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The day after

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The day after  Empty The day after

Post by Bonjove August 27th 2014, 8:52 pm

Everything when so fast one moment he was training with Wifi then a metal man came out of no where. The next moment a short fight took place then the same thing happened that happened thee years ago. He was struck down by golden lighting. After that he didn't know what happened next. He knew that lighting wasn't some sort of accident it was targeting him. He needs to find out and why. But how not only was that impossibly it find out, but he was knocked out on the street at night with lighting flowing around him. What he needs right now is help.
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 122
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Registration date : 2014-08-04

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Humanity August 27th 2014, 11:07 pm

The engine hummed as he made his way down the street. Cruising right along as one would suspect, but not breaking any of the speed limits. The "car" pulled up to the red light, right next to a police cruiser. The officer looked over to the car and tipped his hat, perhaps out of habit, perhaps out of courtesy. Guilty Spark found it humorous when the Officer had a horrifically confused face, seeing this car with no driver or passengers, yet when the light turned green, the car pressed on. Truth be told Guilty Spark wasn't looking for any harm at the moment. He was simply trying to get a lay of the land in order to know these grounds when he needs them most. He found the lights flashing, the rearview mirror tilted as if prompted by an invisible hand to see the cops behind him. Guilty Spark immediately took to the alleyways by making himself thinner as a vehicle (GUILTY SPARK TRANSFORM +2 ABL)

    He took off at higher than most cars, heading in at about 200mph he found himself making all forms of turns and leaps. His favorite moment thus far, however was when a Car went to cut him off, and he upped his speed, making it possible for him to drive himself up on a wall by leaping from the ground. They were quick to realize that Guilty Spark was the same driver-less car. Then again, how often did that really happen? Not very. As he was calmed he scanned a nearby vehicle. He immediately took to another alley way and transformed once more, replicating the new vehicles looks. Perhaps this would keep people guessing. Maybe not... Regardless, Guilty Spark had seemed to turn out of the wrong alleyway as he say a human on the ground. The engine died in the car and slowly but surely it began to disassemble and seemingly implode on itself in a series of little movements.

  The Reformed and perfectly natural individual known as "Guilty Spark" walked over to the child. He seemed to be...damaged but Guilty Spark could not exactly ascertain WHAT that was. He looked around to see if any little hoodlums had done this, but seeing none Guilty Spark scanned the boys face, and he then transformed into an exact replica of the boy and attempted to shake the male awake. It might be interesting if the child wakes up and sees his "twin" trying to rouse him awake.

  "Get up...are you okay?" He asked, innocently enough.


The day after  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Bonjove August 29th 2014, 8:35 am

While he was knocked out Chris was in some sort of dream. But the only thing in this "dream" was a man standing over him with a lighting bolt emblem on his chest. After what seemed like forever Chris finally started to wake up.
He looked around to see where he was. It was dark meaning he was knocked out for a few hours and he was in a alley way since the force of the lighting pushed him back a few feet. He looked next to him to see him? For real there was a guy that looked just liked him. It couldn't be his twin because he was a only child. He got up and ran at superspeed a few feet back in to the alley. He turned to the guy a bit freaked out."Who are you?!,"says as he was freaked out by the kid looking like him.
Post Mate
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Registration date : 2014-08-04

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Humanity August 29th 2014, 2:43 pm

Guilty Spark registered the voice he heard and synthesized it with his own, able to completely copy what the man had said as if it were his own voice now. The Man moved with super speed, but as he moved, Guilty Spark moved with him. Their speeds were relatively even, but because Guilty Spark was already on his feet he had about a step quicker. He stood in front of the man with a confused expression and his eyes narrowed, a very serious face on him. Guilty Spark ran through several scenarios in how to engage in conversation, though the most likely were to act as if the man somehow had accidentally created him with his speed. Though that would be hysterical for Guilty spark to just look at him innocently and as "daddy?" it wasn't within his processing to allow this. He gained nothing of use by pretending to be some weird molecular split construct.

    "Do not be afraid. If I wished to harm you do you believe I would have woken you or been concerned for you?" Guilty Spark asked. This was a typical teenaged boy, so SOME lenience would be tolerated, but if the child still proved hostile Guilty Spark did what Guilty Spark does... Purge. "My name is Zodiac. What is your name?"


The day after  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Bonjove August 30th 2014, 3:27 pm

"I'm Chris....Chris mason,"says as he was stuttering a little bit. It was safe to say the Chris was still a little freaked out about this. You know seeing someone who has your face, but isn't our sibling. He stood up straight and took a few deep breaths."Ok why do you have my face?" Before The man know as Zodiac can answer a bolt of golden lighting appeared in front of the two. From it a person appeared in place of the lighting. This person was a girl a bit older then Chris who was looking at him with a evil grin."Finally after many years I have finally come face to face with you Chris."
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 122
Age : 25
Registration date : 2014-08-04

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Humanity August 30th 2014, 3:40 pm

"My name is Zodiac. I saw you laying here and I wanted to know if you were okay." He said with a smile. Well this was not proving to be any good at all. There was a flash and another woman appeared. Granted, Guilty Sparks perception means he saw her coming miles away, but she was quick enough that it was like watching a woman run naturally. the woman was talking to the man, but Guilty Spark could not ignored the permeations of trouble. He looked to Chris and smiled.

"Which one of us?" Guilty Spark asked. They looked completely identical, and they sounded perfectly alike. It was quite literally impossible for her to tell the difference. He looked to Christ and arched an eyebrow. "She mean's one of us. I mean, you're Chris. I'm Chris, but which Chris?" Guilty Spark said with a smile as he looked to the woman.


The day after  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Bonjove August 30th 2014, 5:12 pm

Envy looked confused and looked back and fort at the two at superspeed which hurt her neck. She couldn't have twin brothers meaning one of them is a trickster of some sort."ENOUGH GAMES TRICKSTER which one of you is Chris and no games,"says becoming very pissed off. Chris looked at Zodiac with confusion in his eyes. He stepped up to stand in front of him to meet her gaze."I'm the real Chris Mason who are you and how do you know me?"
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 122
Age : 25
Registration date : 2014-08-04

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Arcana August 31st 2014, 8:23 pm

It had felt like forever since Sean had been in New York, and the last time that he had been there was when the dead walked the streets and dirty water flooded it as well. It was then that he had fought for his home, and finally he had returned to it, walking it as a seemingly entirely new being. Now he felt strong, now he felt like someone that no one could defeat and that was a wonderful sensation. Sean took a deep breath of the air, smirking and contently sighing, running fingers through black hair slowly before looking to the sky which was as starless as he remembered. One would wonder why APEX was in New York of all places, and the most simple of answers could be family vacation, as that was exactly why he was here. Since his home city was once again in one piece, Sean could bask in the wonder that was New York.

However it was this night that he decided to enjoy the air, walking around Brooklyn of all places with a whimsical step, whistling softly to himself as he did. Sean was dressed in a black ban t-shirt and khaki shorts, hands buried into his pockets with silver eyes still staring up to the sky, skin now bearing a slight tan to it. He enjoyed the whole sudden tan, considering that now he did not look super pale as he once was. Well the muscle definition was amazing, he felt super amazing and part of him wanted to test out this strength of his. However he found himself pausing upon hearing…thunder. Typically when there was thunder there was lightning, but it wasn’t raining out, nor was there any sort of storm going on. Sean turned to where it seemed that there was a bright flash, and where the boom had come from.

His mind quickly moved to curiosity, mostly because he was now wondering what had caused such a strange sound and so that was what caused him to be heading in the direction of the boom. He was by no means in any rush, moving through alleyways and such in a slow walk, hands buried into his pockets as the wind would softly nip against his cheeks. For a Brooklyn night it was cold and that was something he could embrace, another night in his home. It took him a few minutes to step out of the darkness of an alley, looking upon a strange scenario, two identical males and then a female around the same age as them. Now was the fun part and that was him considering the situation, the three and one of them likely bearing electrokinetic abilities.

All in all it seemed that he would need to put his gifts to good use, and if things went south he could easily get the hell out of there. So it was now or never, so he would get into this. Not wasting any time really as he stepped onto the scene. Digging into his left pocket and removing a stick of gum, placing it into his mouth and chewing on it.  Likely they would take notice of his presence, silver eyes glowing softly as he opened his mouth to speak. ”Yeah, I’m gonna have to step in on this.”Sean noted simply.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Leon Fawkes August 31st 2014, 9:59 pm

Cruisin' down the street in my six four... Well, this is definitely appropriate...

The nights in New York never seemed to be quiet or boring for Leon. There was always trouble to get into whenever he decided to take a stroll in the dead of night. This night would be no different. What started off as a leisurely stroll while looking for trouble, of course, would end up in a very interesting night. That was the sole purpose of following his rules. To have interesting times. Leon was incognito when he spotted the streak of light speeding down the street. This streak was followed by a very loud noise; a sonic boom. It would be hard for anybody else to identify this speedster, but Leon had a trained eye for this sort of thing. This was his ticket for a good time. Metahuman...

Leon dashed into an alleyway in order to let his armor emerge from underneath his skin. He didn't want to go breaking his cover just yet. His plans for this identity hadn't even started yet, and he was going to be very cautious about keeping it a secret. Touching his watch and pressing a few buttons, Leon called his armor out to the surface quickly. In just a few seconds the armor emerged from within Leon in a slightly expanded pattern, then immediately collapsed upon itself to fully form an exo-skeleton for its master. Performing a mental check of his weapons would verify his two M1911's at his hips and 9 knives placed at different locations on his body in addition to his usual gear. With his check done, it was time to track his target. Leon needed to be quick if he wanted to follow the blur he saw before. He might be able to keep track of it with his eyes, but it was undoubtedly faster than him. Taking the high ground would help him in his pursuit. Thus, Leon quickly ran up the side of the building he was next to using his G-Boots. From there, he could barely make out the form of the person running at that amazing speed. They dashed into an alley further down the street, prompting Leon to switch his view to X-ray vision in an attempt to keep track of them.

While Leon tried to maintain his view of the runner, it became apparent that would no longer be necessary.
They stopped...
It seemed their destination was right next to somebody lying on the ground. They stopped near the man and seemed to start carrying out a conversation. What also intrigued him was another man who had taken notice of the speedster. It didn't seem to be coincidence that he noticed them, either. His stature wasn't very impressive but what did impress Leon was his composure. He didn't show any signs of panic.
Looks like we have somebody used to these kinds of things. Even more interesting.
Leon dashed as quietly as he could to the building just above the alley, thinking of ways for this night to be entertaining. Even if these three didn't make anything by themselves for Leon to involve himself in, he could always just try to make things interesting on his own. Life was just a game, after all. He was going to play it.
Leon Fawkes
Leon Fawkes

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2014-08-25

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Humanity September 1st 2014, 3:59 pm

Guilty Spark looked to the newest entry. No matter what was secret about him, his faintly glowing silver eyes were enough to make the robotic being cautious. He was too casual about this. Granted there were tons of people who acted causal and got their asses handed to them. It was part of life. Guilty Spark needed to quickly prioritize. His first and foremost concern. Who was corrupt and who was "innocent" by the standards that were set. He looked to the girl and smiled. "Watch your manners girl... I have no patience for pathetic corrupt like yourself." Guilty Spark said as he stepped forward. She had speed, but she wasn't anything special from what he could see. Did she have back up?

Guilty Spark turned to his scanners and looked around with movements imperceptible to human eyes, though certain abilities such as speed perception would be helpful. He looked about as if trying to find what made this girl so cocky. Perhaps there was a reason she was so cocky. Guilty Spark's perceptions were beyond 34 times the speed of a normal person. They spoke in slow motion to him...painfully slow. For every second they had, he had 34 seconds. For every minute, he had a half hour. Needless enough to say very little EVER got past his perceptions. He growled as he took a head-count of everyone in the area. Silver eyes, the arrogant bitch, Boy-scout, Exosuit and Guilty Spark. Five people. The odds weren't good. Guilty Spark let out a little hum as he tried to reassess the situation... perhaps a tactical withdrawal was needed, but not yet. This man with Silver eyes needed to be seen for as far as motivation. Boy-scout was obviously too stupid to be corrupt... the bitch was a bitch so she was marked for death, and the other straggler had yet to be seen for. So much to observe and so little time...


The day after  Humani11
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 716
Age : 28
Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Bonjove September 1st 2014, 8:47 pm

Envy silently cursed to herself after looking around the area. There were more people here then she wanted when she decided to come down here from the city. She was hoping to only find Chris by himself and if another person was with him that would be fine, but no there was a crowd of people in this alley don't know why, but she didn't care. Her target was Chris and luckly he stood infront of the trickster. She ignored what the trickster said and decided to get to busness."Well Chris if you want to get to busness that's fine I'm Envy your older sister we are the children to Mercury The god of speed who is also king of the city out side of mount olympas you know the place where the 12 Greek gods meet, we are the prince and princess of speed, but not only that we are Demi-gods."Chris froze in shock and his eyes widen when she said that. She was his sister? But how he was a only child his whole life. He was a god. A prince? Usually he would have to take the drugs, he sold to hear stuff like this. In fact it was kind of funny. It took a few couple of seconds to recover from the shock of her words. He walked towards her until he was a few feet infront of her."HAHAHA That's real funny, but I'm a only child I DONT HAVE A SISTER and not only that, but you expect me to believe that I'm not only a prince, BUT A GOD WHAT DEUG ARE YOU ON,"yells at her pissed at the game she was playing.Envy just shook her head with a grin on her face. She was expecting this to happen so she came perpared."I knew you would reach this way so I brought this." She took out a round  golden object with a lighting bolt in the center going side ways. This was his family emblem. He threw it at him which it he caught. A golden lighting bolt came out of no where and strucked the emblem and a little lighting spark connect to the forheads of the people in the area.
The people who got connected by the spark would see memories play before them. They would see a man a little over six feet tall in a leather tunic, short black hair with a beard connecting to it, skirt like pants and Greek sandiles. The setting would be in a room with with 12 chairs around a table. The people in the chairs are the 12 Greek gods. The man they saw would be mercury Chris's father. He had just finished coming to agreements with Zeus the Greek god of thunder. The agreement would be that his son would be allowed to be born on earth so, they would know if he would be the right one to take the place of his father as king and god of speed. But he would have to give Chris a small amount of the power of superspeed a power Mercury has.
The next event plays Mercury meets a young woman. This woman is Chris's mother before Chris was born.
Next they would a large throne room where Mercury and Envy are having a yelling fight. Envy is pissed as her father was said that, he would make Chris the new king and god of speed at a older age as Envy was in worthy. This angered Envy as she was convinced that she should take her father's place. One of the mages that worked for her father agreed with her and
Would work together to destroy Chris.
Next they would see Chris's mother walking home on a rainy night from a Strip club as she has to do things she didn't want to in order to support her and Chris. A man just as tall as her would appear out of a alley and drag her in. They would hear screaming as then silence. The man in the alley would go under a transformation. It was Envy, she had murdered his mother.
Lastly Envy is in a dark room looking at a pool that was able to show places at voice command. The image in the pool was Chris knocked out with Guilty Spark coming in the picture. The mage that was on her side chanted a spell teleporting her to Chris in lighting.
They would go back to the present as the sparks when away.
Chris's hands fell to his sides as he tried to process what he had just saw. He really was a Demi-God, and a prince. His whole life was a lie. But the one thing that pushed him was that she killed his mother his only REAL family.
He looked at her with tiers in his eyes while looking pissed off.
"Why,"was the only thing he could say now. He wanted to know why she would kill her out of all the things she could have done.
"To strengthen you since you always held her hand time of need,"Envy answers coldly and bluntly as possible.
Now this pushed him to the limit no PASS the limit. He only wanted one thing now. HER HEAD
He let out a yell as he ran towards her at his top speed.

Last edited by Bonjove on September 1st 2014, 11:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 122
Age : 25
Registration date : 2014-08-04

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Arcana September 1st 2014, 9:19 pm

With everything into perspective, Sean considered everyone there with careful eyes, the two identical males and then the strange female that carried a haughty air about her that he did not like one bit. The ominously glowing silver orbs considered them with a silent curiosity, though he was mostly considering how to deal with this. He could not quite tell what their capabilities were, but all he knew was that they were likely all metahumans, two looking similar enough that they could have been rwins, which meant that possibly they would be sharing powers. The female would then begin to speak, referring to one of the males as Chris, meaning that he was somehow related to this female and if that were the case he had ro figure out what that relation was. She spoke about the Greek gods, and something else, the talk likely enough to make a being like Thanatos chuckle. Considering that his race was spelt Titan, he would have enjoyed encountering these supposed Greek gods, and likely slaughtering them.

Being part of the being long enough, he was more than aware how he would react but this was not about Sean thinking like Thanatos, he was interested in these supposed demi-gods. Perhaps he would have fun testing out his new capabilities in a elss one sided fight, but then again that might not be the case, it all came up to circumstances now. Still, he had not quite been expecting the images that were being beamed into his head, only catching a glimpse of them before the Xenogens seemed to end the connection that had been forcibly placing the images within his mind. Still, it had been enough to see that they were atleast dealing with beings that dressed like imaginings of the gods, though he was still skeptical on if they were actually gods. As far as Sean was concerned, he did not really believe in gods, just really powerful beings that called themselves such.

He had enough context however, and from what he could guess this female likely wanted the male dead, and while he had no stock within his conflict, it just did not feel right to let someone kill someone else. When the male burst forward, time seemed to slow to a crawl, Sean analyzing everything that he was doing and these wonderful little nanite things went to work, enhancing and improving Apex, allowing him to do what he did best; adapt. Withint an instant he felt even faster, his body capable of holding up amazing speeds that perhaps even dwarfed that of the speedy male, and made him a true speed god so to speak. He did not even need to give an indicative movement, body becoming a blur as he would run between the two at a speed that shattered the sound barrier, unleashing a loud boom as small cracks would form along the street where he ran and the walls of the alleyway he walked from.

Without even wasting a second, he would pivot and spin, aiming to kick both the female in the face and then the male in the chest, aiming to break them up, then landing on his feet expertly. ”Damn, a demi-god bitch and her sibling, sounds like something fun I’ve walked in on.” Sean noted with a smirk, cracking his neck casually.

Xenogen allocation:

Last edited by Apex on September 2nd 2014, 4:36 am; edited 1 time in total

Status :

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Leon Fawkes September 1st 2014, 11:41 pm

Leon watched the whole scene unfold. There wasn't really much of that story that entertained him. Personal matters like these didn't entertain him much. He might as well go home and watch a soap opera if he wanted to watch drama like this unfold. There was talks of gods and such, but all he saw were children. The next thing that happened only confirmed his earlier suspicions, but further raised his intrigue with the lone man. In an instant, much faster than Leon could move, the man was upon the two and gave a whirlwind of attacks. Leon smirked upon seeing this. What kind of gods would those kids be if this random man would put them in their places? That didn't matter to Leon anyway. Gods didn't exist. Of course there must be beings more powerful than others, but there are no gods.. Metahumans could have claimed to be such things from the beginning and people could have believed them.

Now, Leon was just focused on this newcomer. He decided to switch his vision back to normal to more accurately get a description of the man. In doing so, the first thing he was surprised wasn't the man who just intervened, but that there was another person who he hadn't identified before. Leon frowned as he realized that this man was visible to him when viewing things with the naked eye, but not with his enhanced vision. To add to that, this man also was identical to this "god" fellow down below. He was different though. He was able to completely block out the different spectrum views of Leon's visor. Perhaps this was another fellow that would provide entertainment for him tonight. Leon would have enough to last him for a while from these two. But now, it was time for him to make his own entrance.

Leon activated his G-boots and started to slowly walk down the building he was standing on. The whole time, strategies started to develop in his brain. Perhaps he could make an ally with one of them and try to take down the other three. Maybe it would be the most entertaining to take them all out himself. Maybe he would play the good guy to try and win them over. It had been a while since he tried to brandish his acting skills.
Hmm. Maybe that would be fun. Let's see if I can convince them I'm one of those heroes...

As Leon slowly made his way down the building, one of his favorite songs came on. He started getting pumped up, ready for anything. I'm invincible tonight!
"I'm going to have to ask you all to stop. I won't have any killing happening tonight."
Leon Fawkes
Leon Fawkes

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 20
Registration date : 2014-08-25

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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Humanity September 2nd 2014, 4:14 am

What the fuck was going on? There was screaming and crying and it was just a mess. We have Exosuit here walking down a building like he's Escher, We have this THING that's beyond any of them in speed, We have this stupid little girl who deserves to be force fed her own blade and a glass of lemon juice, and then we have Boy scout turning into a murderous little bitch. Guilty Spark spent years upon years on the internet and the only thing he could even compare this too was a bad anime. This was an utter waste of time. What should be done is those two little "demi-gods" should both be run through for the betterment of mankind. Exosuit here would be explained why it had to be done and if he tried to stop them well...he'd join them in puddles of blood. Though he was thoroughly going to enjoy this next portion. "Mercury is the ROMAN God of speed. If you are a Greek Demi-God then you are a descendant of Hermes. Girl either you are really stupid or you have been had. Also those so-called "Gods" have proven to be nothing more than gifted people such as the ones congregated here." Guilty Spark rolled his eyes, still using Chris' voice as his own. "So not only are you mentally incapable, but you are spewing out your words as if they are fact. Mercury is the god of financial gain, communication, travelers, luck and the patron of thieves. Mercury was swift but he was NOT the God of Speed. He was subsequently fast." Guilty Spark said with another roll of the eyes. This little child was so ignorant, so uneducated that it hurt. The faulty logic was unlike any other he'd ever encountered. He's had more productive conversations with an 11 year old and a fifteen year old who comprehended more than this lady.

  "This is a waste of time. Those two things are reckless and dangerous. They need to be dealt with immediately." Guilty Spark said, though his speed was at over 1000 miles per hour when he spoke now. No one likely heard a damn thing he said. He looked over at Exosuit and shook his head with narrowing eyes. His voice returned to it's normal self, though it would remain undetected by any technology. He slowed himself down to a human pace and spoke. "They are a menace. People who hear that little girls voice are in danger of losing brain-cells and that boy is unstable. They must be purged before they are a threat to any others. I must request you assist or stand down. I am not known for my patience with....enablers." Guilty Spark said as he looked to the man who seemed to be playing the "heroic" type. Guilty Spark was a patient man, but he was far from tolerant of those whim enabled corruption to exist within the world. As such, if this man refused to help them purge the world of these threats...he would be treated as a threat.


The day after  Humani11
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The day after  Empty Re: The day after

Post by Bonjove September 2nd 2014, 8:09 am

Chris was running at top speed towards Envy when he felt a foot kicking him back from his chest. While Envy was kick in the face towards a parked car. Envy was pissed t the man's actions, but happy that one of them was gone it would have made killing Chris Easier. However there were more idiots there so she had to retreat. After recovering from the kick a golden bolt of lighting struck her down and in a blink if a eye she was gone.
After Chris recovered from the man's kick he would look up to find that her quote on quote sister had disappear. Not saying a word he walked over to the alley and pocketed the golden emblem. He then ran at top speed breaking the sound barrier towards....well anywhere to clear his head of the events.
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