain girl looked like a statue, but not all statues can cry. Lilia was holding back tears. Time had matured the Ballet dancer, but the Doctor was stubborn. She refused to let her daughter become the ridicule of stupid college boys and girls.

A soft hiccuped sob racked through Lilia before she burst into real tears. The warm salty drops became soft streams rolling down ample rose tinted cheeks.

"Lilia... my daughter," Skyler relaxed herself as Aiva chirped in, the petite holographic girl waltzing to stand next to Lilia. She was the size of an average sixteen year old girl.

"Mama, Uncle Cornelius just sent an email- well, it is from Bernard, but it is truly from Uncle Cornelius. Also, stop being so hard on Lilia~. She just wants to try to be normal. Let's not be selfish and keep her beauty to just ourselves." and for once that whole day, Skyler actually smiled. Her lips pulled back slowly, but as soon as it stuck, she felt her smile grow into a grin.

"That is right, I do hog Lilia for her beauty... I don't mean to be hard on ya, baby, but I need you to understand where I'm coming from. We move way too much for you to be placed into a University--"

Lilia stood up and shook her head.

"Uncle Cornelius just emailed. You need to address that. I'll be in my room."

Without skipping a beat, the nineteen year old turned and stormed off up the stairs of their latest apartment. Slumping down into the nearest chair, Skyler let her head fall to slam into the metal tabletop.

"Mama," cooed Aiva as she shrunk down to only two inches tall and wiggled her way toward Skyler's good eye.

"Hrm?" Skyler grunted and sat up with an -oh, right- expression on her face. The email from Uncle Corn wasn't going to be unimportant. Ninety percent of the time it was very much important.

Skyler, I am writing to inform you of the utmost importance. An artefact has gone missing, and I am in need of your skills for the retrieval of this artefact. It is a crystal of sorts, and it has many names. One I have become most comfortable with is the 'Divine Shard.' It is a fascinating treasure, and I believe only you can get this for me.

So, please be a dear and do this for me. The address is at the end of the email. Also, I haven't had a chance to speak with Lilia about college choices, but there are four fine dance academies near my estate if she really does desire the life of a college student.

With all the love in the world,

Uncle Corn

"Sooo.... do I get to tell Lilia she gets to go to college?" Aiva asked, her little blueish white eyes lighting up with hope.

"I need to think about it. I travel a lot, and school might be a good idea. Plus, being near Uncle Cornelius will give Lilia a chance to learn a few ways to mask her metahuman traits... Turning parts of your skin to diamond is not very camouflage nowadays."

"True, but should I at least let her read the email? And also let her know that you're thinking about it?"

Skyler stood up as Aiva grew in size and sat along the edge of the table. The hologram flickered a bit as she smiled, holding back a devious twinkle in her eye.

Being the intelligent individual that she is, Skyler deduced that Aiva was already informing Lilia with her split hologramming to do so.

"You already told her," and to make it clear that she did, Skyler heard a shriek of excitement, followed by rushed footsteps down the stairs to only find Lilia's arms encircling her waist so very tight.

Hugging Lilia back, Skyler grinned down at her. "I'll only be gone for a week this time, but then we'll be moving in with Uncle Cornelius. You will be fine here, won't you?"

"Yes, mama! I love you!"

"I love you too, my daughter."


. o O ( I'll write more when you guys post again. Considering I need to drag out my character's arrival and what not. (: )

-My DeviantArt-
2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph September 25th 2014, 2:26 am

Martin creeped, creepily, through the dense fog surrounding the town, Pedro petering along behind, swiveling his body around nervously to track his surroundings.

"You know dude, honesty hour right now, seriously my bad for not giving you a rotating camera, must be disorienting to have to spin around all the time. Really should have been design point number one."

"Martin, it's fine, just be quie-"

"Well, that's not true, really should have been design point number two, design point number one should have been more lasers, those are always necessary, I mean obviously not necessary but there's not a point in not having pretty much as many lasers as-"

"Martin, God's sake, shut-"

"Oh crap, Pedro quiet, someone's coming!"

Martin could feel the presence of another person through the distant fog, approaching rapidly, at nearly half the speed of sound. Focusing his Kinetic Sense, which he had only a little practice with, he could feel the person was a woman,  average build, but clearly with some extraordinary abilities to move as fast as she was. Within a moment, she had raced to practically within spitting distance of Martin, to the point where he could actually see her through the swirling mists. She stopped and caught her breath, apparently winded from her exertion. Martin had a brief flash of terror; he assumed he had been tracked, and that whatever group had taken his crystal had sent some sort of superhuman after him as retaliation. A myriad of, admittedly mostly terrible, possible plans of action raced through his mind, from running away, to initiating conversation, to puffing himself up like one would to scare off a bear.

He chose option 'C'.

"Martin, calm down. You can't panic, we don't know who this person is and making a hasty decision right now might make a mess that no one wants. Just don't panic."

"Hey you! What are you doing here?" The woman cried.

Martin panicked.

"Gah! Demon woman! Cannibal of the mists! Wait, you ran here you're not even from the- I mean you're still a crazy soldier lady and- I want my crystal! And I'm not gonna get gutted by some Nazi goon in the middle of Hickville USA!"

Pedro began spinning and sputtering in astonishment.

"No! No I said don't panic, you're panicking!"

"Pedro! Yes! Fight her! Protect me! Use your laser!"

"What? No, I-"

Martin, with all the quickness of a terrified jackrabbit, lunged and grabbed Pedro from the air, facing his laser-eye towards the woman and accessing his favorite functionality: Pedro's laser button, for when he was being stubborn and wouldn't use it on his own. "Martin, I'm not going to laser-cook your dinner, it'll start a fire!" this, and "Martin I'm not lasering your cat!" that. Laser button sure showed him.

Turning the droid into a handheld cannon of, quote, "badass laser death", he began shooting at the ground around the woman in an attempt to ward her off while he bought some time to come up with a better, less bear-specific plan.

She was obviously more similar to a mountain lion, anyway.

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Powder Miner September 25th 2014, 8:12 pm

Oh, Seam thought, she'd found him out for sure! Sure, the guy's babbling about cannibals, and nazis and hickville USA had been confusing, and sure Seam had been thinking she should maybe slow down a bit, but he had done something that normal citizens don't typically do. He had done something that normal citizens don't, in fact, ever do at all! He had taken his little ball thing and started firing lasers at her, which really gave him several points towards being a creepy spec ops guy... even if his death ball seemed to be arguing with him.

The lasers, though... they were a bit of a problem, as Seam had no intentions to find herself a high-tech, fiery grave. No, Seam grasped the small string of frames, unhooking it and bringing it upwards with a quick blur. She had a pretty easy method of not getting murdered by the death-ball-lasers, and it was such: carefully picking out a pair of thin metal strings, she plucked each of the two at the same time, using a different finger for each, causing a brief flash of light to emit from the little wood-and-fabric square. Said flash of light soon reappeared, in the form of two nearly invisible, glowing strings... which ripped a pair of decided not invisible creatures out of nowhere. Said very much visible creatures were a duo of hulking, faceless metal golems that had popped into existence directly in front of Seam, slowly creaking. These golems were humanoid in shape, 8 feet in height, and broad, woven out of metal cables.

And that laser the goggled man had been firing around Seam? Thanks to the sudden appearance of the two large Cable Titans, it had struck their thick legs... aaand had done approximately nothing, the constructs not even reacting to its presence. Clearly, these metal beasts were some tough customers, making hiding behind them a very viable plan for Seam. Yet Seam found the idea of hiding behind her two summons honestly not only kinda coward-y, but also really entirely useless. She would have to take things into her own hands while the Cable Titans kept his front attention. Leaning forwards, Seam prepared to try and speed around the mad scientist, not quite aware of the actual speed difference present between the two of them.

Argil stats:
Seam stats:
Flagfall stats:
Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Chellizard September 26th 2014, 3:15 am

"So, are you sure I can fly up there without you?"

"Yes. But you are only without me physically. I'll only be a moment away. The link I have set up through Aiva's programming allows us to all three talk to one another. And even project ourselves as holograms. Well, our faces. I haven't calibrated Aiva to do us as full bodies yet--"

"Mom, you're rambling! Are you sure you don't want to just come with me?"

"Haha... I'm positive I want to come with you, but I'm also positive Uncle Cornelius will be realy disappointed if I did not at least try to get him this artefact. So, fly safe. I bought a first class ticket on a one way flight. Uncle Cornelius will be waiting for you, or he'll send a car. No one should know you're flying and--"

"Mama! Come on! Hahaha... you keep doing it!"

"Doing what?"

"Rambling. I'm going to be fine! You forget how tough I can be..."

"I could never forget how tough you are my little tiger lily," smiling, Skyler leaned forward and pecked Lilia on the cheek before dashing back into the apartment to pack the last few bags that Lilia would need to take with her.

Plenty of clothes, the souveniers and fridge magnets that they had picked up on their trip around the States. Missouri, California, Washington state and DC, North Carolina, Alaska... almost every state. They had even crossed into Canada for a while and stayed on a couple providences.

But, the time had come for Skyler to drop Lilia off at the airport, and then head out to Middlefield for the search of that artefact for good ole Uncle Corn.


"Ma~... Lilia juust passed out on the plane. The flight is long, but good thing there's no layovers." Aiva chirped as the little hologram plopped down on the dash of Skyler's old beat up Camaro.

It was nearing midnight, and she still had a way to drive. But, at least the roads in Ohio were long, empty, and dark. She could just drive for hours and not care out here.

"Did the Flight Attendent give you any crap for not having a ticket?" Skyler asked, a smirk crossing her face as she did.

"Haha~. Noo. But, Lilia was really happy to have me there. I'm still there, but only using my audio on your end. So, boss! Since we're going on a mission, it's going to be important that I remind you of the details of this shard."

Skyler rose a brow in question of Aiva for a moment, considering that this little artifical intelligence was full of sass and was also smart made for a dangerous combination. The little devious hologram stood up and walked to stand on top of the steering wheel, shrinking down to just two inches tall. Before she was five, but that would be too distracting for the driver. Skyler glanced to Aiva, but back to the road after a moment.

"All right! So, this thing is suppose to be a magical rune type rock thing. It's mostly opal colored, and in some spots it's silver and a tad bit iridescent. There's a few odd yellow and blue streaks that run through it as well. It's just an all around weird crystal. Oh, it's origins are obviously related to somewhere in space, but it has been floating around America for a while now. It was originally found nearly four hundred years ago in a small place in Brazil. A few scientists were confronted by American government officials, and you can probably put the pieces together from there, Doc." Aiva rambled on paced as she spoke, but this time in mid air. Seeing as she was a hologram, she did not necessarily have to be on a solid surface to move around. But, she did have to be near Skyler or Lilia to be projected. Or some sort of technology her program is uploaded to. At the end of her ramblings, she made a carrot appear in her hand and she bit into it after she called Skyler 'Doc.'

A soft, warm chuckle passed through Skyler's whole entire body before she just hardened her expression and thought about it for a while. The silence was filled with wind and thunder off in the distance. A storm was brewing, and even the intelligence of Skyler Snowden was being tested right now. She was curious as to why her Uncle wanted this crystal, and why it was so important. Was it because of it's capabilities? The unknown capabilities? Had her Uncle known someone that discovered it? The possibilities were endless, but the time was much too late for her Uncle now, so she chose not to bother him with a phone call.

"Well, Aiva, I guess we'll just have to be careful and use one of those storage cases I made for those stupid EMP grenades I made. They're unstable, but they work very well.... hrm... Well, four hours of driving down, only ten or so more to go. We should be there in no time. Good thing I can manage on zero sleep. We might end up stopping before we get to Massachusettes though. Well, it's on the outskirts, but you know..."

"I get it! Well, I'm going to give myself a break and get some 'sleep.' Gnite! Shout if you need company!" Aiva gave a short wave before fizzling away in an array of pixels.

Smiling, Skyler turned on her radio and switched to an old casette tape. It was music record by the great Paxson Gold, father to the singer Tyuki Gold that Lilia loved so much. Boy, could he play guitar.

-My DeviantArt-
2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph September 26th 2014, 5:37 pm

"What?!", Martin screamed, sounding stunningly similar to the shrill cry of the exotic Golden Pheasant. Such majestic birds. Martin was less majestic. What with the terrified flailing. He imagined it was hard to be taken by surprise by a pair of walking tanks, but such was the situation he found himself in. While he could now feel their position and movements, his Kinetic Sense had provided no warning as to their appearance; Martin hypothesized that they were not purely physical in origin, and thus couldn't have been anticipated by the predictive capabilities of his Kinetic Sense.

This was all, of course, rushing through Martin's head as he completely lost it at the sight of them. He watched Pedro's laser bounce harmlessly off their metal hide; had it not been obvious already, these behemoths were forces to be reckoned with. Legitimately fearing for his robuddy's safety, Martin tossed the little fella to the side, outside the epicenter of what was to be a chaotic showdown. Just as he did, the woman who had summoned the beasts charged him. Martin's mind blanked; he slipped into the pure autopilot of the Kinetic Sense, his body moving entirely on its own without any conscious input from him. Deftly and gracefully, it spun slightly to the side, just diverting the woman's charge; as he stepped into prime position, much faster than she could close the distance, he waited what seemed only to be but a heartbeat for her to come within critical range. As she did, he shot a devastatingly fast clothesline elbow out to intercept her face.

Meanwhile, Pedro spun helplessly through the air, choppily screaming, "Martin-Goddammit-Iamnot-your-Goddamn-bouncyball-you-can't-keepdoing-thistome!" He managed to stabilize himself just barely, swiveling quickly to see the two metal monsters rush into the blur of motion that was Martin and the strange woman's battle.

Feeling frustrated and useless, Pedro cried, "Martin, I swear to God you better not die or I'm taking all your science stuff!"

Last edited by Drago-Morph on October 1st 2014, 1:49 am; edited 2 times in total

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Powder Miner September 27th 2014, 4:10 pm

Seam could not help but feel triumphant as her enemy flipped out at her Titans: perhaps the artifact thieves weren't equipped to deal with the skillset she brought to the table... that'd certainly make things easier! Seam could not help but feel significantly less triumphant when an elbow clotheslined her. It was a significant amount of good luck for her that she'd never been moving at full speed, and had been turning at him the whole time and never really established a straight line, forcing her speed to be far below what she was intending. Because of this, the elbow only impacted her at about 30 miles per hour. This wasn't lethal, but it sure as hell still hurt. Letting out a strangled cry, Seam grasped at her forehead after the elbow impacted. Owww!

Meanwhile, the Titans plodded towards Martin, at terrifyingly slow speed, especially compared to the two speedsters. And painedly observing this, Seam realized that she really couldn't get much done with them, because even if this guy (who she now knew to be pretty fast) couldn't hurt them, he could hit her. So Seam fumbled for her string-frame, and finding it performed some quick pluckings of the threads. With another flash, the two Titans vanished... but they had been replaced. Three totally different golems were now standing there. The size of humans, these woven golems were mostly well woven, but it looked like a loose mess of yarn made up their forearms. Said yarn proceeded to unspool from their arms... revealing some very sharp-looking blades mounted to become their arms. Seam ran to get behind the Slicers, which moved to back into a circle around her.

The Slicers had wicked reflexes, Seam figured, so if this guy could act faster than she could, perhaps the Slicers would be the only ones able to react to him in time. She put her hand to her forehead again... that elbow had really, really hurt.

Argil stats:
Seam stats:
Flagfall stats:
Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Chellizard September 27th 2014, 9:13 pm

The sun was setting, pouring a warm golden light to wash over the thick rolling fog on the outskirts of Middlefield, Massachuesettes. Birds flew to their homes, and residents seemed to be calling it an early night. Well, evening. It was only six in the afternoon, and Skyler had just gotten up from a nap not too long ago. Sleeping in her Camaro was not as bad as it seems, especially on cold nights here in the Northern United States.

"Welcome to Middlefield, ma! This place looks like a ghost town, but one of those smaller ones that are really just filled with people that are antisocial and kind of refuse to interact with anyone else." Lilia said as she sat in the passenger seat, a full sized hologram now. She was only five feet tall, but boy was she adorable.

"Huh... reminds me of myself when I stayed in Georgia." Skyler leaned up over her steering wheel, looking for a place to park that would keep her car close by, but also so it wasn't a sore thumb among the bigger trucks and other vehicles parked in the vicinity. She finally settled on a space outside of a Motel 6. For convenience, and for a room.

Checking into a motel was easy, and paying for two nights in cash made things even easier. The manager was happy to take the cash, and even struck up some conversation about this creaky, small town. The manager explained that Middlefield had been under this wicked fog for almost a week, and Skyler was already under the impression of what caused this. That damn artefact.

"Miss, you be careful now, that fog is thick!" called the manager as Skyler pulled a bag from the trunk of her car, as well as a briefcase of sorts. She nodded to the manager and gave him a soft smile.

"Sure will," she unlocked the door and stepped in, Aiva appearing behind Skyler and waving to the manager. He jumped in surprise as the blue and white transparent girl composed of pixels.

Aiva stepped through the closed door, and the manager was even more startled.

"This damn fog..." he muttered under his breath.

Inside the motel room, Skyler turned on the lights and set up the briefcase on the small desk in the corner of the room. Pulling out the hard wooden chair, she sat down and opened the briefcase, revealing a laptop. She slid off a slender glove that only covered her forefinger and thumb, but secured around of her wrist. A small panel was in the lining of the glove, and Skyler plugged it up to the laptop.

Aiva began to run diagnostics on the fog, and the whole area of the town. Red lights, security cameras, and other facilities were now at Skyler's disposal. It would take a few minutes for Aiva to have full control, but at least Skyler could see what was going on.

Off in a very thick part of the fog, at the edge of a deserted parking lot, a security camera caught the action of a fight between, what looked like, two meta humans going at it. Skyler stopped cycling through the security footage to have Aiva zoom in on the fighting. Their One was a man, and from what she could tell, a woman. Well, perhaps a boy and a girl. They both looked to be concerned with each other.

Skyler's military training, and immense knowledge, gave her the training in reading people's faces. The boy seemed to think the girl was an enemy, and the girl felt the same way. Yet, from the looks of it, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Raising a brow, Skyler chuckled and looked to Aiva. The small girl was perched in a cross legged position, hovering a few inches above the desktop.

"They seem to think each other is the bad guy or something," Aiva started, blinking at Skyler for a moment.

"It seems that way," Skyler started, but then continued to scan the security tapes. Those two would either be great assets to her, or get in her way. For now, she kept that feed in a separate window and continued to cycle through any footage she could.

Aiva closed her eyes and her blueish white hue changed to a soft yellowish orange. She was in charge/sleep mode now. Quietly letting Aiva continue to scan the video footage at top speeds, Skyler got up and stepped over to her bag. She opened it up to reveal her attire for the night. A red corset with a skull on the left side. A fishnet undershirt, a skirt, arm guards, her left thigh guard, and the belt for her knife and handgun for her right thigh. She dressed quickly, and made sure her Higpoly revolver was at full ammunition capacity, and her knife had the hypodermic needle with anesthetic. She also slid a few capped needles of the same anesthetic into a small compartment on her right arm guard. The final piece to her outfit was the eyepatch she slid to hide her scarred right eye.

As soon as she holstered her revolver, Aiva chirped and flashed green then went back to normal colors.

"I found it! The shards location! At least, I think I did." Three locations were pinging on the map of Middlefield. One was a Hotel, the other a restaurant, and the third a bar of some sorts. What?

Why would three places ping for one object? Had Aiva made a mistake?

-My DeviantArt-
2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph September 28th 2014, 6:41 pm

Martin's elbow connected, the colorfully dressed woman having twisted to avoid taking the brunt of the blow. She was still struck with considerable force, but it merely stunned her instead of, y'know, collapsing her skull. She staggered back, holding her head and crying out in pain.

"Whoa! Pedro! Dude! Did you see that? I looked like a total badass!" Martin cried ecstatically, spinning to face his floating companion. "She was all 'grr!' and I was all 'uh-uh honey!' and then 'bam!'" He was overcome with a rush of adrenaline and joy, feeling utterly invincible as he basked in the glow of beating up a woman who was effectively defenseless against his pure speed.

"Yes, yes, I saw, cheers and applause and all, but do you not see the giant metal titans charging you?!" Pedro cried, his eye lighting and flickering with emphasis.

"Huh?" Martin glanced over his shoulder at the slow beasts that were effectively motionless compared to him. While imposing, with his new found confidence he deemed them little threat. "Oh, yeah, no, I saw 'em. Well actually technically I'm tracking them wit the Kinetic Sense, which I really gotta figure out how that works soon. Actually, I have an idea on that-"

"Martin you need to take this seriously! This is life or death!"

"Yeah, sure sure, but first, how do you feel about dissecting a clone? Any moral conundrums? More pressingly, how long do you think it would take to genetically engineer a fire-proof goat? It's extremely important for the experiment."

"Dammit Martin, we need a plan of attack here, and- what's that?"

"What's wha-" Martin paused mid-sentence, his Kinetic Sense going haywire as he felt the same unintelligible ripples that he had felt when those golem-creatures had come into being. He spun to see the commotion; he caught the tail end of the latest summoning, where three giant monsters phased into being.

"Are those... ragdolls with machete arms?" Martin said quietly.

"Those look terrifying. Can we leave now, Martin? Pretty please?"

"Oh man, those things are awesome! How do you keep doing that? I'm digging the vibe, too, real kinda 'creepy colonial' thing going on! I mean, you know, please don't kill me and all, but still, you gotta tell me what those are!"

"Martin if we go home I'll buy you ice cream."

"Pedro I'm gonna trust you right now, I really want that crystal but you know how little I get ice cream, and- wait a second, I never installed pockets on you, where would you keep your money? "

"I, uh-"

"Wow. That cuts deep man. I'm feeling really betrayed right now. I gotta deal with these scary things, but believe you me, we are gonna have a long talk about false ice cream." He grimly turned towards danger; he knew now how war could turn brother against brother.

With fire in his eyes and hurt in his heart, he pointed his sadness at the blade-armed beasts. He decided to make the trip out here worth it; having injured the rainbow woman (who was now standing behind the monsters she had summoned), Martin was hopeful this was a fight he could win. He figured that if he could incapacitate her, he might be able to get some more information about the group he was up against and, possibly, what sort of obstacles he would face further in the town.

He tried to focus, to channel mental capacity to his Kinetic Sense, which he hoped would be a workable tactician for him. It began to intensify; and though Martin couldn't process it with his conscious mind quickly enough to understand it, it rapidly formed a strategy. An image flashed through his mind's eye as his body began moving on his own: a super fast charge, followed by a graceful leap and spin over the foremost golem's blade arm. Then he would touch down on the shoulder of the other one, kick off of that with massive speed-bosted force and twirl into a spin kick of the third, before landing and whipping around to launch a flurry of blows under the first monster's arm.

The Kinetic Sense would adjust his body's motions on the fly, to account for the maneuvering of his enemies, but with his speed, the battle would be over before Martin's conscious mind finished registering even the initial attack plan.

Faster than sound, his body rocketed at the deadly inhuman warriors.

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Powder Miner September 30th 2014, 12:40 am

Seam didn't really have time to realize the true extent of Martin's speed... after all, he was moving literally faster than she could comprehend. Her golems, on the other hand, were much more capable of reacting than she was. What seemed an instant blur to her stretched out for far longer in the minds of the Slicers, precious mental seconds in which they could react. Sure, Martin was much much physically faster, and even mentally faster than the blade-armed creations, but their reflexes were not to be trifled with. The first golem could neither react nor act fast enough to even hope to avoid Martin's vaulting over it. The second golem wasn't quite fast enough either, sliding several yards across the ground before slowly coming back up almost in tatters. The third golem, however, got just enough time to twist itself a couple of degrees... Martin still hit, but the golem's bare motion saved it from more than a simple knockdown. And in that time, the first golem had time to move, time enough to get its blade between Martin and itself, something that would be capable of earning Martin a nice cut unless he avoided it. Seam herself was in the middle of backing up when the fight quite changed.

Unbeknownst to Seam (though likely rather known to Martin) a pair of individuals was taking advantage of the fog to find out what the source of this commotion was. Having found the two fighting, the two had begun to raise their guns and fire... but Seam only became aware of this when a number of things started happening in a short moment: A. her speedster opponent simply vanished from the fight, leading Seam to look around her in confusion. B. her second golem, the one laid out and nearly destroyed by Martin, suddenly was finished off by a pair of 3-round-bursts to its chest, ripping the few unharmed and structurally important bits of fabric left to shreds. C. one of the bullets fired ricocheted and by chance hit Seam (thankfully for her, not at remotely close to full velocity and not by the point), causing her to curse and giving her what she was sure was going to be a bruise later.

As she finally caught sight of the situation, she saw two men in incredibly strange military gear (there were the other spec ops guys), with guns. One was turning towards her first golem while the third more stealthily crawled at him. "Dammit, you got rein--" ...aaand the second one was having his gun rather efficiently wrested away from him. "...force... ments? What the hell?"

Argil stats:
Seam stats:
Flagfall stats:
Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph October 4th 2014, 2:31 am

(OOC: Chelle wanted us to skip her for a turn, so we could finish up the fight and have her join in right after.)

Martin's moves were rapid and powerful. As he planned, he flipped over the first creature's arms, blew the second away with a powerful super speed kick, and launched into a punch on the third. It was just fast enough to twist a little, and Martin's position in the air prevented him for countering with his own maneuver, but he still managed to land a decent enough hit. He landed and spun, only to wind up face to face with the third monster's arm. It was in prime blocking position, and was on the upswing for a follow-up attack. It would never be fast enough, but it delayed Martin's assault long enough to allow him the opportunity to notice the soldiers approaching his position.

In a flurry of motion, he automatically bolted from the fight with the golems, the Kinetic Sense deeming the advent of ranged weaponry to be a far greater immediate threat. He pounced at one of the soldiers, attempting to wrestle his gun away before he could be shot. The soldier had no time to react; Martin was on him in a flash.

That's when things snapped back to real time for him. He was trying to force the gun out of the man's hands, dancing around his elbows and other offensive attacks, not having the natural strength to actually take the weapon away unless he used a speed-assisted tug (which would more than likely rip the man's arms out of his sockets). Wondering why his body had effectively paused, it dawned on him that the men were... shooting at the golems? That was strange. Were they not... were they not on the same side?

Oh dear, Martin thought.

"Oh dear," Martin said.

So bewildered was he that the soldier actually managed to gain the upper hand for a moment and connected a bone-shattering punch to the mad scientist's face. Martin's entire world rattled and shook as he collapsed to the floor in a pile of useless man-parts and blood. He cried out in agony and could have sworn he felt bits of cheekbone bounce around inside his nostrils for a minute. He regained his faculties, after spazzing out on the ground like an epileptic at a dubstep convention having the time of their life, just in time to avoid getting shot by the angry soldier in decidedly imposing jet black body armor. With instant acceleration, he bounced up form the ground, the Kinetic Sense careful not to move his body in such a way so as to aggravate his wound, and chose a smarter tactic. He swung around behind the soldier and kicked at the back of his knee, then, as he buckled, sent a hugely powerful fist right at the center of his spine to launch him forward into the Earth; all before the man could have pulled the trigger. The man crashed to the ground like a meteor, but like a true soldier, reflexively spun to track his target with weapon raised. Martin simply rushed him and bopped him on the helmet a few dozen times, trusting the Kinetic Sense to know how much force to use to knock him out without killing him.

Coming back to normal speed to devote a little conscious thought to the situation, he sensed that the golems and soldiers were too busy fighting each other to notice him. Gauging the golems to win that fight, he turned his attention toward the woman who summoned them.

"Hey crazy lady? Hey, yeah, hey, heh, my bad. I, uh- yeah, just, uh, my bad. I mean, not entirely my fault, you know, things happen. But is that- is that one thing of your's dead? Like did I kill it? I totally didn't mean to kill it. Scout's honor. Are you mad?"

"Of course she's mad, jackass!" Pedro shouted, sensibly.

Nah, she's not mad, Martin thought.

"Nah, she's not mad," Martin said.

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Powder Miner October 4th 2014, 10:31 pm

Quickly noting the demise of their fellow summon, Slicer One and Slicer Three looked at each other for a brief moment, before bursting into action. Slicer One made itself an obvious target, drawing fire from the one remaining goon (who was unfortunately trusting his partner to deal with the speedy kid, what with the facesmashing at all). Slicer One showed really an incredible amount of acrobatics: It launched into an impromptu roll that dodged a burst of lead that would have pegged it. It found an unfortunate light post that it rapidly climbed up and leapt off of. It saw the trajectory of one round of bullets and deflected the three shots with its blade. Clearly, without additional distractors, and against one random patrolman, the slicers knew what they were doing... after all, it hadn't been just Seam that had been training, her golems had trained with her.

Slicer Three, meanwhile, took advantage of its being prone to move to a crawling position behind various objects and sneaked around to the gunner: while Slicer One distracted their enemy, Slicer Three made its quick way to the goon. By the time the unfortunate man was able to spot the crawling construct of thread and bring his gun to bear, it was too late. Slicer Three made its move: springing itself up by its legs, the blade-being brought its twin blades up to slash at the man's equipment. One blade swept through the man's weapon, leaving a discharging rifle falling to the ground and a trigger guard clutched tightly in the soldier's hand. The second blade swept horizontally through the man's armor, causing the entire torso part of the armor to simply fall off. The golem's target attempted to move into hand-to-hand fighting, and while a normal fighter would have had quite a few issues, the Slicers were anything but normal fighters.

Slicer Three proceeded to engage in what can only be described as an obscene amount of showing off. First, it neatly propelled itself a foot backwards, raising its leg. Then, it kicked the man in the stomach... then twice in the chest, a third time in the throat, and one directly up to the chin in a painfully quick series of snap kicks. The man slightly propelled into the air, the golem took its already egregious overdoing of things and then shot it to a new level: the golem grabbed the man's legs with its own, flipped over halfway to keep itself upright with its hand, and flipped its victim a full 360 degrees in the air before twisting again to send him facefirst into the ground. His visor cracked as he smacked into the ground, and the Slicer dropped the groaning man, quickly backflipping itself back up into an upright position... and a proud one, its chest jutting out proudly.

Then, remembering its actual purpose (as Slicer One had by this point already done), it walked back to Seam... who held her hand up to it to get it to stop. "No, they don't die permanently, I just need to fix the body and then get its spirit back in..." She paused in her speech as she used her string-frame to unsummon the downed slicer. "So... you're... not on the side of the suspicious spec ops people, then, I assume?" She put a hand to her forehead, where a bruise was nicely forming. ", then I guess sorry for... no, I didn't actually do much to you, did I?" Seam sighed. "That's a good thing now, I guess! ...and Essthree there managed to beat an actual spec ops guy up, so there's that?" Seam shifted uncomfortably... out of all the things to happen in her first heroing venture, getting in a fight with a person she was actually on the same side as hadn't exactly been on the list of things she expected.

"Also, I'm not crazy."

Argil stats:
Seam stats:
Flagfall stats:
Powder Miner

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 54
Location : West Virginia
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Drago-Morph October 21st 2014, 5:00 pm

(OOC: Sorry it took so log, I was waiting a bit for Chelle then I got all wrapped up in school/personal stuff. Should have more free time now.)

"Yaaay!" Martin cheered with a big, dumb grin. "I didn't kill your pets! And you're not crazy!"

He turned to Pedro and whispered, "She's probably still crazy."

"Martin, quiet." Pedro floated over to the woman, hovering at about head-level. "I'm so sorry for this misunderstanding. This fellow here in the goggles is my companion Martin, and I am-"

Martin, with a burst of speed, rushed up beside his metal friend And cut him off. "This is my bird, Pedro."

There was a long pause as both Martin and Pedro stared at the woman. Pedro slowly rotated to face the goggled scientist.

"I'm not a bird, Martin."

"Sure you are!"

"I'm round. And metal. And I talk."

"You're an exotic bird. Imported from the Caribbean, probably."

"...I'm not a bird, Martin."

"Eh. Agree to disagree."

"I'm not going to-"

"So anyway!" Martin shouted, snatching Pedro from the air and juggling him between his palms. "My name is Martin, this is Pedro, we're here for what I'm pretty sure is some kind of hippie crystal?"

Pedro broke free of Martin's juggling and flew around to the air by his head, clearly perturbed. "More like an ancient eldritch artifact of unimaginable power."

"Sure, sure, sounds jammin'. Anyway, I'm pretty sure these guys-" he paused to bolt over to the soldier he had knocked unconscious and remove his helmet. He revealed a particularly grizzled looking man with scarred skin. "Ew, gross dude, don't you shave? Hygiene, man! It's important!" He glanced at the man's name tag, then took his face and pointed it at Pedro and the woman, using it as a ventriloquist's dummy. "Heh, 'hi! I'm Paul!' Heheh." He ran back to the group.

"Yeah, but those guys have it and they're in the town. So I have four questions for you, ma'am! One, who are you, two, why are you here, three, will you help me, and four, do you have any moral qualms about dissecting a clone?"

Pedro sat flabbergasted.

I'm going to be his only friend forever, at this rate.

He reflected on all his life decisions that brought him to that point. He was disappointed in himself.

Martin, AKA Doctor Mercury.

2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Martin%20Walsh%20Ungrid%203

Status :

Quote : "My life is a rapid succession of incredulities and shenanigannery." - Martin Walsh

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 34
Location : Massachusetts
Age : 27
Job : Santa Claus
Humor : Sanguine
Registration date : 2013-06-22

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

Post by Chellizard November 18th 2014, 2:30 pm

Skyler's cell phone rang and pulled all of her attention away from the current situation.

The Caller ID was Lilia, so of course Skyler was going to answer.

"Mama?" a soft whisper was coming from the other end of the phone.

"Hey sweetheart," she started, and, with her attention finally settling on Lilia, Skyler could tell something was up.

A soft whimper came from Lilia as Skyler furrowed her brow, the wall being her focus.

"What's wrong?"

"There are... men here... I'm in the panic room... I don't know what to do."

Without another word, Skyler patched the phone call over to Aiva. the small AI started walking Lilia through the procedures of escaping to the basement through a hidden ladder hatch from the upstairs panic room. The passage was very thin, but Lilia could make it. Skyler could make it back home in a couple of hours if she made it back to that air strip and hijacked a plane. It would be easy.

Packing up, Skyler headed out. There were more important things to her than this crystal.

. o O ( Sorry guys. I got too busy to RP. Exiting this thread so it moves more freely. Enjoy the RP! )

-My DeviantArt-
2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler) Empty Re: 2Spooky Etc. (Seam, Skyler)

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