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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Jeisen June 13th 2014, 2:33 am

I dont even know where here is...

Jeisen muttered to himself. He slide the knives back into the pouches on his legs though as he walked over to the edge of the hotel. Looking out over the sky line, he releized where he was.

Oh... Chigao. Wonderful

He had nothing against the city really... but it was full of metahumans on both sides of the law. It made could easily make getting around really bothersome. Best stick around with these guys till he could get out of range of the skyscrapers. They would pull him out of the sky to damn fast, before he could really get into his lightning form.

So.... where are we going?

He asked as he followed the other two. He had a very nonchalant walk, hands in his pockets as he kept a watchful eye out

Post Adept
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 13th 2014, 9:10 am

"Well, I can tell you one thing, if you don't know where he is, the other killer won't, so he might as well be dog food." Thomas was surprisingly a good strategist while drunk, but his walk was showing a continuous stumble, "He had a good trade deal going with a man here in Chicago. He experiments with the meta gene, and is also and addict, Carl Manuel is his name I believe. So long as the smuggler supplies him with drugs, Carl supplies the smuggler with meta-human guards. While I can't say we will find him there, I can guarantee the smuggler has been in contact with him, and he's close by." Thomas finished his last beer and melted it into a puddle with his hand, "by the way, my name is Thomas, I guess we should get that out of the way."

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Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 14th 2014, 9:25 pm

"Names Taylon,Your Friendly neighborhood theif, and if he doesn't know anything the best we can do is leave him tied up. Someone should find him,if not oh well." Taylon wasn't a big fan of working with a team but this one he could work with,this team had power I mean one can literally turn into lightning! If he could somehow keep this team together it would be perfect no threat would ever stand a chance against this team of metas."But that Carl guy...Looks like if we can pick him off we can lower the number of metahuman guards and we can move in and knock my employer off the map"OOC:Sorry for late post was at friends house for a while

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 12
Humor : No
Registration date : 2014-06-10

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Dustin Waugh June 15th 2014, 3:46 am

Ok now that they were on their way and had no way to find this person; the best way to go was to find a known underman who worked in the group and force him to talk. He didn't believe in physical torcher, but mental scarring was pretty ok. If he had to look somewhere it would be a big named strip club that has a certain V.I.P. member who walks in 4 days in a row starting on a Thursday. What was his name Garry I believe.

He I remember hearing talk probably a day ago in a strip club's alley. It was about their bosses hiring abnormal people, meaning us, and I think we should take a look into it. I been tailing him and I know where he will be tonight in a certain V.I.P. section of a local club. Spreading his information under the semi trusted group, he told them a few hints onto his search and what he found about the big cartels of the city. He also took lead in the hopes they would be smart enough to follow behind him.

Even the true reason for him being here in this hotel and acting completely calm of the situation of other metas was because he heard one was doing the targeting and one was being targeted. He did not however see the other guy come in so it makes his appearance look quincidental. Plus a party and a large crowd of people helped his story out too.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Jeisen June 15th 2014, 5:38 pm

Jeisen didn't really know what the hell was going on, nor who they were really talking about. These guys were all talking about something local that he had no clue about. Who was killing who and why? Jeisen opened up his mouth to ask, but the words died in his throat. It didn't really matter all that much, he supposed. If someone was killing a meta, best put a stop to it.

Jeisen walked in the back of the group, spinning a knife absent-mindlessly in his hand. He let off the occasional spark, but otherwise he was fine. After crashing into the roof top like that, his control would be a little off. His seals were still fine though, but that might be it for a while.

Out of habit, he began to break down his compatriots. So a superspeed, a heat manipulator, and some sort of energy guy. Out of the three, the energy guy seemed to know what he was doing the most. He carried himself like a fighter. The other two seemed trained as well, or at least experienced. Jeisen was exceptionally skilled at fighting even for a meta. Breaking down the opponent was all part of the training.
Post Adept
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 16th 2014, 11:01 pm

"I guess I should fill you two in," said Thomas, ignoring Taylon for a minute. "Basically, I was investigating a smuggler if all sorts, people, guns, and mostly drugs. I managed to turn most of his operations over to the authorities, including his main base, just outside the New York perimeter, off the coast. It forced him to go I to hiding, and led him to hire this guy," now pointing to Taylon he continued, "Taylon here was supposed to kill me, as revenge, but it seems he now wants my help, and yours, to take him out. And just to ensure you guys stuck with us, I can guarantee this smuggler is carrying a substantial amount of money with him, once we eliminate him, we can split the earnings. So, what do you two say?"

Thomas finished talking to the two as he opened the front doors of the hotel, and allowed the rest of the men to walk through.

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2014-03-23

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