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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 24th 2014, 9:02 pm

An alley between two buildings, the monster known as Victor Kreed had pinned a mugger to a wall with his lizard fist. What a foolish man. Pathetic really. Trying to mug a monster, while he's alone and vulnerable, susceptible to any attack. Well, this sorry excuse for a criminal wouldn't live to see the next day. Kreed smirked as the man begged for his life. He smashed a small crater beside the man's head making him even more terrified. Now this was entertainment. Victor spoke in an intimidating voice, "You afraid, little man? Can't say I blame you." Kreed made sure to go close to his face, the mugger could smell his breath. Victor had taken off his illusion mask in order to face this being in his true form.  What this weasel was seeing, was nothing short of a nightmare come true. "You think you can mug me? ME?!" His voice grew louder, the more fright the better.

"I-I' of y-you...." The man said, the trembles in his voice was obvious. He wasn't just scared, he was horrified. Victor grabbed his throat with the same hand he had punched the wall with, and raised him in the air, choking him. He wanted his death to be slow...and painful. His screams were getting cut off by the lack of hair that was escaping out of his throat. Music to my ears.. Victor thought. He saw the man's eyes beginning to close, but Kreed hadn't had enough yet. He let go of the man, dropping him onto the floor, the mugger began breathing desperately to get in as much oxygen into his lungs as possible. "Th-Thank y-you..." He spoke, his voice very quiet.  Victor just looks at him with a evil grin on his face. "Don't thank me yet." Victor said, slamming his foot into the man's stomach. Beating a man while he was down was pretty sad, but he couldn't help himself. It was so thrilling.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Timmmithy August 25th 2014, 8:52 am

Like some sort of magnet to a big fridge, Trent found himself in Chicago once again. There was a certain aspect of this city that was very appealing to him. He could pop into the countless corner pubs for a mug of beer, than hop outside and find any random alley where some sort of illegal activity was going on. And while Trent was not a law enforcer by any means, he found it more challenging and exciting to pick on the illegal fools rather than the innocent ones. But tonight was going to be a relaxing night. A long trip from New Orleans put Trent in a sleepy mood and he had found himself with a briefcase full of criminal money he picked up from a poker game, so a luxurious 5 star hotel would be greeting him to bed tonight.

"Thanks for the ride sir, you really made my life easier." Trent had gotten lucky while hitch hiking, this stranger was passing through Chicago on his way to Canada. He pulled himself out of the beaten up Toyota, and grabbed his luggage from the trunk.

As he threw a hundred dollar bill in through the passenger window, Trent heard a very aggressive shout coming from an alley across from him. "You'd better get outta here, this part of town isn't pleasant at night." Trent warned the stranger and made his way to the alley.

In most cases, Trent would ignore alleyway muggings before liquoring up first, but this wasn't an ordinary mugging. The shout had been far too… inhuman… to be expelled from a human. He tucked his luggage behind a dumpster after pulling out his katanas. As a detective, Trent was far too intrigued by the sound to deny a little investigation. Peeking around the corner he noticed a reptilian creatures holding up a measly homeless boy. Debating who was more sickly to look at, Trent decided the homeless boy, who had no muscle or fat to his name was worse to look at. There was something about skinny people that threw Trent's gut upside down, although the lizard wasn't a supermodel by any means either.

Opting for the loud and proud approach, Trent walked into the alley dragging one katana on the ground, the other on his back. He had also concealed his m9 on his back. "Why didn't I get an invitation? I like parties too." Trent enjoyed being a smart ass. Even though it never turned out well for him, it always brought a smile to his face. "Seriously though, do you get off beating up little boys like that? Seems like a weird fetish if you ask me. But hey, I guess I'm not a lizard, so I can't say what's normal for you."

By simply looking at the lizards eyes, Trent could feel he was making a huge mistake, but he had gone too far too quit now. He kept his poker face on and glanced at the ground to see the homeless boy motionless on the ground. "You gonna eat him now? Is that part of the fetish?" Trent could see the lizard was getting irritated, so he tightened his grip on the sword and waited for a response.

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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 25th 2014, 7:38 pm

Victor was about to finish the boy off when he heard the man from behind him.  He turned around as the  man spoke to him.  He obviously had no idea who he was dealing with. "Well well well...." He pick the mugger up and slammed him into wall, not killing him, but knocking him unconscious. I'll have to deal with him later. He thought. He continued to walk toward the person who appeared before him. He stopped when he was right in front of him.  Victor stared at him, studying him.  While he appeared an ordinary being, he was way too calm. Most of the time, Kreed put people off when he shows himself. This man was hiding something. "And who are you supposed to be, smart ass?"Victor asked.

Kreed wasn't in a good mood as it was, and then this peace of work shows up? Victor's curious stare turned into a intimidating glare. The look he gave him was clear, leave or die.  Victor didn't like people like him, they're usually all talk and no fight, but it was fine by him. In fact, this was just another opportunity teach another guy a lesson.  Then again, by the time this "lesson" was done, he'd be nothing more than a stain on the wall. His robotic shoulder instantly morphed into a cannon, and his optic locked on the man. Victor decided not to use a heat-seeking missile, a weapon that close would certainly kill him. Sure, Kreed get hurt too, but he was too agitated to worry about his own well-being. Plus, he wouldn't die.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Timmmithy August 25th 2014, 11:40 pm

"Who am I supposed to be? Well, that's a tough question, maybe I'm supposed to be a bank teller, or a circus clown, a lawyer, comedian, firefighter. Ooh, maybe an astronaut! In short, I have no idea who I am 'supposed' to be. I can however tell you who I am." Continuing to irritate the lizard, Trent acted as cocky as possible. "I, my reptile friend, am Trent Arbitarus, a world class detective. Capable of investigations beyond anybody's imagination. Do you want a business card? Trent felt like vomiting at the scent of the lizards breath as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. He began to hand it over to the lizard with his free hand. But just before the lizard could snatch the card from his hand, Trent fell to the ground. Using his incredible speed and martial arts, he slid between the lizards legs, avoiding the lock of the cybernetic cannon. He used the lizards heels as a way of pulling himself behind the creature. On his way to the temporary freedom, Trent threw in a slash from his katana, trying to hit the knee of the lizard. He knew the attack wouldn't be strong enough to bring any damage to the lizard, but he could gain useful information from the attack. Such as the lizards reaction time, and the durability of his skin.

He had already learned a good amount of information from simply talking and observing. The lizard had a slight temper problem, and was capable of various cybernetic weaponry. From his experience, Trent knew a temper and weapons never mixed well, so he decided to keep himself on the defensive side of this fight to avoid being shot. Perhaps the lizard had little endurance and Trent could simply exhaust him until it was safe to strike. Until he could make any move however, Trent had to mess with the lizards mind and learn the habits and abilities of the creature. Being the weaker man in a fight required strategy and patience, two things that Trent had mastered throughout his detective days.

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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 26th 2014, 7:42 am

Son of a gun... However, while the attack hit home, it would take a lot more than that to damage him. Though he may be fast, it was almost like he intended not to defend that attack. Since when the man slid under his legs, Vic figured he was fast, and there was no way he could match that speed. So much for target lock. "So you've come to die..." He said as he turned around to swipe him with his tail. Maybe he wouldn't expect an attack like that. It was obvious the man barely new anything about him. Victor knew one thing, he might never land a hit on him if he let his anger take over. He was too smart for that. Besides, at this rate, with his endurance and his opponent''s speed, it might be a stalemate. Kreed already learned that this guy was cocky, and most likely self-centered. Good, maybe Kreed could use that to his advantage. Yes. His cockiness would cause his end.

Kreed started to relax and get focused at the task. This would be an interesting battle, but he must learn how this man attacks. If he has a sword, he would most likely have a ranged weapon as well. If he was smart enough anyway. There seemed to be more to this strange jerk than what met the eye. His strategy might've been to agitate him so Kreed would end up hurting himself. Too bad that won't happen.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Registration date : 2014-08-19

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Timmmithy August 26th 2014, 8:26 pm

Come to die, what an ass... Thought Trent as he spinned his body around to face the lizard. In an instant Trent found himself smashed into a wall that created half of the alley. Apparently this guy had quite the tail. The impact nearly took the breath out of him, but the cockiness was still there, and keeping with the agitation method, Trent replied to the lizards comment. I've went to many places intending to die, and I've never succeeded. Trust me, this time is no different." Trent finished his words with a cocky grin and stood up.

With the lizard standing ten feet from Trent, he decided to get closer and play cat and mouse. He threw the sword as high as he could into the air and bolted for the lizard. At this distance he could easily follow Trent's movements and land an attack, so before the lizard could make any sort of move, Trent strafed to the left and ran beside him. He used both of his free hands to hoist himself onto the lizards back and used the extra height to grab the sword from the air, and once more attempted to slice the lizard. This time he went for the back of his scaly neck. However, Trent purposely went easy on his attack. He was trying to irritate the monster rather than injure it. He would prefer to see the lizard be its own demise rather than at the hands of a detective.

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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 26th 2014, 9:54 pm

Victor flinched a little when the attack his his neck. He saw the sword shine a bit off from the moonlight. "Heh, Shiny." He said jokingly. "Now..." Kreed began as he tried to grab the man off his back in order to throw him forcefully into the ground. "Enough child's play." Victor said, a bit irritated from this man's overconfidence. Kreed was going to kill man the only way to get a good advantage was to have him get rid of that sword. That way, the self-centered fool would have to fight hand to hand, and not attack from behind like a coward. He'd still have speed, but he wouldn't have the weapons to defeat him. Victor smirked as he had the strategy figured out a bit. This should go fairly quickly, after all. He was a mere man. Nothing more, nothing less. Victor Kreed however, he was not a normal human being. In fact, he was barely human at all. It was time to get serious. To show what he's really capable of.

All talk.. Kreed though to himself repeatedly, all
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Registration date : 2014-08-19

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Timmmithy August 26th 2014, 11:01 pm

Trent could sense some real anger being brought out from the tone of the lizards voice. He was getting serious now. At this point Trent knew he wouldn't leave this fight without some serious injury. But if he could at least survive, it would count as a success in his books.

After successfully slicing the outer layer of his scales, Trent tried to leap off of the lizards back. However, he could feel the tight grasp of the lizards hands on Trent's ankles as his body slammed into the hard concrete on the ground. As he sat up in pain, he looked around for his lost katana, then, spotting it far away and bent beyond use, Trent said, "You smart little reptile, you think eliminating the weapon is the key to victory?" Trent kept on his cocky attitude, even though he was starting to feel the pain he was in for. "You should seriously think about trying a little harder, I'm getting bored with your pathetic attempts at murder."

Standing on both his feet, Trent dusted off his shirt and pulled his last sword from his back. "I've been meaning to ask, does reptile taste better on the barbecue or deep fryer? Just so I know what to do with you when I'm done here." He took a dash back towards the lizard and began running laps in and around the beast in an attempt to confuse him, and hoping to hell that the lizard wouldn't get lucky and connect an attack. He knew that the irritation was beginning to work from the last hit. While Trent had been hit with a lot of force, the connection was rather sloppy and nearly missed. The lizard was either starting to make mistakes or had bad aim from the start.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 26th 2014, 11:32 pm

"Keep talking, it'll be the one thing I remember of you when you die at my feet." Kreed said with a smirk. He was on the right track, he sad separated the man from the blade, but he was not smart enough to give up and walk away. Thing is, if he let him walk away now, he will be a lot more ready the next time they fight. Or rather, if they fight again. He saw foolish swordsman run around the part reptile. Victor Kreed started trying to keep track of where he was going to appear next, but he was too fast. Victor started getting angry. However, he new that the man had taken serious damage already and that while he kept talking, he only had so much left in him. Kreed intended to take all of that out, but first, he had to get him off his feet. A missile should do the trick. He didn't need target lock, the explosion would take them him off his feet, but Vic would take damage as well. All small price to pay.

"Enough of this." Victor said in a calm but seemingly slightly agitated voice. His shoulder had transformed once more, and shot directly at the ground, causing an explosion in the small space, the force would cause Vic to stagger back a bit, but still remain on his feet. For a man like his opponent however, he should have taken a hell of a lot of damaged. Hopefully, he was dead. Kreed smirked as the smoke covered up the alley, or because of the explosion. It probably took off huge chunks of each side of wall. Victor's body would sting as if stung by a million bees, but the feeling would go away in a few minutes, as his hard skin and metal body could withstand such an explosion.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Registration date : 2014-08-19

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Timmmithy August 28th 2014, 7:59 am

Trent had never expected that. Sitting up inside a dark room, he coughed a bit, then checked all his body parts. Still intact, but the pain was so bad, he couldn't tell what hurt the most. As far as he could tell, the lizard had sacrificed his own body in order to blow Trent up. All he could remember seeing was his feet leave the ground. The explosion must have sent him flying into the air and through a window in a building. This was good though, aside from the pain that is. He could use his stealth to stay hidden and tease the Lizard even more. He stumbled to the window he had come in from. The lizard had been knocked back some, but seemed to be fine aside from a big sting. Trent figured if he could move around quick enough, he would try and shoot the lizard from many different angles and confuse the bastard. Being as a missile didn't damage the thing, he doubted small bullets from an m9 would, but it might be enough to piss him off even more. He ran up to the rooftop, and made sure he was always hidden. He took a shot and bolted across to another rooftop and shot once again. Now, going back to the original building he lowered himself to the second floor and shot once again. He continued to do this hoping that it would cause the lizard to get irritated and make a clumsy mistake.

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Registration date : 2014-03-23

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A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy] Empty Re: A not-so ordinary day[Timmmithy]

Post by Victor Kreed August 28th 2014, 7:01 pm

Victor could barely see a thing in the smoke. At first, he assumed that Trent was dead, but he soon realized that was not true. He thought he heard something, then Kreed was hit around his body with bullets. They barely hurt, but they irritated him. They seemed to be coming from all directions. Victor roared in fury, he backed out of the alley way, shielding the bullets with his arm. He saw an incoming car. He punched his hand into the hood, then threw the car into the alley and shot a missile at it. Because of the gas in the car the explosion was even bigger. He heard the screams of the driver as he perished in the explosion along with that unconscious mugger who probably died in that first explosion. Kreed thought that that was the end of Trent, assuming he was  in the alley. He turned around began to leave the scene. Glad that the fight was over, or so it seemed.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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