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Overture (Champion)

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Overture (Champion) Empty Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance May 26th 2014, 8:41 pm

A white cape floated behind the man as he glided at a fairly leisurely pace towards his target. Although being his first time attempting something like this a strange sort of calm was consuming him. Over the years of planning he had gained access to a variety of underground and inside contacts, slowly feeding him information from around the globe. This particular instance had landed Dissonance in Houston, Texas on a mission to save some Meta’s from a rather large prison sentence. He had done his research on the Meta’s in question; Smog a gas manipulator, Powercut a teen capable of causing Electronic interference and Blue Beam who was capable of substantial energy emission. They were being transferred to a meta-prison and intercepting the convoy would be a lot easier than breaking them out at a later point.

Three large armoured vans were travelling in tandem through the streets, with police escorts on motorcycles clearing the way for them to pass. He had to time this perfectly so that they wouldn’t be able to evade him somehow or split up and attempt to shake him off of at least one prisoner. Landing on a nearby building Dissonance scoped out the area and surveyed for the best vantage point. He adjusted his gloves making sure that they were on firmly and wouldn’t get in the way. The front van had started signalling to a reasonable sized alleyway and Dissonance saw his opportunity. With fascinating speed he flew over to the alley and stood at the far end directly in the van’s path.

He stood perfectly still at the end of the alley and looked directly towards his feet not wanting to give anything away to the police escorts. Eventually the convoy reached him and the front car came to a stop. The driver started furiously beating his horn signalling for Dissonance to clear the path. The two furthest forward Motorcycle officers dismounted their bikes and drew their guns aiming directly for Dissonances chest. “Sir, we’re going to have to ask you to clear the road” one of them shouted over to him. A wry smirk flashed over his face as he raised his head to the officers and readied himself for what was coming.

With no warning Dissonance thrust a single outstretched hand in front of him and he could feel the energy surging from his fingertips. He released an extremely powerful sound wave at an incredible pitch that tore through the entire alley before dissipating. The two guards that had drawn on him were launched backward down the alley, crashing into the walls as they flew. Every window that was caught in the waves path shattered, blanketing the alleyway in a hail of glass, which in turn was enough to slice nearly all of the vans tyres. As if that wasn’t devastating enough the windscreens of each van in the convoy imploded at extreme speed, lacerating each driver beyond the point of recognition. One of the motorcycle officers fought his way back up to his feet, firing a bullet, which narrowly missed Dissonances shoulder. Dissonance turned on him and the guard froze solid knowing what was about to come next, with three solid punching motions Dissonance launched 3 successive sonic bullets, each containing enough blunt force to shatter a man’s ribcage completely. The man was launched backward like a ragdoll, smashing into the side of a dumpster, No doubt he was dead as the cumulative force of attacks would have been enough to shatter every bone in his body. “You humans are so pathetic” Dissonance commented as he raised himself into the air and floated over to the back of the first van.

“Cover your ears,” he shouted to the Meta whom he would find inside this vans containment facilities. He placed both of his hands against the solid metal doors and emitted a series of strong pulses directly into the metal, practically disintegrating the screws and bolts that held it all together. He took a few steps back and watched proudly as the door fell off of its hinges in front of him and dropped to the floor. Inside the van sat a teen with broken electrical handcuffs dangling from the bench beside him, he was trying to appear calm and collected but it was painfully obvious that the kid was terrified by everything that had just happened. Dissonance reached towards the teen and motioned him out of the van.
“Come with me brother, I could use your assistance on this next part”
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile May 29th 2014, 6:11 pm

Powerful hands rested on equally powerful hips. The dark haired Champion stared at the latest scenario that would test his heroic might. A small child, who's face was stained with both tears and worry. Now to some, this task would seem trivial - barely worth the attention of a normal citizen; never mind a super hero - blessed by Gods. But it was extremely important to the child and therefore extremely important to Champion. Narrowing his eyes at his latest foe, it was neither fearsome or mighty - or even proud. It was a small, timid Kitty Cat which had ran up a tree and was unable to get down again. Biting his lip, Champion looked to the child and smiled.

"You'll be able to get 'em down, wont'chu, Mister?"
the kid was biting his finger nails.
Champion put a his hand the boy's shoulder, and nodded.
"Fear not, Child - your brave feline will be back in your hands in no time."

The kid smiled, and if he had a stronger comprehension of the english language he would know the irony of calling the cat brave. It was too scared to run down the tree again, after all. Stepping towards to the trunk, Champion sized it up. It was roughly about 14 feet tall and had several thick branches. The small, black cat remained posed, petrified even - staring forward and not even a hair on it's body moved for fear of falling. Leaping up 3 feet with little more than a bend of the knees, Champion hooked his fingers into a knot in the wood. Swinging his leg up, he knooked it into anohter hole before he pushed himself further up the trunk. It took him about 40 seconds to reach the branch that held the fearful feline. Holding out a hand, he tickled his fingers together and let out a swishing whisper in order to attract the cat's attention.

"Come here, Mau, I shall return you to your owner." he smiled. The cat slowly turned around and saw Champion's face - Bastet whispered and the cat immediately seemed to warm up to him. Walking along the branch very carefully, it brushed it's head against Champion's nose; who sneezed. "Come, Mau, let me take you from the tree." he scooped the cat up in his arm and it purred. Letting his legs fall, Champion easily suspended his body weight from the branch before letting himself fall. He his feet hit the ground and he barely flintched, merely continued stroking the cat under it's chin - and it contiued to purr.

Kneeling before the child, Champion extended his arms and allowed the cat to take his beloved household pet back into his arms. "Thanks Mister, I was so worried."
Champion laughed, and then lowered his tone in order to try and fascinate the child.
"You know, where I'm from, cats were worshipped as gods. Maybe what you've got there is a cat' he leaned in 'or maybe it's a pharaoh reincarnated." The boy's eyes widened and he looked at the cat again, stroking behind it's ears.

Standing on his feet, Champion ruffled the kid's hair before he began walking through the streets; some people smiled, some people high fived him and one person even wanted a hug. All were things he obliged too; happy to make people happy. However something disturbed this rather blissful scene. A large convoy of several metallic shells, each marked with the sign of the local police force strode past, orbitted by motorcycles. Everyone seemed well armed and Champion found himself among the masses which were staring in awe and curiousity as they creeped past. He was tempted to ask one of the police officers what was going on but quietly decided that it was none of his business. He began walking down the street once again, but immediately stopped and looked over his shoulder with a gasp.

A dreadful noise had filled the air, Champion was several dozen metres away from the source and it still left his ears ringing, which emphasized it's strength. Swallowing, Champion ran towards the source with an impressive speed. Turning into the allyway he leapt into the air and landing ontop of the armoured truck which was in the middle of the trio. Looking at Dissonance and a rather measley looking boy with curious blue tattooes along his body, Champion then pointed. "Halt. Return the prisoner to the van and you may leave with less bruises." He narrowed his eyes, and glanced around at all the officers who were both screaming and partially concious. His brow melted slightly, before he turned to face Dissonance once more.

Overture (Champion) Maxresdefault
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance May 29th 2014, 7:20 pm

As he beckoned the boy came forth to stand at his side “Powercut I believe, I am dissonance, Master of sound.” He said it with such confidence and gravitas that very few would have dared argue with him. He turned to face the other trucks and motioned for Powercut to follow him.
“Right brother, when I’ve opened the doors activate your powers so that we can get the other prisoners freed and to safe harbour that I have already prepared.”

As he began to move towards the second truck he heard a large metallic impact from above it. Looking up Dissonance could make out a large muscular figure, posing tall above the van. From his facial features he could tell the boy to be 20 at the most yet from his muscle tone he would have to be significantly older. The boy must have been a Meta for this to be the case, making it all the more awkward for him now to be standing in the way.
“Halt. Return the prisoner to the van and you may leave with less bruises.” Less bruises? This was what passed for a threat here? Dissonance motioned to Powercut so he would know not to engage his powers quite yet and the pulsing sound through his feet he raised himself up to be at eye level with this new ‘Hero.’ His cape billowed in the wind behind him giving him an appearance of power and grandeur to the already impressed Powercut. On closer inspection he realised the boy to be foreign, the markings visible on various parts of his person resembling the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt. He was clearly a long way from home but that did not excuse his brash behaviour.

“Insolent fool. These prisoners here are Meta-kind that have been judged criminal by the likes of man in all of his prejudiced and unjust wisdom. Their imprisonment is little more that a joke to the likes of us!” He boomed with extreme forcefulness, floating forward he landed on the edge of the middle truck, shattered glass crunching beneath his feet as he made contact. Taking a step forward he looked directly into the Egyptians eyes with an anger starting to burn deep inside of him.
“I warn you Egyptian, do not make yourself a traitor to your own kind it does not beckon to end well for you.” He turned his back on the man and moved back towards the end of the van upon which the confrontation had taken place “Either leave now or help me and your lapse in judgement will be forgotten. I have no time for the interference of a 'Hero'.”

Illuminati - Freedom is weakness, Freedom... Is an illusion.
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile May 31st 2014, 1:15 pm

Champion did not even flinch when the white cloaked man levitated before him and glared into his eyes. Instead he tensed his muscles to make himself seem more impressive, before the 'Master of Sound' turned his back to Champion and began lecturing about how Champion, because of his attempt to intervene, was becoming a traitor to his own kind. A suggestion that did not warrent a vocal response from the Champion. He took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the cloak of Dissonance and tried to wrap it around his body - and force him to look at the wounded, but alive, police officers. "You create such despair and pain; and then try to paint me as the one who is in the wrong." spinning the cloak he tried to roll Dissonance off the van. "I shall give you one more chance to surrender peacefully." His hand moved to the hilt of his blade, preparing, his eyebrow's furrowed.

The cries of the wounded filled his ears and he felt compassion blaring in his heart. What this man had done to them for simply doing their jobs and being a human, it sickened him. Part of him wanted to let the white clothed mastermind escape and simply help the wounded to find aid; while another part wanted to see this fight through and help them later. But someone had already phoned an ambulance, or more police - possibly even the fire brigaid, as sirens were growing closer so the need to assist them seem much less immediate. Taking a step forward, he pointed at Dissonance once more; and noted Powercut. He looked far too young, infact he looked just as scared off Dissonance as he did off Champion, who made a mental note to go easy on him - he was barely able to grow hairs on his chest. "I implore you - choose the non-violent path and turn yourself in. You have already caused enough pain."

Overture (Champion) Maxresdefault
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance May 31st 2014, 7:55 pm

The Egyptian had grabbed Dissonances cloak and twisted it into a position that forced him to observe the injured officers lying around the street. Dissonance could vaguely hear some Hero babble from the boy, but couldn’t help admiring his own handiwork as a small smirk spread across his face. He must not have been paying enough attention because within seconds he had been thrown from the top of the van; landing with a sense of control, slightly crouched so as to steady his landing. The Hero held himself strongly as if though trying to impress and then stepped forward to point at him “... You have already caused enough pain” This sentence was funny to Dissonance, a man who had grown up in a world of pain, a man for whom pain had shaped his entire life and here he was being lectured by an 18 year old who believed he understood pain.

Dissonance stood up tall as a twisted laugh started to pour from his mouth. The Egyptian had dared to touch him and were he human would have surely met his end, but as this was not the case he would be forgiven his mistake and offered one last chance.
“Powercut, see to it that the others get freed from their restraints” he said whilst kicking the keys over from one of the guards on the floor. Powercut, seeming rather unsettled now, grabbed up the keys and hurried over to the rear of the second van and began unlocking it. Dissonance made sure he still had the hero’s attention by proudly walking over and standing near to one of the injured bodies slumped on the ground. He outstretched a flat palm towards the guard, a middle aged man with silver streaks of hair, who was barely even conscious in his spot on the ground.
“My friend, humans are weak, it is an evolutionary imperative that they must be subsidised and eliminated for the prosperity of our race”

Using his enhanced hearing he could hear very quiet speech in the background indicating that Powercut had unlocked the next van, a female voice indicating that it had to be Susan Laurels (a.k.a Smog.) Dissonance knew he had to make a quick example and so projected a strong sonic boom he knew would daze Champion, forcing him to witness what was coming next. Taking a step closer to the guard he began to project strong sound waves to the mans body, causing him to writhe and squirm in extreme agony. His voice now raised he shouted, “You believe that I have already caused enough pain?” Clenching his hand to a fist a strong sonic boom sounded and continued to echo down the alleyway. In an instant the guard stopped moving, blood trickling from his mouth and ears, all life vanquished. The alley fell completely silent, only to be broken by a few words.
“You know nothing of pain.”
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile June 1st 2014, 8:31 pm

When the cloaked fiend fired some sort of blast into Champion's body he tried to evade but felt his chest get wracked before he could dodge it. Champion he fell onto one of his knees, rested a fist on the roof of the truck and groaned . Looking upwards and seeing double, before the images slowly moved together to form a clear picture of the scene. Dissonance was stood above a wounded, helpless man and muttered something about pain - Champion was unable to hear his words however, his ears were still ringing from the sudden soundwave which had moved through his torso and rendered him incapable of moving. He could, however, feel movement coming back to his body and he slowly rose back into his proud stance; knuckles on his hips. The deadly Dissonance clamped his hand into a fist and eventually the guard's screaming stopped - his soul was with Anubis now.

A feeling of disgust had made it's may from Champion's stomach and around his body. Infact, a chaotic cocktail of emotions had been brewed from the events he had just been forced to witness. He wanted to do nothing more than draw his blade and end this man, but that would be wrong - that would make him no better. He pitied him; he pitied him for succombing to anger so easily - and for venting it at a species which had done nothing wrong, and he pitied the officer who died merely for doing his job. And he felt guilt... if Champion had not pointed the man out to this 'Master of Sound' then there was a chance he was still alive.

"... I pity you." Champion spoke quietly, but loudly enough to be heard. His hand moved over to the hilt of his blade once more and he pulled it from it's decorated sheathe with a single movement. The blade sung in his hand, and everytime it moved it left a faint trail of golden light which faded afterwards, like smoke on the breeze. Like the smoke that was currently on the breeze right now. Turning to look in the direction it was coming from he was met by a woman, who wore a long white cloak and had her arm outstretched. Before he could dart to the side horrid, thick smog was filling his throat and coughed; staggering backwards. Now he had backup. Perfect, I love a challenge. Champion stopped himself breathing, and reached for the shield which resided on his back. The smog had fully consumed him but soon a small orange dome formed over his body and diverted the rest off it away while the smoke within the chamber quickly dilluted into nothing.

"I pity you for becoming such a sad instrument of rage." He readied his sword in one hand, and the shield in the other. The dome faded, and he rushed forward; jumped off the floor and attempted to kick 'Dissonance' in his chest. He hoped that eventually the mad-man would see sense...

Overture (Champion) Maxresdefault
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance June 2nd 2014, 1:11 pm

Champion had fought his way back up to his feet and was standing with his prideful stance yet again. The guard had died right in front of the Egyptian’s eyes and yet his reaction was not that of your average man. What surprised Dissonance was that at the sight of such a brutal death, first there was a brief expression of disgust, which was entirely expected but what transpired next was a sort of sadness. This was new; anger and disgust were the usual primary responses to this kind of murder so he knew that he was dealing with something very different here.

Champion drew his blade and swished it through the air with a glittering light following it through the air. Clearly now he was ready to attack and had revealed his full intentions to dissonance. Unbeknown to him however, light smog had already started circling around the base of the vehicle Champion stood on. Dissonance had seen this and watched as the smog completely surrounded the hero standing on top of the van. A slight golden glow started to protrude from the smog, no doubt a mystical defense mechanism designed to protect the Egyptian from coming to any harm. A moment passed and the smog had cleared leaving only the Champion on the van, he launched himself directly at Dissonance and leaped into the air with a foot thrust forward to try and smash into him. Anticipating the attack Dissonance dashed out of the way leaving the attack way off of its mark.

“You’ve picked the wrong side Hero” Dissonance said whilst spinning on the spot to follow Champion. He flew straight up into the air and watched as smog blanketed the alley with a thick fog, Powercut was standing terrified against a wall trying to keep as clear away from the fight as was possible. Dissonance soared down beside him and motioned him to the third van; where his powers activated and disabled most of the security inside, which would make the last breakout altogether easier. Looking back to Champion, Dissonance raised a hand in front of him and fired a pulse of infrasound energy directly towards the Hero, not enough to seriously harm somebody of his physical capabilities but enough to knock him back and let him know that this would be a serious fight if he continued. This would certainly be the young man's last chance to turn back from the battle that he was about to encounter.

Illuminati - Freedom is weakness, Freedom... Is an illusion.
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile June 4th 2014, 2:13 pm

His foot soared through the air but the unsuspectingly nimble Dissonance side-stepped, causing him to land back on the ground. Grunting he glanced over his shoulder and noticed that the one dressed in white did not share his agility and was still within attack range. His mind was struck with a dilemma. She is a lady. How can one hit a lady? He knew that he could not use his sword on such a creature, as leaving such a scar would be a sin. Closing his eyes, he pivoted on one foot and brought his leg into a roundhouse; smacking Smog into the van. She exhaled vile grey gas, before falling to the side unconcious. "Forgive me, Hathor." He apologised quietly, before turning to face the reason he was here - sword readied once more in his hands; but he was taken off-guard! An intense sound wave rippled through his chest and sent him backwards into the van behind him and he fell to the floor once more. "Argh, fiend...!" Only a coward attacks a warrior while he is occupied. Champion noted that his new foe was not above dishonourable combat and made sure too remember it.

After a few brief seconds, Champion stood up from the ground and span his shimmering sword in his hand once more. "A cowardly attack." he said he quite bluntly, with the hopes that this man would realise the error in his behaviour during a conflict. Suddenly he dashed forward, flipped the blade in his hand and attempted to strike Dissonance with the blunt pommel in order to wind him; and if he was successful in doing that he'd bring his powerful knee upwards in order to impact the Master of Sound's jaw. Champion did not, would not, put his full power behind the attacks against an ordinary man but they were more than enough to maim him. In the corner of his eye he noticed that the lights on the last van had died, and the security locks had unhinged allowing the third and final meta-criminal to escape. This was getting out off hand.

Overture (Champion) Maxresdefault
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Humor : I'm pretty sick.
Registration date : 2013-03-08

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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance June 5th 2014, 8:16 pm

In the brief seconds before his attack Dissonance had lost Smog, this was a minor setback but it wouldn’t obstruct his plans too much. The loss of Smog didn’t upset him; he had released her from her human captors and given her a second chance. She had taken that chance against one of her own kind and fallen extremely short, survival of the fittest. His sound wave rocketed through Champion and hoisted him off of his feet in to a van and leaving him again on the floor.
“A cowardly attack,” he had said upon reaching his feet again, clearly sore that he had failed to defend himself from the attack.
“Friend it is not my fault you turned your attention elsewhere, you struck first after all,” Dissonance spoke the words with a wry smile and laughter in his voice. This child was after all being fairly entertaining.

Dissonance had turned his head away momentarily to check on Powercut and how he was getting on, needless to say he was whimpering in a corner having seen what had befallen Smog, a much more significant meta-human. Returning his attention to the matter at hand he realized he had left himself open, he brought his hand around to block but he was too late. The hilt of Champions sword bore itself into his abdomen, extreme shock flowing through his body as the air surged upward from his lungs. There was no serious damage done but it was an unpleasant sensation nonetheless. To avoid any follow up attacks Dissonance launched himself backwards at full speed using his powers, Champions knee just narrowly soaring past his cheek with a pace and strength that would have surely made breathing hurt considerably more than it already did!

The Egyptian had clearly chosen his side now; there would be no more turning back from this point, he had to be shut down. Dissonance however couldn’t muster the strength to stand quite yet and so was feeling very vulnerable. Still collapsed right down on both knees he didn’t think he’d make any moves for a while. However, he was sure that Champion would capitalize on this opportunity very soon and two of his assets were already out of the picture. He weighed up all of the options that he could currently see but the best choice was provided for him. His supersonic hearing had kicked in and he could hear it in the air. The gentle hum filled his senses as two large blue beams of light soared over his head. He fought his way up to one knee and placed his foot flat on the ground, leaning backwards to expand his lungs and allow the re-take of oxygen. He glanced upward to see the streaks of light soaring toward the chest of Champion. This definitely changed things and he had to admit he was impressed; the hero called Bluebeam had jumped straight in to defend his own kind without so much as a question. This was the type of partnership that dissonance could appreciate.
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile June 7th 2014, 6:08 pm

His knee skimmed the hairs on Dissonance's chin and Champion made sure he wasn't unbalanced by missing this strike; planting both feet back onto the ground as soon as possible. He looked at Dissonance kneeling on the floor; in a weak and defenseless position - Champion's strike had left the criminal without means to defend himself, so as soon as he saw this Champion stopped. There is no honour in striking he who cannot resist. In all this excitement there was one thing which he couldn't help but feel he had missed.... although that thing did not share the same flaw of missing.

Seeing the blue streams soar through the air towards him, Champion used his supreme reflexes to raise his shield again - the blue beams impacting it with a rather alarming force which was strong enough to slide Champion back ever so slightly. However once he got his footing, he was immobile. Merely keeping his shield in the brutal beam's way - until finally the meta behind the attack felt his own eyes starting to burn from the continues discharge of energy from his face and had to stop his onslaught. Lowering the now red-hot shield, Champion spun his blade in his hand once again. "An admirable attempt." he noted, legitimately and politely before he bolted forward, leaving a trial of small rocks and dust behind him. He rushed towards the meta, who attempted to fire another of his searing streams from his sockets but Champion shifted his weight backwards and brought himself into the air - both of his feet impacting the man's chest who was sent rolling backwards in a cloud of dirt. Out of the fight - for a little while, atleast.

Champion landed in a crouch. Sphinx continued to glow in his hand but he stayed his blade; hoping there would be no need for that kind of bloodshed. Slowly rising to a stand the warrior turned around to face the master of sound. He strode towards him fearlessly - swishing the sword skillfully in an attempt to intimidate this dilluded soul in a peaceful surrender. "Please see sense and stop this madness." he closed his eyes briefly, before opening them with a furrowed, if slightly frustrated,  brow. "I would hate to have to harm you any further,  'Dissonance' - but I cannot allow this to continue if you do not yield". While such words might have sounded sarcastic from anyone elses mouth from Champion's they were sincere. He genuinely did care about this man's wellbeing.

Last edited by Rapunzel on June 7th 2014, 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance June 7th 2014, 8:29 pm

Champion had blocked the attack with his mystical shield, not reflecting the beams but absorbing their heat. The attack had barely seemed to faze him at all but eventually it became too much for Blue-Beam, who had to recoil from his own attack for fear of self-induced harm. The Egyptian had quickly capitalised on the situation, dodging any following blasts and planting his feet firmly into Blue-Beam’s chest. The man was sent tumbling backwards from the fight, not defeated just momentarily incapacitated. It was an altogether pointless attack, but it had revealed more information to Dissonance about the Hero’s power, something that was always useful.

Using the time supplied by this well timed distraction, he had regained his footing and was now standing level with the injured Blue-Beam, he could hear the man’s breath and heartbeat as clear as anything. Only winded and a little bit hurt, he’d be back in the game in no time. Champion was standing tall again, swinging his sword around like a wannabe warrior. He was trying to intimidate, trying to make this all go away with some sort of physical grandeur. He began to plead to Dissonance, arrogantly proclaiming that it would be him who would triumph should this continue. The genuine concern in his voice was easily audible, yet another thing this man presented that Dissonance had scarcely seen elsewhere.

“I would have been fine to leave you alone, but you intervened with my plans.” He proclaimed with a slight anger, slowly walking a little closer all the while.
“You would aid the humans, yet we must show them we are superior, they can not be allowed to dictate our rules and lives!”
He would offer the child another chance to back-out but then he would never learn the error in his judgment. The fight would continue, not with the intention of severely hurting or injuring the boy, just… teaching. Summoning pillars of sound from the concrete he launched a large quantity of the destroyed glass up into the air with the intent of distracting the hero from anticipating his next move.

Glass hovered momentarily in the air at the apex of its journey, if time were stopped all that would be seen were cracked reflections of Dissonance and his now menacing grin, the glint of his bright blue eyes just creeping on to a few shards. He launched himself into the air before they could fully land and positioned himself directly facing the Egyptian. Hovering in the air the only things left moving were his silver/grey hair and his white cape, which was reflecting the sunlight making it almost too much to look at. Both gently fluttered in the sun while Dissonance floated high, casting an intimidating shadow across the alley. With a pushing motion from both of his hands he launched a large concussive wave of sound towards Champion, attempting to rip him off his feet and send him cascading backwards in to one of the now unoccupied vans.
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile June 9th 2014, 7:11 pm

“You would aid the humans, yet we must show them we are superior, they can not be allowed to dictate our rules and lives!” Champion's eyes softened; saddened that this man would not see reason. He gasped and took a small leap backwards once the glass on the ground was launched into the air. He tightened his stance, bringing the shield and sword closer to his chest. "Don't you see?" he began, but was interuppted by the glass smashing into the floor once again and a rather Quaint dissonance extending his hand. Clentching his body, sensing what was coming - Champion braced.

The concussive sound wave rippled through his body once again and he tried to keep his guard up; his shield was able to withstand the force of the blast for a little while before it broke his barrier and caused him to expose himself, eyes widening. The seismic soundwaves pummeled through his chest and he grunted, before being lifted off his feet and sent rocketing backwards into a van. His weight smashing into it's side sent it rolling over - now resting on it's roof. Wasting no time, Champion forced his way out of the metallic coushion and ran at the wall. Using a mixture of balance and speed he managed to run up the brick work and kick off it, cracking the wall in the process and spinning in an attempt to bring a leg into the back of the sound manipulating mastermind! "If you want to show humans how superior you are...!' if the blow was sucessful, he'd follow it up with another light kick to the man's stomach - being sure to leave his sword out of the equation. 'Protect them. Protect them from threats they cannot defeat!" after this combo he placed both his feet on the ground in a solid stance, raising his guard once again.

Overture (Champion) Maxresdefault
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance June 11th 2014, 10:47 am

The sound wave had been blocked momentarily but was strong enough to eventually tear through the hero and send him cascading into the van, rolling it to its roof in the process. Sparks flew as the metal scraped across the concrete, Champion buried deep in to the chassis of the vehicle. Powercut was still cowering in the corner, head buried into his chest in a futile attempt to protect himself. He had already served his purpose so Dissonance had decided to leave him to do whatever he wanted. Blue Beam was again conscious but still trying to compose himself and get back to his feet. As his attention returned to the van he noticed the Egyptian had pulled himself from the crevice on the side and had broken into a run.

As his feet connected with the wall he launched himself off, dust from the bricks filling the air as a large crack formed around where his foot impacted. Dissonance tried his best to block the attack but came up short, taking a hit directly in the back. He stumbled forwards from the impact as the hero began speaking.
"If you want to show humans how superior you are...!"
Another attack was thrown and connected directly with his abdomen knocking him back in the other direction. He momentarily lost his footing but managed to land in a crouch meters away from the hero.
"Protect them. Protect them from the threats they cannot defeat!"

He was still not getting the message, but then again he was young, foolish. He would come around. He had again raised his defensive stance so Dissonance prepared himself and jumped straight up into the air firing a very strong blast directly down onto Champion, launching himself backwards with the same force. A considerable distance had now opened between them so he considered it safe to speak.
“Protect them? The humans may have my protection when they cease to be the threat,” He began pacing toward the hero as he said the words. “You may have been sheltered wherever you came from, but I have experienced first hand the dangers of humanity.”
Reaching out he made a strong pulling motion towards himself, conjuring up a pulse of sound from behind the overturned van, attempting to catch the hero off guard and crash the van into his back. Normally this would seem extreme but Dissonance knew that the hero could take it, so he did not mind.
“Human’s would have us all in chains given the choice, I’m simply ensuring they are not given one.”
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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Vile June 14th 2014, 11:16 pm

Champion's muscles tensed when Dissonance shot upwards and firing a quick glance in his direction he observed the cloaked criminal's arms fling forward and unleash the wave of sound. Thinking quickly, Champion leant his upper body back until his shield touched the glass scattered road before kicking off the ground into a pirouette, the sound wave smashing into the floor where he once stood. When his feet touched the road behind him he span his waist around and allowed his body to balance itself. The sword and shield were still heavily held in his hands - yet the sword seemed irrelevent to the situation; if anything it was merely getting in the way of Champion's fists.

The young warrior's remarkable brain was quickly forming a battle strategy and quite a simple one at that - he will run towards him, leap into the air and hit this fiend right in the side of the head; incapitating him and securing him for a solid and quite easy arrest. Simple. Taking the beginning steps of his run-up, Champion was suddenly engulfed by the metal shape of one of the trucks. With an ear-retching screech he pushed the metallic walls of his prison aside and began spinning Sphinx around once more, before turning around and smacking the truck with his shield hand; sending it into the wall on the right and lodging it there like a nail."I tire of your persistent desire to inflict harm...' he turned around to face Dissonance once again - unaware of an awakening Blue Beam behind him who was creepily crawling to his feet, hand drifting to the side of his helmet.

"You continue to group every human together; that is your mistake - not all of them want to end our kind and thinking like that will only increase the amount that do."
Spinning the blade he pointed it's tip at Dissonance, a new found authority heard in his voice. "I will not ask you again. Stop this." But Champion's eyes quickly shot to the left when he heard a familiar and husky tone behind him. "Gotcha!" Blue Beam shouted; foolishly giving away all surprise his ambush would have had. When he fired out his plasma stream Champion was ready for it this time and raised his shield as he did before - except this time he took a more secure stance; preventing the knock back. Walking against the beam, his shield beginning to grow hotter - Blue Beam was unable to walk backwards due to his lack of sight. Champion shouted over the horrible hiss the beams made as they burnt the air. "You have one chance; stop." Blue Beam sounded as if he was laughing. "Never!" and in that last instance Champion closed the distance with an unanticipated burst of speed before hepushed his steaming shield into Blue Beam's chest who nearly screeched at the sudden heat. With a very minimal yet professional struggle Blue Beam found himself in a headlock, body facing upwards; head secured by the arm on which Champion wore his shield and unable to see anything but the sky.

While the weak fingers of Blue Beam tried to pull the hero's arm from around his neck - for want of freedom, not for want of air, Champion was blocking no airways - The warrior's eyes scanned Blue Beam's body frantically, going through all the anatomy which Thoth had gifted his brain with. His gaze dashed from place to place. No, not there - Kidneys are there - could potentially be fatal. Liver would inevitably cause permanently harm - avoid heart and lungs entrely. He tilted his head, narrowing his eyes on the side of Blue Beam's abdomen. Flesh wound, Incapitating, no major blood vessels. Leave nothing but scar. And in that moment Champion span Sphinx before he stabbed it downwards on that precise spot. It tore through his flesh and muscle while avoiding bone and organs. With an extremely short lived scream, Blue Beam fell to the floor and clutched his new wound. "I am sorry." Champion flicked the blood on his sword to the side and turned to face Dissonance once more. All of this occuring in the space of 4 seconds. "You have one more chance; stop and come quietly." he mirrored what he had said to Blue Beam as best he could; hoping that perhaps the message will have sunken in by now.

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Overture (Champion) Empty Re: Overture (Champion)

Post by Dissonance June 16th 2014, 5:48 am

The truck had flung forward and enveloped Champion, covering him entirely with its metal framework. A normal person would have been crushed, even most metahumans heavily damaged; Champion however just shrugged it off as if he had been attacked with a large cardboard box. It cascaded into a wall where it was likely to stay lodged, bricks smashing all over the street. He looked to be advancing on Dissonance for another attack but unknown to him Blue Beam had reached his feet again and was charging up an attack. Dissonance hovered proudly, willing to act as a distraction for this blast. Then Dissonance was reminded of why he doesn’t work with a partner; most people were idiots. Blue Beam opened his mouth and gave everything away, allowing Champion an easy advantage over the man.

The attack was blocked forming a blue glow over the entire alleyway as it reflected off of the shield. Dissonance took advantage of Champions distraction and positioned himself better for another attack. He moved further down the alley and began preparing himself for a large attack. He turned his attention back to the fight that was ensuing and saw the Blue Beam had now been subdued, held in a headlock and struggling to get out. Suddenly the Egyptian held his sword in the air and rammed it through the side of the other man, a stream of crimson erupting into the air as he did so. Dissonance was surprised by this course of actions; this man who talked so freely about saving humanity yet happily struck down anybody that he didn’t agree with.

He turned back to where Dissonance once stood and said something, this was the time to attack. Dissonance reached out, releasing a strong high frequency blast into the alleyway that was designed to stun and seriously disorient anybody in its path. In a quick follow up he leapt high into the air and spread his arms wide, a sound wave erupting forth from his chest a loud scream, almost resembling a war cry, accompanying the blast as it left the man. It was a low frequency concussive blast, but the amplitude behind it was extremely strong, tearing at the walls and concrete as it travelled causing cracks and rubble to follow it along. Many of the guards still lying on the floor were launched by the attack, along with large portions of the glass that had been shattered. The blast was devastating but took its toll on Dissonance, who required some time to recharge following the extent of the attack.

Last edited by Dissonance on June 20th 2014, 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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