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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Vampiro September 19th 2014, 11:42 am

Alexander Thatch walking around a Hungarian town knowing he is pretty well the Apex Predator since becoming able to control any and all of his strengths and powers he hunt down some hunters who have been using illegal poison tipped arrows on animals and people and even shot at him but first he wishes to scare them into a corner... he moves quickly around the hunter pack they begin to hear and feel the fear and they know its the man of the legend of the town the Vampire Werewolf who preys upon those he chooses deserve death finally they back into a mountain unable to go anywhere but up then they see the sun rising over the town thinking they are now safe they yell at Thatch "Thats right you vampire leave us alone youll never get us" just as he finishes his sentence his two counterparts lay dead and hes up against the mountain side the sunlight not affecting Thatch because of his werewolf side "You forget im also lycan hunter?" Thatch says tightening his grip on the hunters throat

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Mykel Thames September 19th 2014, 11:46 pm

It was another trip Mykel was on when his friend had called up saying he was visiting a few culture type villages and towns when he heard rumors from the locals about a bunch of disappearances and murders. It was not strange since it happened in everyday society. Murder, rape, people beaten, and theft was every day society, but what he found was more exciting is when they said the person would kill packs of well trained hunters and it was only one person.

Did you hear me you have to come take a look into this. I'm in this town and these rumors seem to be directed at travelers and evil people. I don't want to leave and get maulled by the town's people.

Fine I'll travle there as quickly as possible maybe I can get there before your dead. But It would be nice to see a real vampire. Mykel starts to smirk and quietly laugh.

Stop laughing I am scared and if what these people say is true this one really exsist and I believe it.

It only took another day after the recent killing to finally get to the town he talked about, and wouldn't you know his friend still in the village clinging to the gates waiting for Mykel. Mykel sighs as he walks past him and waves for him to follow. With haste he stuck behind Mykel's back like a helplessly loyal dog in need. He walked back to the inn and they talked for the while they were there.

Well it is late and I'm going out stay in the room, lock the doors and windows and dont make a move to come outside or I'll be the one dragging your ass back to California in a body bag.

His friend swallowed his pride and stood up and shut the doors and windows once Mykale had left out the room. He walked down to what be the pub. The big source of stories, liquor, idiots, and where he will find his lead. And what better than about 5 american hunters coming here since there is almost no law. After they had their fill of alchahol they grabed weapons and headed into the woods with lights and the intent to shoot at moving targets and with blurry vision that will be everything. The bartender sighed and Mykel stood to follow them keeping out of sight from the hunters and who ever else would show. So guessing to himself, he now became the biggest hunter ever.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Vampiro September 22nd 2014, 10:51 am

in the frustration of being shot at by these hunters yet again Thatch snaps the hunters neck in his hand and looks back seeing Mykel believing he witnessed this kill he moves quickly and hides from Mykels view ready to attempt to pounce for an attack


The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) 10527882_361576477351424_176333921647516399_n

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Mykel Thames September 22nd 2014, 4:49 pm

It seemed like a while when suddenly these lunitics started firing in all sort of directions wehn a bullet flew Mykels was and was stoped by a powerful mass of air. The bullet dropped looking like a quarter as it hit the ground. He was about tired of this when suddenly they were laying on the ground.

"I seen that a little too well if I might add" He ponders in his head. He looked around as he wondered where the misterious person ran off to. All right I've already seen you come down here and lets talk real quick. If you dont want to feel free to leave or attack I'm always ready for what happens next.

With growing intents his body lit up like a candle then the fire turned white as it moved off him into a circle around him. It would not go out or burn anything for it was under his control at the time and it provided amazing light in this blacked out forest.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Vampiro September 24th 2014, 10:40 am

Seeing that this witness wasnt as defenseless as originally thought Thatch stalks behind the man and as silently as possible transforms to his half transformed state and says "I Do not care what you saw either way unless you are with me i have to take you down so you pick" his voice echos around the mountain and trees making his location seemingly untraceable but it is slightly traced behind him


The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) 10527882_361576477351424_176333921647516399_n

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Mykel Thames September 24th 2014, 11:53 pm

Now you see if you are the one behind all these kills, which you are; I have to stop it or at the very least redirect your form of heroism. Now you can put these evil people in jail and take away their time being alive which is torchure enough. So if you would kindly accept not killing but capturing people I will kindly leave and nothing further will have to be done, but if you dont well you get the picture why I am here.

The flames grew much larger and brighter exsplaining the second reason all to clearlly. With a though Mykel made the wind spin around him making him seem like a bigger deal than what he could be. He did so that you would think the wind just had that random pattern. He showed one ability and would not scarce to use it to put this guy in a comfty cage. Now you could see it the firews glare in his eyes reflecting like a mirror.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Vampiro October 12th 2014, 1:55 am

"I Quite Like killing these corrupt and evil people and if you a man of fire cannot be okay with saving the innocent from these bad men then i guess weve gotta fight" Thatch Replied Though Thatch had nobodies intrests in mind apart from his own he did not care about the innocents he just wanted to see if he could make a friend by lying about his purpose of killing these people. he would hope it would work it would mean he could then fight along side this obviously very powerful man before him


The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) 10527882_361576477351424_176333921647516399_n

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Mykel Thames October 13th 2014, 2:41 am

Mykel sighed as the spat nonsense. The fire spun around him as he looked around at the last sight that would be the forest. From the small flicker of flames came and ungulfing sunami of fire that turned trees to ash leaving a rain of ash and an air of smoke that clowded the area. Any part he could not reach was set to burn do to the severe heat from Mykel's ability. He got a good perimitere leaving a gian hole in the forest, now he just need to what the person would do. Most times his attacks scared people off and the would leave it at that, but he felt it would be different.

With a sming of his arm the smoke cleared and left no trace of falling ash. The air was cleaned and he could see the destruction of his attack. It almost looked like a meteor fell without leaving the crater. He wondered if the person was alive or did he get swept in the assult.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Vampiro October 13th 2014, 5:40 pm

Thatch Saw that his attempts at turning this person away from harming him were futile noticing this by the mans growing firey presence which Thatch barley avoided then he half transformed and looked at him pulling off his coat then his teeth and claws had become apparent very unusual to anything a normal vampire would have his Lycan side showing as well he would then leap towards the man claws out and swinging at him

"I Tried To Warn You Boy!"


The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) 10527882_361576477351424_176333921647516399_n

Status :

Quote : I'll Bring You The Gift of Pain... Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Location : In The Darkness of Your Dreams
Age : 79
Job : Privateer
Humor : Vampiro: A German, A Hungarian, and A Russian Walk into a Bar and walk out without hearts ... sounds like the start of a bad joke
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Mykel Thames October 15th 2014, 2:19 am

As everything cleared the man was in clear view and he looked vially disturbing, but that was until the moon light hit him. He was mixed; Vampire and Werewolf, which seemed odd. He wondered what was more dominant? The guy launched and yelled at him with a pleed like he was anouncing himself and trying to say his warning Mykel had left him no choice.

No... I tried to warn you and you blankly avoided my suggestion. So now I'm forcing you to take your heroics in a more lawful form.

With gripped fist he amassed a powerful wind force in his hand and fire lighted up on the other. He aimed the hand that looked to be burning at the guy and used his other hand that had his wind ability to blow on the fire causing it to erupt in a giant spread. By the size of the flames that sprung outwards it could easily engulf about 20 more poeople his own size. And it being white it gave off a heaven crazy light that revealed his entire surroundings.
Mykel Thames
Mykel Thames

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 95
Registration date : 2011-08-31

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The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all) Empty Re: The Hungarian Hunt (Open to any and all)

Post by Sponsored content

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