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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by Arcana June 26th 2014, 5:50 pm

A cold breeze blew across his cheek, sending a chill down Sean's spine as he rolled over and only felt cold hard ground beneath him. ”B...Brandon, did you kick me off the bed again?' Sean muttered with groggy eyes slowly opening and turning towards where he was expecting sheets falling over the edge of the bed. What he saw was a dirty looking concrete wall, stained with some form of moisture and a low dripping sound echoing off of the empty walls. Within an instant he leapt from his back, pressing against a wall a she felt over himself. The location was unfamiliar, all darkness save for a flickering florescent light bulb that sputtered in and out, leaving him with an unsure luminescence. Luckily he was dressed, in a simple wife beater and a pair of dark blue gym shorts, nothing spectacular but enough to cover him up.

Around him in this cell were three others, all of them leaning against the wall unconscious, some in the same amount of clothing and others dressed up like the heroes that paraded around Chicago, which suggested that they were still in Chicago or at least close. Silver orbs would scan the place once more, revealing what appeared to be simple metal bars keeping them from walking out, though upon listening close her could hear something humming; likely the bars themselves were charged with something to dissuade someone from just blowing them away or ripping the bars off of their hinges. Sean muttered something under his breath, shaking his head and leaning against the wall and pulling his knees to his chest.

”Okay...either this is a really vivid dream or I’ve been abducted, not the first time this has happened. Calm down and think clearly Sean.” He muttered to himself taking a few steadying breaths and then turning to the others that had been placed down here. ”Hey, any of you awake?” Sean said lowly, but loud enough to hopefully catch one of their attention. He would wait for a few moments, until the sound of foot steps could be heard, a male dressed in what appeared to be black clothing walking past the cell, dressed in a helmet that obscured their face. From what he could ascertain, he was carrying some manner of high powered energy weapon, one of Reapers designs it would seem and illegally obtained likely. How he had obtained high end Dominus tech was unknown, but he would find out once he got the hell out of here.

Pulling to his knees, Sean would turn to one of the unconscious individual, a red headed female coming to first and looking around. Her emerald eyes would narrow upon Sean as he frowned, and shook her head. ”Great, i'm stuck in a room with you.” She muttered quickly standing to her feet. Sean chuckled at that, shaking his head looking to the other two, one of them a male with black hair that was scraping symbols along on the floor with a single long index finger nail, as if the concrete floor were Styrofoam.

”Hey you, whatcha drawin there?” Sean asked standing to his feet and walking over to the male, something about the markings almost arcane in origin. The male would look up to him, cocking his head to the side and smiling lightly, revealing a glimpse of brilliant white teeth.

”Symbols.” he answered simply as he drew a small line across the symbol with a low scratching sound. The red haired female grumbled something turning to the male as her eyes seemed to smolder for a moment before returning to a more natural color. Sean rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the last one, the one that had yet to say anything.

So he was likely in a cell full of metahumans, which did not bode well with the only human.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by The Ranger June 26th 2014, 6:45 pm

Cold, shivering even, the man known to the world as The Ranger was having a bad dream. It was one of the two he always had, if it wasn’t the death of his parents it was the death of his fiancé Rebecca O’Day. This time it was the first one, he was once again a teenager walking down the street from the soccer field to the nearby Dairy Queen. He was with his Mom and Dad, they were leaving his sister’s soccer game, she was still there with their grandparents, to get everyone ice cream to celebrate afterwards. It was something so simple, something they had done every other week. Nothing had ever gone wrong before, and no one thought anything would go wrong. But that of course as he now knows is exactly when everything can and will go wrong.

A man, not too older than he, as if appearing out of nowhere was now in front of them pushing Rey down onto the ground he grabbed Rey’s mother by the arm and pointed a gun at his father. The first shot rang out and then the second as both his parents were killed without a moment’s notice. Their wallets stripped of money and credit cards Rey stood up trying to stop the killer only to be backhanded with the gun and knocked unconscious screaming in pain. Eyes closed in the dream they shot open in the real world. He wasn’t sure where he was, and he was having a hard time remembering how he ended up wherever he was. He was facing a dirty looking wall and rolling over only revealed even more confusion it was dark save for a light bulb that was flickering on and off giving the room an eerie feeling.

Three others were in this cell as it seemed he knew it was a cell by the metal bars that were electrically charged meant to keep people in. Closing his eyes once more as the three others in the cell were not currently looking in his direction The Ranger tried once more to remember just what had happened for him to end up where he was. He was out on patrol, which explained why he was still in costume, making his usual rounds when he was shot by something which he now knows was a tranquilizer. It didn’t immediately take effect and he of course had enough to spin around and load an arrow onto his bow before passing out and ending up where ever here was.

Opening his eyes he slowly stood up, noticing his quiver was gone along with his bow leaving him relatively defenseless. Removing his hood he ran his hand through his hair, “Do any of you three know where we are and what we are doing here?” He would ask the red headed female, short male, and other male who was sitting on the ground digging into the concrete floor.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by Arcana June 26th 2014, 7:31 pm

The male in red would speak up, something about his appearance sparking within Sean's mind as he blinked a couple of times. For some reason The Ranger of all people was in a place like there, Sean blinking a few more times and pinching himself to make sure he was not dreaming. 'If they have you here....oh no.” Sean muttered to himself, as the red hairs female looked confused to Sean and then to the one scratching the floor slowly. ”So, how did you get here Ranger?” he asked raising an eyebrow turning towards the hero and making sure that he was not hallucinating. It took a few more look overs, but he was sure that it was the outfit that the Crimson Archer wore, one that everyone really knew.

”I actually have no idea where we are.” The female would admit annoyed venturing towards the bars and letting a single finger move towards the bars, though Sean quickly caught her wrist. She took a deep intake of breath and nearly back handed him when he pulled away.

”I would not suggest trying anything, these bars seemed to be built to contain meta-humans.” he noted seeing the skin around her palms begin to glow red like coals. ”You would probably get fried if you tried.” he added much to the females ire, though she turned down the heat and sat against the wall. 'I..don't know where we are or even why we're here, but....I doubt its for any good reason.” He noted reclining against the wall and sighing softly turning to Ranger as if asking for a silent assessment from him. The two had worked occasionally on a few assignments, such as the time when they had fought the crazed florakinetic that wanted to turn Chicago into their own personal garden.

”I'll tell ya guys why you're in here.” A male voice noted as Sean's attention shot to a dark haired male, dressed in a simple plaid button up and faded blue jeans, smirking widely as he looked over everyone. ”Not sure what The Mistress is thinking about bringing you two in here, but I guess the crowds might like this.” He added as a female dressed in all a leather and a hood placed over his head walked from behind him.

”I think she's upping the game a little.” The female noted looking over the captives, red head glaring at the two that stood on the other end of the bars.

'But to answer your question Mister Ranger, you're a personal guest of the Underground Metahuman fighting ring run by The Mistress herself.” he noted with a smirk as two males dressed in the black combat clothing would stand beside the two strangers. ”You four will be the main event, well rather The Director and The Premier hero will be the main event.” He chuckled lightly. ”You're going to fight, and only one will exit the ring. Alive or not is up to the victor.” He added, though Sean had a feeling that metahuman death was not on the agenda.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by The Ranger June 26th 2014, 8:28 pm

The shorter male, the one not sitting on the ground and carving things into it, turned around and Ranger noticed who it was even before he spoke. It was probably because he had enhanced vision but he also wasn’t one to forget a face. Especially when he had fought alongside the man for many of times. Sean Michael Collin, Director of the Chicago sector of Dominus and a ‘simple’ human but one that could kick the ass of most metahumans any day of the week ending in y. “Tranquilizer in the back of the neck while on patrol, you?” By the looks of it he would guess Sean was taken while sleeping or something of the sort, but couldn’t hurt to ask and maybe it would help him identify who they were taking and why. With the two of them it was obviously for some sort of publicity stunt or cry for ransom.

However he knew not who the other two members in his cell were and that added unknown factors into the mix. He contemplated simply turning invisible thus confusing the guards who were no doubt watching the cell and forcing them to come down and open the cell or do something to look for him. But, he just as quickly turned the idea down because if they had caught him while he was on patrol it meant they knew what his powers were and thus would not be at all surprised if he turned invisible. Neither Sean nor the Redhead female knew where they were or why they were in the cell which was yet another road block on getting out of there. What happened next though was quite interesting.

The redhead went to touch the bars and Sean stopped her, the thing that made it interesting however was her reaction. Her eyes turned red and her hand sizzled even though she hadn’t touched the electrified bars, meaning either she was some sort of pyrotechnic or a magic user who just so happened to like flames and either way disproved of Sean. When Sean himself replied that he knew not why they were there but that it was certainly not a good thing Ranger simply nodded in return. He knew that if he was here with the man who helped him and The Black Arrow stop the Shadow Manipulator and her army of the night from putting Chicago into a state of eternal darkness was here, than they definitely weren’t here to talk about Chicago losing the Stanley Cup to the Red Wings again.

At this point he heard footsteps and the sound of marching until four figures found their way to the front of their cell. Two of them he knew, the two soldiers he did not. Philip James, the man who killed his parents and who he let live minus an arm of course and Theresa Thames better known as The Huntress. She as always was a sight for sore eyes, even if she wasn’t exactly on the straight and narrow path of life…meaning she wasn’t good. “Underground Metahuman fighting Ring? Primer Hero fighting against the Director all for The Mistress? Philip I never would have guessed you knew so many big words.” He said with a grin “Theresa you look lovely tonight by the way. Still hanging around with this loser I see…as for your fighting thing no one is dying tonight.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by Arcana June 26th 2014, 10:06 pm

”I remember you Mister Ranger.” Phillip noted lifting his right arm, one that had been blown off by the archer many years ago though it appeared as fresh as the day he lost it. The jape made towards his intelligence was ignored, male flexing the fingers before turning his attention back to the prisoners.

”Even a monkey can learn.” The Huntress would add with a low chuckle, much to the ire of Phillip., who grumbled something under his breath ”I'm sorry my dear but you have no choice in who dies and doesn't.” She said with an almost lilting tone, standing only a few inches away from the electrified bars. ”We make the rules and you dance like the dutiful puppets that you are.” She said with a sharp tone to her voice. ”Don't worry though, i'll be sure to pull your strings.” A wink was thrown The Rangers way

”Alright you two.” Phillip snapped slowly pulling the woman away from the bars, glaring into the eys of the male that was known as The Ranger and then to Sean. ”We won't let the main attraction go on first, so I think we can start with something else first. Everyone look at your ankles.” He would note, Sean’s eyes snapping to his ankle where a small mechanical bracelet was wrapped around it. A single blue section of it was blinking rapidly, casting a sickly light along with the ones around the others ankles. 'Fancy little trinket The Mistress made, its sort of an inhibitor as well as something else.” he held up a small remote and looked over the two.

He would press a red button and within an instant the bracelets would begin to let out a small beeping noise. ”Alright, lets get to the asskicking.” He muttered and within an instant Sean felt a falling sensation and he was in what appeared to be a Colosseum style arena, save for what looked like small energy barriers that stood before a crowd of people looking dumbstruck at the two that stood before them. Sitting at a chair and overlooking this arena was a woman with long flowing red hair and wearing a Victorian style mask, sitting as refined as possible. Across from Sean was another, the strange black haired male with a curious expression upon his face.

Ranger would be dealing with this as well, but with the red haired woman and in perhaps a different arena. ”Welcome brave competitors to The Arena.” The loud booming voice of the woman radiated through the arenas. 'I am The Mistress, proprietor of these games and overseer of this fine Metahuman fighting ring. Tonight I offer you a treat.” She paused as the people would cheer.

”The Director of the Chicago Branch of Dominus, Sean Collin versus The Rune mage Symbol!”
”The Crimson Archer versus The spunky pyrokinetic Blaze!”

Both of these announcements were made on the separate arenas, Blaze looking to the woman angrily before turning to The Ranger. 'These fights will battle, and the winner will have the honor of moving on to the next round.” It all sounded like some sick game show almost, Sean glaring at the mage as something was thrown to his feet. It was a metallic tube looking object, one that had a single button upon it, the male picking it up and pressing that button to reveal a blade of pure blue energy.

'Lucky me.” Sean muttered, a bow being thrown to The Ranger made of a similar material that would produce arrows of a hard light.

'The fights may begin.” Within an instant the Symbol person hand shot up as a fireball launched at Sean, the male ducking out of the way as it slammed into the stone wall with a boom.

'Aw shit.” he muttered hefting the energy weapon up. Within that same instant Blaze unleashed a torrent of fire upon The Ranger, aiming to burn him into a crisp.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2491
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

Post by The Ranger June 26th 2014, 10:47 pm

A small smile etched its way onto The Range’s face from the transaction between him and the two behind the electrified metal bars. It was quick but it was enough for him to get some satisfaction from it, Phillip was obviously still sore about the arm even if it seemed he got it replaced; and Huntress was still Huntress. Eventually he’d get her to come around and fight the good fight but it seemed like tonight was not going to be that night. Instead tonight he was going to be fighting for his life in some sort of underground fight club for the enjoyment of random people and a woman, he hoped, who called herself the Mistress.

When Philip told them all to look at their ankles he of course did so, and there lied what Philip called an inhibiter that was made by the Mysterious Mistress herself. Quickly assessing the situation the world around them seemed to slow down as Ranger saw Phil raise his hands with what looked to be a detonator in them. Perhaps he wasn’t going to be fighting in some fight club after all and Phillip was just going to blow him up instead. Looking around for anything to throw he of course was met with nothing and the button was pressed, ankle bracelet thing now letting out a beeping noise. That was never a good thing.

A falling sensation washed over him and in the next moment he was standing in what seemed to be a replica of the roman Coliseum, except much bigger and with the same sort of electrified metal bars that were in the cell surrounding it to keep the viewer’s safe from harm and the fighters inside. Sitting at a chair and overlooking this arena was a woman with long flowing red hair and wearing a Victorian style mask, was whom he assumed was The Mistress. Across from him in the arena, about a hundred yards away was the redheaded woman.

”Welcome brave competitors to The Arena.” The loud booming voice of the woman radiated through the arenas. 'I am The Mistress, proprietor of these games and overseer of this fine Metahuman fighting ring. Tonight I offer you a treat.” She paused as the people would cheer. ”The Crimson Archer versus The spunky pyrokinetic Blaze!” He was right she was the Mistress, and they were the first roung…hopefully Sean made it out of his fight alive. 'These fights will battle, and the winner will have the honor of moving on to the next round.”

He turned and looked at Blaze with a new sense of interest. It seemed she really was a Pyrokinetic like he assumed and he also figured she wasn’t going to take it easy on him in any sense of the word. Quickly after the words left the mouth, or he assumed she had a mouth, of the Mistress a metallic tube looking object, one that had a single button upon it was thrown at his feet. Picking it up he pressed the button out of curiosity and a bow made of pure energy was made from it, yet it had no arrows. Pulling back the bow he noticed that when he did so the arrow formed just like it did in the old Ancient Greek movie about Theseus.

'The fights may begin.” Within an instant Blaze unleashed a torrent of fire upon The Ranger, aiming to burn him into a crisp. Not one to stick around and find out how hot her fires could really burn The Crimson Archer sped over to the wall of the Coliseum, running along the lower side of the wall at above sonic speeds. Pulling back the bow in quick succession he unleased three arrows aimed at Blaze before stopping behind her where he would simply pull back on the bow string waiting to see what kind of damage this bow and its blue light arrows could really do. “I guess its Show Time.”

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] TheRangerFinishedResize-1
The Ranger
The Ranger
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 535
Location : everywhere but nowhere at the same time
Age : 27
Job : Lawyer in training
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger] Empty Re: Caged [AU- SHRPG 4567] [The Ranger]

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