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Stupendous (OPEN)

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Ink April 15th 2014, 12:47 pm

Dominic paces through the park, looking around for anything suspicious.  As he strolls, many eyes befall him.  People scramble away as he passes, though he barely glances in any direction but straight ahead.  His hands remain folded behind his back and his spine stands upright as he proceeds.  Soon, he comes to a stop upon seeing a splash of bright red in the canopy of the free trees around him.

Closer inspection.  A cape, attached to someone hovering inches from the ground.  A spark of light catches his eye as well.  There are three curious individuals in this secluded space.  Rolling back his sleeve, he presses a button on his watch, pulling up a holographic interface.  "Computer, deploy.  And scan the group just off the path, there."

"Yes, lord Dominion," the computer responds.  "Scans complete.  Subject 1: Metahuman.  Subject 2: Metahuman.  Subject Three: Non-Metahuman.  Unknown Power Source Detected."

"Magic," Dominic sneers.  "Estimated time?"

"Five minutes and counting, lord Dominion."

Dominic decides, then, to observe, standing beside a tree not far away.

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Jeisen April 15th 2014, 4:25 pm

Don't tell me how to control my powers. I don't need the help or want it. My powers and your poweerrs are almost nothing alike. . How we control them is also nothing alike... But... hmph

Jeisen stopped speaking. He pressed his back against a tree as a uneasy feeling swept over him. It wasn't another discharge and definitely wasn't that burrito he ate earlier. It was simply... an uneasy feeling from his fighting instinct. He couldn't p[lace what was wrong or even why but you didn't live on the streets as long as he did with out learning to trust your gut sometimes. He put both hands in the pocket of his hoodie, palming throwing knives in each hand.

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Bad John April 15th 2014, 4:34 pm

"All powers are similar in a way. We have our difficulties mastering 'em, and we have our responsibilities in utilizing 'em. That's what makes us heroes."

Something quickly occurred to John. Spellstone and he had a very different energy and demeanor than this fellow. He had been cagey and defensive throughout the short meeting.

Shift put his hand to his chin, thinking.

"...You ARE a hero, right...? What do you DO with your powers if you can't control 'em well?"
Bad John
Bad John

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Lingo April 15th 2014, 8:56 pm

Spellstone turned his gaze to Shifter after he said that last time. He seemed to think that just because you have powers means that you have to either be a hero or a villain. As he was a hero he felt as if it were his duty to point out the error of his ways. "Well, he doesn't have to do anything with them - not all metahumans want to." he looked at Shifter again, his cloak picking up in another breeze. He put his hands on his hips, and glanced around - the weather seemed quite pleasant.

"Some meta-humans just want to live as normal people." he remembered some of his encounters with meta-humans who had normal day jobs and did normal things. He always found something quite... the word to describe it escaped him, but patient seemed to fit. All that power and they choose to ignore that they have it and deal with problems normally. He looked between the pair, hoping that Shifter had seen the error of his words.


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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Jeisen April 15th 2014, 9:10 pm

Jeisen nodded at what spellstone was saying.

I Didn't ask for these powers, didn't want these powers, nor do I have to use them in anyways I don't deem fit. I'm not about to go around robbing banks and murdering people, but hell man... I don't want to go running around in tights saving the day either. If they

Motions to spellstone

Want to spend their lives fighting injustice and what not, hats off to them. I have my own thing I'm doing. Sure... I might help fight a meta, but people can generally handle their own stuff.
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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Bad John April 15th 2014, 9:26 pm

John scratched his head, a bit confused by the sentiment. He understood what Spellstone was saying, but the reasoning was lost on him. "It's good to not want to be a villain, but...with my power, giving back and helping and fighting the meta-humans who abuse their power is the only thing that makes sense."

Shift pushed up his sunglasses, and smiled, remembering his uncle as he spoke the last words.

"It's the responsibility of those with power to maintain honor. It's a privilege to have the strength and reach to set the world right when you can. You should know that better than anyone, with your costume, bro."
Bad John
Bad John

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Jeisen April 16th 2014, 3:52 am

Jeisen just grunted. Not much more to say really. He wasn't a hero, but he wasn't a dick. No reason to talk bad about thise guys reasons for doing the right thing if they made him do the right thing. Sure even if some did it for fame, at least their were still doing the right thing. Least thats all Jeisen really cared about. He let his eyes wander, scanning around himself just out of habit. He wrinkles his eyebrows as he spots a man just staring at them.

The hell do we have here?

Jeisen muttered as he focused on the man. Jeisen's fihgting insticts kicked in as he looked over this man... Something was just off. He carried himself like a master combatant, his body alone seemed to carry strength. But his eyes... they looked just looked... off. Jeisen slowly took his hands out of his pocket and hung them by his side. He slide a blade down so that the point was hidden behind his palm. All fidgeting stopped and Jeisen dropped his tenseness. It would only slow down his reaction speed. Relaxed, but ready leaning against the tree.

So... it seems that someone appears to be watching us. Now I don't know about you guys, but it strikes me as... odd. He is just watching us despite spellstone is floating off the ground here. I don't know about you, but that doesn't strike me as... "civilian".

Maybe Jeisen was just being paranoid. He wasn't a genius by any means. He could read body language in a fight just fine, but he wasn't about to guess this guys thoughts. But he knew a fighter when he saw one.

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Lingo April 16th 2014, 9:10 am

Spellstone glanced over his shoulder at the mention of someone potentially watching them, before he gave Jeisen a blank look, with an eyebrow raised. "Dude - he's just seen lightning strike the ground, a man stretch his hands to unrealistic parameters and he can see a man floating of the ground - wearing a bright red cloak. I think him staring is justified. After he said that, Spellstone shook his head and smiled. This lightning guy was very jumpy and paranoid. He's probably got some sort of past which is just riddled with betrayal and trust issues. Or maybe he's just scared of someone eyeing him up, thinking he's some sort of freak.

Then he remembered what Shifter had said. Spellstone rotating on the spot to face and him furrowed his brow questioningly. "So it's - 'you have superpowers you must do something valiant with them' - That seems pretty unfair. I knew an old lady who could eat for as long as she wanted and never get full. What kind of crime would she fight? The evil Sushi pensioner?" he laughed a bit after he said that. He had an image of an old lady shoving Sushi into another old ladies mouth. He shook his head and folded his arms. These people were both silly. He quite liked it to be honest.
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Ink April 16th 2014, 9:30 am

Suddenly someone reaches out and lays a hand on Dominic's shoulder.  Dominic glances back without turning his head.  The man is African/American, dressed in a blue police uniform.  "Hey, buddy, this area of the park's closed to-"

"Officer, do you like that hand," Dominic interrupts, turning slightly.  "Would you like to keep it?"

"M-Mister Bradshaw?  I...I didn't know it was you.  I mean, t-this section of the park is closed off to civilians."

"I am no mere civilian to be bothered because you decided you were too bored to lay idle, but too frightened to do your real job, officer.  Now remove your hand."
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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Bad John April 16th 2014, 1:28 pm

Shift turned to size up the gentleman behind him. A cop was confronting him, but the policeman IMMEDIATELY backed off, as if the man was a ghost. It was odd, and put John on edge for a moment.

"...Maybe he's a celebrity or somethin'." The young superhero dismissed the gentleman, and turned back to Spellstone. "An old woman with an eating power, even though that's freakin' cool, isn't exactly going to fight a metahuman heavy hitter, or seal a dam."

Turning his attention towards Jeisen, John kept talking to Spellstone. "But those of us with REAL POWER do have a responsibility to use it. If a man can teleport wants a normal life, and he watches a natural disaster on TV, he has the ability to save lives. Why shouldn't he? Being a hero is about selflessness. Ignoring your gifts is selfish." John turned an accusatory glare towards Jeisen. "You have your gift for a reason, so you may as well master it, and put it to use. Sloth is a sin, you know."
Bad John
Bad John

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Jeisen April 16th 2014, 1:55 pm

That was a threat. Jeisen didn't know what was said, but that man just threatened the police officer. Police don't cringe away from a celebrity. They cringe away from someone who is untouchable and has power. Hmph... Jeisen's thoughts were broken by shifters glance.

I know how to control my powers just fine. How about you live your life and let me live mine. Keep your religion and your morals away from me.

Jeisen spoke softly, still watching the man and the police officer. His mind was going a million different directions at once and it was giving him a headache. It was a curt response but Jeisen didn't really care. He never was one to simply be told what to do

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Ink April 16th 2014, 2:21 pm

"Deputy, go wait in the car," another officer, a taller, lankier one, says as he approaches. "Bradshaw, whatever respect this city used to have for you, it ain't got no more. I'm not afraid of you like everyone else." The man makes the mistake of placing his hand on Dominic's shoulder, and raising a baton with the other. "Now are you gonna heed the law and leave?"

"ETA 30 seconds, lord Dominion," the computer says. Dominic takes a breath. Suddenly he grabs the officer's hand and squeezes, crushing the bones beneath an iron grip. Then he elbows the man in the face, possibly breaking his nose. He casually adjusts his tie and turns around.

The officer attacks Dominic with the baton, but Dominic side-steps and swipes it from his hand before grabbing the young officer in a one-handed choke hold. "Now, I am going to release you. You will then leave and never bother me again. Do I make myself clear?"
Post Mate
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Quote : "Here I Come, To Save The Daaay!"

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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Lingo April 16th 2014, 2:51 pm

"I'm afraid I must disagree with you there, Shifter. If someone doesn't want to do this kind of thing it's their choice. They're not selfi- Huh?" Spellstone jerked his head over his shoulder to the sound of a pained man. Both of his eyebrows raised in shock when he saw someone clutching onto a police officer - in some form of choke hold. Time to do that thing he does for a living then. He immediately began levitating over to the tustling pair. When he was roughly 8 feet away from them - he held out a hand which began glowing red, as did his eyes. "Release him." the power coming from his hand was telekinetic and he used it to cause his cloak to impressively flail around behind him. He looked quite baddass, in his own opinion.

How would he deal with this guy. He could just throw a car at him - but then again, killing him was against hero rules. Maybe he could zap him. Oh wait, the lightning guy can do that. And the police man was hurt. So many things to fix and deal with, such little time. This encounter had better he a good one.
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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Bad John April 16th 2014, 3:00 pm

"Fine. If someone wants to waste their powers on a life in accounting, then that's their business, but it sure as hell isn't the choice I made." John turned towards Jeisen. "But when you can turn into a lightning bolt, or fire electricity, a moral compass never hur-"

Shift, hearing a shout of pain, turns to see the mysterious gentleman beating the officer. He completely froze for a moment, confused by the sight, before his brain makes sense of what's happening, and he snaps to action as Spellstone whizzes past him. John turns, and sprints towards the man, stopping a few feet away. He cracked his neck, then his knuckles.

"Pfft. I know you saw him first, Spellstone, but two on one IS overkill. I got this. You just help out the officer." John grinned, and brought back his arm, without realizing the danger. He didn't intend to beat Dominic too badly. Maybe just wrap him up and let the cops taze him. "Big deal. You took enough kickboxing lessons to rough up a beat cop. Let's see you handle THIS."

Shifter threw a punch, and his arm stretched towards Dominic with moderate speed, his fist clenching to give Dominic a shot to the chops.
Bad John
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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Jeisen April 16th 2014, 3:23 pm

What did I say hmm?

Jeisen mutters as the man takes down the cop. Good move too. The dodge was smooth as so was the grapple. Plenty of strength too. Hmph either this man had training or he was just naturally very very good. Top of the human levels.

Guys you might wanna not hold back

Jeisen didn't know too much about these heroes, but it didn't look like they had much hand to hand combat training. Well... It was hard to really tell of spellstone since he was floating magical guy, but Shifters attack was... He was using his abilities to fight so far. Didn't really care himself like a master combatant like the other man did. Jeisen called out to them, but made no move to help them. He would just get in the way of them really at this point. Instead, he just watched and listened.
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Stupendous (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Stupendous (OPEN)

Post by Ink April 16th 2014, 3:43 pm

Dominic pauses when he hears the first voice.  He stares into the officer's face, not turning around.  "I had every intention," he says.  Then he hears the second voice, then turns in one swift motion and throws the cop into the path of the punch, using him as a human shield.  The officer drops to the ground and Dominic stands upright, his hands once more behind his back.  "He is released."
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